Fox of Woodcrest

Hey all of you eager readers! You're probably wondering why I'm putting up this story instead of a new chapter of my other ones, right? Well my old laptop, may the laptop god have mercy on his hard-drive, got into a fight with my coffee and, well, he lost. In his last moments he lost all coherent memory of my work for my stories, pictures of concept art and my timelines for said stories. After ordering the proper tomb stone I got to grieving over the RIP memorial and got back to writing my stories since I knew that's what he would have wanted. Right now I am saving up for a new laptop and have had to do this on a library computer, so please be patient since now I have to make the files up from scratch. Anyway this story will have humor, as it is in the Boondocks universe, but also serious undertones of the criminal underground. What do I mean by that you ask? Well it will be answered in this prologue, enjoy.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Boondocks.

[Fuck you!] - Different language

"I'm sorry?" – Dialogue

"That's gay!" – Thoughts

Prologue: It all began in Japan…


"They say that the first few steps a man can take are the hardest steps of them all. Yet we, as men, do not understand the pure unadulterated truth of those words!" Preached the pastor of the Ikebukuro Orphanage, known more so to the children as 'home'. It was a normal Sunday morning for the kids as they were coerced into another session of religious homage to their God, though they were too young to understand that yet and thought of it more as lectures. The young children all sat in their old wooden chairs in a small room with bored eyes watching as the old seventy-three year old man went on to tell them the 'truth' of their God, preaching of Hell-fire and brimstone, of ignorance and lust, of pain and sorrow on a platform overlooking them for more added effect to his words.

"God won't he just shut UP!" Hissed the child under his breathe, getting a sigh in return from his fellow orphan to his right. Turning to him the boy scowled, "Why do we even go to this! I mean, do we really need to know about this stuff to get adopted? Is this what parents look for in a kid, a nice little religious sap?" The blond to his right could only shrug at his friends words, since they were always the same when they went to the Sunday mass. "Kenji we are in a Christian orphanage, what did you expect us to be doing on Sundays? I mean they are just trying to get us to act like good people." The child said, making Kenji's scowl appear more prevalent at the explanation.

"Well that's just great! We're all going to be upright citizens! All because some Jiji is telling us to or we'll go to Hell." Kenji replied sarcastically back only to be shushed by a passing Nun. Chuckling, the blonde looked back at his brother of all but blood and replied with a whiskered smile, "That's what they're trying to do anyway Kenji. I mean we are just kids, so adults are going to tell us what to do."

Kenji only huffed, "You're just saying that to get through this service Naruto." Naruto smiled in a knowing manner, but didn't deny his friends claim. "Well it's alright this thing is going to be over soon, Father Sarutobi is almost done. Look he has the wine out, so we have about ten more minutes in this thing." True to his words the service ended in ten minutes with the Father passing the cup of wine to each Nun in thanks of their service at the Orphanage. Seeing as the sermon was over, the children filed out of the room passing by a few men out in the hall. Most of the men were dressed in what appeared to be clothes of a Yakuza though the leader was dressed in a black suit and tie with black hair and eyes, with a scowl on his face.

"Which one to pick, I wonder." He muttered as he scanned the children with his analytical eyes. Homura Akahitto was stumped; he was supposed to pick a child to adopt for his boss seeing as his boss was infertile, and was looking for young blood to take over his business. Yet he could choose from one of his employees seeing as they were experienced enough and knew what they were doing. But he didn't due to the fact that he was a paranoid old man and wouldn't leave anything to chance. Therefore he sent his right hand man, Homura, to scout the local Orphan's for possible prospects.

"They all are too listless and innocent. You can just tell that they wouldn't be able to handle what we do." Homura thought, looking into the moving crowd til he felt a tap on his shoulder. Turning he found a smiling face in the form of Father Sarutobi. "May I be of service, my child?" The Father asked with a questioning gaze.

Homura replied, "I don't know Father, for what I am looking for seems to be impossible to find here." Sarutobi raised a grey brow to this. "Oh? And what is it that you are searching for, sir?" Homura spread his hands in a dismissive gesture, "An Heir so to speak. But alas I cannot seem to find a worthy young child to take such a place of honor."

