For FanFictionHunter:

Natsu - He never learned Dragon Slayer magic, and uses magical items to fight.

The gigantic monster approached, its massive head lowered as he slowly gained speed and then charged straight for him. Natsu reached behind his back and grabbed his fire cannon, taking a firm stance and aiming the weapon straight at the galloping monster.

"I'm all fired up!" Natsu yelled and then yanked on a lever on his machine and pressed a large red button. "Take that!"

Flames erupted from the cannon, shooting out like gushing water from a bursting pipe. They engulfed the beast and sent it leaping backwards, howling in pain as it shielded itself from the flames.

Natsu grinned widely and sprinted forward, holding his magic weapon under one arm and then hefting it up high in the air as he leapt from the ground and sent another stream of flames towards the beast. The magic connected but suddenly, with a quick snap of its tail, Natsu's weapon flew from his hands, shattering into a dozen pieces and smashing on to the ground.

"Shit!" Natsu cursed, watching as the monster turned towards him and began its charge once again.

Frantically he searched for something to use, anything. He was helpless without his weapons and right now, the only weapon he had left was the tiny flame pistol hanging at his hip which didn't pack nearly enough power for a beast of this size.

A loud grunt erupted from the approaching animal's mouth and then the ground began to rumble beneath Natsu's feet. He watched the animal come closer and closer and at the last instant he leapt into the air and landed on the beasts head, grabbing a hold of one of the many spikes jutting from its head.

The monster roared in annoyance and thrashed its head around, trying to throw Natsu off but he held on tight, gritting his teeth as his muscles screamed in agony at being used this way. 'Just a little longer,' he said to himself, hoisting himself up till he was able to get a leg around another spike. The monster was still bucking its head, charging around the area and bashing into trees, each time sending a jolt of pain through Natsu's body.

When he finally positioned himself, Natsu reached towards his hip and grabbed his pistol. "Let's see how well you can charge with one eye!" Natsu yelled and then swung around and shot a ball of flame right into the beasts eye.

A cry of rage and pain pierced the surrounding area and Natsu leapt off the animal, falling to the ground and rolling several feet before he was able to jump to his feet and watch the beast as it roared over and over again, ripping up the ground beneath its feet. Much to Natsu's relief, the monster eventually gave one last whimper and turned around, retreating from the small town and disappearing into the woods nearby.

Slowly and cautiously, the people in the town filed out, shouts of relief and cries of joy rumbling all over. Natsu smiled widely and lifted his hand to wave at the crowd when suddenly a loud crack broke the noise, followed by another until the people of the town started screaming and running in fear.

Natsu looked behind him, his eyes going wide as the beast bowled down trees and then charged across the field towards them. A curse slipped from his lips and he began to panic. What should he do? He had no way to stop the monster this time; at least not before it made it to the town's people who were still desperately fleeing for their lives.

He looked around him, fear slowly constricting his throat as he found nothing, not a thing that would be able to help him. His heart pounded, the sound echoing in perfect rhythm with the rumble on the monsters footsteps that were making the ground shake beneath his feet. Soon his entire body was shaking and as the beast sprinted closer and closer, the world started to slowly fade away, making him blink several times till suddenly he heard a familiar voice.

"Natsu… Natsu! Wake up!" Lucy said, her hands on his shoulders as she shook him.

A loud gasp escaped his mouth and he jolted awake, his eyes going wide as he stared up at Lucy.

"Natsu, it's ok. It was just a dream."

"Lucy?" he mumbled, reality slowly settling over him as he stared up at Lucy's shadowed face.

"Yes, it's me. You were having a nightmare," Lucy said, releasing her hold on his shoulders and sitting back in the bed.

He sat up slowly, rubbing a hand through his hair and standing the strands on end. His skin was covered in a thin sheen of perspiration and his heart was still beating quickly. "It was horrible," he said, frowning at the blankets in front of him before looking back up at Lucy. "I was dreaming that I didn't have slayer magic and had to fight with a magical weapon. It broke and I didn't know what else to do and… and all the people… and…"

"Shhhh, it's ok. It was just a dream," Lucy said calmly, reaching a hand out and running her fingers gently over Natsu's cheek.

Slowly Natsu calmed down and they lay back down together, pulling the blankets up to their chins. He was certainly glad he'd crawled into Lucy's bed this night. He would have hated having a dream like that alone in his bed at home.

He slowly slid his hand beneath the covers, smoothing over the sheets till he found what he was looking for. His fingers curled around a small soft hand and he grasped it firmly, finding comfort in the connection till he drifted back into a dreamless sleep.