Disclaimer - I do not own Teen Wolf or anything related to it. I only own my original character Tahlia and her family, and anything else that seems out of place.
Also thank you to those that have favorited and followed this story. Please don't forget to check out my other 3 Teen Wolf fics, the Fire & Ice series.
Thank you to lilnightmare17, SilverShadowWolf46 & TwinKnives for your reviews.
And as always my girl teresaseda28 has such a way with words! Thank you so much for the amazing review that had me laughing out loud. I look forward to every review from you. I hope you'll check out my other stuff cause I'd just love to hear your opinions on my other characters :)
Please make sure to vote on the pole on my profile, I really wanna know what you guys would like to see.
xoxo Tiearney
Derek is stroking Cora's hair from her forehead, steeling himself for what he is about to do. He takes Cora's hand in his, holding her arm with his other. He breaths deeply as he absorbs every ounce of pain her body has to offer. Cora's eyes jolt open staring at Derek before she throws her head back onto the pillows. Derek roars his head thrown back as his eyes suddenly go from a burning Alpha red, back to a cold steel blue.
Deaton stands at the front of the room watching as Isaac, Lydia and Deaton place their hands on the teens shoulders. The three each take a big breath as they are pushed down into the water. Seconds later Scott's eyes snap open, his Beta yellow staring up.
Tahlia stands by watching the three teens still underwater. It had been several hours since they had gone under. She was worried about Cora so after making sure that they would call her with the news when the kids awoke she headed towards the loft.
She found Derek lying on the floor and rushed to his side. "Derek?" She turned shocked to see Cora sitting up in bed, like nothing had ever been wrong with her. "Cora." The huntress smiled returning the hug that the girl bestowed on her. "I'm glad you're okay."
The two kneel down beside Derek, Cora holding a bottle of water in her hand holding it up to her brother's lips. Tahlia softly calls to the wolf not wanting to startle him. "Derek. Derek, wake up."
His eyes open slowly and he looks over at Cora. "You're okay."
She smiles, "I'm doing much better than you are right now, and all because of you."
"Hopefully not all for nothing. The moon is rising, Derek. You drained your battery all the way to the red, and there is a fully charged Alpha on her way to rip you limb from limb."
"I'll be fine in a few hours."
"I sincerely hope so, because a few hours is all that you have."
Tahlia gets a call from Scott, whose voice is a welcomed sound. He tells her that they can find the Nemeton. She states that she's going to stay with Derek for a couple hours, relaying what he did for Cora. Scott agrees and lets her in on his plan.
After Scott hangs up Stiles starts in on him. "No, dude. You are not going back with them."
"I made a deal with Deucalion."
"Does anyone else think that sounds a lot like a deal with the devil?"
"Why does it matter anyway?" Isaac asks his friend.
"Because I still don't think that we can beat Jennifer without their help."
Allison looks to Deaton. "He trusts you more than anyone. Tell him he's wrong."
"I'm not so sure he is. Circumstances like this sometimes require that you align yourself with people you'd normally consider enemies."
"So we're gonna trust him, the guy that calls himself "death, destroyer of worlds"? We're gonna trust that guy?" Isaac says.
"I wouldn't trust him, no." Deaton states. "But you could use him to your advantage. Deucalion may be the enemy, but he could also be the bait."
The group looks around considering the pros and cons. They hear the bell of the front door chime and Deaton steps out to find Ethan standing in the lobby. "I'm looking for Lydia."
Lydia steps out of the back room followed by Scott. "What do you want?"
"I need your help."
"With what?" Stiles questions leaning on the wall beside Lydia.
"Stopping my brother and Kali… from killing Derek."
Inside the Nemeton the three guardians sit, hoping that someone comes to find them soon. Chris looks down at the emitter drawing a concerned look from Melissa. "Still working?"
He nods. "But not for much longer."
"Anyone else feeling and unbearable itch they can't scratch?" She asks.
"Well, not before you said something, but now, yes, I do." Stilinski replies and the two share a laugh before Melissa begins to worry. "Is she actually gonna come down here and slash all of our throats?"
"Nah." Stilinski shakes his head. "She'll come down and strangle us with a garrote and then slash our throats."
