Both Neon genesis Evangelion and Panty &Stocking with Garterbelt are own by Gainax. I own nothing, expect my OCs.

[A Cruel Angel's Thesis]

(A small bead of light appears in the center, but spreads outward)

Zankoku na tenshi no you ni Shonen yo, shinwa ni nare... (The screen turns red, showing a sea of crimson, changing again to a sea of stars, all of them moving awat from the center, changing once more to water, where Shinji float aimlessly

Needle scratch

(Shinji wakes up and falls downward)

[PASWG Opening Theme]

(Shinji hits the floor, groggy, but then a picture blonde girl appears behind him, exploding in a second, thowing Shinji to the right, a picture of a gothic-lolita appears next, exploding him to the left, a black Priest appears in the center, exploding him downward, a green dog appears, exploding ,in gore, shinji to the center, and a church then appears, exploding shinji to the sky.)

Panty, Stocking, Panty, Panty, Stocking yo! (Shinji falling downward, landing on Panty, his hand inside her dress, groping her, Panty enjoying the sensation with her gun in her hand. Shinji realizing what he is doing, freaking out. Soon shows what are inside their heads, Panty thinking only sex, Shinji thinking of running away.)

Panty, Stocking, Oh Panty, Stocking! Choose me baby! Choose me baby! Be alri-right! Panty, Stocking. (Shnji runs in the other dirction, leaving Panty disappointed. Shinji then crashes on top of Stocking, while he is in a dominating position, Stocking's sword place inbetween her breast. Stocking moans in delight, showing that Stocking only think of sweets, goth, and S&M, while Shinji is thinking of getting off. A brief moment depicting three stain glass windows, showing Angel's halo, wings, and weapons. Shinji then crashes to Gaterbelt, who stares at him greatly. Showing nothing on what Gaterbelt is thinking, but Shinji is screaming to run.)

Panty, Stocking, Panty, Panty, Stocking yo! (Shinji somehow is in a couch, and both Anarcy sisters are approching him, Panty wearing a mini skirt, a pink top, and white high heels, Stocking wearing a gothic-lolita maid, complete with with frills, and blue ribbons. A ghost getting shot and cut.)

Oh Panty, Stocking, choose me! Choose me baby! Choose me baby, be alri-ri-ri-ri-ri-right! (Humans suffering under their deeds and negative emotions. Panty, Stocking, and Shinji are being chase by large ghosts, but quickly change the trio appearing victorious. Then the two sisters are chasing after Shinji, himself is scared. Then Shinji is caught, himself making Stocking sweets, while massaging Panty, making her moan sensually. The screen goes black, showing nothing, but the sister's eyes, and Halo. When the light reappears the sisters are in sexy, angelic clothing, both of them are flying upward, holding hand. The priest is in the background, himself showing the two angels, and Shinji ia in the bottom center with the dog. Now all of them are walking, in tathered clothing, in a wreaked city.)

Radio channel changing

[Cruel Angel's Thesis 00:52]

Dakedo itsuka kizuku deshou sono senaka ni wa (Shinji, as he is walking is being covered in armor, greatly similar to Unit 01. A image of Misato, the demon sisters, Corset, and Rei appear in order.)

Haruka mirai mezasu tame no hane ga aru koto... (Armored Shinji tenses as he places his arms afront of himself, crossing his chest. Then Black feathered wings sprout behind him, glowing in a eerie light.)

Zankoku na tenshi no te-ze (Shinji is covered in blood, Savior, himself attcking a ghost with a red broad sword, Destoyer, a image of th earth blood red, Hellsmonkey, Rei with the full moon behind her,The Truth)

Madobe kara yagate tobitatsu (A grey City with two large towards in full view, Daten City, a church standing on a lonely hill, The NGE NERV Cast appearing one by one, then their Alternate self, showing hatred.)