The old man pondered the man's words, "What exactly are you looking for in a child sir?" Homura spoke without hesitation, "What I look for is a willingness to learn, a will of steel, and an unwavering loyalty. He must be willing to follow but not blind to poor leadership, he must not be squeamish or soft of heart. And finally he must not be brash or loud, but quiet and controlled. That is what I am looking for in a child Father, but I guess my expectations are to high for this establishment." Sighed Homura, as the last of the kids passed them by, such disappointment. His boss would not be pleased by this, not one bit. He demands the best of what Homura can offer but if he cannot deliver, then his pay as well as his physical being will be in great pain for his failure at such a, to his boss, simple task.

The old man smiled, "Those are some high expectations, my son. But I think you are being to quick to dismiss these children. After all you haven't seen all of them yet." Homura gave him a questioning look. "Yes, there are still a few stragglers in the Mass Hall getting a scolding from Sister Koharu. Please wait and I will fetch them." He walked back into the room, talking to the Sister and getting Kenji and Naruto by the arm. Pulling them out into the hall for Homura to see, Sarutobi patted them on the head. "Now, I believe you may look upon them and tell me if you haven't found your 'Heir' as it were. Though, I believe that these two may surprise you." He chuckled, getting a slight nod from the man and a questioning look from the kids.

Turning his gaze to the kids Homura let his eyes take in their appearances and analyzed them to the fullest intent of his inspection. After looking them over again and again he's come to a decision. "The blonde will do." He pointed out and looked to Sarutobi, "If you could just send the adoption papers with me my Boss will get them done and back to you within the hour." He said getting a gob smacked look from the two kids. "I-I'm getting adopted?" Naruto stuttered, shocked that he was the one being adopted since few people ever looked his way when potential parents saw him they just thought he was an American left there and with the way Japan and the States relationship has been going they didn't want to adopt a child with possible ties to such a bigoted country. It was bad, yes but he at least had Kenji for comfort. But now what was he going to do without him.

"Alright I'll just get the papers done and we'll have this finalized today." Sarutobi said leading the two away and leaving little Kenji with Sister Koharu. "I hope we get to see each other again, Oniisan."


Getting out of the car with his new Ojisan as it were, or at least that's what he was told to call him, in tow as they approached the large house. The house itself was more of a manor with red wood making up most of its structure with a trail of rock steps up to the large double doors of the entrance with a guardian parallel to the entrance filled with many colored flowers. Opening the doors the subordinates of Homura bade him welcome as well as the new addition to the family. Walking past them Homura led Naruto through the rooms filled with priceless works of art and riches, literature of every possible subject and finally the room of the Master of the household where a man in his late forties sat patiently for them to arrive.

Homura bowed low, making sure that Naruto did so as well to show respect to his new Otousan. "Danzo-sama, here is the boy that we have been searching for. May I present the now aptly named Naruto Shimura." He announced pushing the boy forward to the man. Stumbling Naruto righted himself and stood stock still so as not to degrade himself in the presence of his new parent. He didn't want to appear ill-mannered to his Otousan and make him regret adopting him so he bowed once more and said, "It's an honor to meet you Danzo-sama."

Danzo looked in his eyes, probing his being with a judging gaze for any signs of deceit. Finding none he got out of his chair and walked around Naruto, looking over him as if he were a new car, inspecting him for any hidden faults or dents in physique or character. After doing so for five minutes Danzo nodded and looked to his new Sochi and patted his shoulder, "Please call me Otousan, my Sochi. We have much to do if you are to succeed me in the families business of course."

Naruto questioned him with a look, "Otousan, what does the family do exactly." Danzo smirked, "Well a lot of things such as money management, to food manufacturing to pharmaceuticals. We just do a bit of everything Naruto." The eight year old slowly nodded at this; after all it seemed like his new family was well off so they be part of what his new parent has told him. Though he will find that not all of what Danzo has said will be truthful in the future.


Two years have passed since young Naruto has been taken in by the Shimura household and to say that it has been a learning experience would be an understatement. Immediately after being introduced to his new parent he met his new Okaasan Miho who upon seeing the child hugged him, smothering him with all the motherly affection she could till her husband told her to stop. After getting to know her Naruto was told that he would be under a strict learning program to get him ready for his years of schooling and success in his family's business. And learn he did for under the tutors his father has provided from mathematics, to science and language to even politics he excelled in the years provided. As well as basic hand to hand combat and the way of the sword, needless to say he did well in both. Now we find the father and son duo in their morning ritual of sword play where our young blonde was getting his usual treatment in the area of the blade.