The group hears clattering coming from above, the other two look to Chris. "It's just the wind." The ground and cellar begin shaking with the gale force winds from outside.
Ethan stands in the loft with Lydia in front of Derek, Peter, Tahlia and Cora, pleading his case.
"We know about the Lunar Eclipse, so don't think Kali's gonna sit around waiting for it to level the playing field. She's coming, and my brother's coming with her."
Peter nods his head, "Good enough for me. Derek?"
"You want me to run?" Derek states with his arms crossed defiantly over his chest.
Peter steps forward sarcasm flowing through his words. "No. I want you to stay and get slaughtered by an Alpha with a psychotic foot fetish. Of course I want you to run. Sprint, gallop, leap your way the hell out of this town."
Cora's voice reaches them, "If you want to fight and die for something, that's fine with me, but do it for something meaningful."
"How do you know I'm gonna lose?"
"We don't, but I'll bet she has an idea." Peter's head swivels to the side. "Don't you, Lydia?"
"I don't know anything."
"But you feel something, don't you?"
"What do you feel?" Derek wants to know.
"I feel like… I'm standing in a graveyard."
Tahlia gets a call from Scott saying they need her help, she immediately heads back to the apartment, arriving just as Scott, Alli and Isaac. Scott is on the phone with Stiles, "Just grab anything. Stiles, I'm not smelling your dad's boxers. Socks? Okay, I'll smell the socks."
He hangs up as they enter the apartment, Isaac looks to the two women. "What about me?"
"See what you can find in my dad's closet. Anything with a strong scent." Allison says opening the door to the office where she pauses with Tahlia right behind her. "Shit." Tahlia whispers seeing Agent McCall sitting behind her Uncle's desk with two officers.
He motions to the desk top full of weapons. "Quite an arsenal your father's got here, young lady."
"Actually, most of those are mine." Tahlia states stepping in front of Alli.
"Well, how about we add those to the pile." He says referring to the two Glocks in her thigh holsters. Tahlia sighs taking them out slowly and setting them on the desk.
Scott steps into the room behind the two taking his father's attention away from the girls. Agent McCall stands up as he sees his son. "Scott?"
"What are you doing here?"
"Following one of the only leads I have. Now, since I don't know where you've been, why don't you have a seat? We can talk." He pauses for a moment. "You two, Isaac."
The Beta steps into the doorway beside Scott. "How do you know my name?"
"Your name is one of the few things I know. To be honest, the rest of what's going on around here has me stumbling around in the dark, even over the smallest clue."
Scott steps up in front of the others. "If you're trying to tell me that you don't have a clue, I learned that a long time ago."
"I'm really hoping to avoid the embarrassment of dragging my own son into an interrogation room. Really hoping."
The others manage to get Derek and Cora out of the loft in the nick of time, as the alarm starts blaring and Kali rips it from the wall.
"Where is he?" Kali asks Ethan and Lydia who stand in front of the desk.
Lydia snaps her fingers turning to Ethan. "I think he said he was heading out to do some shopping, run a few errands. The usual werewolf afternoon."
"Who do you think you're talking to?"
"Someone in desperate need of a pedicure. I'd be happy to give you a referral."
Kali growls at Lydia advancing on her, but pauses as a louder growl comes from behind. The she-wolf turns towards Aiden. "Oh, really?"
Downstairs in the parking lot Derek gets into the FJ, Cora beside him in the passenger seat. Peter leans in the open passenger window. "Don't call until you're at least 100 miles away. Go!" The two wolves stand back watching as the glow of taillights fade into the darkness.
Back in the Argent's apartment Rafael is still grilling the three teens and managing to irritate the huntress who is currently pacing the floor behind them. She receives a text and pulls her phone out of her pocket.
'We're leaving. I'll call you when it's safe. Please, be careful. Derek'
"Damnit!" Tahlia slams her fist into the wall, then striding over she slams her hands down on the desk. "I don't have time for this shit, so either you charge us with something, or you let us the hell go!"
The two officers pull their guns on Tahlia pointing them at her. "Sit down. Now." Tahlia does as asked even though she could easily take on all three cops, but she doesn't want to give the trigger happy cops a reason to fire or drag them all into jail.