Hotobashiru atsui patosu de (A heavily fortified Unit 02 chasing after Shinji, Evangelion Unit 02 Dash, Shinji, the Anarcy Angels, and Demon sister fighting Hordes of Unusual ghosts, Shinji front flipping with a explosion behind him)

Omoide wo uragiru nara (Both Adam and Lilith are standing together, Rulers, The world changing all around back to normal, Reverse Impact, Both Demon sister are exposed, covering their breast, blushing, Misato is confronting her alter self)

Kono zora wo daite kagayaku (Shinji's Armor is coming off, revealing himself, he is then looks to the blue sky)

Shonen yo, shinwa ni nare (Shinji is leaving NERV, Being captured by WILLE, Shinji smiling with the others)

[Ending of PASWG Theme 00:26] (Chibi faces of Panty, Stocking, Gaterbelt, Shinji and Chuck forming the title)

Neon Genesis Evangelion: Trouble in Daten City

The title appears, showing a blackground, showing Panty excersicing, Stocking weighting herself in a towel, Rei drying herself with a towel, and Shinji's waist being measured.

"The Diet Syndrome"

Not long, the copyright of Gainex appear, taking all claim of both medias belonging to them.

The scene opens with the camera moving through grey clouds and pierce through them.

"The city where love and Desire fly freely." The camera show the same grey city. "Daten City. Where a young girl's life is one of dieting." The camera moves upward from its downward decent and stops at the two towers that loom over Daten city, then the scene changes, showing a obese woman doing a home excersive workout video. "Throughout the ages, a variety of methods have been tested." The woman is now seen running, doing jump rope, steam bathing and strict dieting. "However, restraint must be applied." The woman is changing from her obsessed form, to a healthy form, to unhealthy anorexic body, to plain old dead as her grave is shown. "Let moderation be known unto all men." The girl is ascending to heaven, smiling that she is in her ideal form. The scene change with measuring tapes appearing all over the screen, then retract back, showing the scene change, showing a half eaten rolled white cake with a cup of tea steaming right next to it.

"Ahhhhhhhh-mm!" Stocking is taking a bite of the sweet white cake and squeals in delight when the flavor melts in her mouth. "Sweetness! One can never have enough of Whitey White's Special Roll Cake! Totally worth the two hour wait in line!" Stocking praise in delight. As she savors the taste, Chuck was sniffing around, trying to discover where the sweet smell is coming from. As he sees the cake, he readys himself to pounce in the cake and eat it to his drooling maw. Before he got even close to the cake, Stocking starts to kick him in mid-air in succession. With one final kick, Stocking kicks Chuck towards a book shelf and lands directly into a trash basket. "Piss off Chuck. I'm the only one who get to eat this." Stocking said in a cheery voice, waving her fork at him. Just then, the elevator dings and opens out Panty, wearing a workout track suit with hot shorts combo, a pair of fashionable red rimmed glasses on her face, listening to her work out music, loudly.

"My Milkshakes bring all the boys to the yard, And their like is better then yours, Damn right its better then ERK!" Panty stop singing as she suddenly smell something that made her gag. "What the hell is that sweet smell?" Panty ask as her face turns pale. She turns her attention Stocking and found the source of her predictament. "Stocking, are you eating some sort of earth confectionery again?"

"I'm not sharing, not even with Rei." Stocking said as she still enjoys her cake.

"I don't want any of that sugary shit, and I doubt Rei wants any of it either." Panty said, pointing out Rei sitting nearby, reading a book.

"I'm not hungry." Rei answer, continuing to read her book.

"While Rei have a good excuse, but for a girl who rejects sugar? Get the fuck out you freak." Stocking said, still in good cheer.

"Keep eating that shit up, you'll bloat into a whale." Panty said with a irritated face. "You don't even excessive like I do." Stocking flips her hair in confidence as she answers to Panty.

"Did you already forgot? I don't gain weight like you. My metabolism maintains my weight, and even if I do gain weight, all the excess calories go straight to my breasts, hips and ass, giving me a full figure while being skinny as a rail." Stocking said as she takes a sip of her tea. "It must be hard for you to maintain your figure, especially with your gluttonous hunger. I admire your dedication." Stocking said with a smirk. "Keep it up." At that, Panty is pissed off at Stocking.

"I'm gonna laugh my ass off the moment you'll blow up like a balloon. You can hold me too that." Panty said in hate, while Chuck makes another attempt for the cake, chameleon style. Like before, before reaching it's destination, Chuck tongue was stop when Stocking stabs it with her fork. Chuck is drag towards Stocking and like earlier, she kicks him in mid air and launches him to the same trash basket.

