Cranidos makes it to the academy after a few days and he is already missing his girlfriend, Mawile. But he made a commitment to train up for her. He arrives at the front doors and heads on in, much to his dislike, he finds a certain Pokemon that he hates the most.
"Heeey... Cranidos! Finally left that Mawile, eh?" It is Totodile, his appearance made Cranidos growls in anger at him, Totodile laughs at him, "Don't take it personally, Cray. Just watching out for ya just in case you get bitten!"
Cranidos roars at him, "Shut up! I don't care what you say about Mawile! And don't call me Cray!" Totodile laughs louder, "Looks like you don't care all right... Cray." Cranidos leaps on him and is about to smash him with his iron hard head, "If you call me that one more time..."
Totodile holds his claws out to Cranidos, "Hey... take it easy... I can see that you are stressed so I'm going to help you." Cranidos gets off of him and roars louder at him, "I don't need your help! I hate you and so does Mawile! What you did to her is unacceptable! I will never forgive you for that!"
Totodile crosses his arms, "Boy... you sure hold a grudge. Listen, I only cheated on her 'cause she was boring, all she did was cook, talk about how she loves me and cling on me, I got sick of it and left her."
Cranidos clenches his claws, "She isn't boring... how dare you say things about Mawile and how dare you cheat on her!" Totodile smirks at Cranidos, "Well... at least I did something about it and the best way. You'll thank me later."
Cranidos charges into Totodile and slams him into the door, "Listen Totodile... you are close to being as bad as the Pokémon I've encountered that torment Pokémon and damn you for being proud of what you did."
Totodile replies to him in a cocky way, "And is Mawile one of those Pokémon that torment others?" This got Cranidos to charge up his hyperbeam... then before he shot it out, another Pokémon charged into Totodile and Cranidos stopped, "What the hell, man?! I was about to teach this guy a lesson!"
It is a Heracross that interrupted him, "Sorry, school policy states that you cannot hurt a fellow Pokémon, and I expect better behavior from both of you." Tododile scoffs, "I didn't do anything, this Pokémon got angry for no reason."
Cranidos fires up in fury, "I have a right to be angry! You are a horrible Pokémon and you should be punished for it!" Heracross asks, "What did he do?"
Cranidos replies, "Oh nothing... except cheated on Mawile, question me for dating her and being such a prick." Heracross nods, "Well... I can understand why you hate him so much... just keep it under control, ok?"
Totodile says to Cranidos in a mocking way, "Yeah, Cray! Keep it under control!" Cranidos snarls at Tototile and Heracross steps in front of him, "Get to class, Totodile!" He snickers and then leaves.
"How about I show you around later?" Heracross offers to Cranidos, he nods. They both head to the Dean's office, which is Wigglytuff, "Welcome new friend! Welcome to the Pokémon Pro Academy, where you can be the best trained Pokémon that you can be!"
Cranidos smiles, "Sounds like my kind of school! Where can I sign up?" Wigglytuff brings out papers, "You must pay a fee to assign my school." Cranidos freaks out a bit and says, "No one told me this! I don't have any money on me!" Wigglytuff nods and hands Cranidos some ink, "It's ok. You can pay me in several ways. Put your claw in the ink and place it in the places I tell you to, ok?"
Cranidos does this and Wigglytuff makes him sign in different areas of the papers until it has been done, "There! Now you are a student at the academy! Yoomtah! He shouts really loud and it echos throughout the school. Heracross pats him on the back, "You will get a dorm, and you will also get to bunk with a roommate or two."
Cranidos sighs, "I hope it isn't Totodile..." Heracross says to Cranidos, "Hmm... you could bunk with me if you want, I got an empty room and you seem like a nice Pokémon."
Cranidos nods quickly, "Yes... thank you!" They go to the classroom, they see Totodile sitting in the middle row, one desk behind the first desk which is empty. "Hey, Cray!" Totodile obnoxiously says to Cranidos. He sees a desk to the left of him and it is the first desk in that row and decided to sit there.
Heracross smiles, "Good choice! I sit behind you." They take their seat and they wait for the teacher to come in, Totodile makes a remark about the absence of the teacher, "This isn't a good teacher if he is late to class when the students are already here." After that, the teacher came and it is Chatot, "Welcome class, I'm Professor Chatot and I'll be teaching you today."
Totodile makes another remark, "Yeah, no sh-" Chatot slams his teaching stick on Totodile's desk, "No swearing in my class! You get extra homework if you do!" Totodile slumps down in his seat. "Just a warning to the rest of the class." He walks to the board and slams his stick on it, "Ok! Before we start... Hey! New Pokémon! Where's your uniform?!"
Cranidos points to himself. "Yes you! Go change and then come back!" Cranidos runs off to change, Totodile snickers and Chatot smacks him with his stick, "No laughing! This is serious work!" Cranidos returns with the uniform.
The uniform is a white buttoned up shirt with a red jacket with a blue tie for the males, the females where a similar one but the shirt isn't buttoned and the coat is pink... and they wear skirts instead of pants. No shoes since they are Pokémon and some Pokémon can't wear shoes.