Rafael sits back down with a sigh. "I'm not gonna lie. I'm more than a little disturbed, not only by the number of missing parents, but the fact that it's Stiles' father, your father and your mother."
Isaac holds up his hand. "Mine are both dead." He smirks popping a breath mint.
"Save the clichéd teenage apathy for your high school teachers. The four of you know more than you're saying, and I'm fully willing to keep you here all night if I have to."
"Did someone take their little assignment too seriously?" Kali asks as she circles around Aiden who sighs. "She's not the problem."
"Maybe the problem is where your loyalties lie."
"Oh, God!" Lydia's face pales. "Is this about to get really violent?"
"Probably." Ethan says.
Suddenly a figure crashes through the glass ceiling above, landing in a crouch on the floor below. It's Jennifer. She stands up staring at Kali and Aiden. "So, who wants to go first?"
Kali bares her fangs, she swipes at Jennifer but misses as the woman ducks. She then kicks out at Jennifer, missing twice until the woman hits the she-wolf with a powerful push of magic sending her across the floor.
Aiden growls approaching Jennifer from behind, she whips around dodging his swipe. She hits him in the chest sending him backwards across the floor.
Ethan stands up unzipping his shirt and taking it off, while Aiden rips his off. The two roar standing side by side, they grasp arms preparing to form the giant when Jennifer walks across the floor towards them. She grasps both wolves by the neck, tearing them back apart and tossing them to opposite side of the room.
Kali stands up, flipping past Jennifer, they both stand facing one another. "That's right, Kali. Look at me. Look at my face. Do you know what it takes to be able to look like this? To be able to look normal?"
"I don't care."
"It takes power. Power like this." Jennifer raises her arms out to her sides drawing a flurry of air that swirls around her. The glass shards from the floor rise circling around Jennifer, as a massive storm flurries overhead.
Kali watches in horror, stuttering through her words. "I… I should've…" The shards turn, every one pointing at Kali. "I should've ripped your head off!"
Jennifer screams, the shards race forwards impaling the she-wolf, killing her instantly. Kali's limp body falls to the floor, her blood pooling around her. Jennifer turns to Lydia who stands stricken by the desk, but something catches the red-head's attention.
Jennifer turns around to find the twins combined into the giant standing behind her growling. The wolf approaches her slashing out with it's right hand. But Jennifer ducks coming up behind the giant and easily snapping its neck. The wolf falls to the floor, blood seeping from its mouth as Lydia looks on in horror, breathing heavily.
"What's the line Coach likes to say? The bigger they are…" Jennifer smirks.
"You can't keep us here." Scott says slowly.
"Not without some kind of warrant." Allison adds.
"I've got a desk full of probably cause."
Allison stands up, "My father is a highly respected private security consultant and federally-licensed firearms dealer. That means he has to own a few weapons. Like this 175-pound draw tactical crossbow. Or this carbon steel Marine combat knife. Fifty AE Desert Eagle." She hums before picking up a canister. "Smoke grenade with pull-ring igniter."
She pulls the pin tossing it towards the officers who begin coughing as the room fills with smoke. The teens get up rushing out of the room followed by Tahlia who grabs her Glocks before following them out.
Out in the woods Stiles is driving his Jeep, when he notices the massive storm overhead. The winds are blowing so harshly that they're covering everything in a thick cloud of dust. Stiles can't see anything over a foot in front of his Jeep. He panics as a branch smacks into his windshield, just before he runs straight into a tree.
Jennifer approaches Lydia backing her up into a beam. "What do you want from me?"
"I want you to do what you do best, Lydia. I want you to scream." Jennifer then transforms into the Darach, drawing a massive scream from Lydia.
Inside the FJ several miles away Derek pulls the car over as he hears a distant scream. Cora looks at him, "What the hell was that?"
"Lydia. We have to go back."
The three teens and Tahlia head out into the woods, getting out of their vehicles Alli turns to Scott. "You okay?"
"I didn't know what to say to him. I couldn't come up with anything. But what you did, that was awesome."
"Yes it was. Nice thinking Alli." Tahlia smiles at her cousin, who smiles back.
