AN always wanted to write something about teacher/student relationships so that's what this is going to be.

I know it's short but this is just to get things started.

And also, don't hate me I'll update the second story tomorrow.

The screeching sound of the bell signaling for all high-schoolers the beginning of the first period can be heard through the entire territory of McKinley High. Most of the students are already in their classrooms, some of the lazy ones just barely making inside before their teacher. However, one Brittany S. Pierce, clearly unfazed by the sound, continues half-laying on the worn out couch under the bleachers, finishing her first cigarette of the day. The little pieces of sky visible through the gaps are almost as blue as her eyes and the smoke that rises from her lips seem like they're merging with the small clouds that wind keeps steering to the south. The blonde girl seems so entranced in them it's possible she didn't even hear the bell.

After she looks down on her watch and with an eye-roll notes she's, yet again, late, she pushes up from the couch with a grunt and with one last and longest drag she throws the butt on the ground, making a good show of mashing it with the heel of her black combat boots. Once she's sure that all that remains are flattened out fibers, she grabs her also black backpack and starts walking in the direction of the entrance.

"Ms. Pierce, you're late."

Even though she didn't expect to hear the Indian accent in her Lit class, she doesn't pay much attention to it.

"Yeah, I know. I have a watch." She shrugs nonchalantly, plopping down in her place in the back of the classroom.

"Well, why are you late then?"

"Why does it matter, I'm here, aren't I?"

"This is already third time this week, and it's only Wednesday!" Principal sounds like he's starting to get irritated.

"God, Figgins, it's not like I can turn back time. Either get over it or give me detention." Brittany huffs in annoyance.

"That is no way to speak to the Principal, Ms. Pierce! You're going to stay after school for two weeks and help Ms. Lopez sort out the mess Mr. Harris left when he ran off to marry a woman with questionable reputation."

"Whoa there, Principal Figgins, don't tell me you have something against prostitutes?! Because I can tell you, the ones who know how to…"

Half of the class erupts in "hell yeahs" and "right ons", the other half just frowns at her. Not like she cares about that. She does high-five Puckerman though. But that's just to piss off Figgins even more.

"Silence, children! Silence! That's it, Ms. Pierce! You're coming with me!" Even though his ethnicity doesn't allow him to blush, Brittany's sure the principal's face is about to start leaking blood.

The blonde gets up without much protest; she knows she has pushed him too far this time. Figgins is not that bad of a headmaster, but it's just too easy to push his buttons.

She's already half-way through the room when she remembers something, "Who's Ms. Lopez, by…?"

The rest of her words die on her lips, because for the first time since she walked into the classroom her eyes shift from the principal and fall on the young woman standing by the window, staring at her with the expression of pure shock.

Before she has time to observe the woman any further she's led out of the room, straight to the principal's office. Once they walk into the room, Brittany drops down on the couch. Figgins rounds the table and sits down, lacing his fingers together.

"Brittany," He says finally, after five minutes of silence, "I know past few months have been rough on you, but you can't go on like this. You're constantly late, your grades have fallen. You're causing riots in classes. Not to mention the disrespectful behavior. Today I was going to introduce you and your friends to a new substitute teacher. It's her first day here and now she probably thinks this is the worst school in the state. William McKinley was one of the brightest presidents of our country! Our school has to honor his name, not make him turn in his grave with shame!"

Brittany rolls her clear blue eyes (the man's such a drama queen) and waits patiently to find out just what kind of punishment she's earned herself this time. But, as it turns out, Figgins has decided to stick with the original detention. Though she really can't understand how she can help this new teacher sort out the shit the old one has left. She doesn't even know what is this shit that needs to be sorted, and she definitely can't understand why of all people she has to help. She's never even been good in literature. Half an hour later the blonde is finally out of the room with a headache coming on and once again starts in the direction of the bleachers. After those thirty minutes with Figgins she just has to have a smoke.

When Santana Lopez told her mother she had landed a job as a substitute in McKinley high the first thing that came out of the woman's mouth was: "Santana, mija, you're a beautiful girl. High school is a dangerous place bursting with teenage hormones (as if Santana didn't know this herself). You're not much older than them. Promise me you'll be careful and won't get involved in anything!"

Santana promised not giving it a second thought. She had been through enough drama in her own high school days and new better to be involved in that dark shit again. She told her mother she had nothing to worry about, but today, when she stepped out of her car, she saw a black mustang pull up beside her and the most gorgeous girl step out with an unlit cigarette between her lips. Without even glancing around, the girl locked the car and avoiding the school entrance, went in the direction of the stadium.

And later when the same girl is led out from her classroom it flashes in her mind that maybe keeping the promise she had given to her mother won't be as easy as she has originally thought.

so, anyone (other than me) interested?