The smell of the last night's rain lingered on the back garden though the rain hadn't managed to hamper their spirits. If anything, Remus thought that it had made everything more clearer and beautiful and the fact that they were wizards, had helped the matter too. He was just glad that though the sky wasn't sunny, it didn't look as if it would rain anytime soon. At least not until the ceremony was over.

They, Remus and his wife-to-be, had agreed on a small ceremony, small enough to be held in the back garden of their newly purchased cottage. He prowled through the arrangements of chairs with Harry as they both observed and appreciated the decorations.

It all looked breathless.

In the center was an arbor decorated with cascade of red and white blooms, beneath which he would be exchanging vows with his fiancé. The red aisle runner was decorated with white rose petals and small magical lanterns hung from the low branches of tree. Somewhere along the line, the theme of the wedding had become red and white unintentionally, not that he was bothered much about the decorations but Dora deserved the beauty of it all. And Remus liked how it had turned out to be.

"Molly outdid herself, again." He sighed out to his best man as he nodded to Kingsley or rather Minister Kingsley and Hestia, who were chatting amiably.

"Wait until you taste her food." Harry agreed. "And don't tell Ginny, or anyone other Weasley woman, but Fleur's French cuisine are simply wicked too."

Remus chuckled. "Sometimes I think all the Weasley men agree on parties and wedding for the food."

Harry sighed. "Who could blame them?"

Guests have started to arrive already and it would be soon enough that he would be a married man. Finally. He had proposed Tonks three years ago but they have waited for the war to get over. Thankfully they both have came unscathed out of the war but same could not be said about others. A little above two years have passed since that fateful night at Hogwarts and they were still picking up the pieces.

Hardly a day passed when they did not remember someone long-lost to death or lost to insanity; there were reminders everywhere. War memorials, birthdays of their late friends, something reminding them of someone... But it was true that life moves on. At least world was now a safer place to be, with good ministry and better laws- one which were not prejudiced thankfully, one which allowed for people like him to get a job what with politicians like Umbridge being behind the bars. It was also one of the reason that he had been able to contribute equally along with Dora while purchasing this cottage. He was immensely proud of the place they have made as their home. And now they were going to get married. He was still a werewolf, but with the wolfsbane, the full moons were little more bearable.

"Do you think she stood on me?" Remus muttered to Harry after about half an hour of wandering in the garden which was now full of guests and the bride was yet to arrive.

"Considering how excited she was last night that she kept all the women of Burrow up, I think not." Harry muttered in a distracted way as he searched for, Remus speculated, Ginny.

Remus sighed impatiently and tapped his foot nervously wondering what was taking so long.


He heard Dora call out his name and his head immediately snapped up. She was walking towards him with a purpose and Remus frowned. Wasn't she supposed to enter with music and wasn't she supposed to walk a bit slowly along with her bridesmaids? Had he not been surprised at her sudden entry he would have really appreciated how beautiful she looked.

At Tonks' abrupt arrival apparently the twins (who were incharge of music) got confused and started the music a little too late when she had almost reached to him already.

Was something wrong?

"What is it Dora? Everything alright?" He asked hurriedly and noticed his to-be-in laws running to catch up with Tonks. Andromeda had an exasperated look on her face while Ted panted with sheer effort.

"Nymphadora, you are a bride! Stop behaving like a five-year old!" Andromeda snapped at her just as she reached them.

Dora rolled her eyes. "Oh come on mother! I don't think anyone present here, except you, really expect me to behave like a bride."

"Will someone tell me what is going on?" Remus asked, doing little to hide his agitation.

"Remus-" Dora turned to look at him. "We'll have to wait for a while, my few friends have not arrived yet and I refuse to marry without them." She spoke in a very business-like-no-shit manner, telling him that he really had no say in it.

He looked around and his frown deepened. "All your-and my friends are here Dora, who are you waiting for?"

Dora's eye widened and she glared at him. "Now, are you implying that you would force me to marry you when I clearly want to wait for a while?"

Remus gaped at her and opened his mouth but couldn't decide what to say. At the end he chuckled and rolled his eyes. She did that sometimes. Whenever she wanted to avoid answering to him, she would put words in his mouth and would pretend to get offended so that he would concentrate his thoughts on trying to placate her instead.

"Okay, we'll wait. Or if you want we can postpone the ceremony for tomorrow." He added the last bit just to tease her

She swatted him. "Don't be cheeky."

"Only you- only you Remus would be able to handle my daughter." Ted snickered from behind, fondly. Though he smothered his chuckle as Andromeda turned to glare at him instead.

"Both father and daughter have driven me mad for past twenty seven years." She sniffed and stalked away.

"I'll leave you both..." Ted trailed off and followed his irate wife.

Remus took hold of Dora's one hand and took a long appreciative look at her, from toe to head. "You look breathtaking." He said in awe. She always left him speechless, especially when she decided to get 'ready'. She wore a knee-length white flowing sort of dress. It was so simple yet most elegant.

She winked at him. "Wait until the wedding night."

Remus felt a little hot under his collar and he pulled her a little closer. "Is that a challenge or a promise?" He whispered and leant forward to place a kiss on her lips-

"No kissing until the vows!" Remus jerked away himself in surprise and glared at Bill who had interrupted them.

"Is that a tradition too?"

"No-" Tonks interjected. "He's just taking revenge of his own marriage when I wouldn't let Fleur meet him a day before the wedding."

Remus sighed and looked carefully at Tonks. "Dora... love... who are you waiting for exactly?" He asked slowly.

"You'll know all in good time Remus... all in good time..."

Another hour has passed and Remus was sure that if the guests didn't consist of their closest friends, they wouldn't have been so understanding of the delay. The delay was starting to make Tonks anxious while Andromeda huffed at every five minute.

