When you wake up after a night of amazing sex (three times, may I add. Fili woke me up twice more in the night and wow!) you would half expect your lion man to be at your side. Embracing you. Cuddling you. Keeping you warm. Or, at least, snooping around for one more lovin' before you both have to get up and start the day.

But, as you can probably guess, that did not happen.

The sex had been mind blowing, and admittedly I was a little sore, and my legs were stiff. I suppose that is the only negative of having a warrior in bed. His endurance and stamina was just... wow... But mine was not so much.

The room was cold. The bed was cold. And when my fingers and palm grazed over the other side of the bed my still un-opened eyes turned into a frown, before fluttering open. I blinked.

"Fili?" I called, voice hoarse as I sat up. The sheet covering me lipped down, and my eyes popped when I noticed the bruises and love bites all over my chest. Oh, my...

I quickly hiked the sheet up and fell out of bed, searching for my clothes that had been discarded in a pile in a corner. I grunted when I couldn't find my knickers, and I grunted again when I felt the morning after a good night between my legs. Okay, that's so gross.

I found my knickers tangled between the sheets and quickly pulled them on, fuming and mattering under my breath.

After shorting myself out, I practically flew down the stairs, thumping as I went. In the window over the stairs, I caught sight of crowds of people, all cheering and calling to one another.

And then realisation hit me so hard I missed the bottom step and stumbled forward.

They'd left me. Again.

Fili had left me. Again.

"That bastard!" I roared to the empty house, stomping forward and making my way towards the front door. I was going to hunt him down, and I was going to cut his balls off and use them as earrings!

That's when I heard a low groan coming from the kitchen. I hesitated, and turned just in time to catch Bofur drag himself up from under the table, banging his head as he did so.

"Bofur?" I called, watching the Dwarf stagger to his feet. He looked totally confused when he blinked at me, and I think he was trying to work out who I was. "Are... Are you still drunk?"

In response to that, he stagger forward, tripping over his own feet as he did so. I hurried forward to catch the little man before he face planted the floor. "That's a yes." I muttered, guiding him towards a slightly sticky chair and seating him on it.

"They've left you too, huh?" I muttered, spying all the empty bottles discarded around the table and the floor.

Bofur belched loudly and frowned, "What do you mean, sunshine?"

I sighed, "They've gone, Bofbof."

"What do you mean..." Bofur trailed off, then suddenly something seemed to click in his head. He shouted loudly in Khuzdul before jumping up, grabbing my hand and dragging me with him towards the door.

"Bofur!" I yelped, barely sparing a glance at where our belongings once sat by the stairs. Well, how noble of them to take everything.

Bofur continued to pull me down the steps and drag me towards the crowd, bulldozing through the people without even a sympathetic glance at the people he pushed over. I was shouting 'sorry's' right up until we reached the water's edge.

I squinted out to the end of the harbour, only just spotting the small row of boats in the distance that must have been the company.

"Oh, bollocks." I muttered, turning to Bofur who was still staring after the boats, looking actually lost.

"What are we going to do?" He whispered.

I shrugged, "I'm not going to do anything." I went to turn back around and make my way back through the crowd when Bofur grabbed my arm. He pulled me around so harshly I almost toppled into the water.

He glared at me.

And I glared back.

"What do you mean you're not going to anything?" He looked mildly alarmed at my comment.

My face soured, "They left me on purpose, Bofur, again. I don't care anymore, I'm done with this." I tried to turn again, but Bofur's vice like grip held me in place.

Gheez, he's strong for a little guy.

"They didn't leave you." He didn't look angry anymore, he actually looked a little insulted. Insulted that I'd assume that of the company, assumed that of people that had been my substitute family for nearly a year.

Fack, that's a long time.

But my glare didn't falter, but I knew by Bofur's softening expression that hurt was pretty much stamped on my forehead. "Oh, what? So Fili just accidently forgot me then? The Bilbo just walked out the door without wondering where I was?" I scoffed, finally wrenching my arm out of his grip. "Don't let me stop you from joining them, Bofur, but I'm definitely not going." And with that I walked away, pushing my way back through the crowd angrily, heading in the direction of where I thought my brother's house was.


Turns out my brother's family were absolute gems.

Kari, his wife, was so lovely. She had mahogany coloured hair and large, matching eyes. As soon as she saw me standing there in the doorway of their two up, two down wooden house she immediately made a fuss of me, knowing who I was even though James wasn't there.

She had ushered me in, wrapped me in a blanket, even though I wasn't cold, and offered me a mountain of stew - which I gladly accepted. My hangover had crept up on me and I wanted to eat everything I could get my hands on.