"Again! This time with more force in the swing!" Danzo ordered, whacking Naruto over the head with his wooden Bokken to get his point across. Rubbing his head in pain Naruto swung at his Otousan again, this time with more force as he was instructed. Unfortunately it still wasn't enough to break through the man's defenses, resulting in another whack to the skull. "Ugh, what am I doing wrong?!" Naruto growled in a rare show of frustration at his inability to hit his father. He just didn't understand it! He swung the Bokken as he was instructed as he was told and performed the swing flawlessly yet it just wasn't giving the necessary force it should.

"Naruto how many times must we go over this? You must swing with not only your arms, but with your whole body to get the necessary force behind the swing." Danzo lectured with a fatherly tone. "But if I do that I would just overextend myself Otousan!" The child exclaimed, seeing as every time he did so he did swing to far which would get him a new welt for his troubles. "That is why you must learn to control your movement better when you do so. Now again once more, attack!" He said getting in a defensive stance awaiting his sons strike.

Sighing Naruto did as he was told and struck with an overhead strike, only this time he moved with the swing and didn't just swing his arms. Anticipating the Bokken's path Danzo brought up his own Bokken to block only to be forced to step back a pace due to the force of the strike. "Good, good you put your body into the swing this time. Now let's move onto the-"

"Boys, dinners ready!" Miho said behind the Dojo's door, interrupting her husband's words unintentionally. After the announcement of dinner Naruto was gone in a burst of dust with a yell of, "Ramen!"

Chuckling at his son's exuberance to the noodle dish, he followed him to the dining room for a much needed meal.


After eight years have passed Naruto has finally been told of what his family is famous for. To put it simply they were a Yakuza family, one of the biggest in fact. Sure they had they're legitimate business in the Shimura Corporation but it did explain why there were so many rough figures that guarded Naruto while he was younger. Still he took it all in stride and accepted his family for what it was, much to his parent's pride. In those eight years Naruto was taught how to handle many forms of weapons such as guns, knives and his surroundings to his advantage. So in a nut shell he was taught to kill and he was fine with it, made it much easier to defend himself against bullies from his old highschool. But back to the point right know he is undergoing a test to see if he is truly worthy of the name Shimura.

"UGH!" The man said as he was punched in the gut, for what seemed like the fifth time that day. Wheezing in pain the man took in his surroundings again through tearful eyes. The room was shrouded in nothing but darkness with concrete walls and a single door, no windows to see and the only source of light was a flickering light-bulb above him. "Please I told you e-everything I know! Please, please just let me go and I won't say anything about the hit on Mario!" He pleaded, only to get another punch to gut with knuckle dusters added to the mix. Coughing up blood, the man's head was turned to his interrogator who wore a porcelain mask with a Kitsune design. "Do you think we're stupid Sano? The moment we let you go you'll just run back to your boss and tell him what happened over at Tenshi. And when you tell him he'll come over to us and start demanding things of us when HE is the one that started this turf war with us. But with you dead, he will never know that we took care of his son Mario." The masked man said, pulling out a switchblade, much to the prisoners fear.

"No, no, no, noghl-" The man gurgled as the masked gentleman stuck the blade through his throat. Digging the blade deeper into the man's throat Kitsune stopped as he felt the edge touch the back of the man's neck and in a spray of gore yanked the blade right out of the man's neck. "He won't be talking to anyone now, well done Kitsune." Homura said with pride in his voice seeing the eighteen year old man take his first life. "You guys taught me everything I know Ojisan." Kitsune replied, shaking Homura's hand in thanks. The guy chuckled, "Well what type of man would I be if I let my Oikko do an interrogation unprepared?" Homura rhetorically asked, smirking at his nephew who just shook his head at his Uncles downplaying of such an act of questioning.

