AN: Thank you for the reviews so far. I've had a few requests to turn this into a multi-chapter fic. I've added this chapter but this will be the last chapter I'm adding as I don't really like writing multi-chapter fics. I prefer writing oneshots/drabble. Sorry to disappoint anyone who was after a long story :( Feel free to PM me an Odesta prompt, though, and I'll be more than happy to write you a oneshot. Thanks again for the reviews/favourites :)

Disclaimer: I do not own The Hunger Games. All credit goes to Suzanne Collins.

I've managed to calm down. Hearing Annie's soft, calming voice reminded me that I'm not there anymore. The touch of her delicate skin and the scent of her smooth, clean hair allowed my breathing to return to normal and my tears to stop.

My eyes are even more bloodshot than they were before. I sit on the bottom stair, my head in my hands. Annie slowly draws large circles on my bare back with her palm. I am silent.

Annie stands up. This causes me to jolt in panic and turn my head towards her. She holds her hand out to me. I take it and stand up. Together, we start climbing the staircase until we reach the top, and then Annie leads as we walk towards the bathroom. I'm not sure what we're doing. All I know is that I trust Annie and need her close to me.

She closes the bathroom door behind us, and I watch her as she turns the shower on. She tests the water with her hand to make sure it's at the right temperature, and then she comes over to me and holds both of my hands in hers. We look straight into each other's eyes.

"It hurts me that you think you're dirty," she says in a quiet voice. "So I'm going to help you feel clean again."

I take her left hand and slowly bring it up to my face. I place a tender kiss on the back of it, then hold her palm to my cheek, stroking her porcelain skin while I tilt my head to the side.

"I love you, Annie."

"I love you too, Finn," she whispers back, a beautiful smile emerging on her face.

I release her hand and she turns round, scooping her long, red hair over her shoulder to reveal the zip of her dress. It's a stunning ivory colour, covered with an intricate lace pattern. Taking my time, savouring the moment, I bring my hands up the back of her neck and slowly undo the zipper that goes all the way down to the bottom of her back. I remove my hands and the dress slips effortlessly from her shoulders and onto the floor.

She rotates back to face me. She's barefoot, and all that's left is her underwear. I take off my shoes and socks, unbuckle my belt and remove my dark blue jeans.

I'm naked now. But I don't feel scared or exposed. I feel comfortable. Because I'm with Annie. The person who I love more than anyone and anything in this world, and the person who I want to spend the rest of my life with. I'm not in the Capitol now, pretending to be attracted to a vile-looking millionaire with stencilled skin and vulgar beliefs. I'm not locked up in some swanky hotel room, being forced to pleasure a stranger while all the time I'm crying inside. I'm home. I'm with Annie. I'm safe.

I reach out and find the familiar curve of Annie's waist. We move closer together and exchange smiles. But they're not smiles that say, "I think you're hot" or, "Let's have sex". They're more than that. They say, "I love you".

I slip my thumbs beneath the seam of her panties and carefully pull them down. She steps out of them, leaning on my shoulders for support. Then we enter the large walk-in shower holding hands.

We kiss as the water soaks us. Our arms envelop each other, until it feels like we're no longer two separate people, but one being, one soul, cut off from everyone else and protected from the evil of the world by our love. Our kiss breaks, and we stand with our foreheads resting against each other's, smiling as our hair and bodies become drenched.

Annie reaches for the bottle of seaweed-scented shower gel and lifts it from its holder. She squeezes a generous amount of the light green liquid into her cupped palm, places the bottle back in its holder, and rubs her hands together until the liquid becomes a thick, white foam.

Then, she places both of her hands on my chest and ever so gently starts rubbing in small circles, spreading the warm soap all over my torso. I watch her as she attends to my neck, shoulders and arms, never rubbing the soap in too aggressively or hurriedly. She keeps a slow, even pace as she applies the gel over my stomach and then crouches down to see to both of my legs. She stands up again.

"Turn round," she smiles at me.

I feel my entire body relaxing as she applies the soap over the muscles in my back. I let out a sigh of relief. The repetitive motions are soothing and the scent from the soap is comforting.

When she's finished, I let the water wash away the leftover soap from my body, and we venture into a kiss once more. It's passionate, but at the same time, delicate and pure.

Now it's my turn. I squeeze a large dollop of the seaweed shower gel onto my palm and rub my hands together to create the frothy soap. My hands find Annie's chest. I caress the curve of her breasts as the white foam trickles down them. I massage her shoulders, and she rolls her head back and closes her eyes. I lather her arms, stomach, and lean down just like she did to reach her legs. She turns around on cue and I start applying the soap to her back. I tickle her right at the bottom of her back, on a spot that I know she finds sensitive. She giggles, which makes me smile, and then turns back round to face me.

She wraps her arms around my neck and I do the same to her waist. She places her head on my shoulder and I rest my head against hers. We sway slightly for what seems like hours, holding onto nothing but each other. I don't ever want to let her go.