Whoop! PIQ'S Fanfiction Summer kicks off with this update! I update weekly. I posted my updating schedule on my profile. Sorry for taking so long to update, but now I will update waaaaay more often. Remember to read my other stories!

I woke up with a splitting headache and indescribable pain in my chest. I was on something soft. A bed maybe? When I heard the excited and concerned voices of the princesses, I knew that I had been brought back to the room.

I tried to open my eyes, but the light I'm the room was way too bright. I squeezed my eyes shut then groaned, for that too had hurt.

I heard L.S.P rambling on about something and the other princesses were listening attentively, as if an injured Fionna wasn't the least bit important anymore.

I groaned loudly to get their attention, but no one paid attention to me.

I sat up and opened my eyes, ignoring the pounding in my head.

"What the junk you guys?! I-"

"Shhhhhh," one of them silenced me," I think you might want to hear this."

I clamped my mouth shut and listened to what L.S.P had to say, which wasn't easy.

I guess I should translate for you because there is no way you would understand it coming directly from L.S.P.

Apparently, she had been cleaning the hallways, a very strenuous job for a "hot person" such as herself, when she got tired. She scanned the area and then went back to the room. She had fallen asleep, but was awakened by the sound of angry soldiers.

They burst into the room and threw me on the ground. Apparently, she had begun to panic, and according to her I was "too junky" so she couldn't lift me by herself.

Then the most exciting thing had happened, as she puts it.

Apparently, the King of Nightosphere himself, Marshall Lee had been passing by and heard her wails and struggles.

What he had been doing on the servant's side of the castle, I had no idea.

He helped get me on the bed and asked L.S.P who did this. She had told him about my fight with the soldiers and how I was dragged away and came back some time later bruised, bleeding and unconscious.

"He seemed to know who beat up Fionna, but he didn't want to do anything about it. He just sighed then walked away down the hall." She finished her story.

As soon as L.S.P finished her story, all eyes were on me.

I tried to hide the anger I felt but I couldn't. "You should have just left me there."

L.S.P's eyes widened.

"Look, they're all the same, and in case you haven't noticed, he is the enemy. I don't care if he saves me a million times. That still doesn't change the fact that he and his sorry excuse for a mother tortured me. I hate him and you should too."

There was silence for a moment, then Princess Bubblegum spoke.

"Fionna, and I'm just reasoning here, why would he help you if there wasn't some good in him?"

I chuckled darkly. Oh, I could think of many reasons why he would help me, some of which I couldn'touldn't voice aloud to hurt the innocence of the princesses.

"Marshall Lee the Vampire King is a phony. Let's see what happens when you all fall into his trap, because I won't be there to save all your buns. No. I'll be too busy finding a way to get out of this hell hole while you're getting tortured by that son of a blee-blob!"

My anger made me unaware of the pain in my body, and I grabbed a broom and ran down the hallway.

I was going to explore every inch of this castle find a way out of here, whether they wanted to come with me or not.

Sorry it's so short. It's kind of a filler. Sorry if it's terrible. Nevertheless, review follow, favorite or whatever.
