A/N: The plot bunnies will not stop invading my head, and here's my latest one. This story will have one more chapter.
Disclaimer: These are not my characters – I just play around with them.
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Arrow Up
Felicity was deep in thought when she heard the soft knock at the door. As she reached the door, someone called out her name on the other side. Diggle.
"Hey – come on in," she said.
"You must've been deep in thought." Diggle had gotten quite good at reading her mind. "Ya working on anything interesting?"
"Is that why you're here – to check on my work away from work?" She motioned him inside as she lightly punched his muscled arm.
Diggle looked at her, "I'm not gonna lie. I wanted to check on you. It's . . . well, it's plain ol' batshit crazy right now with Slade. And Roy. And now Oliver's apparently just signed over his company to Isabel."
She closed the door behind them and followed Diggle into the den. Ever since he had staked outside of her townhouse a few months back, he continued to check in with Felicity on a regular basis and was now comfortable with the layout of her townhouse. They were becoming good friends, not just good partners.
She lived in a trendy part of Starling City where it seemed a prerequisite to be young and single to live there. Diggle thought it a shame she didn't have any spare time these days to take advantage of her surroundings there and meet somebody special. He feared she'd already met her "somebody special," but he was too busy bedding every unstable woman in Starling City.
Felicity moved her laptop to the coffee table and they sat down on the sofa.
"About that – the whole Oliver-signing-his-company-over-to-Isabel thing. I know that can get handled in the courts, but it takes time."
"And we have to get Slade taken care of first," Diggle added.
"Right. But we still need money. Those arrows are not cheap. So much of the Queen family's money was tied into the company, and the rest of it's in properties and investments. Oliver no longer has the Verdant profits since Thea took over. Our, operation, if you will, requires cash flow, too."
Diggle sat back and crossed his ankle over his knee. "Sounds like your brain's been focused on building a cash flow."
"Right again. And you're gonna love what I've done." Felicity's brightly colored lips curved into a widening smile.
Felicity reached for her laptop and opened the lid. She pressed a few buttons, moved a few screens around and spun the monitor toward Diggle.
"This pillow is nice." Diggle said as he adjusted a large sofa pillow and leaned over to get a better view.
"Thanks. It's from IKEA." She cut her eyes over to Diggle. "As is everything else in here."
Diggle smiled back at her. Felicity loved her some IKEA. Putting together furniture for her was so much fun, much like rebuilding the computer station in the Arrow Cave when she first joined the team.
Diggle looked at the window she had pulled to the front of the monitor. It was the Google Play store. "What am I supposed to be looking at?"
"This," Felicity pointed to an app called Arrow Up. "Apps are so big these days, and there's plenty of money to be made with them. Remember Flappy Birds? It earned an estimated $50,000 a day before the creator removed it over being stressed out at the volume of downloads."
"Wow," Diggle reached over and grabbed a handful of Goldfish from a bowl on the coffee table and popped a few in his mouth. "And you're saying you've created a game that's making $50,000 a day, I hope . . ."
"Well, not quite that much," she laughed, "but it's making respectable earnings for me. All I did was download a Java SDK and code a program."
"Software Development Kit. And I'm – we're – making money off the in-game advertising I added." Felicity clicked on the app from Google Play.
Diggle scrolled down the description. And smiled. "Oh, boy – this is great!"
"Thanks – and it has lots of in-app features like choosing your own music and target boards. And you can upgrade for even more features like shooting at bouncing tennis balls like Oliver does." Felicity was proud of herself, and Diggle was, too.
"Again – wow!" Diggle scrolled further down the review and saw app screenshots of the different arrows making their way to their targets. "Exploding arrows, eh?" Diggle said as he looked at different screenshots.
"Yep – the object of the game is to fire off an arrow and tap or slide your finger across your phone or tablet to hit the target. To add variety, you can earn different arrows, hence the name, as you advance to harder levels."
Diggle clicked on the reviews for Arrow Up and raised his eyebrows. "It's got great reviews – and lots of 'em!"
Scrolling over to another window, she clicked on it and a bank account appeared. Diggle scanned it and let out a low whistle. "Daaaay-um, Felicity. You have single-handedly taken care of TeamArrow's cash flow woes."
"Yep," she looked at him and smiled. "There's an app for that."
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Thank you for reading – I hope you liked the story. Let me know what you think by reviewing. It really helps me see what readers like to see in my stories. Thanks!