Isaac steps up to them. "I still haven't gotten anything from Stiles. You?"
Scott shakes his head. "I don't get it."
"Well, we can't wait for him. Come on." Isaac says leading the way to the cliff.
"Cutting it a little close, aren't we, Scott?" Deucalion says approaching the trio.
"We got a little delayed. Where are the others?"
"Occupying themselves with other pursuits."
"So it's just you and me against her?"
"I think you'll be surprised what a good team we make. And we have the huntress to back us up."
Tahlia nods to Scott who then turns to Isaac. "Okay, get Stiles, and then get to the root cellar, okay. We'll keep Jennifer away long enough for you to get them out of there."
"How are you gonna do that?"
"I have a plan."
Derek shows back up at the loft to find Kali dead, her body embedded with shards of glass. The twins on the floor by the desk, dead as well. As Cora comforts Lydia, Derek turns to Jennifer. "You did this for me?"
"For us. For anyone who's ever been their victim."
"Stop talking to me like a politician. Stop trying to convince me of your cause!"
"Fine, I'll convince you of someone else's. Scott. You can save his mother, Stiles' father."
"I need a Guardian. That's a role that can either be filled by the three parents I was forced to take, or by you."
"I can't help you. I'm not even an Alpha anymore."
"All I need is for you to help me get Deucalion in the right place at the right time."
"You just killed three of 'em on your own. What do you need me for?"
"You haven't seen him at his strongest. I have. And if he's got Scott with him, I don't stand a chance. Unless I have you."
"Derek, don't trust her." Cora warns.
"I have the Eclipse in my favor, but the moon's only gonna be in the Earth's umbral shadow for 15 minutes. That's the extent of my window. There's no decision to struggle with. Help me kill him, and the others live. Just help me."
"Are you sure we're going in the right direction?" Isaac asks as he and Allison trek through the forest.
"I know we're near it. Do you think you can pick up a scent?"
"I'm trying, but I can't…" He stops mid-stride, Allison notices and stops as well. "I hear something. It's an emitter. It's one of your dad's."
"Are you sure?"
"It has to be. Come on."
The two of them rush towards the sound, Isaac leading the way. Allison gasps as she sees the giant tree stump come into view.
The huntress looks up at Isaac who seems to be fixated on something in front of them on the other side of the Nemeton. They see a set of doors set in the ground and rush over to them. They pull them open and step down inside. Above them the ground around the Nemeton begins to collapse.
Inside Chris smiles as Allison comes down the stairs and kneels in front of him. "Thank God!" She whispers kissing his forehead.
"You found us."
"Where's Stiles? Where's my son?" Stilinski asks as Isaac releases him.
"And Scott?"
"They're coming, all right? They're on their way to help."
Suddenly the roof begins to give way, soil starts rushing into the cellar.
After Derek and Jennifer had left, Cora helps Lydia to her feet. "We have to get going. Lydia, we can get help."
"From who?"
"I don't know, but we can't stay here."
They hear a soft cracking behind them, they turn to find the giant separated into the twins again. They rush over kneeling down beside the boys. Cora is in shock, "They're alive."
Back in the forest Scott and Deucalion come back to the place where this all started years ago, the abandoned distillery. As they stand in the doorway the storm raging behind them, Deucalion turns to Scott. "You said you had a plan."
"On the first day of class, Jennifer sent all of us a message. It was the last line from Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness. I got a message of my own to send to her." Scott hold up his phone, the camera facing him.
Jennifer lifts her phone as she receives a message, Derek stands beside her looking over her shoulder. "You see this symbol?" They show the spiral on the wall of the distillery. "It's a symbol of revenge." The camera moves in on Scott, "You talk about balance, about saving people. We know what you really want, and now you know where to find us."
Isaac and Allison get the parents free as the ground starts to collapse. The group heads for the stairs but just as they reach the bottom step, the staircase collapses.
Cora and Lydia rush the two wolves to Deaton's clinic. The vet rushes out, picking up the wolves and carrying them inside the clinic. They're pouring blood from their mouths.
"Can you save them?" Cora asks.
"Only if they start healing on their own."