The scene change to night time, showing Stocking relaxing in a tub, reading a dessert magazine, with a tray full of sweets nearby her. "OmiGod, look at this cake, is so good!" Stocking said with excitement. "A chocolate fondant made with a generous amount of Belgian Chocolate. The Angel House in Omotesando must be classy." Stocking soon imagines herself in the place, wearing her best dress, her hair in a bun, enjoying many delicious sweets and dessert served before her, with Shinji feeding her. Stocking smile at that thought. As she rises from the tub, she notice something. She feels her stomach is softer then it was earlier today. She even pinches her sides and she grab hold of fat that not suppose to be there. "No, it couldn't be." Stocking said with fear and denial. "But just to be safe." Stocking went to the scale and wait in anticipation to see where the scale lands. And to her horror, the scale stop not on her usual dwarf rabbit, but in between that and pig. The day have finally come to her horror, it is the day that she gain weight on her stomach. "Oh no..."

We now see Stocking jogging in the park with Rocky's Eye of the tiger playing, trying to lose the unwanted fat on her stomach. All of this was happening early in the morning, everyone still asleep, especially Panty. She sneaks back inside, making sure that no one sees her. She rushes back to the bathroom and strips all of her cloths off, to get a accurate reading of her weight. She wait for it to stop on her weight, but to her horror, the scale is telling her that she now is Pig. "I didn't lose any weight..."

It is now morning and Stocking is trying to act like nothing happen. With a ding, the elevator opens, and walks in Panty and Rei walking in, carrying boxes of treats. "Hey Stocking, we're back rocking our dick out. Some dude gave us these." Panty said as Rei sets her boxes on the table. Just before when Panty was going to talk to Stocking, she quickly turn something off and hid it before her sister sees it. "I almost puke on them cause they smell like sweet treats, but it might be something I can pawn for easy cash."

"Yeah, sure." Stocking said as she focus reading her magazine. Panty opens the boxes and groans in disgust.

"God, I knew it, it sweets shit. Sorry, but those pedophile move don't work on me anymore." Panty complains loudly. "Stocking, how the hell you deal with it? I can feel my ass dimpling." Stocking still focus on her magazine. "Hey, bitch, are you listening to me?"

"Yeah, sure." Stocking responds, while Panty checks out the treats.

"What the fuck is Chocolate fondant? It looks like plastic, and reek of chocolate." Stocking's ears are twitching at what Panty is describing. "You take them. They're from that Whity-White place everyone getting a hard-on." Stocking's ears twitch even more, her will starting to break.

"No thank you, I have no interest in that nature." Stocking lies, trying to harden her will.

"Seriously? Alright, your call." Panty shrugs. "Hey Chuck, open up." Panty orders, Chuck rushing towards Panty. "Come get some cellulites."

"Chuuuck..." Chucks opens his maw and readys himself for the sweets. Stocking looks in shock as she sees Panty starting to feed Chuck. She looks away, steeling herself once more.

"Ready? Alright, hold this on your nose. Hold it damn it, good boy." Stocking is holding strong as she hears Panty making Chuck to do trick, using the sweets as treats. "Now catch!" Stocking is starting to break as she hears Chuck gulping down a few sweets. The magazine in her hand starts to strain as she continues to hear Chuck eat. "Now sit, Drool. Good boy."

"AAAHHHHHHHHH!" Stocking have reach her point as she couldn't take it anymore. "No wait!" Stocking plea, but it was too late. She sees before her a whole slice of white rolled cake falling slowly into Chuck's mouth, and in one gulp, Chuck ate it to her complete horror. She stood there frozen as she sees Chuck eating the sweets in a frenzy. As she look in sorrow, Panty slides next to her.

"Oppsy, my bad. Did you want some?" Panty tease.

"Nn-n-no I did not!" Stocking respond, looking away from her.


"What is it?"

"Are you... DIETING?" Panty said with a creepy smile on her face.

