I'm sooo sorry for how long it has taken me to update. I've been out of town and I just got back a few days ago, so I should start updating a lot again soon! Thanks for sticking with me! Here's the new chapter!
Callie and Levi had another wonderful evening together, but Levi could tell that something was distracting Callie.
"Hey, you alright? You've been kinda out of it all night" Levi asked concerned.
Callie snapped out of her thoughts, and looked at Levi and smiled, trying to shake off his concern.
"Yeah... Yeah I'm fine. I-I just had a really weird moment with Miranda today and I'm kind of worried about her. Sorry, I'm really trying to focus on you I promise" Callie explained.
"You should've told me before! We could have pushed back the date to some other time darlin! I would've been okay. Maybe you should give Miranda a call or drop by her house? Its not too late yet." Levi replied sweetly.
Callie had considered this before, which is why she had texted Miranda a few times, but the older girl had never replied, which worried Callie more.
"Yeah, I think thats a good idea. You wouldn't mind ending the date a little early though?" Callie questioned.
"'Course not, I mean, as long as there is another date in our future?" Levi teased hopefully.
Callie rolled her eyes, "Of course there's a date in our future Cowboy. Probably more than one actually." The brunette flirted.
Levi's eyes lit up, "I like the sound of that" he replied.
Before either of them knew it, they were both leaning in, and Levi wrapped his hands around Callie's waist.
Their lips connected and Callie couldve sworn that she felt an electric shock coursing through her body. It was nothing like any other kisses she's had before. Callie smiled as she kissed Levi, which made Levi laugh.
As they pulled away from eachother, both teens looked like they were in a daze.
"Wow." The only word Levi could muster up.
Callie laughed, "Wow us right Cowboy. Now before this goes any farther and we cant stop, how about you take me on over to Miranda's?" She asked.
"Darlin' we'll always stop whenever you want to, I'm never going to push you to do more" Levi replied, concerned, as he grabbed Callie's hand and held it.
Callie felt butterflies forming again in her stomach, no guy had ever been this sweet, it almost seemed unbelievable.
"Thanks Levi, that means a lot. Now how about we get going so I can make sure my friend is okay." Callie replied with a smile.
"No problemo" Levi replied as they got up from the bed of his truck and headed to the front.
Callie's knee was bouncing the whole time, she was super worried about Miranda, especially since she still hadn't had any response on her phone.
Levi placed his hand on Callie's bouncing knee, "Darlin' she's going to be fine. We're almost there." He assured her.
Callie smiled, but it wasn't sincere, she still felt a horrible pain in the pit of her stomach that made her think something was very wrong with Miranda.
When they finally reached Miranda's small cabin on the edge of town, Callie leaned over and kissed Levi one more time before hopping out of the truck.
"Thanks Cowboy, I'll see you tomorrow! Stay out of trouble!" Callie shouted back at Levi.
The boy laughed, but watched to make sure Callie made it safely into Miranda's house before he left.
It took Miranda almost 5 minutes to answer the door, which worried Callie even more. Levi finally pulled away when he saw the door open, he hoped everything would be alright with Miranda.
"Oh thank God, I thought I was going to have to knock the door down" Callie said, relieved, as Miranda opened the door.
Miranda looked at Callie confused, "why are you here? I thought you were going out with Levi?" She questioned.
"I told you at the barn, you always come before boys. I was so worried about you and I couldn't stand it, so I had Levi drop me off here. We need to talk about whatever is bothering you." Callie explained as she walked in and sat on Miranda's small couch.
The teen patted the spot next to her on the couch, hoping Miranda would sit down and spill the beans on what was going on.
Miranda reluctantly sat down but made sure to sit on the opposite side of the couch, away from Callie. She stared at her hands and brooded silently, she didnt want to talk about her feelings.
"Ah, using some of my awesome techniques of avoidance. You saw how well they worked for me when you made me talk, so I'm not sure why your trying them right now." Callie teased, trying to lighten the mood.
Miranda glared at Callie, "So, what do you want to talk about?" She asked coldly.
"Well, I guess the main topic is why you got all weird and freaked out earlier, and why you're being weird now?" Callie pointed out.
"I-I dont know what you're talking about." Miranda stammered.
"Obviously, you do know. Or you wouldn't be acting like this right now." Callie replied.
Miranda let out a frustrated moan, "Why cant you just let it go?" She asked.
"Because, you need to talk about whatever it is. You cant do everything on your own. I had to learn that the hard way." Callie answered, sounding wise beyond her years.
Miranda continued to stay silent, refusing to talk.
"Alright, so you started acting weird when I mentioned we should find you a guy to date. So I'm assuming your problem has to do with that." Callie pieced together.
"If I talk about this now, can we never talk about it again?" Miranda asked, almost pitifully.
Callie scooted closer to Miranda, hoping to provide her with a little comfort.
"It depends. Maybe you should explain whats going on, and we can figure it out from there?" Callie replied as she grabbed Mirandas's
hand, showing her support.
Miranda sighed, giving in, "When you mentioned me dating again, It just freaked me out. I decided a few years ago that I dont really want to have a relationship, especially a serious one. There has been too many disappointments and bad things in my life, and adding someone in that could break my heart is an unnecessary danger that I dont want to risk. I-I uhm, also have a uhh, fear of men ever since I got..." Miranda trailed off.
Callie wrapped her arms around Miranda, "You dont have to say it. I know I hate saying the word too. Its awful, I never say it when I think about what happened to me." The teen replied comfortingly.
Miranda began to sob as she clung to Callie. She wasn't one to cry, let alone cry in front of someone else, so this was quite a big deal for the curly haired woman.
"Being i-intimate now, its horrible. Its terrifying and I cant do it. I'm t-too messed up. So I'm b-better off alone. No one can hurt me, but me. Its better this w-way" Miranda stuttered as she continued to cry.
Callie rubbed small circles on her back, "Shh, I know, its okay. You're alright." The teen whispered to Miranda.
After about ten minutes of crying, Miranda started to pull it together.
"I'm sorry, I've never talked about this with anyone and I kinda lost it." Miranda apologized.
"You have no reason to say sorry. I completely understand what you think about relationships, but hun, I still think you should maybe talk with a professional about this sometime. It might be better for you, so you can get all this sorted out." Callie replied sweetly.
Miranda nodded, "I know Cal. I just hate talking about it, so I've been putting it off."
"Hmm, how about me and you go together sometime, to a counselour. I have a lot if the same problems as you do, and maybe it wouldn't be as bad if we had eachother there together." Callie suggested.
"I-I think I'd like that. We should go together soon." Miranda confirmed.
"Alright M. Its a plan then." Callie agreed with a smile.