Their son, Fey, was an utter Devil. And straight away I loved every inch of him. He came flying into the kitchen, wild blonde curls similar to mine bouncing around his head, and deep brown eyes like his mothers instantly spotted the large hunk of bread I was eating with my stew. After that I lost sight of him, but I didn't miss the little hand coming out from the underside of the table and snatching my bread.

He didn't even know who I was. Cheeky bugger.

I love him already.

Turns out, James had been at the farewell parade, and when he returned he looked utterly surprised to see me.

"What are you doing here?" Was the first thing he said, blinking at me with raised brows and a tone of astonishment.

"Doing the dishes. What does it look like I'm doing?"

"Actually, it looks like you're eating all our food and sulking." He strode over towards Kari and lightly kissed her cheek. I reframed myself from gagging. Love. Yuck.

I hereby vow to never ever love again.

"And what if I am?" I grumbled.

With that, James swooped down, pulled the bowl and spoon from me and took a few mouthfuls for himself.

"You need to share." He replied around the stew. I wasn't in the mildest bit disgusted. After a year with Dwarves, you find your gag reflexes are much more tolerable to disgusting behaviour. I also think I have lost my sense of smell, or again, I am just more tolerable to bad smells.

I snatched the bowl back, sloshing some of the liquid over James' fingers as I did so. Not that he cared, he simply licked them clean.

"So, you decided to stay?" He asked around his first finger.

I growled, "I suppose you could say that."

I could feel his questioning gaze, I didn't need to look at it, and I sighed.

"They left without me - again."

"What do you mean 'again'? I think that one with the hat is still here, I saw him. He looked a little lost though."

A pang of guilt struck me like lightening for just leaving Bofur on his own.

"I mean they left me in Rivendell too. But apparently that was because they thought the road ahead would be dangerous and wanted to keep me safe because they thought I was stupid." I replied unintelligently. "And Bofur was left behind too, but I think he missed the boat rather than they just left him."

"Rivendell?" My brother sounded amazed and surprised.

"Aye- I mean, yes-" Obviously, the Dwarves were beginning to rub off one me. Bastards. "We've had quite the journey."

My brother was silent for a few moments, and slowly he took a seat on the bench next to me and the table. After awhile, he simply shrugged. "I would say facing a Dragon was probably the most dangerous thing you could ever do," He then laughed dryly, "And I was in the army."

I frowned, "So they left me behind again because it's dangerous? Do they not realise that I am in this until the end?" Or at least I am trying to be.

James offered me a surprisingly sincere expression, "Dwarves are stubborn," Then he paused, "Are you going after them?"

I shrugged, absently stirring the stew with my soup. "I'm not sure, I need to think about it."

I didn't have much time to think about it, for what happened later that night quite literally knocked me into a decision


I was just dozing off in the front room. My brother didn't have a spare room, but he did offer for Fey to sleep in with him and his wife and I take his room. But I'd said no, I was putting them out as it was, and bearing in mind the places I've slept over the past year (Mirkwood forest, the soggy, wet ground, etc...) his front room with a fire was actually quite luxurious. Although, it dampened my spirits when I couldn't feel Fili's warm body holding onto me gently, and I realised just how much I missed that toad.

I was pulled from my thoughts by frantic banging on the front door and loud yelling, and then suddenly, all around James' house there was screaming and shouting.

I was up and opening the front door within seconds, just stepping out the way in time for Bofur to come falling through the doorway.

"What is it?" I exclaimed as he scrambled to his feet. But Bofur needn't reply, the loud, unmistakeable cry of an Orc pierced the night like a sharp blade and instantly I grabbed Bofur, pushed him back out the house and followed after him after grabbing Fili's dagger and my sword Gandalf had given me all that time ago at the Troll cave.

"No, we need to get into safety!" Hissed Bofur, trying to worm his way passed me, but I stopped him.

"We cannot lead the Orcs to my brother and his family." I snapped back, but just as I did so the front door swung open behind us to reveal a rather sleepy, but still alarmed looking James. "Get inside." I ordered him.

"What's going on?" His eyes then trailed past me and went wide with fear. Obviously he'd spotted an Orc.

"Get inside!" I yelled, turning also to spot the Orc turn towards us. "Now, James! We can handle this!"

"Are you insane?!"

In response I draw my sword, still with my back to James. Adrenaline flooded my veins, and never, even with Bilbo, had I ever felt so wound up. The protectiveness towards my only living family member in this god forsaken place spiked and flared, and my vision closed into a point on the now advancing Orc.

My head felt thick and heavy, and things began hard to process, except the Orc.