"AAAUUUUUUGGGGGHHHH!" Stocking moans in despair as she is being called out. "Of course not, why would you be on a diet? I'm thin and petite as they come. I'm the reason why tween make themselves vomit." Stocking said as she make excuses.

"Hello." Panty said as she lifts up Stocking's shirt, revealing that she is wearing a fat burner belt on her stomach, and she hide it back. "Peekaboo." She reveals is again with a smile. "I saw it. There it is. There it is again. Hello. Still there." Panty whispers the last one, still smiling. "Fatty. Fat ass. Lard butt. Fattyfattyfattyfattyfattyfattyfattyfatty.." Panty repeats quickly.

"OOOOHOHOHOHOHO!" Stocking screams loudly with the sound of The Nutcracker Suite in the air. She then spins around like a ballerina, and move towards the elevator. "Chuuuck, come here boy." Stocking twirls around him and somehow grabs hold of him and they spin into the elevator. As the elevator closes, Panty starts to laugh loudly at this.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHA! So little miss perfect is finally getting a paunch on that bod of hers. HAHAHAHAHAHA! AH man, I can't wait to torture her fat ass!" As Panty was laughing at Stocking's predicament, Rei is eating one of the sweets, thinking about something.

'What is Stocking doing now?' A rare thought enters Rei's mind.

Back in the elevator...

"YOU STUPID INBREED MONGROL!" SLAMSLAMSLAMSLAMSLAM "YOU ATE THE LAST OF THE ANGEL HOUSE SWEET WHITE ROLL CAKE!" SLAMSLAMSLAMSLAMSLAMSLAMSLAM "HURRY UP AND HURL IT UP OR I'LL BEAT YOU TO A FUCKING BLOODY PULP YOU BAG OF SHIT!" SLAMSLAMSLAMSLAMSLAM. Stocking screams loudly as she beats the shits out of Chuck. When she stops punching him, Chuck only made a gurgling sound as he points his mouth at her. "NOT AT ME!" With one last hit from her fist, she made Chuck into a pile of gore, and oddly for the green beast, a still live one. "Its only three pounds, I can get rid of it by tomorrow, no problem." Stocking said with confidence.

And the scene change into a montage, a workout song starts when Stocking starts to put on her running sneakers, determination on her face. She starts early in the morning, jogging in the streets, breathing heavily. We now see her now doing normal pushups, then with her left arm, then her right, and ab crunches in high speed with Chuck chocking on a boxer ring's rope. Stocking is now in the park with her cat doll and chuck, jumping rope. With a burst of speed, the jump rope created a burst of wind that blows everything around her away. Stocking is now in a sauna with only a towel on, her cat doll in a towel, and a dehydrated chuck, a voice of a workout instructor appearing. With her workout routine, she change her diet also. At first it was a simple cube of tofu, catching Chuck's appetite, then a single dried sardine, Chuck's appetite lessening, then to a single soy bean, Chuck's hunger nonexistent. She is trying everything to lose weight, to in home workout videos, to minimizing her water intake. Panty and Rei are a bit surprise on Stocking's dedication, especially Panty when she sees her sister dashing past her countless time on her first lap. While that was happening, Panty have a fun idea of tempting Stocking back to her sweet loving self by buying her favorite rolled white cake from the new bakery, even though it meant for her to move pass the many women customers, and the few males. She only thought of how fun it will be to tease her sister. When she return home, it reveal to be mainly empty with only her, a large stack of boxed sweets, and Rei, reading. Now Panty and Rei are in the basement, the workout song over. They walk towards a steel door, with steam escaping from the cracks. Inside was many steaming tea kettles and space heaters set to maximum levels. As the two look around, someone was approaching them and to their shock and Panty's fear, is Stocking, with grey skin clinging to her skeletal form, still wearing her workout clothes. With fear still in her system, Panty offers Stocking a place of a whole rolled white cake. Stocking looks at the sweet delicacy and takes it with a small smile. Soon enough, Stocking tips her plate and let the dessert fall onto the floor, splattering into a small mess. This shocks Panty greatly seeing her sister refusing her favorite dessert, and also wonders what will she do with the rest of the desserts.

While Stocking was trying to lose weight, back at Daten High, Shinji is trying to maintain his. "Uuuuuuuuuuuugh." Shinji moan as he rest his head on the cafeteria table.

