A/N: I do not own Young Justice. This is the sequel to Acceptance. Enjoy!

Meet The Kents- Chapter 1

Superboy was a little antsy.

Since three teenage sidekicks had freed him from Cadmus, he'd seen the world. It amazed him, the sights, the smells, the sounds, everything.

He'd been staying with the Wests for a few weeks, now, as Superman and Batman had had some things to do to make it look like he'd been alive for the past sixteen years, when in reality he'd been alive for just over four months.

Kid Flash (whose real name was Wally West) was elated to have a roommate. Plus, his popularity among the female population of Keystone had gone through the roof.

But today, Superboy could barely contain his anxiety. Superman was coming to pick him up. To train him to be the next Superman. Every little boy dreamed of working with Superman.

Superboy would be the first one to live the dream.

He'd been helping Mrs. West with yardwork when his advanced hearing picked up a taxi pulling up in front of the house.

The passenger, a tall man with nerd glasses and wearing a business suit, stepped out. Mrs. West shook his hand.

"Nice to see you again, Clark."

Clark? Superboy thought. Who's Clark?

"Hey kid," West called. "Come meet a friend of mine."

As Superboy came closer, he swore he knew Clark from somewhere.

"This is… a friend of Wally's, Clark."

"Nice to meet you," Clark answered. As he said this, he took off his glasses, rubbing the lenses on his tie. It was then that Superboy recognized Clark.

Holy- that's SUPERMAN!

"Can I get you anything to eat?" Mrs. West asked. "You must be famished from the flight over here."

"If you don't mind," Clark replied. "I actually am a little hungry from the flight."

As Mrs. West went inside, Clark turned to Superboy.

"I'm sorry I haven't stopped by lately," he said. "I've been a little busy over the past few weeks. Between League business, my civilian job, and establishing your identity, I've not had the chance to stop in and say hi."

"That's alright," Superboy answered. "I've been liking it here. It's quiet."

"It is," Clark said. "As a matter of fact, I grew up in this area of the country."

"Really? Where?"

"Kansas. I'm your stereotypical farmboy."

"Who just so happens to be able to bench-press a school bus and fly."


After lunch, Superboy and Clark were about to head out the door when Wally appeared. His hair was sticking straight up, sand was still in his eyes, but he was wide awake.

"See ya, Supes and Supey!" was all he said before dashing off to the kitchen.

As they walked to the taxi, Superboy asked Clark, "I'm not going to be called Supey by everyone, am I?"

"Nah," Clark replied. "Well, maybe just Kid Flash. And Flash."


"That actually brings up a good point," Clark said. "Your name. A very influential friend of mine came up with Connor Kent. Do you mind?"

"Mind? Nope. Beats Supey."

"That it does, Connor. That it does."

With that, Clark had the taxi stop at an old gas station. After paying the driver and going inside, Clark opened a wall panel, which led to a room that was by no means run down. Inside was a full-on base, complete with costumes, tech, and a- tube?- of some kind.

"Now, Connor, I have to warn you. This is a Zeta Beam Transport. You've seen Star Trek, right?"

"Just one episode."

"Okay. This is a teleporter. There's a network of Zetas around the globe. The tube we're going to is in Kansas, under my folks' barn."


"Just a heads-up: You may feel a little… tingly. Perfectly normal."


"Best word I can use."

Clark wasn't kidding. There was a blinding light, and a NOT-so-little-tingly feeling, before the world disappeared for a second- and the two were standing in a storm cellar.

"Welcome to Smallville, son."