Okay, guys. I got this idea while watching the season 3 finale of OUAT. So if you haven't seen it yet, DON'T READ THIS! Unless you're okay with a couple spoilers.

As I was watching this scene, it made me think of a similar situation from Buffy where there were two Xanders. If you've seen that then you'll get the connection I made.

If not, just read. It's not romantic. Just smutty. And very short. I don't plan to continue this.

Emma had been in a lip lock with an intoxicated Hook that didn't know her when the present day version spun him around, clocked him square in the jaw, making him drop in a heap on the floor of the Jolly Roger's cabin.

"Are you kidding me?! How is that not gonna have consequences?!" Emma could barely believe that she'd just seen Hook punch himself unconscious. There really was no way to explain the events in her life to a normal person.

"He was asking for it. Like I said, he'll blame the rum. Let's get out of here." Hook gestured for her to go up the latter before him but when she didn't move, he looked up. Emma was looking down at the knocked out Killian. Then raised her eyes to the present Hook. Her demeanor seemed to drastically change as though something had just occurred to her. Her eyes were hooded and dark like the villain he was made out to be in those children's stories of hers.

"You know, it has taken a Herculean effort not to just grab you, slam you against a wall and give into what I've wanted almost since the day I met you. Finish what we started in Neverland."

Hook crooked an eyebrow. He was beyond surprised. Not that she was thinking this but that she would let it slip out. "Is that so, Love?"

"Yep. And here I am in a room with two of you." The unspoken suggestion dripped from her words.

His first reaction was to be very insulted. How dare she pose such a query?! He would never!

But then he saw the hunger in her eyes. "Wouldn't that be so ironic?" She continued. "I hold out this long, resist every advance only for the first time I sleep with you to be a threesome that's two thirds YOU?"

Hook was grasping for any suitable response. And there really wasn't one. The one thought that seemed to over ride him taking offense and completely bulking at the idea was that she not only wanted him but wanted him so much that she wanted to be taken by two of him at the same time. She wanted to feel him everywhere. Have him inside her and surrounding her.

"Like you said, Captain." Emma teased as she ran fingers down the collar of his leather coat. "He'll blame the rum."