"Hey man, what's the matter?" Chris asks. Shinji turns his head to show that he have lost much weight, showing signs of fatigue on his face. "Whoa, man. What happen?" Chris asks.

"Uuuuuuu..." Shinji is having some trouble explaining to Chris and the others on that the Daemon sisters have been including him into their 'stress relieves' as they put it. They 'Relieve stress' often, very often. In the elevator, in the backseats of G-String, the bedrooms, both sisters demanding him to help them 'relieve' themselves, taking lots of Shinji's energy, leaving him tired and weary, while the sisters leave with a shine on their skin and a smile on their faces. "Just having some trouble sleeping."

"You look like you were having a sex marathon with two nympho sisters for three days straight." Alex commented on Shinji's condition.

'Total of two and a half days really.' Shinji mentally corrected. As Shinji looks around, he notice something. "Is it me, or is it something different with the girls of this school lately?" Shinji asks as the camera zooms out and show the girls of the school with large bodies. Some have fat build all of their bodies, giving them a obsessed bodies, while others look more plush, giving them a more round full figure with their large hips and asses, small paunch bellies, their definite larger breast and round faces.

"I have no idea. It have been happening for the last few days." Poindexter said as he observe the situation. "This is very unusual."

"Hey, it not all bad." Otaku said as he sees that many of the girl's figures expanded, giving off a fertile form.

"Really?" Poindexter points to a very obese and heartbroken girl eating a pile of sweets after her boyfriend dumps her.

"I said its not all bad." Otaku said quickly.

"Well, despite the sudden increase of huge breasts and asses, whats unusual is how fast the women are gaining weight." Poindexter points out. "While the human body is design to gain and hold excess calories for later use, but the body doesn't absorb this many calories and fat in just a few short days." As the group discuss this newest trend to the female body. Shinji wearily opens his backpack and brings out a small chocolate truffle cupcake with white cream topping, dark chocolate shavings and a cherry on top, and smiles as he looks at it.

"Whats with the cupcake?" Alex asks as he looks at it.

"Oh, it something I made myself." Shinji answers honestly. "I never really baked before, so I thought I might give it to Stocking, and give me a honest answer." The group just smile at Shinji's answer.

"So you suddenly decided to bake something for Stocking?" Chris asks with a sly smile.

"Yeah..." Shinji rose a eyebrow at that. "What are you applying?"

"Let see..." Alex brings out a small booklet and read it to Shinji. "You are the current king of Daten City High, the former Evangelion pilot of Unit One, have the attention of two lovely women, not including the the Mayor's Daughters, your former female co-pilots, and most of the female student body."

"And that was before your angel powers." Otaku commented, with everyone nodding.

"Come on guys, it not like that." Shinji said to defend himself. "I'm not some kind of sex fiend that lays with every woman he sees." 'Though, I may have their endurance at the rate I'm going with Scanty and Kneesocks.' Shinji mentally said in his head. As the group contemplates on what Shinji said, someone is walking towards them by judging with the sway of the hips and bounces of their posterior, it was a girl.

"Hello Shinji." This person is Rei, with major changes from her normal self. Instead of her usual thin petite self, she have grown like the the other girls. Her hips and butt have grown to great proportions, her skirt spread gently clinging to her large thighs. Her breast grown dramatically, easily bigger then her head, her uniform she always wears strain under Rei's new measurements. And unlike the others, her waist is still thin like before, her face still slim and while her thighs expanded with the sudden growth of her hips and behind, her arms are as slim as ever. Shinji blush at her figure as the other simply drool at her. "Is something a matter?" Rei asks as she sees Shinji's face reddening.

"Nn-n-no, nothings wrong it just..." Shinji is having a hard time to form thr right words.

"You are caught by surprise by my new body, is that correct?" Rei asks, and Shinji nods to this in shame. "Is my body displeasing to you?" Shinji is surprise by what Rei said.

"Nonononono, that not it!" Shinji quickly answer. "It just I'm not use of seeing you like this." Rei hears Shinji answers and soon response back.

