This is gonna prolly be the last chapter. Thanks for reading till the end.

Ended: 05/26/2014

Two Years Later:

Ethan was sitting on the grass outside of his house – shortly after the passing of Evelyn, Benny and he had moved into her house, and with the help of his parents and the money Evelyn left Benny, they were living pretty well off.

He fell back onto the grass and closed his eyes, waiting – he would be found any minute now, he was sure.

"Ruff ruff ruff ruff!" He laughed as he was bombarded by two small puppies; they jumped up and in midair changed into two small children, one boy and one girl. They giggled as they nuzzled up against him, clinging to him.

"Daddy!" The little girl whimpered, her green eyes wide as she stared at him. "When's Dad gonna be home?"

"He'll be here soon," Ethan told her, pulling both her and the little boy into his lap.

"Daaaaaaddy," the little boy whined as he crawled up onto him, "Tell us about how we were born again."

"Whyyyy?" Ethan whined back, making both the little kids giggle as they changed and began to lick him all over his face. They were both small puppies, very tiny; he smiled as he put them on the ground, looking at them.

The girl was smaller than her brother, even though they were twins, with two white paws that were bright against her dark fur. Her eyes, green like Benny's, were yellow-tinted and wide as she whined at her father.

The boy, only a tad bigger than his sister, was completely dark except for the tip of his tail – it had a bright white spot on it that twisted until it disappeared in the dark fun. His eyes were brown like Ethan's, except right around the iris – that part was bright green as well.

"Okay you two, sit." They sat there on their haunches, watching him intently. "Benny and I had been cleaning out the attic…"


Benny and Ethan were in the attic, completely covered in dust, trying to move some things around.

"Why'd your Grandma leave so much crap lying around if she knew she'd be gone soon?" Ethan grumbled as he lugged a large trunk over to a corner.

"Most of this stuff is either super old or super powerful. She kept it for a reason and so will we." Ethan rolled his eyes at Benny but smiled at him nonetheless. He watched as Benny tripped over a stray book in the floor, making it fly open as he was caught by Ethan.

"Dammit Grandma!" Benny cried out as her image filled the air. "How much of these fucking messages did she leave for us?" Ethan had only laughed as they stood there, waiting for her smoky image to begin speaking.

"Ooh you tripped over the book!" Her figure seemed excited as she swayed there, the pages of her book fluttering a bit. "I'm hoping that means you're moving into the house and not selling it. Any who, I have left this particular message in this particular book on this page for a very specific reason. You two are so powerful, so strong… And both male. Your lineage shouldn't have to die out with you two. I have found a way to remedy that though. Now, you could go the normal way and have a surrogate, but the chances of your children being like you is relatively strong. I have found a spell that will enable the two of you to have children yourselves! They would be fully Benny-Ethan children! Just look in this book and follow the directions. You can do the magic required Benny. I know you can. I love you both."

Her image faded then, just leaving the two thunder-struck boys and the book.

"Children… she found a way… for us to have…kids?" They looked at each other, Benny's mouth agape at Ethan's words.

"That sneaky old bat," Benny finally chuckled out, shaking his head. "She just… how many more surprises did she leave for us from beyond the grave?"

"Who knows…" Ethan said, taking the book from the floor and looking at it. "Benny…"

"We're only 17 E. I mean… are you sure?"

"No one said we have to do it right away."


A few weeks passed for the two werewolves – they moved into the Weir house and graduated high school, spending their time together and enjoying their summer. Their pack could often be heard in the woods howling or running amok.

Shortly after they had moved into the house though, Ethan had told his father and shown him what he had become – he had to explain all the wolves that came trumping through the yard all the time. His dad, although stunned, was surprisingly accepting of this.

Soon after, Benny and Ethan found themselves wondering about the book Grandma had left behind.

"We could do it you know," Ethan said softly as he and Benny were curled up on the couch.

"Yeah." Benny didn't have to ask to know what he meant. "We could…"

"What do you think?"

"You think we're ready? I mean… we're both magical werewolves. They… they'd be like us."

"They'd grow at an accelerated rate too."

"The book said until they looked to be about 4 or 5. After that they'd be at a normal rate."

"What do we tell people?"

"What's to tell? We're both smart. We could homeschool them for a while."

"So… want to?"

"Yeah. Let's make some puppies."


"Now, I'm not going to tell you how we made you two, because even though you both are really smart, you don't need to know that."

The two kids – they had changed while Ethan reminisced – giggled at him.

"Go on already!"

3 months later – thanks to the spell Grandma had given them with an increased pregnancy time – Ethan and Benny had become parents to twins. When Ethan's parents found out, they had been skeptical at first; but when they saw the faces of their grandkids, they were easily sucked into the idea.

And when they were holding them and they changed into puppies in their arms, they tried their best to not freak out too badly.

Now, the children grew quickly – by their first birthday, they looked to be two years old with the brains to match.

When their second birthday approached, they looked 4 years old and had the brain span as well. Although both were slight for their age, they were finally slowing down in the aging process – eventually they would age just like any other non-magical child would.

"The end," Ethan said, making them both giggle and clap as they heard a car door shut.

"Dad's here!" Ethan scooped them up in his arms and walked towards the porch where Benny was standing.

"Hi you," he said, giving Benny a quick kiss as he dropped the kids to the ground. The giggled and began to try to climb up the taller adult's leg.

"What have you all been up to?"

"Daddy was telling us about how we were born!"

"Ahhh." They carried the kids in and put them down for a nap before the two collapsed onto the couch.


"Hi." They laughed together before they leaned back on the couch, resting as well.

"I love you my Alpha," Benny whispered, making Ethan chuckle as he pulled him into his arms.

"I love you too my mate."

"Daaaaaaaddddieeeeeee!" Ethan laughed and got up to go see his daughter.

"What is it Evelyn?" She smiled at him, her green eyes sparkling as she poked him. "Is that all?"

"Nooooooo…. Adam won't move from my side!" Ethan laughed and moved his son to his side of the bed.

"Now rest."

"Love yooooo." She said, ending it in a howl. He laughed and howled back before she curled and fell asleep. He went back to the couch to pull Benny in his arms.

"I love you more you know."

"Mhm, I'm sure you do."

So, I know it was pretty short, but I hope ya'll liked it anyways.

Thanks for reading and reviewing!