Chatot taps Cranidos with the stick, "Good! Now take you seat and we shall begin!" He takes his seat and they start class. "Class! What is the signature move for the Pokemon, Arceus?"
Everyone discussed the question with everyone and a voice answered, "The signature move is Judgement." Everyone looked and it was a Mawile... Cranidos is shocked because she looked exactly like the Mawile he knows... and she is. "I'm so sorry that I'm late! Can you forgive me?"
Chatot nods, "Sure. But please let this be the only time, take the seat in front of Totodile here." In response to that, Totodile ducks his head underneath. Mawile takes her seat and notices him hiding, "Why are you hiding...wait... are you the Totodile that cheated on me?"
Cranidos nods, "Yep! It's him!" Mawile is really happy to see Cranidos, "I'm happy we are in the same class! Now... get out of there, Totodile!" Totodile slowly rises his head, "Um... hello." Mawile whispers to him angrily, "Why are you in this academy, you don't deserve it and you should deserve death!"
Totodile tries to weasel his way out of it, "Listen... we're in class... we shouldn't fight and let this whole thing slide... you overreacted." Mawile snaps at him and I really mean snap, she attempts to bite his head with her jaws, "I didn't! You cheated on me with a Gardivoir!"
Totodile tries to keep the jaws from biting him, "Well... she broke up with me so it doesn't matter anymore, right?" Mawile tries to shake him off, "No! It still matters! Luckily for you, I found Cranidos who is a better boyfriend than you will ever be!"
Heracross tries to calm her down, "We're in class, you should wait until we get dismissed before you yell at him, Chatot is watching..." Mawile lets go of Totodile and sighs, "Ok. I'll wait. But you better not mess with me during class, you hear me!" Totodile nods, "Understood miss grumps." This got Mawile steamed up and she lunged at Totodile.
Chatot sees this, "No fighting! Save that for gym class!" She stops and smiles mischievously at Totodile, "See you at gym class, Totodile..." Totodile is freaked out a bit but tries to keep his cool.
After class... They head out to walk to the gym class, Cranidos says to Mawile, "That uniform looks great on you!" Mawile giggles and says, "Thank you! You look cute in yours, Cranny!"
Heracross flies to Cranidos and Mawile and says, "So... this is your girlfriend, Cranidos? Cranidos nods, "Yep! Isn't she pretty?" Mawile giggles and Heracross nods, "What's the deal with that Totodile, then?"
Mawile gets really angry by the mention of his name, "Don't talk about him! I hate him sooooo much!" Heracross nods, "Ok... I just wanted to know why you hate him." Mawile readies her jaws, "Don't talk about him! I really don't want to hurt you!"
Heracross freaks out a bit by her hostile behavior, "Easy there... ok! I won't say anything about... you-know-who... ever again!" She puts away her jaws and sighs, "Thank you, sorry... I just hate him and I don't want to talk about him. Hope I didn't scare you."
Heracross shakes his head, "Just surprised me a little is all. I'm just worried about you." Mawile smiles, "That's sweet of you, It's surprising to see a Pokemon being nice to me other than my friends back at home."
Heracross wonders, "Where are you two from?" Cranidos replies, "Pokeport, a little boat town far away from here." Heracross nods, "I've heard of it, I heard wierd things from that town." Mawile asks, "What king of wierd things?" Heracross replies, "Well... a clingy Pokemon lives there and tries to get with ever single male resident there or whoever happens to arrive there."
Mawile raises her hand, "That would be me." Heracross is shocked, "Really?! Sorry that I said wierd! You are not wierd! Just... different. And being different is ok!" Mawile laughs at Heracross, "You're funny! Do you want to be my friend and Cranidos?"
Heracross smiles, "Sure!" Totodile is heard laughing, Heracross stabbed the bushes with his horn and scoops up Totodile and slams him on the ground.
Mawile readies her jaws in anger, "How dare you spy on us?! I should just eat you right now!" Totodile scoffs, "You can't! It's school rules! You can't touch me here! Ha ha ha!" Heracross nods, "I see what you are going with here, Mawile and Cranidos."
Totodile faces Heracross, "You must be a loser hanging out with a flytrap like that! She might eat you two!" Heracross replies, "She seems nice, whatever you did to her must be really bad so I suggest you leave now."
Totodile adds, "She also ate me! It was horrible!" Heracross' expression turned to shock, "F-for real?" Totodile nods, "That will get you to not trust her!" He runs off after that. Mawile goes to Heracross, "I wouldn't eat you! You aren't like Totodile!"
Heracross asks, "And if I was?" Mawile shakes her head, "Don't ask that! You don't want to be like Totodile." Heracross then faces Cranidos, "You know about this?"
Cranidos nods, "I was freaked out like you are." Heracross then takes off in the air, "I need to think about this for a second. I'll see you guys later." He flies away.
Cranidos goes to Mawile, "Well... what made you follow me here?" Mawile giggles, "Because I missed you, silly! Plus I want to see how it was like." Cranidos smiles, "Well... how do you like it here?"
Mawile smiles back, "It's fun! Except for you-know-who... but let's not talk about him! Let's go for a walk!"
They went to go for a walk, how will school turn out for both of them or will Totodile make it living hell for them? Find out next time!