I heard my brother yell as the creature began its advance, its own sword raised. I heard Bofur shouting too, shouting and my brother as I stepped forward, moved down the steps of my brothers house and within moments steal clashed with steal.

I hadn't had many fighting lessons with Dwalin, but right now that didn't seem to matter. Finally, my body had been kicked into motion, probably helped by my already on edge emotions due to Fili and the company, and then paired with the desperate need to protect my brother's family, my body seemed to just know what to do. And that was killing the Orc.

My movements weren't perfect - far from it. But I had no desire to battle with the creature, I just wanted it dead. And even when it fell to the ground with an ear piercing screech I barely processed it before I was anxiously searching for the next one.

But I didn't find another Orc, I found an Elf instead.

"Legolas?" I blinked at the tall blonde as he rounded a corner. And Jesus, did he look pissed. "Tauriel?" Even more surprised now, the red head was soon following him, and Legolas was heading my way.

"Where's Kili?" Tauriel said, eyes large as she looked around me, peering at my brother and Bofur as she did so.

"Kili? He's with the company, they've already left for the Mountain." I replied, looking between them. "Why are you here? What's going on? Why are there Orcs?"

My questions were left unanswered.

"Why are you not with them?" Legolas asked, at the same time Tauriel asked, "Where will they be now?"

I turned to Legolas, "Because they left me behind," Then to Tauriel I added, "Fuck knows. But they sailed across the lake this morning," I pointed to the vast stretch of water, "So they probably only just got to the other side, to be honest. Why?"

"He's in trouble." Legolas muttered, eyeing Tauriel as her face paled. Mine did too.


"He got shot, didn't he?"


"The arrow was poisoned. We must find him." Tauriel sounded adamant, almost desperate as she stared down at me.

I opened and shut my mouth a few times like a fish out of water, so Bofur appeared at my side and spoke for me.

"He's in danger?" Then he muttered under his breath, "I thought he was looking exceptionally peaky."

"What does the poison do?" I asked, finally finding my voice. My heart rate accelerated. Not my baby Kili!

Tauriel looked grave, and Legolas looked painfully indifferent. "He'll die."

I probably could have guess that, because that's what poison does and all. But part of me hoped it was just like mild food poisoning or something, you know, he'll have the squits, give him some remmy's and he'll be right as rain. But nope. Of course not. This is Middle-Earth, don't be silly.

"What can we do?" I asked immediately, still acutely aware of my brother's presence still at his doorframe.

"We must find him."

"We gunna swim?" I arched my brow at her and eyed the water once more. I didn't need persuading to go and help my friend, my mind was already made up, but I needed a plan.

Tauriel then looked over my shoulder, "Good Sir," She called, to who I assume was my brother. Good Sir? Spare me. "Do you possibly have a boat we could use?"

I turned to my brother who looked like he'd just forgotten how to breathe as he stared dumbstruck at Tauriel.

"Err... Yes!" He looked confused, alarmed, petrified (as he eyed the dead Orc at the bottom of his steps) and mildly amazed (dark humour, of course. It runs in the family). "Of course."

"We leave immediately." She said to me and Bofur, "We cannot waste any time."

Just as those words left her lips there was a loud cry, and quite literally from out of the shadows poured another half a dozen Orcs, including one I would never, ever forget.

"Shit!" The Pale Orc had definitely spotted us, but before I could even scream Legolas was on the case.

"Go!" He yelled over his shoulder, already making quick work of two Orcs at once. But as soon as their bodies hit the ground another three took their place.

"Will he be all right?" I asked, nervous. Shit, shit, shit.

"Yes," Tauriel replied breathlessly, "Now hurry!"


Being on a boat, in the middle of a freezing cold night, being pursued undoubtedly by Orcs is not my idea of fun. In fact, boats in general were not fun. All that other stuff was just an added pain in the arse.

I wrenched over the side of the small, two man boat yet again. And again I felt Bofur lightly patting my back in an almost comforting fashion.

There was four of us in that boat. Me, Bofur, Tauriel and James, all squished nice and snug as we tried to manoeuvre our way through packs of ice along the lake. Nothing was easy in Middle-Earth. Swear to God if I had a torch right now my life would be so much easier. Hell, if Thorin had a shot gun, he could have killed the Pale Orc first time round and we wouldn't be being chased!

Middle-Earth problems.

Also, if we had an aeroplane, our journey would have been cut from a year to probably only a day or so flying – if that! Gandalf was a wizard, he pulled me into this stupid world, couldn't be pull an aeroplane here too? Or even a car? Or even a—

"Son of a-!" The boat suddenly stuck an ice float, sending me flying forward and probably into the icy lake water if it wasn't for Tauriel reaching out and grabbing me. "Thanks." I breathed, heart racing all over again as I eyed the black water around us with a glare. "Watch where you're going, dummy." I shot to James.

