When Kendall finally came to, he felt as though he was floating. Or at least his arms were. And kind of his legs. His head felt heavy and tired, leaned back against something soft, something else holding the back of his neck.

He slowly blinked his eyes open, vision blurry and struggling to focus. He took a look around, soon realizing he was in the bath, the huge tub half-full of warm water—hence the slight floaty sensation he was feeling. A hand was cupping the back of his neck, head resting on the terry cloth covered inflatable pillow attached to one side of the tub, another hand gently washing his stomach. His entire body was wet, including his hair, and he wondered how much of his bathing he'd been asleep for.

"Hey, sleepy." His daddy's voice was soft, gentle, washing over his skin like the warm water lapping at his torso. "Welcome back to the land of the conscious."

Kendall humphed at the sentiment, grabbing the edge of the tub and pulling himself to a sitting position. His muscles protested the movement, everything heavy and tired, his hole burning and stinging from being stretched all day then used so much over the past couple hours. He grimaced before flopping his arms over the side of the tub where James was sitting, still naked, washcloth in hand.

"How long have I been out?" he rasped, voice like gargled gravel, throat raw from sex and sleep.

"About ten minutes," his daddy answered, dipping the cloth in the water then wringing it out. "Figured you wouldn't appreciate coming to covered in dried come and sweat so I decided to clean you up some."

The blond nodded, hand sleepily rubbing at his face, already wishing to be back in bed. "How many times?"

The older man put the cloth to the side, his own arms hanging over the tub edge on either side of the teenager, brow drawn in seriousness and worry. "Eight."

"Holy sh—"

"And we're never doing that again."

"Yes. We are," Kendall argued, resting the side of his head against his daddy's forearm. "Wan' see how many times can make you come."

A small smile curled up the corner of the brunet's lips, a sign that he was on board with the idea, but not until a later date. "Let's just get you dried off and in bed, okay?"

"Yesss," the teen hissed out. "Bed. Good."

He managed to get out the tub with some help from the elder man, standing with jellied legs on the rug as he was carefully dried off. Sufficiently towel dried, he was carried bridal style through the closet and into the bedroom, where he was gently laid on the lounger to the side, a kiss pressed to his forehead.

"I'm gonna quickly change the sheets, okay?"

He nodded, eyelids to heavy to keep up. So he let gravity win and closed them, drifting off again.

Kendall woke up a little while later to clean sheets being settled about his waist. He was in bed now, on his side, settled against his fave pillow. His daddy was with him, fussing over the sheets, making sure everything was perfect before settling in himself. The blond didn't hesitate to cuddle closer, using his daddy's chest as a pillow, arm draped over a muscular torso, leg laying over two broad ones. He was immediately enveloped within strong arms, a kiss pressed to the top of his head, hand absently running up and down his arm.

"I still can't believe you let me do that," the brunet commented, awe still fully evident despite the low volume he'd spoken at.

"I still can't believe you want to do those things with me," he murmured back.

And it was true. While he didn't believe he was ugly, he knew he wasn't anything special, definitely nowhere near the same level of attractive looks as his incredibly physically appealing daddy. Yet the older man still thought he was good looking, still wanted to be with him, still was turned on by his appearance. It was mind-boggling and left Kendall in disbelief over his good fortune so many times he'd lost count.

"Of course I do," his daddy whispered into his hair, holding him closer. "I love you, Kendall."

The blond smiled widely, snuggling closer. Because at that moment, it wasn't Daddy and Baby Boy; it was James and Kendall. And he loved every aspect and side of their relationship. Because of who he was in it with.

"Love you, too, James."

Another kiss to his head, one pressed to the brunet's pec, and he fell asleep to the sound of his boyfriend's heart beating in his ear.

Monday evening found Kendall seated at one of those fancy restaurants James loved so much. The tables were all covered with white linen cloths, tea light candles inside round glass bowls acting as centerpieces. The walls were a deep burgundy, the wood all rich mahogany, and the place just screamed expensive and high class. And that was before he got to the menus that were all in French and therefore indecipherable for him.

Luckily his daddy was fluent in the language and didn't mind ordering for his baby boy. Although the teenager would've preferred to have a glass of wine like the older man, but since he was still under the legal drinking age, he was stuck with the complimentary water. Although it wasn't as though his daddy minded that he drank alcohol; he just preferred that Kendall do it at home, with him, and in moderation.

He didn't seem to mind the blond "accidentally" swallowing a few sips of his red wine as they sat at their rounded table for four though. Until he leaned over and threatened to punish Kendall if he took one more swallow of his drink.

He kept to his water after that.

"So," his daddy began, closing his burgundy leather menu and setting it on top of the table before him. "You get all your errands done?"

