Katniss drew a deep sigh as she looked at the wall clock. 11:23 AM. She swallowed nervously as she tried to clear her mind to no avail. Peeta Mellark is dropping by today to deliver Annie's cake. Katniss was expecting Peeta to have someone else from his bakery to deliver the cake, but apparently that wasn't the case. Peeta called her Katniss the previous night, telling her that the cake was ready to be delivered by around 11:30 in the morning. After the phone call, her heart raced in anticipation at the thought of seeing him. She was annoyed at herself for being excited.

You're not the one getting a goddamn birthday cake. Get him out of your head. Katniss scolded herself.

Katniss chewed on her nails as she looked up again at the wall clock. 11:26 AM. Suddenly, the glass doors to their office opened. Katniss almost jumped when she saw a familiar mop of unruly blonde hair enter the doors. She stood up to call out to him but the words got stuck in her throat. Peeta looked really handsome in a plain green shirt and washed jeans. His arms flexed as he held on to the cake box.

This guy is unbelievable. How could someone look so good in just shirt and jeans? Not to mention he's wearing my favorite color. Katniss thought to herself.

Katniss stepped out of her cubicle to greet Peeta but apparently someone got ahead of her. Johanna. Shit!

"Hey there handsome." Johanna purred at Peeta while openly staring at him from head to toe. Peeta gave her a small smile. "You look lost. Are you looking for someone?"

"I'm actually looking for Katniss?" Peeta answered.

Katniss scurried towards them, blocking Johanna completely from Peeta before her friend could answer. "Hi!"

"Hi Katniss. So where do you plan on putting this?" Peeta gestured the cake box in his hands.

"Uhm, Annie just stepped out for a second. We can surprise her right here by the door." Katniss answered.

"About Annie-" Peeta started but was cut off by the sound of doors opening.

"Why are you all here?" Annie asked looking at Katniss, Johanna who seemed confused, and then added. "Peeta?"

Peeta smiled shyly. "Hi Annie. Happy Birthday."

Johanna's brows were tightly knitted as she stepped in the middle of everyone. "Woah wait back up. Who are you?" Johanna said as she looked at Peeta. "How come Annie knows you? How come Katniss here knows you too? How come I don't know handsome blondie here? You girls are keeping handsome men away from me. I'm hurt." Johanna joked tactlessly.

Katniss grimaced at Johanna. Great way to start with impressions Johanna. Annie just laughed.

"I can explain." Peeta intervened. "Katniss ordered a cake for Annie as a surprise gift."

"And I know him because we were classmates in high school. I haven't seen you in years though. How have you been?" Annie added.

Katniss just looked at the three of them with raised eyebrows. She turned towards Peeta. "You didn't tell me you knew Annie."

"Well, I was surprised when you mentioned her name. I didn't tell you because I wanted to surprise Annie too." Peeta answered honestly, glancing at Annie with a smile.

Katniss felt something prick uncomfortably in her chest at the last statement. She couldn't help the small scowl that formed on her mouth. Katniss immediately cleared the scowl on her face, but not before Johanna and Annie noticed it. Johanna grinned mischievously.

"Looks like someone got a surprise they didn't like. So where'd you meet Katniss here?" Johanna bluntly asked Peeta.

"Jo." Katniss said in a low whisper, nudging Johanna's arm with her elbow. Johanna just smirked.

"She went to my bakery a few days ago curiously looking at the display. I'm glad she liked the bakery goods. She ordered the cake for Annie."

"Cool. Something surely caught her eye if she was really 'curiously looking' at a display which looks definitely good." Johanna wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

"Okaaay. I think we should put down the cake on a table so we could open it up for Annie." Katniss butted in. She walked ahead in the direction of the pantry. The others followed Katniss, the girls with smirks on their faces at Katniss' lack of attempt in concealing her embarassment. Peeta placed down the box on the table and opened it. The girls gasped.

The cake was a beautiful ocean blue, decorated with seashell, fish and other marine life-shaped fondant. A mermaid which looked like Annie perched on a wave at the top of the cake. Happy Birthday Annie! was written on the wave in an elegant script. Johanna whistled. Katniss was also surprised.