Scott and Deucalion stand inside the warehouse, they see Jennifer's silhouette walking through the dust, but it breaks into two people as they step through the doors.
Scott shakes his head at Derek, "What are you doing?"
"This might be hard to believe, but, I'm actually trying to help you."
"Ooh, like brother against brother. How very American this is." Deucalion quips before folding up his cane and taking off his jacket. "Are you ready Jennifer? Hmm? Did you gather your herbs, pray to your ancient Gods and your oak trees, slit a baby's throat, perhaps? Should we show them why you needed to sacrifice nine innocent people just to face me?" His face starts shifting slowly no bones breaking, just transforming. "Or is it 12 now?" As his eyes glow an intense red like that of a robot, even Jennifer looks scared.
Chris looks up, the staircase is completely blocked, he looks over to Isaac. "It's blocked. What do you see? Anything?"
The Beta shakes his head as the others look on in despair. Suddenly the wall starts to collapse, Chris yells at the group. "Look out!"
Isaac sees the roof beams starting to collapse, he stands up pushing up against the cracking beams, his eyes glowing yellow as his wolf comes to the surface.
Derek shifts charging Deucalion, he swipes with his right hand, the Alpha grabs it, then grabs the left as the Beta swipes again. He bends Derek's arms down, Jennifer takes this as her opportunity and walks up shoving her hand at Deucalion's chest. Jennifer is puzzled when nothing happens. Deucalion grabs both of them by their throats lifting them into the air.
He drops Jennifer to the floor on her back, when he drops Derek the Beta stands, swiping his right arm towards the Alpha, Deucalion blocks it and knocks Derek across the room. He lands hard on a pile of tires and falls to the floor. Jennifer stands up rushing the Alpha but he punches her in the face and drops her to her back.
Scott looks over at Derek as he pushes himself up onto his elbows. Their eyes move to Deucalion as he picks up Jennifer by the back of her neck and shoves her to her knees in front of Scott. "Kill her. Do it." Scott refuses to move so Deucalion roars loudly dropping Scott to his hands and knees, he looks up fully shifted.
"Now kill her. Your parents are dying. That storm you hear? She's burying them alive. It's her connection to the telluric currents. Kill her and it ends."
"It won't end. Not with me. He'll have you kill everyone you love. It's what he does."
"They're dying, Scott. Your mother, and the parents of your best friends. Kill her now and it's over. Become the Alpha you're meant to be. Become a killer."
"They're not dead yet."
"And whose going to save them? Your friends?"
Scott stands up yellow eyes glowing, "My pack."
Isaac is covered in sweat, his body forcing the beams up as they force him back down. "Is it me, or is this place getting smaller?"
Deucalion reacts quickly flashing over and grabbing Scott by the back of his neck. His other hand takes Scott's wrist, holding his claws out in front of them as he moves him over to Jennifer. "Maybe you just need a little guidance."
Scott is straining against Deucalion's strength, he turns towards the Alpha, "I forgot to tell you something. Something that Gerard told me. "Deucalion… Isn't always blind." Scott takes the two flash bangs from his pocket and smashes them on the ground at their feet. All three werewolves cover their eyes, hissing as the flashes disorient them. Deucalion backs up swinging wildly into the air.
When the three of them are able to see again, they find themselves back to normal. Deucalion looks up at the sky, "The Eclipse. It's started."
Scott stands up looking to the empty spot where Jennifer was, "Oh, no." Scott thinks she has disappeared to kill the parents.
Stilinski attempts to help Isaac hold the roof up, both men on their knees shoving at the collapsing beams. Allison, Chris and Melissa kneel opposite them trying to hold up the roof as well.
Isaac shakes his head, "I can't do it. I can't hold it! I can't hold it!"
"It's too heavy! It's too much!" Allison cries as the roof falls further on them.
At that moment Stiles jumps down into the hole, he shoves a metal bat under the cracking beam that stop sit from falling. His dad looks up in shock. "I always said aluminum was better than wood." Stiles leans forward hugging him tight.
Through the dust the three wolves watch as Jennifer steps through the dust, only this time it's the face of the Darach that stares back at them. She sends Scott flying back into the silos behind him.