Kendall felt his face heat up and he took a large gulp of his ice water to combat it. His errands had included picking up the dry cleaning they'd dropped off two days prior, where the older man had followed through on his threat to make the blond tell the person behind the desk all about how he'd stained his daddy's pants like a whore. The looks he'd gotten when he'd returned to collect the now cleaned slacks—among other items—were something he hoped he'd never have to see-or even think about—ever again.

"Yeah," he answered meekly, setting his glass down carefully. "Dry cleaning is hanging up on your side of the closet, organized the way you like."

"Good boy," his daddy praised, proud smile on his face as he draped an arm over the back of Kendall's chair.

A grin spread across the blond's face, chest puffing up with pride, fingertip rubbing the tablecloth as he ducked his head. The older man didn't notice, eyes locked on the front door and the maitre d's station, waiting for the rest of their dinner party.

Whose names Kendall couldn't remember.

"Who are we meeting again?"

His daddy turned his head towards him, eyebrow cocked, disappointment clear in his face.

"What?" the teen asked innocently. "It's been a long weekend."

And it had been. In addition to running several hours of errands on Saturday, Kendall had also had to complete his homework, do chores, make sure laundry was all caught up, prepare for upcoming exams, argue with Carlos over whether or not he was "boring", and make sure his daddy was happy and taken care of. All while dealing with a sore ass.

And that had just been Saturday.

Sunday was spent lazing and doing more studying, in between rounds of nursing and having his cock milked. His hole was off limits until his daddy was satisfied it'd healed up enough.

The brunet sighed, fingers absently playing with the long hair at the nape of the teen's neck. "My friend Jett and his boy."

Kendall nodded, taking the info in and analyzing the words. "His boy? So, are they—" he started then paused, leaning closer to the older man before continuing at a quieter volume. "Are they in a relationship like us?"

James drank some of his wine, nodding as he set his glass back down. "Mostly. Only the two of them play around with feminization."

Kendall cocked an eyebrow, having no real idea what the hell that meant, but able to come up with a pretty good theory based on the word.

"Feminization is basically treating his boy like a girl," his daddy explained, still playing with the blond's hair. "His cock is called his clit, his hole is his pussy, his chest are tits. He gets called 'good girl' rather than 'good boy', wears panties everywhere and sometimes a little make-up at home. Jett came in bragging today about how he came home Friday to find his boy in a dress, nylons, and panties with a split right over his hole. He'd gotten so turned on by it—especially considering the fact that his boy never takes the initiative to do new things in bed—that he ended up fucking him right then and there in their front foyer." James wrapped his explanation up with a smirk and a laugh, shaking his head in a way that spoke of amusement more than anything.

Kendall trained his eyes on his white linen napkin, swallowing hard as he shifted in his seat. "You, uh," he started then cleared his throat of nerves and roughness. "You don't want me to do that stuff, do you?"

He lifted his eyes and met his daddy's, hoping like hell the answer would be no. Dressing and being treated like a girl so wasn't anything he wanted to do. Ever. His cock wasn't anything but a cock and his ass wasn't wearing anything tighter or sexier than briefs. He'd put his foot down on g-strings and thongs for men. He wasn't about to wear undies intended for women, regardless of how much of a "good boy" he'd be if he did so.

"No," his daddy answered, the teen letting out a deep exhale in relief. "I like my baby boy being a boy."

Kendall grinned, resting his head on his daddy's shoulder and sighing happily. A kiss was pressed to his head, arm wrapping around his shoulders, lean frame held to a more muscular one. He wished they were having dinner at home or at least not meeting James' friend; he was loving the peace and intimacy they were sharing and didn't want it broken up.

"Jett's here," his daddy spoke up before letting out a chuckle. "And he's clearly playing with his boy."

Kendall lifted his head and looked towards the entrance. A tall, muscular man in a charcoal suit was speaking to the maitre d', dirty blond hair impeccably styled. A smaller brunet man was with him, cuddled in close, face hidden from view as he was held to a broader frame.

"How do you know Jett's playing with him?" Kendall questioned, analyzing the new arrivals.

"See how his boy is practically clinging to him?" he whispered huskily into the blond's ear, hand slipping off his shoulder and down his back, fingers a teasing presence through Kendall's white button down.

He looked closer, seeing the white knuckle grip the smaller male had on the larger's suit jacket, the way his body seemed to be trembling and using the more muscular one to hold him up.

"And Jett's got his hand in the pocket of his slacks," James continued, his own hand slipping into the back of Kendall's black dress pants, fingers slipping between his crack. The blond knew the drill, leaning forward and pressing his ass out, allowing his daddy easier access to his hole. "My bet is Jett put a vibe in his boy's hole and is keeping the remote in his pocket, messing with the controls as he acts like nothing is going on."

