Thank you so much for all the positive feedback! Mostly everyone agreed that they wanted to see an epilogue, so here it is! I hope you've enjoyed the story, and thanks so much again for all the reviews and comments! Enjoy!
"Dada!" the curly haired toddler clapped her hands together ferociously at the sight of her father. David smiled and walked over to his two-year-old and scooped her into his arms. She immediately wrapped her arms around his neck and then pulled back to give him a sloppy, wet, open-mouthed kiss on the cheek, which made David chuckle.
"Hi, Em! I missed you, my sweet girl! Did you have fun with Nana Ruth?"
She squealed and squirmed out of his arms before running over to her Nana.
"You always have fun with Nana Ruth, don't you my sweet girl. Can you tell Dada what you did?" Ruth took Emma by the hand and led her into the kitchen.
"Cookies, Dada!" Emma shouted as she stood on her tippy toes trying to see the cookies she had decorated. David walked over and picked her up and grabbed a cookie.
"Mmm, these are delicious, Emma. Did you make these all by yourself?" he took another bite of cookie.
Emma clapped her hands some more and screamed, "Yeah! Nana help."
Ruth chuckled and turned to her son, "So, how is Mary Margaret?"
David gave his mother a warm smile, "She's great. She was amazing. She and the baby are resting, but she wants to see Emma," he turned his attention to Emma.
"Hey, Em, do you wanna go see your Mama and meet your new baby brother?"
Her whole face lit up at the mention of her Mama. She squirmed out of his arms and made a beeline for the door. David ran after her and scooped her up, earning him a pout from his rambunctious little girl.
"Where's the fire, Em? We have to get your stuff and say goodbye to Nana."
Ruth interrupted, "It's okay, you can leave her stuff here. I'd be more than willing to watch her again if you two want to stay together with the baby."
"Thanks, mom, we really appreciate it. I'll leave her stuff here and talk to Mare and see what she wants to do. I think they're releasing us this afternoon, and I know you're dying to meet the little man."
Ruth chuckled, "Oh, you have no idea, son!"
He gave her a kiss on the cheek, "Well visiting hours aren't for a few more hours, but we'll call you as soon as you can come. Emma, can you say goodbye to Nana?"
Emma blew her Nana a kiss, something that was fairly new, and said, "Bye-bye, Nana!"
Ruth pretended to catch Emma's kiss, "Bye, Emma. Nana will see you soon."
David headed out the door and went to strap Emma in her car seat, "Are you excited to see Mama?"
Emma gave him a breathtaking smile that matched her mother's, "Mama! See Mama!"
He kissed her forehead, "Yes, we're gonna go see your Mama."
David drove them to the hospital, but before going up to see them, he decided to stop in the gift shop and let Emma pick something out for her new brother.
"Emma, do you want to get some balloons for Mama and the baby?"
"Ba-yoons! Look, Dada! Baby?"
David walked over to see what she was pointing at. She always found something she wanted to buy. When he walked over he saw she was pointing at a stuffed swan. He picked it up and couldn't believe how soft it was. He handed it to Emma, and she snuggled it close to her face.
She looked at her Dada and held up the swan, "Baby?"
He took the swan from her, "You want to get this for the baby?"
Emma smiled, "Yeah! Baby! Quack."
David picked her up and kissed her temple, "Of course, sweet girl. You're already an amazing big sister."
David paid for the swan and balloons and he and Emma made their way to the maternity ward of the hospital. He was so excited for his little princess to meet their new little prince. He thought back to when they found out they were going to have another baby. Emma wasn't even one and a half yet, and they certainly hadn't been trying for another baby so soon after Emma. He was another surprise, but now that he was here, David couldn't imagine their life without him. He couldn't wait to start their lives as a family of four.
He arrived in front of room 815, and slowly and quietly pushed the door open. He made his way into the room with Emma still in his arms. As he walked in he could see Mary Margaret breast-feeding the baby in bed. He was sucking hungrily and she was mesmerized by his little face. He looked so much like Emma did when she was born. He was actually born on his due date, so he was bigger than Emma had been at birth, but he had the same wispy blond hair and little button nose.
As soon as Emma laid eyes on Mary Margaret she squealed, "Maaamaaa!" which caused Mary Margaret to look up in delight and the baby to flinch at the loud noise. Mary Margaret caressed the baby's cheek to calm him, "It's okay, little prince. That's just your big sister. She's a little loud, but you'll get used to her."
Right when Emma squealed, David had put his finger to his mouth to show Emma to stay quiet, "Shhh, Emma, the baby is eating. He's not used to loud noises yet, so you have to be quiet around him."
Emma turned back to her mother, but whispered this time, "Mama! Miss Mama!"
Mary Margaret beamed, "Mama missed you, too, my little princess! Do you want to come over here and meet your brother?"
Emma furrowed her brow, "Brudder?"
Mary Margaret chuckled, "Yes, the baby. You have a brother."
Emma clapped quietly, "Baby!"
David walked over and set Emma gently on the bed next to Mary Margaret. With her free arm she wrapped it around Emma and kissed her head. Emma peered over to look at her brother.
She pointed at him, "Baby?"
Mary Margaret nodded, "Yes, that's the baby. He's your brother."
Emma scrunched her face again, "What he do?"
"He's eating. He gets his food from me. You used to eat from me, too."
She gently reached out and touched his foot. He flexed it and curled his little toes at her touch, which caused Emma to giggle. She snuggled closer into her mother and looked up with her with big eyes.
"What name?"
Mary Margaret sighed, "Well, we've had a hard time trying to name him. So he doesn't have one yet. Do you have any suggestions, Emma?"
"Emma!" This caused both of her parents to laugh.
David sat on the bed and kissed Emma's head, "That's a nice suggestion, sweetheart, but we can't have two kids named Emma!"
Emma furrowed her brow in concentration and then looked up at her parents, "Neal."
Both parents looked at each other and then at the little baby.
Mary Margaret caressed his cheek, "Neal Nolan. It does have a nice ring to it. What do you think, David?"
"I think it's actually the perfect name. Neal. Emma and Neal." He turned to his daughter, "Emma, you're a genius. Meet your little brother, Neal."
Emma turned to her little brother again, "Hi, Neal. Here." She reached out and set the stuffed swan onto his chest. David smiled, and Mary Margaret nearly burst into tears at the gesture.
Emma grabbed the baby's foot again and placed a slobbery kiss to the bottom of it, "Love you, Neal."
This time, Mary Margaret let the happy tears run down her face. She couldn't believe how lucky she was. She leaned forward and placed a kiss to both of her babies' heads. David wiped away Mary Margaret's tears and gently kissed her lips. This was their happy ending.