The Darach grabs Deucalion throwing him down onto the floor where she proceeds to slam his head down onto the concrete until the back of his head lays in a pool of blood. Derek jumps out from behind the crates, "Jennifer! He doesn't know."
Jennifer stands up, "Know what?"
"What you really look like. He knows the cost of bringing Kali into his pack, but he's never seen the price you paid."
"No. No, he hasn't." Jennifer leans down placing her hand over Deucalion's eyes and the Alpha screams in pain as his eyesight is restored. He looks around for a moment, the fact that he can see again slowly registering in his mind.
"Turn to me. Turn to me!"
Deucalion turns his head to the left, he's hyperventilating as his eyes fall on the hideous face Jennifer has been left with. She shifts back to her normal face reaching her arm back but before she can strike, she stumbles, Derek runs forward catching her in his arms.
"What is this?"
"Healing him made you weak, just like healing Cora did to me. You won't have your strength for at least a few minutes."
"Then you do it. Kill him."
Derek smiles, "No."
"Like my mother used to say, I'm a predator, but I don't have to be a killer." Derek grabs Jennifer's throat in his hand and squeezes, "Let them go."
Jennifer breaks his hold and shoves him back into a wooden pallet, she hits him in the face three times before she stops and looks at him, her face softening. "Derek."
She turns her back to him but spins around as she hears Derek stand. He grabs Jennifer by the throat as she takes him by the front of his shirt slamming his back against the metal silo behind him. As she does this Derek flashes back to Boyd and Cora ripping into his flesh inside the boiler room, the intense pain wracking his body.
Then suddenly there is a change in the atmosphere, Jennifer looks up as Derek's eyes take on the steel blue. "Your 15 minutes are up." He throws Jennifer across the floor, Scott and Derek stand up rushing towards her, but before they can get to her she tosses up a circle of mountain ash letting it fall around her feet blocking her from them.
"You can reach me. Ah!" Jennifer cries out in pain as an arrow tip pierces through the left side of her chest where her heart should be.
Tahlia steps into the warehouse, her compound bow in hand. "But I can."
Jennifer turns towards the huntress raising her hand, but before she can, Tahlia quickly draws an arrow sending it through the woman's hand. Jennifer screams raising her other hand but ends up with the same result, another arrow through her hand.
Jennifer pulls them out with a groan, as the huntress turns to her with a grin. "Come on Jennifer. You and me, no weapons, no magic. Let's see who the damsel in distress really is." With a smile from the woman, Tahlia sets her bow on the ground and steps into the circle. She glances around at the wolves, "Stay back."
She turns to Jennifer as they circle one another, the wolves looking on in anticipation, Derek mainly as he was curious just what Tahlia could do.
Jennifer lashed out quickly catching Tahlia across the cheek with a right hand. Tahlia head snapped to the right blood blossoming over her eye instantly. She retaliated with three quick jabs hitting Jennifer in the face twice, splitting the woman's lip and the last aimed at Jennifer's torso, doubling the woman over. Tahlia then dropped to a crouch, swinging her leg out in a wide, graceful art, connecting with Jennifer's ankles, throwing her off balance.
Without even realizing what exactly was happening, Jennifer found herself flat on her back, sucking in deep breaths of air that seemed devoid of oxygen. The subsequent tunnel vision that threatened to take away her sight cleared with just enough time to roll away from a kick to the ribs.
Tahlia backed up allowing Jennifer to get back to her feet, which the woman did, albeit very sluggishly. Once on her feet Jennifer charged Tahlia again, casting a punch to the left and then another to the right. Tahlia simply leaned the opposite way as the punch dodging them both, before she caught Jennifer with another punch to the face. Jennifer's head snapped to the right, her cheekbone bruising instantly at the impact.
Jennifer growled pulling a knife from her waistband, drawing a frown from Tahlia. "Can't even fight fair can you, Jennifer? Pathetic."
Jennifer lunged at Tahlia with the dagger, the huntress dodged the stab, grabbing Jennifer's arm and using her own momentum she flipped Jennifer over onto her back. Tahlia twisted Jennifer's wrist so far the wolves expected to hear it snap at any moment, but instead Jennifer dropped the knife. Tahlia released her, backing up she kicked the knife out of the circle.