"I see. Many of the female student were contemplating my sudden growth as 'lucky', but I fail to see the benefits of have such large breast, and bottom." Rei said as she begins to grope her breasts with one hand, and feel her behind with the other, imitating what some of the other growing female students did to her. Shinji face quickly turns red, while the others simply smile and drool at this.

"Rei, please don't do that in public." Shinji said as he quickly stop Rei from groping herself in public. While it made some groans from the male audience, but Shinji have too. He then drags Rei outside the cafeteria, outside the sight of others. As soon as they were alone, Shinji catch his breath. "Okay, I think we are alone now." Shinji said to Rei. As he looks at her, he notice that he stills holding on to her hand. Shinji immediately blush and let go of her hand. "Sorry." Shinji apologise, but Rei only look at him.

"Its alright Shinji." Rei said as she looks at him and her hand that Shinji held. "It was a odd sensation..." Small pink hues on her cheeks appear on her cheeks. "But I did like it." Shinji face turn redder at that.

"R-r-right." Shinji stammers. "Just please don't grope yourself in public like that. It attracts the wrong attention." Rei only look at him as he looks at her with embarrassment and worry, knowing Rei still adjusting to a life outside NERV.

"Alright." Rei agrees as she and Shinji start walking together down the hall. Both parties are silent through the walk, each for their own reasons. Shinji is being shy on what happen earlier, while Rei simply doesn't know what to say. Shinji breaths in, removing some of his embarrassment and start a conversation.

"How is living with Panty and Stocking?" Shinji asks.

"Interesting." Rei answer. Shinji nods to this.

"How is it compare to living with NERV?"

"Its more... lively." Rei answer, remembering how each morning, Garterbelt will rudely wake the two angels up, where ever they be in the morning. "The Church is always active and loud." Shinji nods to this and asks more.

"So what happen at NERV when I left?" Shinji asks the one question that been bugging him for a good while. Rei was silent to the question, making Shinji think it was a sensitive question that Rei have no will to tell about it, but she began to tell him.

"To NERV itself, nothing at first, but that quickly change when 10th Angel attack NERV." Shinji remain silent as he hears Rei's story. "The Angel A.T. field is nothing ever encounter before, with arsenal far greater then those came before it. With a single attack, it sinked Tokyo-3 into the Geo-dome." Shinji is shocked to hear that, to hear that a angel done that with a single attack, that none before it accomplish. "The Commander assign me to pilot Unit 01, while another unknown pilot is assign to use Unit 02."

'Someone pilot Unit 02, but who?' Shinji mentally asks himself as Rei continues her story.

"The weapon that the pilot of Unit 02 had no effect on the angel, and while that was happening, I was getting ready to pilot Unit 01, but something happen." Shinji continues to listen to Rei with more concern now. "Synchronization became impossible, and dangerous to attempt, forcing the Commander to use the Dummy Plug while I sit out the battle." Shinji's fist start to clench when he heard those words, his hatred for that damned thing still lingering in him. "Unit 01 reject the Dummy plug, not once, but many times, and reports of Unit 02 failing, even with Beast Mode activated."

'Beast Mode?' Shinji menially questions as this is the first time hearing about it.

"With the Angel attacking NERV headquarters, a gamble was made. Unit 00, armed with a N2 Mine, will bypass the angel's A.T. field and detonate it at it's core."

"What?! Who order that?!" Shinji said in shock, knowing the damage and destruction the N2 mine can do.

"It was my idea and I launch it without the consent of the Commander." Shinji's eyes widen at this and grabs Rei, wanting a explanation.

"WHY?! WHY WOULD YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT?!" Shinji scream in horror, finding out that Rei almost threw her life away. Rei remain silent as the two look at each other, and Rei broke the silence.

"It is because I didn't want you to fight anymore." Shinji let go of Rei as he hear her words. "A first, the angel prove to be difficult to penetrate the A.T. field, but Unit 02 was still active and destroyed the A.T. field. The N2 mine landed on the Core but the angel have a hidden defense for it, saving it from the explosion." Shinji is still shock to hear this, but still press on.

"But, how did you survive?" Rei look down and look at her raised hand.

