
This update is simply to be grateful to you, readers. I have always liked writing. Don't have much time though.

However, 3 years ago almost 4 in a strange (it was raining) winter January of 2014 weekend morning, I had this idea and started writing like the first 2000 words of my first story published here HALF OF A PERFECT STORM, which later became into an installment: DAUGHTERS OF THE SEA. The day wasn't even over when I created my user account and started publishing.

Something that started just like a simple idea to do something on a strangely lazy weekend (strange because I don't get lazy weekends less in the middle of school year), it turned out in this milestone.

Almost 1,000,000+ published words. (Just 5,200 more)

Maybe not all my stories have been sucessful or... any good. I haven't stopped of following my heart when it comes with a storyline, twist or death. I might not be happy with the comments but if it's the way of world. I wish I had time, a lot of time to sit down and do a deep re-editing. I would make some changes.

About my obvious grammar and spelling mistakes, English is not my first language. I don't live in an English speaking country either. I just loved to write... also teaching it. WHAT?! You are EFL teacher and you make mistakes!? Yes, I make mistakes like everybody! Like English mothertongue speakers didn't make.

So, thank you, reader, for enjoying my almost 1,000,000 words.

As a celebration and probably countdown to the 1,000,000. I am just messing around!

I won't say 'see you in the 2 million' because let's be real. I'm really busy. Come on, 3 children under 8 and full time work