Jennifer got back to her feet but still hunched over at the waist, she moved forward quickly driving her shoulder into Tahlia's torso. Tahlia let out a huff of air as Jennifer hit her low, she raised her arms driving her elbows into Jennifer's back. After several hits Jennifer loosened her grip enough for Tahlia to wrap her arm around Jennifer's throat, and unleashing a barrage of hits to Jennifer's right kidney.
Jennifer reaches down grabbing the back of Tahlia's knee and pulling, it drops the huntress to her knee giving the woman a chance to rain punches down on Tahlia's kidneys and back. After a particularly painful punch to the kidney that had Tahlia gasping for air she released her hold on Jennifer. The woman threw her head up catching the huntress in the chin snapping Tahlia's head back. Jennifer then stood driving her right knee into Tahlia's chin dropping the woman to her back. Jennifer kneeled down, her long leg across Tahlia's throat restricting the huntress' airway.
Jennifer obviously didn't expect Tahlia to be limber however, when a right kick from Tahlia's leg sent Jennifer sprawling on the floor. Her hand just brushed the barrier and she recoiled quickly, getting back to her feet. But just as stood Tahlia had her locked in a choke hold. The muscles in the huntress' arms flexed under her skin as she squeezed harder with ever passing second.
Just as Jennifer was slipping into unconsciousness, she summoned the last will of her strength. In a split second Jennifer had driven another dagger into Tahlia's abdomen. Tahlia took hold of the knife as Jennifer released her, she sunk to the floor, her eyes finding Derek's who looked at her as if she was already dead. Scott realized that unless they could break the ash, Tahlia was going to die.
"Like I told you, Derek, either you or the parents. Well, I guess I'll just have to take them now. In a few minutes, they'll be dead, and I won't need a Lunar Eclipse, even to kill a demon wolf."
Scott looks down at Tahlia's body, her eyes dropping with every passing second. Scott reaches out placing his hands on the invisible barrier separating Jennifer from him and pushes. Jennifer shakes her head, "You've tried this before Scott. I don't remember you having much success."
Scott pushes at the boundaries the glowing blue light shining from his hands as he pushes against the wall. His eyes glow their bright Beta yellow as he forces himself harder and further against the barrier, and just as they did before, his eyes change to the fire red of an Alpha. Scott pushes both of his feet inside the circle and suddenly a bright light engulfs them all and the seal is broken.
Jennifer looks up from her position on the ground, "How did you do that?"
Scott even seems unsure as he speaks, "I'm an Alpha now. Whatever you're doing to cause the storm, make it stop, or I'll kill you myself. I don't care what it does to the color of my eyes."
Deucalion steps up behind them, "It won't change the color of mine. So allow me." He steps up before any of them can move and slashes Jennifer's throat. She gasps, choking on her own blood she falls to the ground.
Derek rushes to Tahlia's side, lifting her up he lays her back against his bent legs. "Tahlia. Tahlia, open your eyes." He gently pats her cheek. "Tahlia, come on. Don't you leave me. I swear I'll come after you."
She opens her eyes blue meeting green and smiles. "You're not getting rid of me that easily, Derek."
The storm suddenly passes, the group looks at one another. "Is it over?" Allison wonders. They all laugh, hugging.
Ethan sits on the exam table, Cora checking him over before helping him off the table. Across from him Aiden lays on the table, Lydia running her hands over his chest. Aiden grabs her hand smiling up at her. "I knew."
"What?" Lydia asks gazing down at him.
"I knew you liked me." He turned his head nuzzling against her wrist as she shook her head and smiled.
Stiles phone vibrates, he picks it up seeing that it's Scott. "Scott?"
"Hey! You okay?"
"Yeah, we're okay. We're all okay. How 'bout you? Are you okay?"
Scott looks over at Tahlia and Derek, the wolf holding his bunched up t-shirt in his hand, pressing it against Tahlia's knife wound. The two look up giving Scott a 'are you kidding' look. "Sort of."
"Well, you think you can come get us?"
"Yeah, of course."
