Thicker Than Blood
By Sakata Ri Houjun
Here's my little treat for all you Halloween freaks. Been wanting
to do a Vampire thing, started out taking place in the book world
but then changed it to an AU/reincrnation.
Now on to finish my Kouji and kitsune Chichiri costumes for the
big day.
Warning: Light lemon and lots of blood.
If there's one thing I could thank Suzaku for, it would be the
fact that I can still drink alcohol. It has become the only
liquid I can imbue other than blood these days. I was warned once
by my maker that I would grow weak if I kept thinning my blood
with sake. It only took that one time for him to learn to stay
the fuck out of my business.
Immortality sucks. I can tell you that right away. There's
nothing glamorous or special about watching your closest friends
die before your eyes. It hurts worse than a knife through the
heart to know that when it's all over you'll be the last.
I tried to harden my heart against their loss, but mortality
strikes deep, reminding a creature such as myself how lonesome my
existence will be. Makes me wish I hadn't killed my maker.
Makes me want another drink.
Funny thing is that I'm not even thirsty. I had my fill of blood
earlier tonight when my hunger compelled me.
That's another thing I'm thankful for, I guess. The ability to
walk during the day is a rare gift, one that has enabled me to
pass as human for so long.
Chichiri was even fooled.
Perhaps eternity won't be so lonely with him around. If he'll
ever forgive me.
Which is why I'm attempting to drink myself into a coma
I didn't mean to do it, really. But damn, I couldn't let him go.
He and I have been friends and lovers for so long and I was so
scared of losing him like I lost everyone else.
He never saw it coming; neither did I for that matter. I woke up
one night, finding his arms around me, protecting me almost.
Me. An immortal creature.
His scarred face glowed, beautiful and innocent in the moonlight.
His cerulean hair pillowed around his face, silky and soft. I
could see his pulse leaping in his throat, could hear it calling
to me.
Before I knew it, the hunger struck, and my fangs were embedded
into his pale flesh, his sweet blood filling my mouth, more
intoxicating than any wine.
Naturally he awoke and I could feel his heart speed up in panic
at the sight that was presented to him. Well, who wouldn't be
surprised to find their lover drinking your blood? That fast
pulse was laced with fear, pumping more of his heavenly blood
into my mouth. I couldn't stop, even when he tried pushing me
I was killing him, destroying this beautiful light I had come to
cherish in my darkness. I heard him whisper my name, those two
syllables telling me that he was so close to death. And that's
when I pulled away, watching with shocked eyes the light fading
from his soul.
Then I realized what I needed to do to prevent his death. He was
too weak to turn his head as I kissed him, sharing the taste of
his blood that still stained my lips. I whispered soft apologies
before slitting my own wrist and pressing it to his pale lips.
He resisted, single eye glazing over. But somehow he understood,
accepting my gift. I cradled his body as he transformed and held
him as the fell into an exhausted sleep within my embrace.
When dawn broke, Chichiri was gone. Yet because I made him,
shared my blood with him, I know he is nearby, watching me, his
heart full of betrayal and anger.
Which is fine with me; I did take his humanity without his
And for months now, though passing of time has become irrevelent
to me anymore, I have been traveling. And always, Chichiri is
close behind me, out of sight but never far.
My maker passed very little wisdom to me before I destroyed him,
none of it on how to truly deal with this. I'd like to think that
he shared his blood with me because he was lonely, though we were
but strangers when he took me.
Following me to my home proved to be his fatal error, my latent
powers dispatching him easily despite his strength.
I guess being a Seishi is a past life has granted me an
My hand gropes about for another bottle of sake. The need to numb
my pain has become greater than my thirst for blood. Would I
bleed the clear alcohol should I slash my wrist?
A rather errant thought that is quickly pushed aside upon hearing
an approaching set of footsteps. I lift my head, my senses
blearily coming alert, eyes focusing through the dark at the
presence of...
My eyes widen at the sight. A lean man, hair falling into his
angelic face, completely covering half his pale visage. His white
shirt is stained dark, the scent of blood thick on the night air,
alerting the primal part of myself though I have already fed.
His uncovered eye stares hard at me, gleaming like a blood ruby.
