Family Found (A bleach fanfiction)

Last year something amazing happened. A portal was discovered and what it did was something unimaginable. It could transport people to alternate universes, but like everything great, this comes with a price- well two actually. When you enter this portal the world you end up in is randomly decided. You can't wish to go to the Naruto world and instantly that's your destination, instead it's like your endpoint was picked from a raffle and if you're extremely lucky you can go to a world you have some knowledge about. The second price is that when you magically enter the portal- well you are forced through gender reassignment. Say if you're a girl in your original world and you shimmy yourself through the portal, well I'm sorry to say that your boobs are gone and you're stuck with growing mass amounts of facial hair.

Anyways, I, boys and ghouls happened to come across this portal and got sucked into a world that I knew little to nothing about. And here's the crazy part, the scientists that explained to everyone what the portal did and said that it was safe and no harm would come to you when you pass through. Let me tell you, they were lying! Some form of harm was done to me because when I woke in a world full of ghosts and monsters, I was dead. You heard me, dead, as in transparent skin and floating a couple inches off the ground. But before I go into details of my life in this new parallel world I should probably explain how this all came about.

Everything started out normally. I woke up with a pain filled back and a crick in my neck from accidently falling asleep at my desk while doing homework for college. I was a medical student and I dreamed of being a top rate doctor. I loved helping people and was kindly blessed with a strong stomach for the sight of blood and gore. Indian and Mexican food on the other hand killed me a little inside. At the moment I lived in a small studio apartment and worked three jobs along with going to school full time. It's was a struggle but what could I do? Ask my parents for help? Nope. Older brother? I don't think so. Older sister? I'd try again never.

Now don't get me wrong, I have a great family and I love everyone dearly but ever since I was little we've always been tight on cash and the only reason why my sister, Beth and I got into college was because we got major scholarships that practically paid for everything except for living accommodations. Luckily my sister's out of college now and is slowing gaining reputation in the psychology department. My brother though never had that problem, he signed up for the military the moment he graduated and has served for seven years now and doesn't plan to quit. He's been to Iraq and has seen so many horrors it's amazing to see how strong he is. My parents, well My Mom's retired, she used to be a mechanic at an old body shop while my dad is still working as a high school global teacher, how I pity the man.

Right now I was getting ready for a day out seeing as it was Sunday, and I had no classes that I needed to attend. Quickly running a hand through my choppy short navy blue hair I popped in my favorite maroon colored prescription contacts. And as a heads up, navy blue is not my natural color; my natural hair is more of a mousey brown color which I detested. After huffing out a sigh I grabbed my favorite black and white striped hoodie and steel toed combat boots then advanced in a march out the door with a feeling that maybe it was going to be a good day. I had no school, I didn't need to worry about work and I had enough money to buy myself some food from Panera's bread for breakfast, which is what I did.

After I ate I decided to go walk around town, maybe go to the crazy dimensional portal and finally see it after living in the same town as it for a little over a year. It's been really strange since the discovery of the portal. When I'd go to school there were days when students weren't there then the professor would read off the missing students name saying that they had gone through the portal and we'd probably never see them again. Ignoring the fact that our peers were now in an unknown world we continued living like they weren't there to begin with

The portal really changed things in this rural town, tourists came from all over to try and escape this world of reality and hopefully go someplace where they could be happier, and with the booming amount of travelers the town needed to expand so construction was taking place everywhere. The portal itself was located in a sterile factory like place where scientists could study the large blue mass of energy and the people could get educated about it before they made one of the biggest decisions of their life. How those scientists knew if the portal was safe or not, I'll never know. We have yet to witness someone come back from the portal; dead or alive.

When I arrived at the portal's home I presented the scientists my I.D. to show that I wasn't underage and followed the mass of people down some baron halls to an open room with walkways above with men and women in white coats scurrying back and forth. The massive portal itself was available for all to see as it stood in the center of the open area, slightly elevated on a metal platform. Over towards the walls a large group of people sat and were getting educated about the portal and what it did. Ignoring that section of the factory I walked at a leisure pace over towards a queue that was filled with people that wanted to either see the portal up close or actually go through it. I personally just wanted to see it up close and day dream about what it'd be like if I wanted to go through it. But I didn't want to go down that rabbit hole, I had my future planned and despite my money troubles I felt as though I could succeed and leaving my own world wouldn't help in the slightest. I mean I already spent a lot of money on college, if I didn't care about my future I would have bought a nice apartment and a shit ton of new books and then proceeded to waste the day away watching supernatural and reading fanfiction.

The Magical dimensional portal up close and personal was something unforgettable. It stood well over six feet tall and radiated a comforting amount of heat that felt both welcoming, and almost heartwarming, like it was trying to draw people into its various worlds. "Please watch your step as you near the portal. Those of you who wish to enter please go over to the man in the orange jumpsuit and he'll explain what you shall do. And those who just wish to view the process then please stand by and it will begin soon."

"What's gonna begin soon?" I whispered to one of the other people in line. The guy I whispered too was tall, tall than me by a head and a half and had blinding purple hair that was longer and pulled into a small ponytail at the base of his neck and hand long scene cut bangs. The man was littered in Tattoos and I saw a small amount of scruff on his face Along with the scruff there were small almost unnoticeable scars on his face that he probably got from shaving but all in all he looked good, to me anyway. So I find tattoos and scars attractive, sue me, we all have our own personal tastes that others may not like.

"Didn't you listen to the lecture?" the attractive guy asked in confusion, "They're going to show the people enter the portal."

"Ohh" I drawled out, absentmindedly tucking a stray hair behind my ear, "So do they just step into the portal or is there an incantation that's needed to be said? I mean why else would you be watching this?"

