It was one of those summer days where the sun was beating down so hard that you literally felt like melting was the better option, though the gentle breeze was reassuring most people in the town of Neptr.

To one girl this was going to take some getting used to. Being moved from rainy England all the way to America where if it rains its still warm is not the best change, nor is it the worst. Her pink hair whipped around at her face as she curiously looked out the window at a pair of boys who were playing football on their front yard. The eldest had sandy coloured hair while the youngest, who was probably around thirteen or fourteen, had brilliant shoulder length blonde hair covered by a tatty white bear hat.

Her hair had never been pink until recently when she was told they would be moving. In an act of rebellion against her parents she dyed her naturally strawberry blonde hair hot pink. It didn't work; Her parents said it looked nice on her and she really didn't want to seem odd showing up with pink hair for just a month so she kept on dyeing it until it naturally became a light shade of pink.

"Bonnibel? we're here." She turned around to smile at her mother who returned it without hesitation. She would like to say that her and her parents got along like this all the time but she'd be lying if she did. They could be so strict some times, telling her dress nice all the time.

Enough was enough. Before they moved she threw all her frilly dresses away an bought more casual wear. Her parents accepted it and told her that if she wanted to change she could. Bonnibel would never win with her parents, every time she tried to do something bad she ended up doing something brilliant in their eyes.

"Sure mum, let me get my bags." Opening the door she was hit by a great wall of heat. She emerged from the car already tired from the sun and grabbed her light pink suitcase from the back of the car. Alright, so dyeing her hair her favourite colour might not have been the best choice for rebelling but at least it wasn't green.

She shuddered when a thought of her going into her new school with green hair flashed into head.

The house was cool and refreshing in contrast to the heat wave outside, bonnibel couldn't wait to get settled in. School never was a problem for her and she needed to keep it that way.

"Your rooms upstairs, second door on the right." Her mother stated before making another trip to the car for more boxes and cases.

Making her way upstairs she tripped several times on the same step. Whose idea was it to let her bring three bags full of new clothes?

"Oh right, me." she grumbled, opening the door to her room and collapsing on the bed. Luckily the house did come furnished and still didnt cost them as much as they thought it would.

The muffled sound of knocking and a door being opened reached the pinkettes ears. Then the sound her mother calling her down made her get up and obey her demands.

"I'm Simon Petrikov and my niece." An unfamiliar voice was at the door and as bonnibel rounded the corner she saw who it was.

A man with white hair and beard was stood in the doorway, his suit and bow-tie fit him perfectly, as though it had been tailored especially for him. A pair of round, tinted blue spectacles sat upon his long nose. Bonnibel noticed that one of the lenses had been cracked and made a mental note to bring it up in a conversation later.

Her blue eyes trailed to the girl who was being forced in-front of him. Her long waist length ebony hair was tied up in a ponytail and she looked like she really didn't want to be there. Her arms were crossed over her black and red striped jumper. Jumper, she was wearing a jumper in this weather? At the bottom of her worn out black skinny jeans she wore black scuffed combat boots. She was incredibly pale and bonnibel couldn't help but notice two small scars on her neck.

"Bonnibel, this is Simon Petrikov and...what did you say your name was?" The raven haired girl looked up at Bonnibel with her piercing red eyes.

"Marceline Abadeer." The girl ground out through clenched teeth. Okay, so she really really didn't want to be here.

"Bonnibel Bubblegum." In reality her full name was Bonnibel McKenzie Becke Bubblegum but that was a mouthful, not that her first name alone wasn't.

"Can I go now Simon? i need to catch up on my sleep." Bonnibel slowly made her way into the kitchen and took a bowl of fresh strawberries out of the fridge, along with some cream. When she returned to the hallway she noticed that Marceline was eyeing the bowl of fruit. Taking the biggest one she dunked it into the cream and offered it to the possibly older girl who stared at her, then at the berry before her.

"Take it." Bonnibel said sweetly with a small smile on her face. If she was going to be starting at a new school she needed friends and what better way to begin than right now?

"Erm, sure..." The girl took the strawberry and popped it onto her mouth, almost choking when simon elbowed her in the ribs.

"Where are your manners?" Marceline sighed and finished chewing.

"Thanks." Bonnibel's smile was back as she watched her mother lead the two guests into the living room.

"How old is she?" Her mother asked, sitting down in the armchair while Simon and Marceline took the couch.

"seventeen." Simon said politely, ignoring the fact that Marceline scoffed.

"Great, do you mind if she shows Bonnibel around the school tomorrow?" Bonnibel sighed and moved from her place in the doorway. As much as she would like to get on with school straight away she didnt want to cause that much of a fuss considering she had moved all the way from another country.

"Of course she can, right Marcy?"

"I told you not to call me Marcy." Simon shook his head and turned back to bonnibel's mother.

"She'd be honoured." He said with a smile.

"What, do you know what would happen to her if she was seen with me?"

"You could do with some friends anyway."

"I have friends, Jake, Finn and Rain!"

"Fine, let me rephrase that. You could do with more friends and before you say anything, if you don't your not allowed to use the music room after school." Marceline's eyes grew wide as she leaned forward to look at simon in the eye.

"Oh my god, fine...I'll show her around."

"Thank you Simon, Bonnibel has been pestering about her grades from the minute i told her we were moving." Bonnibel frowned; That wasn't all true. Yes she had been pestering her mother but not from the minute she had been informed of the plan.

"Well, we best be off then..right Marceline?" The ebony haired girl nodded and got up after simon, calling over her shoulder as they left.

"I get up at seven!"

A/N: I've been working on this for a while now, Probably for about two months? I never got round to posting it on wattpad (User: Jokerbatman232) so i decided that i should post it on here instead. I hope you liked it R&R!

Don't forget to read my other Bubbline's: Demonic Saviour and The Tattoo Parlour. :)