"I don't know." Rei answers, pondering herself. "I don't have any memory of what happen after that, only small glimpses of what might of happen." Shinji's attention is on her as she recall the images she saw. "I remember being someplace, somewhere dark and empty, that only I can survive and live. I felt tired and wanted to sleep, but something kept me awake." She then brings up her backpack and brings out a all too familiar cassette player. "It was you. My mind keep on returning to you, making me feel something..." Rei have a hard time describing the feeling. "Something warm in my chest." Rei face blush at this and continue the story. "When I woke up, I see myself in a hospital room with many doctors examining me. Soon someone came in, asking me questions about NERV and many of it's projects. When I asks him why, he answer with the aftermath of the angel attack, the dome of light and the Third Impact never happen. I was surprise at first, but i nod and answer questions that I knew of. Not long, more people came in, examining me, seeing anything that might catch their interest. When I ask them, they fall silent and say 'We are looking at something one of a kind.'" Shinji looks at her and except for her new figure, Shinji is curious what is unique about her. "After that, government official say to me that because I am no longer bind to NERV, they asks me what I want to do."

"So what was your answer?" Shinji asks, having a feeling that he already knows the answer.

"I just want to be with Shinji." Rei answer, Shinji's face red once again. He looks around, trying to hide his embarrassment, but he notice that he and Rei walk out of school grounds and are already near the edge of the city.

'When did we walk outside of school?' Shinji mentality asks himself.

"Shinji?" Rei asks when she see's Shinji's surprised look, grabbing his attention to her.

"Wha? Oh, I'm sorry. I just notice we just walked off school grounds." Shinji answer.

"I notice it earlier when I was answering your question about NERV."

"Right." Shinji nod with hints of shame in his voice. He looks at Rei and blush a bit remembering what she said earlier.

"Why do you want to be with me? I'm nothing special, heck, I ran away from NERV and everything that associate with it." Shinji ask Rei as he said those words and looks down. "I'm nothing more then a coward."

"That is where you are wrong." Shinji perk at what Rei said. "You chose to leave NERV for something you did not support. You chose to leave it because it was never your war, even though you chose to enter it to save someone you know nothing of." Rei said as she look at Shinji. "You are someone who risk his life just to see someone smile for tomorrow."

"Rei..." Shinji is surprise at what Rei said, not knowing that both of them were getting closer as they walk the whole way. They soon look at each other, looking into each other's eyes, their faces drawing closer, not knowing on what they are doing.

"Shinji..." Their lips are drawing closer as they start to close their eyes, not aware what they will do at this very moment, but just acting what their hearts are telling them. Before their lips made contact, someone interrupts them.

HONKHONKHONK "Hey you love birds, save some of that stuff for your room." Panty said as she drives by in See Through, and sees them together, honking at them and unknowingly disrupted their moment. The two stop on what they were doing and back away from each other, Shinji embarrassed for doing something like that in public, while Rei simply lost the moment and wonder what she was doing. "So I see you starting hitting on Rei." Panty said slyly at the blushing Shinji, then looking at Rei. "See, I told you when puberty hits you with a sledgehammer, you gonna get all the fine meats."

"I still don't know what you mean Panty." Rei answers, not knowing what she meant. Panty sigh at this and speak at the two.

"Hey, next time you two hook up, invite me in so I can teach the two of you how its done." Panty casually said to the two of them, and while Rei tilts her head in confusion, Shinji blush greatly on what she is implying, not knowing the fact of Shinji's new experience for the last few days.

"Wh-what are you doing here?" Shinji asks, hoping to change the question.

"Well, I came here for some serious intervention shit for Stocking's ever shrinking ass."

"Wait, what do you mean by that?" Shinji asks with curiosity and worry.

"Well, a few days ago, Stocking finally gain a few pounds on that 'perfect' body of her." Panty said with some disgust. "Ever since that day, Stocking been on a crazy exercising routine and the last I saw her, she was nothing more then a walking skeleton with skin." Shinji is now fully worry of what Panty said is true.

"Really?" Shinji asks in disbelief, thinking Stocking is going so far to lose a few pounds.

"Yep." Panty nods and opens the door for them. "So you coming or what?" Shinji nod at this and Rei went inside. With a loud screech of See Through's tires, the trio are now driving towards the church, hoping to talk some sense towards the anorexic Stocking.