"You're watching too…" the guy muttered, "But to answer your question, I'm watching because after the person enters something happens to the portal to indicate where they went. The scientists aren't sure what all the signs are yet but they're scientists, they study to find the answers we don't have."

"Right… So when are the people gonna go?"

"Right now" the man sent me a smirk and pointed forwards with a tattooed hand, "If there are any signs I know I'll tell you what they are."

"Okay, thanks." I smiled happy that this guy would help inform me about all the stuff I didn't know about the portal, which was everything.

The first person that stepped forward to the portal was a young woman with frizzy brown hair and from what I could see, relatively large front teeth. I could only figure this out from the cheek splitting grin she had on her face. Truthfully the girl looked like what Hermione Granger was described like in the books, except maybe a little bit pudgier which did nothing to deter her excitement or adorableness. Slowly she stepped into the portal as the scientists had told her to do and almost instantly she vanished and the portal flashed and deep blue smoke seemed to take the form of an awkwardly drawn bird looking thing.

"She's going to the Naruto Universe."

My eyes widened and my gaze fell onto the taller man beside me, "Like the anime Naruto?"

"The very same. I hope she'll be okay. She seemed to be more of a wizarding and witches kind of girl"

"You're telling me. By the way, I never got your name."

"Nor have I got yours. But the name's Gerard." Gerard held out his hand and I took hold of it, giving it a firm shake

"Nice to meet you Gerard. You can call me Cas."

"Cas, like in Castiel the angel?"

"You watch supernatural?" I questioned the taller male, my excitement levels rising

"Yup, and I have a feeling that Cas isn't your real name."

"I wish, but keep your ears peeled because this Castiel is gonna become a famous Doctor and finally buy all her fandoms on dvd."

Gerard laughed and pushed his electric purple bangs out of his face, "Well if you ever want a tattoo come down to my tattoo parlor. It's called Hell bound souls."

"Nice name, I doubt I'll have trouble remembering that!" Turning my attention back to the portal another girl steps forward. This time the girl didn't seem energized and full of life. Her long dark hair was knotted and her body seemed to be too skinny to be healthy. Hell, I was a few pounds overweight and healthy but this girl looked like she would break if you even breathed near her. "Hey Gerard… Have any guesses on where she'll be going?"

"Not a clue. You can't predict where they'll land. This is practically a raffle that if chosen poorly will have a high probability of costing you your life and home."

"Damn… But I must confess that I'd love it if she was sent to Wily Wonka's. She seriously needs to get some food into her system. Have it be junk or healthy food."

Gerard hummed in agreement as we watched in fascination as the same flash of light and blue smoke appeared, this time taking the shape of a rabbit and top hat, "Alice in Wonderland" Gerard whispered. "I hope she has fun with the mad hatter."

"Who wouldn't have fun with the mad hatter?"

"Normal people?"

"True true…"

"So Castiel," Gerard started, striking up another dose of small talk, "If you had to choose a world to go to which would you pick?"

"Supernatural hands down. I wouldn't care if I had to kill all the things that go bump in the night, when I'm ready to die I'm going to get laid by Sam Winchester."

"I like your logic!" Gerard laughed, "Best way to commit suicide, having sex with the youngest Winchester. I would totally do that if he swung my way."

Gerard and I talked for a while and watched people enter the portal, we tried to guess what world they'd end up in but we never got it right. "So do you ever plan on going in the portal?" I asked the purple haired man

"I truthfully don't know. I might when I'm older, if it's still here and useable. I'm already a tattoo artist which was my goal, but when I think about it I could practically be that in any world as long as they have the technology."

"Yeah, but wouldn't you miss your family and friends?"

"I guess, but you're always able to get a new family, one that can help fill the hole your old family had created when you lost them."

"Really? How would do you do that?"

"Simple, find friends and make your bonds so strong that you could never dream of separate. Treat them like you would treat yourself and keep love and happiness as your top priorities."

"Gerard" I tried to hold back a snicker, "I think you were a hippy in a past life."

Instead of being insulted the man just shrugged, "I wouldn't be surprised."

"Well my feet are really aching, so I think that's my clue that I need to go…" I truthfully didn't want to leave but as I had said, my feet commanded rest and I needed those appendages to go places

"I'd think so. Well it was nice meeting you Cas, and as a warning watch your step as you leave. You don't want to trip and fall into the portal."

"Definitely… And It was nice meeting you as well Gerard. May the Gods have us meet in the future."

Gerard nodded his head in agreement and gave me one final handshake. Just as I was about to turn and leave, an out of breath and frantic voice came from out of my viewing range, "Get out of the way!"

I was roughly pushed out of the person's way and took a large amount of steps back before I fully fell. Only the ground didn't greet me, instead I was enveloped in a bright light and it swallowed me whole. I had no idea how it happened but I fell through the portal and was plummeting towards an unknown world. As I screamed in horror I could hear my voice begin to change. No longer was it a shrill screech, but a full on roar instead. Not only did my voice seem to change, but my physical body changed as well. I couldn't exactly tell what was happening but this was serious shit.

"What the hell!" I cried in my new bass voice, "Where am I going."

"Bleach" Gerard gapped as he watched his new acquaintance stumble into the dimensional portal headfirst. Per usual the light and smoke show happened but the smoke did not form a lightning bolt, a bird with an arrow through it, a jolly roger, nor a devils trap. This time around the smoke formed the shape of a flaming skull which was an obvious indicator of what world the poor young soul just landed. The World of Bleach where ghost's existed and a Carrot haired boy had to save the world from evil. "Castiel, I hope you have a guardian angel looking out for you… You're gonna need it"

Puppet: I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Family Found. nvzblgrrl let me used the idea for the gender switching portal and I thank her for letting me use it for this story.

I do not own any book, tv, or movie series mentioned in this chapter

And please leave a comment and let me know what you think!