Nappa moved quickly across the sky dodging the lunges of the mighty Thresher Maw which roared furiously at him each time he did it, close to them was Vegeta almost half asleep. Seeing this the bald saiyan decided to make it more interesting he stooped dead on his tracks and just faced the full forced of the creatures charge, it opened it's mouth wide and tried to eat the warrior.

He looked straight into the abyss of the creatures throat and fired and energy blast right at it, the Thresher Maw growled in pain reeling back from Nappa who stood there with a grin, but the behemoth quickly retaliated with it's acid spit which the saiyan dodged flying back and started powering up, a yellow aura formed all over his body, with a powerful roar he lunged at the creature smashing into it's body smashing the Thresher Maw into the ground.

''So are you done yet? This is boring me...'' Vegeta shouted with a yawn

''Just a finishing touch!'' Nappa replied rising his right hand with his index and middle fingers up

Soon the ground lifted up with explosive energy as well with a flash of light, it was seen from miles away, soon the light faded away and everything stopped what remained of the landscape was a crater, the bunker was gone and so was the Thresher Maw. Vegeta dusted the dirt off from his armor and locked down at Nappa with a angry expression on his face.

''You idiot! You could have destroyed the ship!'' the prince roared

''I'm sorry, just got a bit carried away.'' the warrior responded bowing his head down

While the saiyans were on this universe, back in their place of origin Zarbon was feeling a bit nervous, he walked slowly yet nervously through the corridors passing by his weaker soldiers he awaited to see why Frieza had called him at this time, he couldn't see a reason for that but he knew that questioning the tyrant never end good. Soon he arrived at the door that lead to his master and took the next step for it to open, leading to a small empty well lit room with only a huge window showing the emptiness of space and right in the middle standing on his hoverchair was Frieza.

''Lord Frieza you called for me.'' he said saluting him

'''s been a while since we let the saiyans go on their trip, if fear what may happen because of this.'' the alien said with a calm smooth voice

''You wish me to go and get them back?'' Zarbon asked with a small hint of disbelief

''No. I want to know that they still have what it takes when they return so maybe you could send someone in to see if they return.'' Frieza replied with a small grin

''As you wish sire.''

With this Zarbon left the room and went straight to the bases gym were he already had someone in mind, he entered the elevator that quickly lead him to the gym, it was a huge space with all type of equipment and soldiers fighting and exercising, he walked by the several warrior till he reached two of them who were sparring in a ring surrounded by a electric fence, before he could say anything one of them crashed at his feet badly beaten.

In the ring was the victor, he had a reptilian look to his face yet his skin was smooth and blue, with the normal five fingers that ended in small claws, he had the standard armor, similar to that of Nappa or Raditz, but the colors were dark blue and black, this fighter was one of the last of his race, the last of the Cryogs, a race that was found by Frieza a few months earlier and like many before them fell before the tyrant and this was one of the few to give their life to Frieza.

''Come over here soldier!'' Zarbon ordered with an dominant tone

''Yes sire.'' the Cryog replied

Both of them made their way back to Friezas room where he was waiting for them.

''Sire I think that this soldier will do the job you require.'' Zarbon announced to his master pushing the alien towards Frieza

''I see... seems like he has a power level close to Vegetas...'' Frieza replied analyzing him with his scouter

Hearing this the Cryog started thinking of the name, he knew it, Vegeta was one of the saiyans one of those who had come and destroyed his home world, this made him interested finally he could start his revenge on Frieza and his empire.

''...his name is Kryat.'' Zarbon said to Frieza

''He will do perfectly prepare him for the trip.'' the tyrant ordered facing back to the window

They left the room and Zarbon lead the way to the same place where the saiyans had left to the other universe, Kryat was feeling excited now he couldn't wait to see what he was doing soon he found him self in a computer room fill with people monitoring machines and that was when Zarbon stopped and face him.

''So Kryat your mission is simple, you will be sent to another universe but once there your job is to find the saiyans and do what you see fit with them.'' Zarbon explained with a very serious tone for what he had just said

''I don't want to disrespect but I don't believe that sir.'' Kryat replied trying not to laugh

''And I don't care if you believe! Just got through that door and into the elevator it leads to.'' Zarbon roared back pointing at the metal door

The Cryog did so, placing his blue scouter on, it revealed a bridge and the elevator not paying much attention to the hole on the ground he walked straight in, the elevator started moving sending him straight to his attack ball. He took his seat on the ball and as soon as it closed the vessel was shoot down into the core of the planet, with the speed getting greater and greater till finally Kryat found his pod bursting out of a water fall into the shores of a lake devastating everything around it.

He hovered out of the attack ball and breathed in this new air so clean , and pure, looking around he saw the three saiyan pods which kinda brought him back to his mission and made him ignore the environment. He took his first steps around the lake analyzing this new world the different sounds and the destroyed building, clearly a result of the saiyans arrival.

''Such disgusting creatures, but finally I have a place to begin my revenge on them and on those who murdered my race!'' Kryat roared in both anger and thrill