Kendall bit his lip as the tip of a finger traced his rim repeatedly, rubbing and massaging the pucker, spreading the lube he'd put there himself earlier. A low groan reached his ears and he hid his smirk behind his glass, loving that he could surprise his daddy like that.

"Dirty little whore," the older man murmured in his ear. "Couldn't wait for my say so before you played with yourself, could you?"

"Just thought I'd make it easier for my daddy in case he wanted to play," he replied innocently, batting his eyelashes up at the brunet and pushing his ass further out.

"Such a slut. Maybe I oughta put a vibe in you and tease you all day like Jett is doing to his boy, teach you a lesson about what happens to whores who walk around wet all the time."

A finger slipped inside, not stopping until it was fully in, making Kendall groan. "Daddy, please."

"Looks like we're going shopping tomorrow, get some new toys for my baby boy."

A huge grin broke out on his face, ended by the finger sliding out and James rising to his feet.

"Jett, glad you could make it."

Kendall looked up to see the muscular man from the door shaking hands with his daddy, bright white teeth on display as he smirked widely.

"Sorry we're late," he apologized in a way that didn't make it sound like he was all that remorseful. "Someone needed to nurse before we came."

James just smirked back as they both sat, hazel-green eyes sparkling in delight. "I know how that goes," he replied, arm resuming its previous position on the back of Kendall's chair. "Speaking of your boy, where is he?"

Jett's smirk grew as he lifted his complimentary water, pinky raised. "Bathroom cleaning up. Creamed his panties before we even got to the restaurant."

"And you're okay with that?"

"Decided to take a page out your book and see how many times he can come during dinner alone. Should be fun."

The two men laughed and clinked glasses before drinking, Jett signaling the waiter over and ordering his own glass of wine.

"So," the dirty blond began, leaning back in his chair with blue eyes trained on the lone teenager. "This must be Kendall."

"Shit, right," James realized suddenly, rubbing his eyes. "Jett, my boy Kendall. Kendall, this is my best friend from childhood and work colleague, Jett Stetson."

"Nice to meet you," the teen greeted, extending his hand.

"You, too." Jett shook his hand, grinning in a way that reminded Kendall of a wolf.

If that was possible.

"And there's my boy," Jett stated, releasing Kendall's hand as his grin grew more and his eyes sparkled, focused on something behind the blond. "James, Kendall, I'd like you both to meet my boy—"

"Logan?!" Kendall blurted out in shock as Jett's partner rounded the table and stood before him.

Logan's face grew as red as a Christmas ornament, finger pulling at the collar of the button down he wore beneath his sweater vest, nervous chuckle leaving him. "Hey, Kendall."

"You two know each other?" James questioned, sitting up straighter in his seat, wearing a look of intrigue that matched his own best friend's.

"Yeah, we grew up together," Kendall supplied as Logan took his seat, gripping the edge of the table and glaring at Jett.

"Well," the dirty blond began, nodding to the waiter as his wine glass was set on the table. "It truly is a small world after all."

James let out an agreeing "hmm" as Kendall stared at his best friend, who was keeping his own stare locked on to the front of his menu. The blond was in total disbelief. The guy who kept chastising his relationship with an older man and continued to psychoanalyze it was in a relationship with an older man himself.

Hypocrite much?

"Daddy issues?" Kendall murmured to the other teenager, the two businessman lost in a conversation of their own.

Logan flushed further, wincing as he met Kendall's eyes. "Yeah. I guess I owe you an apology, huh?"

The blond waved him off, making a "pfft" noise to dismiss it. He knew Logan had only had the best of intentions and he could understand keeping a relationship—or at least certain aspects of it—a secret from others for fear of judgment and misunderstanding.

"Don't worry about it," he suggested, shrugging a shoulder. "And just so you know, I won't tell anyone about you and Jett." He watched some of the tension ease out his friend's shoulders, the thankful curve of thin lips. "What you do in your bedroom—or front foyer—isn't anyone's business but your own."

Logan grimaced again before muttering out a "thanks". "And I won't share anything about what goes on between you and James. It's clearly your own business, too."


The two exchanged smiles, conversation pausing as dinner was ordered. Only for Kendall to pick it back up.

"Oh, dude, if you really wanna make up for all the lectures and analyzing and hypocrisy," he started, pausing for Logan's nod. "Then next time Carlos says I'm boring, fucking argue with him that I'm not, okay?"

Logan laughed. "Yeah, after learning what I have about you, there's no way I can ever see you as boring ever again."

Kendall chuckled, turning his head to his daddy as a hand was trailed down his back again. He smiled at the older man, the action returned with a wink, hand slipping back into his pants. He pushed his ass out like before, stifling his moan with his water glass when a finger slipped into his hole, pulling at his rim.

Yeah. His relationship with James was the exact opposite of boring.