"Anyway your Otousan wants to have a word with you." Akahito told him, getting a nod from his nephew as they went through the door into the basement. Climbing up the stairs they saw all the servants and members of the Shimura family as well as the fifty year old Danzo Shimura sitting in a padded arm chair looking over a few letters from the Universities interested in his son not only for his academic prowess, but his high Athleticism. From Brown, to Oxford, to Yale and Harvard they all wanted his son to attend but ultimately it was Naruto's decision on where he would go for his college education. "And to think, my Maelstrom of a Sochi is going to college. It feels like only yesterday he came to me wide eyed and ready to learn the Family business." Mused Danzo, as he saw his son walk into the room with Homura leading him.

"Thank you Homura for administering the test for Naruto. Now that you have passed you are a true Shimura Naruto. Be mindful that just because you have passed doesn't mean you can slack, you have new responsibilities now and I will hold you to them." Danzo said, getting a nod from his son in confirmation of his words. "Hai, I understand Otousan." Naruto said, bowing in thanks to his father. "No need Sochi; after all you have given me the perfect Heir to the family. Let me officially welcome you, to the family." Danzo replied, pulling out a katana behind his back. The katana was designed with a black sheathe with a red dragon coiled around it. Holding it to his son, Naruto took it with shaking hands in anticipation. "This katana has been in the Shimura family for five hundred years, for every generation it is passed down from father to son when they have proven themselves. Now rise up and hold your head up, Naruto Shimura the next Head of the Shimura family!" Danzo announced proudly, getting a smile from Naruto and applause from the servants and family.

Coughing into his hand Danzo pulled the letters towards him and presented them to Naruto. "Now we come to your education. As you know a few Universities wish for you to attend them exclusively due to your perfect grades and due to the Nation Championships you won with your team in Track and Field." Naruto nodded at this since he could remember the championship was held in Russia of all places. Seriously, Russia is not a fun place to run with its low temperature during winter and its pension to not accept defeat. It was difficult, yes, but satisfying when he ran the eight-hundred meter dash and won for his team.

"I've decided on Harvard Otousan." Naruto said, getting a nod from his father. "Very well then, have you decided on your Major yet?" Questioned his father, wondering if his suspicion in his son's educational prospects are correct. Naruto smiled, "Well father, I'm thinking of Majoring in Law as well as Business." Naruto smiled, he would do his father proud.


Eight years has passed since his announcement as Heir to the Shimura family and Naruto has been busy. After graduating Harvard at the top of his class Naruto is a respected Attorney as well as a feared business man since he has been helping his father with the Shimura Co. after he graduated a year before. During his year after graduation he has been sent on assignments by his father to make sure that their competition in the Criminal world is deterred as well as the Business world. So he spent the time killing as many of the companies, and people of importance to their competition, as he could both physically and financially. What? Did you think that he was just reading books those seven years of College? No, he kept his skills up and trained in his combat skills, while his manipulation skills were top notch on the account that he was trained to manipulate others due to him being an Attorney and all.

We find the twenty six year old blonde sitting comfortably on his flight to the South side of Chicago on a new assignment from his father. Apparently there was a business man by the name of Edward Wuncler, Sr. that has been sticking his nose in their business in Chicago and has tried multiple times to circumvent they're arms deals to the Criminal element of the community of Woodcrest. Oh, that wouldn't do, that wouldn't do at all. For his cover he was hired by the state to take down a rap singer by the name of R. Kelly for making a sex-tape with an underage woman and urination on her. Oh well, he never liked the rapper anyway. "Let's see who I'm taking out of the picture." He thought, taking the picture of the old man in question Naruto could only glare, "You should have kept your nose out of our business old man." He muttered looking down as the suburbs of Woodcrest appeared in his vision.


And that's all done! Like it? Hate it? Give me your feedback and review. Yami out and Peace.


He never thought he would find him so quickly. I mean who just stands in the front of a Court house like he owns the damn thing?! Well apparently this man did, and he just made his job a WHOLE lot easier. "Mr. Wuncler?" The aforementioned Wuncler turned to a tall sharply dressed blonde man in a black suit and black tie with a suitcase in hand. "What do you want? Can't you see I'm busy?!" The old man said to the whiskered stranger, honestly one of his record labels artist is arrested for a stupid tape and now he has to sit and wait for the crooked Judge to let R. Kelly go like he paid him to. Artists are expensive and he's not about to pay for another ones record deal. After all he needs to protect his investments and R. Kelly was just that, an investment. The blonde smiled, "My name is Naruto Shimura and I'm about to send your client to prison."