This is more or less going to work as a repository for all the 8059 stuff I write, which won't be written and posted in chronological order, but I love these bastards, so it's gonna happen anyways. I write in a normal civilian high school AU, where Yamamoto is still a baseball dork, and Gokudera's still his punkass self, but there's no mafia stuff, as I haven't read enough of the KHR manga to be able to write in the universe comfortably. But I'm fine with that, and I hope you are, too.
In this chapter, Yamamoto finds out that Gokudera is capable of laughter, like, real laughter, laugh-so-hard-your-stomach-hurts laughter. and he thinks that's really cute. Gokudera is wounded, because cute is definitely not the adjective he'd use to describe himself in a one-word autobiography, but he's secretly fond of his dumb baseball jock, so it's not the worst thing that could happen. This chapter takes place somewhere in a transitory part of their story. Not quite near the beginning, but not fully immersed in the depth of their future relationship, either.
"…That's what happened, anyways."
Yamamoto finished his story with a shrug, picking up the plastic water bottle in his lap and taking a swig as he leaned back against the cool metal of the rooftop fence. The cloudless sky was a bright blue, and the slight spring breeze did its best—and mostly failed—to ruffle his short, spiky hair.
Hearing a strange noise emanate from his left, he paused mid-swallow, raising an eyebrow as he looked in Gokudera's direction. The silver-haired boy was covering his mouth with his hands. His ring-studded fingers slid up into his hair, revealing the grin he was biting back.
"Did you just snort?"
Gokudera glanced at Yamamoto, failing to hide a toothier grin before he glanced away, flushing pink. "What? Shut up."
"Dera," Yamamoto teased, inching closer to the other boy. "What are you laughing at, huh?"
Gokudera let a shuddering, breathy laugh, scooting away and doing his best to look away from Yamamoto. "Nothing! Go away!"
"Dera…" He reached out to touch the boy's shoulder, fingertips brushing his sleeve as he slowly tipped over, curling up, shoulders shaking in silent laughter. Yamamoto rested his elbow on his knee, leaning his chin into his palm as he watched the boy with a bemused grin. A few moments later, Gokudera sat up, exhaling a sigh and a final wheeze of a laugh before remembering Yamamoto nearby. He stiffened and glared at the jock.
"What are you looking at?"
Yamamoto grinned and glanced in the other direction, teasing in a singsong voice. "Oh, nothing, it's just…"
He looked back at Gokudera. "Well, it's just that I've never seen you laugh before."
Gokudera raised an eyebrow, glancing away as he moved closer to Yamamoto. "I laugh all the time," he muttered, almost to himself, as he closed his eyes and let his head rest against the dark-haired boy's shoulder.
"Yeah, well, you've never laughed like that before," murmured Yamamoto as he kissed the boy's hair. Gokudera was silent, exhaling a neutral breath through his nostrils in response. Slowly, his hand crept over to Yamamoto's knee. He paused, then turned, sliding his hand to the boy's other knee, pressing it down gently. Yamamoto obliged and crossed his legs, letting Gokudera lay his head in his lap.
He smoothed the boy's silver hair with his hand and smiled down at him. Gokudera held eye contact for a few moments, reaching for Yamamoto's free hand and bringing it to his lips, closing his eyes as he kissed his knuckles. He moved Yamamoto's hand to his cheek, leaning into his touch and brushing his lips against his palm. Yamamoto stroked his cheek with his thumb, smiling as he felt Gokudera's cheek grow warm under his touch.
Gokudera raised himself to his elbows, then stood up briefly, facing the dark-haired boy as he sat back down in his lap, wrapping his arms around his neck.
Yamamoto smiled and nuzzled the boy, leaning his forehead against his. "Someone's restless."
The silver-haired boy rolled his eyes, pursuing Yamamoto with touches and nuzzles of his own. "Oh, hush." His lips brushed against the other boy's once, then again, kissing him slowly, but with purpose.
Yamamoto held Gokudera close as he returned the kiss, his hands resting on the small of his back, fingers clutching at the fabric of his shirt as the boy's tongue entered his mouth. He pushed back gently with his own tongue, but went submissive when Gokudera's tongue pressed harder against his, running over his teeth and exploring his mouth, urging a small moan out of his throat. Yamamoto felt Gokudera smile against his lips for a moment and tilted his head as the boy continued to kiss down his neck, nudging the collar of his shirt away to nip and kiss at more of his skin.
Gokudera pulled away a few moments later, but not before placing a final kiss against the tender spot on the other boy's neck. Yamamoto exhaled, leaning in a little to let his lips graze Gokudera's cheek as a small thank you.
"You didn't leave too obvious a mark, did you?"
Gokudera ran a hand through his hair. "Mm, it's not too bad."
Yamamoto smiled and nodded at him. "Alright, cool."
The silver-haired boy nodded silently in response, glancing away as he sucked his cheek in contemplation. "…Did you like it?"
"The kiss? Yeah. You've always been a good kisser, so—"
"No, I meant—" Gokudera sighed, trying to hold back his embarrassment. "When I laughed."
"Oh." Yamamoto grinned at him. "Yeah, I did. It was really cute, and you looked really happy…so, yeah. Though, to be fair, it wasn't much of a funny story."
The corner of Gokudera's lip twitched upward. "I know."