"Dora..." Ted spoke up, approaching his daughter warily. "Dear, I think we should start now, guests are getting late- see Minister has appointment somewhere- I am sure your friends can join us for the reception."

Remus looked at Tonks expectantly but seeing her fallen face, his heart melted. "We'll wait for few more minutes, I am sure Kingsley will understand-"

"No, Remus, Dad's right, let's start already."

"I don't want to get married when you are in a foul mood Dora."

Tonks gave a smile at that. "There's no chance I'll be in a foul mood when I am marrying you."

After another round of him asking her if it was fine and her assuring him that she was absolutely okay with it, that her father was right and her friends can join her for reception if they could make to the ceremony at all, Remus lead Dora under the arbor, while Ginny and Hermione who were Dora's bridesmaids and looked pretty in their matching outfits, stood behind her. Harry clapped on his shoulder and stood behind him as well.

Just as he caught Dora's both hands in his and Dedalus, who was marrying them, opened his mouth, they were interrupted again.

"Starting without me?"

Remus froze at the voice and his head moved in a slow motion from where the voice had come.

Ellie stood there at the entrance of the garden in blue robes, looking exactly like she had three years ago, the last time when any of them had seen her.

"About time Ellie!"

He got another shock when he looked at Dora, who instead of looking enraged, was looking exasperated and relieved.

"Just a second Remus." Tonks dropped his hands and left him under the arbor to greet the newly arrived guest-guests as Remus noticed now that a middle-aged gentleman stood behind Ellie- as their friends, who knew all about Ellie shared the confusion Remus felt.

"I am sorry I am late, there was some problem with the portkey and then we miscalculated the place... Really sorry Tonks..." Ellie was saying in an apologetic manner.

Exactly what his bride has been doing behind his back?

"It's okay. You are here, that's what matter. Wotcher! You must be Matt. I am pleased to meet you." Tonks shook her hands with the man who gave her a pleasant smile and congratulations in return.

Tonks took hold of Ellie's hand and steered her towards the arbor (though the man remained standing where he was), towards Remus.

Heart beating madly, he first looked at Tonks's smiling face and then Ellie's face who also wore the similar expression.


"You said Remus, that you wished that your childhood friends could attend the wedding too, I just wanted to fulfil your wish. I know over the course of time, you have forgiven her because I have too."

He was too shocked to agree or disagree with her statement and looked at Ellie with questioning eyes.

"Remus, I am so happy for you. I am so glad that after all you have been through, you are getting this. You deserve this and I cannot think of a better partner for you than Tonks." She said with a soft gaze, switching her eyes between him and Tonks.

"I-" He tried to read any deception in her eyes but couldn't. He knew Tonks was right and that he had forgiven her over the course of three years, they all had, especially Tonks. He knew she had left everything happened in past.

And he couldn't deny that he was glad that Ellie had decided to leave behind everything as well and had come to his wedding as a friend.

He cleared his throat. "Thank you Dora. I- thank you. You are right. I wanted my friends to attend my wedding." He tried to convey the rest of emotions that how much he loved her and her thoughtful nature. "Ellie- thank you. I am glad you could come."

They nodded at each other while Remus returned her smile.

"Can we start now." Dedalus spoke up signalling to speed up.

The vows were exchanged and Remus and Tonks had eyes only for each other for that while. He said nothing new that he hadn't already told her but would gladly repeat those words for thousand times.

When they exchanged their first kiss as a man and wife, their friends clapped, while the twins whistled and the women threw rose petals at them. It was beautiful and he was overwhelmed. When he withdrew his lips from her new bride, his eyes met unintentionally Ellie's. Something in her eyes made him uncomfortable but since she was smiling and looked genuinely happy, he dismissed it.

After a while later he had his arm around Dora's waist, while his thumb discreetly caressed the thin and silky material of her dress.

"Remus if you did not stop doing it, I think I won't be able to control for longer." Dora whispered as she smiled and waved at Kingsley who was finally taking his leave.

He bent down to whisper back near her ear as his lips grazed her earlobe. "I know what I am doing...dear wife."

She sighed happily. "I love you...dear husband... god that sounds-"

"-great. Yeah." Remus completed.

"Are you okay with Ellie, Remus?" She asked, suddenly serious.

"I am. I am happy that you thought about me. I am happy that one of my former best friends could attend it. Who's that man- Matt you called him?" He gestured towards the man in question who had his hands in his pocket and was chatting amiably with Arthur.

"Ellie's date. When she wrote me back, she mentioned that how her grandmother had been setting her up with every capable man she could find in the past three years and though generally it didn't work out, with Matt it's been different. She told me just now, that they have been seeing each other for just two months and that it is still a little early to say anything for sure but she is willing to try because he's genuine person."

"I am glad she had found somehow and I hope that it works out for them."

"Remus... I don't know if she had completely moved on from... from whatever happened...from you. But this time, I know she's not here to play games and I also know that she's trying and she'll succeed one day."

"I am sure she's over me Dora. And whatever bitter memories of the past remains, they'll soon fade away." He assured her as he squeezed her waist, conveniently skipping to mention that he was of same opinion of hers.

The 'thing' he had seen in Ellie's eyes, he now recognised as 'wistful longing.' Something he was very familiar with as he was sure that he had often looked at Tonks's with the same expression when he hadn't known about her feelings. But he had also observed the way Matt and Ellie looked at each other, and he recognized the look as a beginning of a new love. When Ellie looked at him, she looked disappointed but not heartbroken.

"I love you." He told Dora again. "And I can't wait to leave this party and have my way with you."

Dora's beaming smile and happiness was at display for the world to see.

Please drop me a final review! What was your favorite moment in the story?

Thank you all for reading :)