I see streaks of crimson on his face now as he draws closer,
streams of fresh tears pouring down his beautiful face, tinted
with blood.
My heart races at his familiar presence, my soul aching with
loneliness, the full weight of eternity burdening me.
"Chichiri..." I whisper, my voice quiet with reverence,
tinged with fear at his appearance.
How can such a man be hauntingly beautiful and frightfully
repulsive at the same time?
He does not answer of course, merely brushing past as though I
weren't there despite the fact that he had glared at me the
moment he stepped into the alley.
I feel something wet hit the pavement nearby, my eyes shifting
from his lithe form to the dark stains soaking deep near where I
kneeled. I gingerly touch them, finding the liquid thicker than
"Chichiri!" I cry out, the fear evident now. I turn my
whole body towards his retreating back, his gait slow yet
clumsily graceful, almost as if he were drunk or tired.
His hands hang loosely at his sides, blood dripping from the
fingers of his right hand.
The cerulean-haired vision pauses in his steps, as though
acknowledging my presence. I am certain he is able to taste my
emotions and thoughts through the link we share, however all I am
able to draw from him is a blank.
Chichiri had always been mystically gifted. It would not surprise
me if he were blocking me.
"Aren't you proud of what I've become?" he coldly asks,
words sending a shiver of fear up my spine. "After all, you
are the one who made me."
Chichiri turns his head over his shoulder, his only eye glaring
at me with such contempt that I would surely fall dead if I were
I tremble before him, the full truth and consequences of what I
had done to him that night slapping me in the face. His whole
body turned to me and I could only stare at his blood-soaked
form, like a true creature of evil and nightmares, and yet a god
a beauty and desire.
And he hated me.
Without fully realizing it, I had employed my true gift of speed,
propelling my body from the alleyway pavement to Chichiri. I
wrapped him tightly within my arms. One hand became lost in his
soft blue hair as I cradle his head closely, the other embracing
his body.
I shake harder as I whisper my apologies over and over, a hundred
times infinity. The one man I held so dear to my heart, I did not
want to lose him.
I can feel him relax, his head tilting back. The scent of blood
that clung to him emboldened me further.
"I love you, so much," I whisper softly into his ear.
Those words that had been plaguing my heart, so entranced I had
been of his beauty and inner strength the moment I first met him.
Chichiri pulled away, his eye wide. However, he had backed up
against a wall, so he could not pull away far.
I closed the distance between us again, covering his lips with my
own, sealing my words with a kiss. after a moment, I could feel
him returning my kiss. I cup his chin, thumb pulling on his lower
lip. However, it would be his tongue that plunged into my mouth,
tasting me with such passion that I feel the world tilt entirely.
When I pull away to breathe, my hopeful smile is shattered with
his cold glare. Chichiri lifts one hand to wipe at the corner of
his mouth.
"So, you think that by confessing your feelings that I'll
forgive you?"
I frown at him, my blood heating up in anger at his callous
remark. "Don't make my love for you sound like it means
nothing, dammit."
My hand caresses his face, but he bats it away, still glaring at
me. Apparently my answer hadn't been good enough.
Our eyes stare at each other through the darkness. There was
anger, yes. But I could also feel something else making the air
between up crackle. A dose of sexual tension and a deep rooted
attraction and...
My heart races as I realize I could sense Chichiri's thoughts
again. And I could feel his betrayal, his utter sadness with the
knowledge that I had deceived him and took his mortality away.
But what had hurt him most of all was that in all the time we
spent together, he had...
My face softened, tears building in my eyes. "I only wanted
to protect you from what I am. I never wanted this for you."
I lean in closer, trapping my beloved fully, granting him no
escape from my words. "I tainted your pure soul and I would
gladly die a thousand deaths if I could return what I had no
right in taking."
Chichiri's eye widens again seconds before I bestow a second
kiss, tongue delving deep into his agape mouth, tasting blood and
his sweet essence.
My hand pushes up his bloody shirt, fingers sliding along his
smooth skin. I've always been aware of the pulse of his blood
every time I touched him. the ebb and flow of his heart beat, the
precious elixir of life that I could always feel underneath my
I find one of Chichiri's nipples, already hard, which I pinch
mercilessly. He tears his face away from our kiss, a strained
moan escaping through his fangs.
