My fellow readers!!!!! A happy Halloween to you all and may your nightmares be terrifying. I'm taking a break from my other fics to give you this one, and I'm going to set a record for myself as I hope to finish it by Friday. BTW, the main reason for my not having posted any other chapters is a slight case of writer's block and I was unable to get online. This takes place in the Silver Millennium so enjoy. A sequel may pop up.

Anyways, I've come to an excellent idea, in my opinion, that you will probably love. Next week after the completion of this fic, I will type out as many chapters as I can on 'Body Swapped' and post them weekly, if I can. It's so damn hard to get online down here. This will leave me free afterwards to work on 'Fortune's Gift' for at least two to three weeks. That way I can have a nice fic worked out in my messed up head.

A notice to all: I would like to complete 'Body Swapped' by Christmas so help and lots of encouragement (via reviews ofcourse) would be greatly appreciated. Now for the disclaimer then the fic!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot and some of my original characters, mainly the villains so leave me the heck ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate repeating myself so if you want a disclaimer, stick to the first chapter. Don't sue. Lilac very, very poor. (nods head emphatically with tears glistening in eyes)

An Unlikely Bond By: Lilaclight

The young girl lay on her queen size, canopy bed crying bitterly. Her long blonde hair streamed gracefully down her back, creating a shimmering veil of silvery blonde that hid her body from sight. Her guardians looked at her helplessly as the only sign of her turmoil were the racking sobs which shook her petite form.

Crystalline cerulean eyes were turning red from so much crying. Her pert nose was slightly sore and runny yet to the young man spying on her she was still a beauty. He had never understood how her mother could be so dense as to engage her only child and heir to a cold-hearted fag like Prince Endymion. She was too pure for the konoyaru, she was also too pure for him. He was something she could never love, not in an eternity but he had a mission to finish and finish it he would.

He awaited the perfect moment to strike, taking in everything that was happening. She sounded so desolate, like she had been betrayed by one of the most important people in her life. Then again, she had.

The young girl felt the gazes of her guardians on her and she raged inwardly at the injustice of it all. She was engaged to one of the cruellest men she had ever met and he planned on killing her, then she was taken from her training and told her that the baka was on his way so she had to be presentable. If the Prince came then she would have even less time to spend with her friends.

Soon the sorrow was replaced with a powerful rage. She was not going to marry that kusoyarou that her mother wanted her to even if it cost her life. A need to destroy something flew through her senses like wildfire and she stopped crying and moved to leave the room, only to have her two guardians block her path.

He smirked devilishly and wondered who would win that battle. Her determination to leave was quite admirable and somewhat of a turn on for him, something he was not supposed to be experiencing. He was also very certain that she could strong arm her way out of there. After all, she had had an excellent teacher.

The guardians were startled at the violence and turbulent emotions that were directed at them when they looked into their oojo-sama's eyes. A chill passed through their spines a premonition of the horror that was to come almost overwhelmed them. A strong sense of self preservation had them moving out of her way as quickly as possible without appearing like cowards. She meant business but luckily not with them.

A sigh of relief was released by immensely tense guardians as she brushed passed them on her way out. Little did she realise that she would not be without company. The guardians watched her leave, and felt her pain through the special connection that they had. How they wished that Queen Selenity would see past that mental block of hers and stop getting too involved with her kingdom. One might swear that it was her husband. Unfortunately he was dead.

All she cared about was her all too precious Moon Kingdom. And for that reason, the two guardians Luna and Artemis were currently cursing her to such imaginative extents that a seasoned sailor would blush. Little did she know that there were equal sentiments being uttered by a pissed off princess and a hardened soldier.

Finally!!! I'm ready to fall asleep right now so it's goodbye for now. The next two chapters will be up by Sunday night/ Monday morning. Okay? Well, gotta run and post this so I can check out my reviews. Doomo for everything. Please excuse the shortness of a chapter. The next one will be longer. Now for bed and a nap."

Ja ne.