"Great. Okay, um, uh, bring a ladder." The group laughs as Stiles hangs up the phone.
Scott ends the call turning to Deucalion who is being addressed by Derek. "My mother told me you were a man of vision once. We're letting you go, because we hope you can be that man again."
"But if you're not, then having your eyesight back won't matter, because you'll never see us coming." The three of them turn and walk away, leaving Deucalion to his thoughts.
The next day everyone sets out on their new paths. Allison and Tahlia approach Chris in his office where he's putting his guns away. "Back to storage?"
"That's the plan."
"What if we've got a different plan? Deaton said that what we did in order to find you— He said it might draw things here, make Beacon Hills kind of a beacon again."
"I hope not."
"I was thinking that maybe I should be prepared. Learn to be a better fighter, learn all the things that you can still teach me."
"And maybe a few things more."
"But we're going to have a new code. Nous devons protéger ceux qui ne peuvent se protéger eux-mêmes."
Chris smiles, "We protect those who cannot protect themselves."
The three hunters smile at one another.
"I honestly don't know if he's ever coming back. Part of me hopes so, but another part hopes that maybe he'll be okay somewhere else."
Derek and Cora pack up their things and after one last look at the loft, Derek shuts the door.
"My dad doesn't look like he's gonna be leaving for awhile. But just because he's staying…"
Scott opens his bedroom door, his father stands in the hallway. A beat passes before Scott slams the door in his face.
"Doesn't mean he's welcome."
Down at the end of the hall Melissa ducks back behind the wall smirking.
Scott opens the doors to the school, walking inside.
"Stiles and I both feel it every day, just like you said we would, and it makes me think about that quote Jennifer used to start our first class. Because when I feel it, yeah… It's like… I'm looking "Into the heart of an immense darkness."
"So what do you do instead?"
"I look for my friends."
Lydia stands against the lockers to his left, Aiden in front of her leaning in close as they smile at one another. Ethan and Danny walk out of a classroom on his right, holding hands and laughing as they pass him. Isaac and Allison come down the stairwell together talking and laughing. Stiles comes up behind Scott, hugging him and slapping a hand over his shoulder, the two smiling at one another.
"And what about Ms. Blake?"
"I don't know. When we went back inside the distillery, her body was gone."
Jennifer manages to crawl her way back to the Nemeton tree, clawing her way up to the flat surface. "Oh, please. Please. You saved me once before." But before she can touch the rings, her hand is grabbed by another, one with claws. They flip her over, her back resting against the side of the tree. She laughs as she sees who stands behind her. "Of course it's you." Peter stands before her. "Everyone else suffers, but somehow, you come out on top, and now that Scott's an Alpha, you'll be able to steal it from him. You'll be an Alpha again."
"Again? Again?" Peter raises his hand slashing Jennifer's throat open, killing her. "I…Am…The…Alpha! I've always been the Alpha!"
Derek stops by Tahlia's house on his way out of town, the two stand on the front porch together. The huntress leans against the porch beam as Derek takes something out of his pocket, holding it out to her.
Her house key.
Tahlia smiles closing his fingers back over the small piece of metal. "Keep it."
Derek smiled, a genuine smile as he pocketed the key. He locked eyes with her, stating, "I'm coming back."
She nods, "I'll be right here."
The wolf leans forward gently brushing his lips with hers lightly before pulling back. Tahlia scoffed grabbing Derek by the front of his leather jacket and pulling him back to her, crushing her lips onto his. His stubble scratched against her soft skin sending delicious vibes through her body. Her lips parted as his warm tongue snaked in dueling with her own. Tahlia pulled back far too soon for Derek's liking, leaning her forehead against his, both of them breathing hard.
"Don't be gone too long."
He nodded kissing her forehead before he turned and walked to his car. He opened the door, pausing he turned back towards the house smiling up at his huntress. "Be careful Lia."
Tahlia smiled as he got in shutting the door behind him and starting the car. With a final wave from the two wolves the huntress watched the car disappear down the road. She sighed slumping against the railing she thought about the whirlwind her life had been over the last year. "God I need a beer."
Please stay tuned for the next story in the series. I'm working on it as we speak.