Disclaimer: I don't own One Piece or any of it's characters in the actual anime.
This is my first fanfic! *smile* Enjoy!
Life.0: Prologue
Pirate Empress, Boa Hancock, Most beautiful woman that has walked the land, was walking back and forth from her chambers. Despite the years that had passed, she retained her youthful face and body, maybe it was an effect of the Mero Mero no Mi, in which she owe her powers from. But why is the Pirate Empress looking like she has a heavy load on her shoulders?
"What do you mean you can't find him in the island!?" She said, leaning back and pointing to the women who bowed before her. "You aren't looking for him with all you got! Find him at all cost! You must not let him get away from this island!"
"Yes, Snake Princess!" They said and ran outside, while Hancock holds her forehead and looks in the window. "Where are you…?"
The beautiful empress was really troubled. She treasured that man like she has treasured his father. Her own son. The first man to be born in the Amazon Lily, still unknown reasons how the Empress' child is not a girl.
"Mother, I'm gonna look for my father in the New World." A handsome 17 year old boy, with short messy black hair, crystal blue eyes and clothes fit for a royal prince said as he bowed before the Pirate Empress.
"It's not going to happen. It's a dangerous world out there, my son." Hancock said with obvious concern on her voice.
"Mother, I am 17. I know what is dangerous and not." He argued.
"You don't know how cruel it is out there!" Hancock argued, remembering the times she and her sisters were at the mercy of Tenryuubito.
"How am I supposed to know if you kept me locked up in this island my entire life?" Her son argued and rose from his previous position.
"That's what I'm preventing you to know! Believe me, my son. I know what's going on out there…" She said.
He looked away from her. "If you won't let me sail on my own… then at least let me join the Kuja Pirates!"
Hancock, Sandersonia and Marigold's eyes widened at the young man's proclamation.
"Young Master, the Kuja Pirates is restricted only for women, I'm afraid that letting you live here in Amazon Lily is the biggest exception we can make."
"Elder Nyon!" Sandersonia and Marigold said bowing at the previous empress.
"Gloriosa." Hancock said uninterested. "What did I say about uttering those words in front of my son!?"
"What is this about the biggest exception, mother!?" He yelled.
"It was nothing, don't give much thought to it!" Hancock defended. She can't let her son know that he was an unwanted existence.
"Enough hiding it, Hancock." The former empress said with a glare at the Snake Princess. "Boa Adonis, you, the only man who was born in Amazon Lily, wasn't supposed to live. Your birth initiated a coup d'état inside the island, with those who want to kill you, and those who wants you to live. We were able to calm them down, but as you know, you must absolutely not get involved in any of the affairs of our islands towards the outside world. It's strictly prohibited for you to join the Kuja Pirates."
"Begone from my sight, irritating woman!" Hancock picked up the old woman and threw her off the window. "Pay no attention towards that old lady's blabbering, my son! Everyone in the island loves you! She's mixing her information with someone else!"
He looked down and turned his back. "Don't worry, mother. I would no longer give you any trouble."
"My son… Yes… now if you would return back to your-" Hancock was stopped when suddenly he removed his cape and stepped at it. "What're you doing, Adonis!?"
"This is what the island wanted, as a prince, I should give them what they wanted."
"You're spending too much time listening to Elder Nyon's lecture, Adonis!" Sandersonia said, trying to beat some senses towards the stubborn prince.
"I'm sorry, Aunt Sandersonia, Aunt Marigold, Mother… but even if I do good things, save the women from danger, and even helped the war planning, this island will never accept me."
"Of course they will, Adonis! I am your mother, the Empress of Amazon Lily! They're queen! They have no choice but to obey my every whim!"
He didn't turn back, Hancock tried to stop him, but she can't bear to turn him to stone. He started running away, in the pursuit of the Gorgon Sisters, but they soon lost sight of him.
"Damn that Gloriosa! She's the reason for all of this…"Hancock kicked the wall which broke from the force of her kick.
"He couldn't have gone that far from the island… this is the Calm Belt. It's infested with Sea Kings!" Marigold tried to calm her sister.
Hancock's eyes widened. "You're right! He musn't have gone that far… at all costs…. I must protect him from the dangers of the outside world."
"Snake Princess! But if what he's telling is true… then…" Marguerite said.
"The Saga of 'The Pirate King Returns to Amazon Lily' will begin." Sweet Pea followed.
"That's right…" Aphelandra soon agreed.
Hancock blushed madly, and her expression quickly changed, from a protective mother to a madly in love teenager. "A-Ah~ L-L-Luffy… will… STOP FILLING MY MIND WITH UNNECESSARY THOUGHTS! If something were to happen to my son… I'm going there to find him!"
*Bay in of Amazon Lily*
Elder Nyon, formerly known as Gloriosa made her way towards the coast, where Adonis was, stealing a small boat from the docks.
"Can't stop me, old hag." He said, jumping to the boat and fixing the things he put there.
"Stop calling me that! If only you have inherited your father's attitude instead of your mother…"
"They must be going to party now, huh… The man is gone from the island."
"This is gonna break your mother's heart." Gloriosa said looking at the young man as his usual messy hair was blown by the wind. "Just like his father…"
"The whole Queendom is losing its faith on my mother, as she lets a man stay in the Island of Women. I can't possibly let that continue, old hag." He said taking the paddles. "Tell her goodbye for me will you?"
"Hmph. You aren't even man enough to go there and tell her yourself!?"
"That's right. I'm a weakling. I can't use my haki efficiently. But I'll face her again… when she can finally be proud of me."
"There are sea kings infesting the waters. How will you survive that?" Gloriosa said.
Adonis grinned widely, and chuckled. "I have some Yuda pets… my mother taught me how to tame them, and I'm taking something from you, old hag. Hope you don't mind."
"Hm? And what would that be?" Gloriosa said and his eyes widened. "C-Could it be…"
He winked. "Thanks in advance!" he smirked and began paddling away from the old woman who's still at shock.
Notes: I chose Adonis as the name particularly because the inhabitants of Amazon Lily are named after flowers or plants and Adonis is connected with a plant, and I don't want the name to be girly
Please Review! It will mean a lot to me. Thank you for reading!