Title: The Reason Why Flappy Bird was Deleted.

Pairing: Akashi x Furihata (AkaFuri)

Length: Drabble (474 words)

Description: Title says it all.

Note: Hi guys! I'm sorry for not updating my fanfic. My internet is not at its best condition so I couldn't upload anything. Besides, my update wasn't even finished yet since I had to revise the chapter a lot of times. So here's a short drabble to make it up to you guys!

It's a small idea I thought of while playing this annoyingly addictive game. xD

From a small room in Furihata's residence, screams of frustration can be heard. It was loud enough for the loving boyfriend of Furihata Kouki, Akashi Seijuuro, to hear the commotion from the stairs. With his speedy reflexes, he ran to Kouki's room only to find the brunette strangely cursing his new cellphone.

"What happened?" Akashi asked, gaining Kouki's attention.

"This bird is annoying! What kind of bird is this?! Its body is so big yet its wings are so tiny! And what's more annoying is that it tries to fly through pipes! What the hell does it think it is?!" Akashi rested his arms against his waist and watched Kouki blabber some bird.

"I don't understand you, Kouki. What bird are you talking about?" He asked once again, demanding for a proper answer from his lover.

"It's the bird from the game, Flappy Bird. The game's pretty viral right now, so I started playing it. I never realized how annoying it was since I only watched my classmate's play it. Now I kind feel for them." Kouki responded as he grabbed his phone again. Suddenly, Akashi hears chimes emitting from Kouki's phone then a thud which his lover responded with a groan. "Why can't I go past number four?!"

Akashi chuckled as he listened to Kouki's whines about the game so he approached him and let out his hand. "Let me play that." Kouki's hesitated and gave him his phone.

A few hours later….

"That's it. I'm going to the bottom of this." Akashi muttered to himself, not noticing Kouki's frightened face. It's been four hours since Akashi started playing but to his surprise, the so-called Emperor, the captain of Rakuzan basketball team and Generation of Miracles, only scored one in Flappy Bird.

This is not good. Brace yourself, Flappy bird's creator.

The next day, a shocking news was reported on TV.

"Flappy bird was deleted in the app stores?!" Kouki's eyes widened as he read the headlines then slowly biting his lip, he fished for his cellphone and called his boyfriend's number.

"Sei-kun? Have you heard the news?" He asked right away.

"Oh. The game was finally deleted? Good." Kouki face palmed. He knew it.

"What did you do, Sei-kun? He seemed scared based on his messages in his Twitter." He gulped when Akashi chuckled.

"I did nothing inappropriate, Kouki. I just politely told him to delete that stupid game." Kouki can feel Akashi's threatening gaze as he listens to him talk about the poor creator of the game.

"And besides, I did it for you also, Kouki."

Kouki raised his eyebrow. "What do you mean?" He questioned.

"You seemed so annoyed about that game so I just helped free you from your frustrations."

Kouki sighed. He doesn't know what to think about his boyfriend. Is he sweet? Or just plain scary?

I hope you like it! Reviews are very appreciated!