"Wow, this is so beautiful Peeta!" Annie exclaimed in awe. Peeta smiled sheepishly, scratching the back of his head.

"I'm glad you liked it. Katniss said you loved the ocean, and I remembered you were really good at swimming back in high school, so there..." Peeta trailed off.

"Please, the woman practically lives in the ocean now because of her work." Johanna said in good nature.

Katniss just stood quietly, watching Peeta. She could not contain the swelling feeling in her heart as she looked at him. This guy is just... perfect. Her thoughts were interrupted by Johanna interjecting "...It's candle-blowing time! I think Annie needs some practice in blowing for saturday, if you know what I mean." Johanna cackled.

Annie blushed. Katniss rolled her eyes. Classic Johanna. Peeta was just smiling as he lit the candles on the cake.

"Make a wish Annie." Peeta gestured her towards the lit candles.

Annie quietly smiled and blew out the candles. "My birthday is on Saturday but you guys made me feel like it's my birthday today. Oh!" Annie turned towards Peeta. "Peeta, join my birthday party on Saturday! We're going to Cornucopia bar on 5th avenue. It's going to be fun!"

Katniss looked at Annie alarmingly. She's inviting Peeta?

"You could bring your friends. It would be great to catch up with you." Annie continued.

"Or you could bring Katniss here." Johanna chimed in, dipping her index finger slightly on the cake's icing. "God knows she could use a date." Johanna licked the icing off her finger with a chortle.

Katniss wanted to punch the daylights out of Johanna for making such a comment. Instead she just opted to scowl at Johanna. "Jo, seriously..."

Peeta laughed at Johanna's joke in good nature, his cheeks tinged pink. "I accept your invitation. I'll be bringing some friends if it's okay. They have been planning on going there on Saturday as well."

Annie nodded. "Sure. The more the merrier."

Peeta's phone beeped in his pocket. He checked it and placed it back in his pocket. "Sorry ladies, I have to go back to the bakery." He looked directly at Annie. "Thank you for the invitation. I hope I could see you on Saturday." Peeta glanced at Katniss after the last statement. His eyed glinted with something she wanted to identify but he quickly looked away. "I'll be going now. Bye."

The girls murmured their goodbyes to Peeta. After he left, Annie took slices out of the cake and handed one each to Katniss and Johanna.

"Peeta can't seem to keep his eyes off you Katniss. I think he likes you." Annie said with a teasing smile.

"It's not like that." Katniss replied stiffly, accepting the cake.

"Actually Annie, it's the other way around. Seems like Kitty Kat here was the one who couldn't keep her eyes off hot blondie." Johanna slapped Katniss' shoulder playfully. She took a bite off the cake, moaning appreciatively while chewing. "Can't blame you though, aside from the fact that he has a fine ass, the cake is just fucking unbelievable."

Katniss scrunched up her nose. "Shut up Johanna. As I said, it's not whatever you think it is. We barely know each other." She took a forkful of cake in her mouth. The cake was rich and creamy in texture in her mouth as she took in the flavors of the cake on her tongue deliciously.

"Peeta is a good guy Katniss. My birthday party would be a good way to learn more about him." Annie said. "It would be good for you to meet people."

"I agree. After all the shit that happened to you..." Johanna added, but Annie cut her off by shaking her head.

"Katniss, I will not pressure you if you really don't want to. I just wanted you to know that you need to let go of your inhibitions once in a while." Annie said considerately.

Katniss mulled it over. She really did need to unwind. Her brain had been going haywire since the phone call from Prim. She also wanted to know more about Peeta too, but she wouldn't dare to admit it to these girls. "All right. I'm going on Saturday."

Annie smiled. Johanna grinned and placed down her cake on the table. "Now all we do is look for clothes on Saturday evening. Tomorrow is Friday. We need to make you look smoking hot Everdeen."

Katniss rolled her eyes. What had she gotten herself into?

AN: I'm still a noob on tumblr. Teach me masters? Biopolarism dot tumblr dot com