What you all should know so far...

Alright guys so as of now the first chapter of Nothing was the same is now in the writing stage and so maybe you should all know somethings about it i can tell you... so this forth installment is going to be brand new. No crime, No death and No secrets. As you all seen in the thrid installment it took on the world of crime, death and finding the secrets of whats what.

Now for this one on the other hand takes on the world of true love and finding out whats right. So just like the last three we have a new character well he's not really new his been the last two (The Sins of My Father and In my own words) it's Max and before I get ahead of my self i just have to say well The love For a Daughter series wasn't really going to be a series it really going be For The Love of a Daughter and The Sins of My Father and really I had fun with it and wanted to do more but of coruse I asked the readers if they wanted more and so they did.

So far you all know that each sequel has to do with real life situations. I mean who knews you could have a real half brother and could go crazy because his dad had kids before him and wanted to kill him :) hahaha I mean whos knows though. In For the Love of a Daughter I wanted to write a story that has to reconnect Father and Daughter and their problems and finding that love.

With The Sins of My father on the other hand has to do with bam in your face this is your real dad and that father you have been living with was just a fake :) with the second installment I thought a change in a characters eyes and so Ladies first Sierra's story was born and its the same with the rest of the series someone has a new story to tell with a brand new cast of characters along for the story.

In The Sins of My father had about almost all the Balto characters invold like you have Steele, Niju and Kodi's Trio besides the fact that Ralph turned into a bad guy. In My own words had about the same but it had more OC's than the first two. In My Own Words had also a new threat witch was Tuck the main villain of the story while Toklo was the main threat in the frist two installmens.

There is a secret behind that. You see if look at it right you have a three way connection because you have Toklo Toby and Tuck the three T's so the frist three storys have them in nearly all three of the storys beside the thrid one because Tuck is brand new. So the first three tells about them and now they are closed the three T's are done you won't really see them no more because their story has been told and now its time for Max.