No time is wasted as I push his shirt up with both hands now,
revealing his magnificent torso. How many times have I kissed and
touched his porcelain skin when he was but a mortal?
As a vampire, his body is hot to the touch, pleasure making his
blood boil, his heart pound. I scrape my fangs across one pale
nipple, rewarded with a muffled gasp. I lift my eyes to see
Chichiri biting into his hand to stifle his cries, blood running
down his chin in twin rivulets when his fangs break the skin.
I sink to my knees, need driving me to move quickly. Every inch
of his skin I taste, the flavor spiced with his desire. Without
words, I can tell he wants this as much as I...perhaps he wants
this even more.
For years Chichiri and I grew to know each other as lovers. I
know the taste and feel of him by heart. Already his hand is
tangled in my hair, pushing me down. Without words he is telling
me what he wants. Very swiftly, I release the physical embodiment
of his arousal and devour it. His lithe body trembles against my
lips as I continue to taste and tease his flesh, muffled whimpers
escaping from him.
Already he is nearing the edge and I release him, broken words
spilling from lips stained with his own blood.
" Why...?"
That one word is laced with a thousand meanings. And he means
each one of them. All I can do is slide my arms around his bare
torso, lightly kissing along his chest, whispering back in reply,
"My exsistence meant nothing before you, and it still is
meaningless without you."
Now Chichiri is facing the alleyway wall and I am inside him. How
different he feels from when had been alive, and yet he is still
the same sweet lover I have come to treasure since he called to
me that first night we met. My blood sings with such elation,
knowing that he and I are joined, not just of flesh but of blood
as well. An eternity linked with no escape save for anihlation.
As I thrust harder, his cries urging me on, I kiss at his
shoulder, lips caressing the juncture of neck. Every vibration of
his pulse calls out to me, even now. Lost in the haze of
pleasurable bliss and indescribable love, I plunge my fangs into
him, his intoxicating blood filling my mouth once again. The
coppery liquid is thick with his passion, something that very
nearly sends me reeling with ectasy.
One of my arms is holding him tightly as we move together, the
other I lift to his panting mouth. Almost immediately his fangs
sink into my wrist, eagerly accepting what I offered.
Such a sensation I have never experienced in all my existence,
the giving and taking of flesh and blood. All too soon I climax,
his zealous feeding the extra push to send me over the edge. But
I am not alone when I tear my lips away from the wound I had made
in his enticing throat, screaming in pleasure, for Chichiri joins
me, his own orgasm triggered by mine.
I am still inside his body even as he collapses against the wall,
slowly sliding to the ground. He is trembling faintly, his eye
already closed in exhaustion when I peer at his peaceful face. I
can feel his heart slow though it remains strong. I quietly dress
my unconscious lover, stroking his face with such tenderness.
It was his very heartbeat that drew me to him, an intangible pull
through the stillness of eternity. One night out of a million,
under the light of a full moon, I found a cerulean-haired man
with a heavenly aroma and such power that urged me forward in
Initially, I sought to quench my thirst but he turned and smiled
at me, perhaps sensing my presence. And such a face of
indescribable beauty and a smile that burned away all my
loneliness. The scars on his angelic face and body told of a
painful past, one he never talked about. Every time I had asked,
his smile would falter.
I would have given him anything, even his privacy, so that smile
would remain.
I washed myself in his life-giving warmth, his light embracing
the darkness of my being whenever we touched. I could almost
forget what kind of creature I am.
But now that smile filled with life is gone, replaced by an
unyielding mask that is cold and dark, like my soul. I don't love
him any less than when we first met, but my heart breaks with the
knowledge that it is my fault.
I can no longer remain by his side, it is too painful to bear. I
take one last look at his beautiful face, wishing ardently that I
could see him smile one last time, before I stand and walk out of
the alley way.
I love him, a rare emotion among vampires, or so I had been told.
The one who made me never loved me, not the way I love Chichiri.
