Disclaimer: I don't own anything that belongs to Marvel. I'm just playing around in their world for a bit.

Author's Note:

I got the idea for this while I was at work, and listening to Linkin Park's "A Thousand Suns" album, shortly after I watched "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" . Needless to say this is going to be a wild ride.

Winter's Daughter

Chapter 1

"That man is playing Galaga! Thought we wouldn't notice. But we did." Stark blurted out, just five minutes after arriving on the bridge of the Hellicarrier.

Nick Fury pinched the bridge of his nose, as he tried to stave off the headache that was beginning to flare, courtesy of both the shit from Loki, and now Stark. Just as he started to say something in response, someone's cell phone started ringing. Everyone started looking around, but it was Agent Coulson's look that caught their attention. Natasha had never quite seen that expression on her Handler's face before, not even when Hawkeye had played another prank on the new recruits. But, before she could say anything, Phil looked at Fury with a grimace on his face.

"Sorry, Boss. Saving the world or not, I'd better take this call. You know how She gets." He said.

Fury winced and merely nodded. "Stay close though. You need to here this."

Coulson nodded as he moved into a corner to answer the call, only to jerk the phone away from his ear as the voice of a rather irate, young woman blasted through the speaker.

"PHILLIP COULSOUN WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?! YOU CALL YOUR SISTER RIGHT NOW!" she shouted quite clearly into the silence of the bridge.

Phil cringed as Steve Roger's eyebrows rose in surprise.

"Jamie, now is really not a good time for this. I promise, I'll call her tomorrow." He said calmly, only to jerk the phone away again.

"You'd better! It's been two weeks, and you still haven't called to say 'Happy Birthday' to her!" she stated firmly before hanging up.

Coulson sighed in irritation as he put his phone away. Turning around, he saw everyone staring at him. "My niece is a little high strung." He said calmly. And that was the end of that.

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Nearly three days later, after the battle was over.

Before the Avengers gathered for one last time, to see Thor return to Asgard with Loki and the Tessaract, Steve asked Fury about where he could find Agent Coulson't niece. Fury raised an eyebrow at the request.

"Why do you wish to know, Captain Rogers?" he asked, curious about the request.

Steve looked down in remorse, before he looked Fury straight in the eyes.

"Because, Sir. She deserves to hear it directly from me as to why her Uncle is dead, as opposed to an impersonal letter." he said firmly.

After giving him a long look, Fury nodded. "Alright. She lives in North Carolina. Somewhere near Virginia. I'll give you her information."

Steve sighed in relief. "Thank you, Sir."

"Don't mention it."

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After Steve had left, Agent Hill gave the Director a sharp look.

"You do realize that he's going to find out, right?" she questioned.

Fury shrugged. "She has the clearance, plus She's able to help him more than we are right now."

He gave her a smirk, saying "And I don't envy Coulson when she finds out."