"Hey!" Sasuke's eyes widened as an unfamiliar voice sounded behind him. He was peacefully sitting at his desk in his literary class, the bell hadn't even rang yet, and no one was supposed to be there. Just him.

"Hey! Look at me when I'm speaking to you!" Slowly Sasuke's eyes connected with the pale ones, "What do you want with Naruto?"


"What do you want with Naruto?"

"What makes you think I want anything with that dobe Neji?"

"Kiba told me that you were looking for him yesterday. Were you jealous that he was out playing Shogi with Shikamaru and I? You just felt compelled to try and take him away from us?" Sasuke could feel his blood boil in his veins, "I heard about what you had done to him in that chat room, and needless to say I'm not amused Uchiha." Neji growled.

"Hyuuga... This doesn't conscern you. This is between me and Naruto."

"When you mess with my friend. You make it my concern." Neji poked his chest preparing to pick him up by his shirt collar and throw him across the room, "Naruto doesn't need scum like you playing tricks on him. He struggles enough with Sakura badmouthing him to his face, and then he's got other obligations. He doesn't need you, nor does he want you to be added to the mix." Sasuke could feel the venom in Neji's words, the hidden intention in them striking his every nerve, but just as he opened his mouth to retort a familiar tan hand placed itself on his shoulder.

"I believe you're talking about me?" Naruto asked as he smiled at Neji.

"Tell him Naruto! Tell him that you don't need him!"

"Neji... You know that that's not true. Is this because I had to leave the game? I promise I'll make it up to you." Sasuke's eyes widened as the hand on his shoulder tightened reassuringly, "But right now I believe that you owe Sasuke here an apology. Those things you were saying weren't exactly praises."

"I would never apologize to him."

"Then I believe that I will never see you again. What you said to Sasuke wasn't anything you'd say, and most of it wasn't at all truthful." Naruto's tone changed rapidly, the cheeriness had vanished as he stepped between Sasuke's desk and the brunette who was standing infront of the raven. "I would rather have Sasuke than anyone else, and you know it. What had happened was my fault because I was too much of a dunce to catch on, and what is transpiring is because of my inability to deal with what I had started." Neji's eyes widened exponentially, "It was never his fault."

"Naruto..." Sasuke whispered to himself 'Do you actually mean all that?' He thought as he faintly watched Naruto turn around to face him, his azure eyes sparkling with something that the Uchiha never thought he would be able to see again... Friendship. Faintly he heard Neji growl, but he wasn't able to see the brunette raise his hands in an attempt to push the blonde. At least not until he watched the blonde stumble forward, then in a clumsy attempt to stable himself on the desk accidentally interlocked their lips.

'Would you ever voluntarily do it again?' The question echoed in his mind as he stared into Naruto's widened eyes, his heart beating at a million miles an hour, 'Did you like it?' unknowingly he closed his eyes, waiting for Naruto to pull away from him, but secretly hoping he wouldn't.

Ravenboy has logged on
NinjaHero has logged on

Sasuke's eyes widened as Naruto logged on only mintues after he had. His heart skipped a beat and his throat tightened with emotion, 'maybe he's gonna forgive me now.'

NinjaHero: Okay Sasuke no games this time. What is really going on?

He wanted to tell him. God his body was begging to tell him everything, then to run up to him and hold him close. The only thing that was holding him back was the fact that Naruto had practically shunned him the first time he had said something.

Ravenboy: You don't want to know. You'll just hate me afterwards.

NinjaHero: Sasuke... I actually didn't hate you the first time. I just didn't want to deal with you rubbing it in my face that I wasn't able to figure out that I was actually talking to YOU

'So you were just afraid of being teased?'

NinjaHero: Sasuke... Please tell me?

Ravenboy: Are you sure you want to know?

NinjaHero: Sasuke just tell me.

Sasuke bit his lip... Is he actually going to tell Naruto that he liked him? That he has liked him for a while? Is he going to make himself that vulnerable? Especially after what Naruto had done lately?

NinjaHero: Sasuke please.

Ravenboy: Naruto... I like you, and it's not the kind of 'like' as in brotherly... I mean I love you, and I want to ask you out, but when I had you had ran away from me... I don't want to risk losing you, but that is the truth behind my actions... That is the truth behind this game, and the reason I had taken Sakura from you. She doesn't like you the way I do, and I personally don't think that she deserves you. Hell I don't deserve you, but I want to be with you anyway... So this time please don't run away.

There it was. There was the truth. Sasuke sighed softly to himself, feeling as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders as the message had been sent. Now the only thing to worry about was weather or not Naruto would accept his feelings, and accept his offer, or deny him and run away again.

NinjaHero: Sasuke... Why didn't you say anything?

Ravenboy: I just said I didn't want to lose you. I asked you out, and you ran away from me... You would have kept running had you not seen me crying in the ramen stand.

NinjaHero: I-I-I didn't know that you were still going there... Every day... I-I-I Just thought that you were going to make fun of me, and I didn't want to deal with that.. I already had to deal with you criticising my eating habits.. I didn't want anything else.

Ravenboy: Naruto.. I wouldn't make fun of you for something that threw me for a loop too.

NinjaHero: WHAT?! YOU LIED TO ME!?

Ravenboy: It wasn't until you started talking about me that I figured it out.

NinjaHero: Well I guess that just settled it. I'm the only one who can stand you. 3

Sasuke's eyes widened as he noticed the small typed heart at the end of that message, 'What does that mean?' He thought to himself.

Ravenboy: What does that heart mean?

NinjaHero: Feelings Accepted

That's it... Sasuke's life was complete.