James turned around and glared at me, "You try steering this thing in the pitch black!"

"I bet I could do a better job than you!"

"Oh, yeah? Why go on then—"

"Quiet, both of you!" Bofur hissed, glaring at us both. "Do you want to get caught?"

I frowned at him, "We're in the middle of a lake, who is going to catch us here?"

Bofur's eyes flickered for a moment, and his tense body relaxed, leaning back against the boat. "True, I suppose."

"Do you think they would have made it to the Mountain by now?" I asked after a brief pause.

Everyone turned to Bofur.

"Most likely. Night has not long since fallen, so I assume they may even be inside by now."

Immediately my blood ran cold. This was happening, this was actually happening.

They-We were going to potentially provoke a Dragon.


"Fuck." James and I mumbled in unison, obviously the same thoughts crossed both our minds.

I then turned to where I thought the Mountain was sat, but through the darkness it wasn't visible. Nothing was.

"Well, so far, so good. No Dragon." The positivity in my words didn't seep through into my tone, nor my feelings. I was still anxious beyond words, scared for my friends and newly acquired family. The last thing I wanted was to lose them so soon after finding them.

No one responded to my words, for no one knew what to say. Except, we all shared nervous looks. Even Tauriel, the ever cool Elf, didn't look convinced.


It was still pitch black when we arrived to shore and bid my brother farewell. I told him to stay safe, and get out of Lake Town as soon as possible.

"I do not doubt that Legolas has taken care of those Orcs, but for the love of God, James. Pack everything up and leave as soon as you get back. Please." My tone was borderline begging. But even through the darkness I could sense his facial expression, and I knew he wouldn't take a lot of convincing. Who knows if those Orcs would be back, but if they were on the pursuit for Thorin's company, they most likely would be.

"This is all real, isn't it?" He muttered, and I assumed it was a rhetorical question because he did not wait for an answer before continuing. "Okay."

I let out a breath of relief, "Good, thank you. I will… See you soon."

"You better." He snapped, and then without hesitation he pulled me to him, hugging my tightly. "You better see me soon."

"I will," I mumbled into his chest, "I promise."

We didn't stay like that long, because we both were on a time limit. So we pulled away, bid one more farewell and then went our separate ways.

I tried to push the grief I felt as far away from my thoughts as possible. I could not be blinded by my own desires, I could not be selfish. There were far bigger things than my relations, and I needed to remember that.

"I'm sorry, sunshine." I heard Bofur mumble through the darkness, and I turned towards his voice, smiling softly. I knew Dwarves had better eyesight in the dark than I did, and Elves even more so (apparently) as Tauriel didn't falter to take the lead and head away from the shore and up a slightly rocky mound. I struggled with this, but Bofur grasped my hand tightly and guided me through the more even terrain.

"It's fine, but thank you. I know I will see him again."

Bofur didn't reply to that, because I knew he didn't want to lie to me. I was lying to myself already (duh), the likelihood of me seeing James again was probably slim to none. But, my heart did not need to know that.

"They went this way. Kili is weak." Tauriel's voice cut through the air like a whip, and instantly my heart jolted.

"Weak?" I repeated, involuntarily squeezing Bofur's hand.

"This way." Tauriel disappeared behind a thicket of trees, and I blindly followed with Bofur.

We were walking for about an hour, before we found signs of life.

Sort of, anyway.




Oooooooohhhhh kaaaaaaaaay

I'm so sorry this chapter took me so long to post! I'm really struggling with this ending, especially because the film will undoubtedly be different to the book so I'm kinda just making it up as I go along. As you can tell I've already changed some stuff around to my liking, but still the only character I own is Olivia.

From now on I think everything will flow back into Tolkien's version of the story, but I needed to have these few weird chapters to fit Olivia and her plans in with the story. But eventually and basically it is all the same (:

I was meant to post this two days ago, but I left it on my work computer and then yesterday and today I had a training course so I wasn't able to email it home until last minutes this afternoon.

I did add a chapter the other day, which a few of you noticed, but this wasn't a new chapter (sorry!), it was actually an old chapter fanfiction deleted! If you haven't read it, it's chapter 8 (or 7, I forget) and it's when Olivia and the company find the troll cave. It's a relatively importantly chapter, actually, as it's the beginning of Olivia's realisation for her feelings towards Fili, and there's a few cute scenes between them! (:

Let me know what you think of the story so far, and the changes! Your comments mean the world to me, and they make me update faster!