And I have yet to meet another like myself to really test that
theory. But since I had been mortal once and still have a heart
and soul of a human, then it would be logical that I could love
Suddenly, I hear a faint heartbeat, a fluttering pulse that
breaks through the walls of my heavy thoughts. I spin, mind
sluggishly becoming alert to my surroundings, albeit a bit to
late, for a pain unlike anything I had ever felt pierces through
my heart. My vision is clouded with a spray of blood, warm and
thick. My eyes widen with horror as I realize this is my own
My body collapses to the ground like a doll whose strings have
been cut and I can only stare blankly up at the full moon
overhead. I can feel my own pulse, thick and heavy in my throat
as blood comes gurgling forth, spilling from my lips. I can feel
it, some sort of weapon impaling me through my body. It hurts,
every beat of my heart sending jolts of bone-searing agony into
every nerve and cell.
Could this be death that mortals fear?
Vaguely, i can hear the fluttering of a heart again, my attacker
I realize now. He looms over me, an arrogant smirk on his shadowy
face. I can see the movement of his lips, as though he is about
to say something, but it is then a flash of crimson light washes
over me, bathing my bleeding body in a searing warmth as though I
am trapped in the heart of a flame.
It is in that instant that I belive I have been killed, my unholy
existance wiped off of the planet by some faceless stranger and
now I am being carried off to oblivion.
Which I don't really mind because I at least got to tell Chichiri
that I loved him and that I was truly sorry for what I had done.
"Who says I've forgiven you yet?"
My eyes snap open at the familiar tones of my lover's voice,
focusing on a scarred face splattered with blood. His long bangs
are trailing down, tickling my face as he leans towards me from
his kneeling position. Chichiri's hand reaches for something
beyond my range of vision and I can feel pressure on the device
wedged into my body.
The pain returns again, tearing a yell of agony from me as the
cerulean-haired man withdraws implement that had nearly delivered
my fatal demise.
Chichiri sighs as he tosses the dripping object away, a metallic
clang echoing through the darkened streets. "Honestly,
Tasuki. You've been alive for so long and you can't handle
Without any further words, his hands slip beneath my shoulders,
pushing me to a sitting position, the jarring motion making me
wince. "It still hurts like hell, Chiri," I mutter.
"Yeah, it does hurt," he replies back, his voice
distant. "But, the damage is done and cannot be reversed
I turn to look up at him, seeing his face so sad and regretful.
He gazes back at me, his hand pressing at my bleeding wound to
staunch the flow while my body attempts to heal itself. I place
my hands over his, holding them in place, blood coating our skin
with a sticky wetness, our mingled blood.
"I won't stop you from killing me if it means that you can
be free of me, Chichiri." And I mean it. Death would be
preferable than to spending an eternity without his light. I
loathed the time spent apart, knowing how much he hated me for
what I had done.
He looks away, but not before I catch a glimpse of the pain in
his eye. I can feel how much my words hurt him.
"Tasuki, the reason I don't speak of my past is because I've
been so afraid. But you let me forget that part of myself that I
loathed, let me be free of my pain. But then that
night...I..." He sighed softly, shoulders hunched over in
defeat. "I let you into my life, trusted you and
I can feel it, there in my heart, in his blood that flows through
me. I gently tilt his face to look up at me, covering his lips
with my own. I can feel his heart beating faster as he returns
the kiss. His hand turns within mine, gripping it tightly until
his hand trembles. I can only return the hold even as I pull him
tighter, afraid of losing the one person in all existance I love.
When we draw away, I can see a sort of wisdom dawning in that
remaining eye, something strong and powerful, perhaps the source
of the very magic that he wields. I knew then that he had saved
me from my assassin, used his power in a way he hadn't before. To
protect me.
"I am yours for eternity, Tasuki," he whispers softly.
"I love you."
He helps me to my feet, arms encircling me tightly, holding our
blood-drenched forms close. I was transformed into a creature of
the night hundreds of years ago, have lived to see the rise and
fall of nations, the birth and death of many mortals, always set
apart from humanity. Chichiri had been born into a world of such
torment, his face bearing testimony to that fact. He had lived as
a mortal with no one to protect him in a place filled with fear
and pain.
When we found each other, he had given me light and I had given
him hope. and true to his words, we are for each other unto