Back at the church, we now see a back view of Stocking, her long hair blocking most of her body, with her workout clothes set at the side, she is scaling herself one more time. She look at the scale and as it move, her eyes are turning glass and lifeless and when it stop, her eyes turn completely white as she is in despair and shock, only able to mutter a few words.

"I didn't lose any weight."

Then something snap inside her.

As our other heroes arrive at the church, Rei have been answering more of Shinji's question, this time more about what happen to the staff of NERV. While it obvious that Gendo and Sub Commander Fuyutsuki are on trial for what they have done and their projects, but 'surprisingly' Doctor Ritsuko as well for being the one who supervise and manage the projects under Gendo's command. The other staff, having no knowledge of NERV's true objective, are simply sent to other organizations to work and live their lives, most of them have mixed feelings about what happen at NERV.

"And what of the Evangelions? I doubt the governments what them active." Shinji said as he, Panty and Rei exit See Through.

"When the government official came and investigate the remaining Evangelion units of NERV, all of them, including those in production, all turn to LCL, leaving only the non-organic materials in their place." Rei said as Shinji breathe a sigh.

'Well at least we don't have to worry about anyone making them into weapons.' Shinji said as Panty leads them into the church. As she opens the door, a large scream of anguish is heard.



[End song]

Standing before them is indeed Stocking, but completely different then what either of them have seen before. Stocking is, in a word, large. Almost everything about her is bigger. She is bearing large breast that are four times her head, her hips, thighs and butt explode outward, giving her a brood-mother appearance. Her once flat stomach is now a large paunch. Large amount of fat build around her legs and her face rounded then its normal angular shape. And top of all that is her lips swell greatly, almost forming a perfect O-shape. And it doesn't help that she is in her heavily strained black laced bra turned micro-bikini and panties turned thong. The group just look at each other, frozen in place. None of them made a sound or even move, until someone started to snicker.

"Ph, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" No surprise that its Panty as she points and laughs at Stocking's appearance. "And here I thought I was worried of you turning into a pile of bones, but you just bloated to a whale! And like I said, I'll laugh my ass off when you do. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Panty is rolling on the floor, clutching her sides in glee. While this was happening, Stocking started to cry as she sees herself not the perfect goddess she was ment to be, but a large, obsessed woman that might as well be a living building sized boulder of fat. Tear are welling up in her eyes and just as fast she ran towards the kitchen in anger, she ran just as quick in tears back to her room. She slam the door loudly, snapping Shinji out of his shock.

"Wha?" Shinji looks around and see Panty laughing loudly on the floor, and Rei blinking on what happen. Soon, he can here Stocking's sobbing upstairs in her room, with looks of worry on his face again. He decided to check on her and stops at the door where the sobs are loudest. He gave a few knocks and asks Stocking. "Stocking, are you alright?"

"NOOO! I'M NOT ALRIGHT!" Stocking scream on the other side of the door.

"Stocking, I'm coming inside, alright." Shinji warns as he enters. When he first enters, he is surprise on what Stocking's room looks like, giving off a similar theme to the horror room that he live, but with a 'cute' twist to the macabre decor, and hiding in under the blankets of her caged bed is Stocking. "Stocking, can you please come on out."

"NO!" Stocking screams as she tightens the blanket around her, highlighting her figure. While Shinji blush at this, he is trying to think of a way to make Stocking to come out her her bed. Then a memory came up, on what Panty had said on their first encounter.

"If you want to continue where you left off, just give Stocking a crap load of sweets and role play Fifty Shades of Grey..." 'Right, that what help coax Stocking, minus the last part.' Shinji thought as he brings out the cupcake. "Stocking, if you come out, I'll give you this cupcake." That caught Stocking's attention as she rise up, still covering herself, but her face.

"Is it from Angel House?" Shinji shakes his head no.

"I made it myself, really." Stocking went back to cover herself. "Come on, Stocking, you have to come out."

"NO! I'm fat and ugly cow!" Stocking screams loudly in disgust.

"According to who?" Shinji asks.

"EVERYONE! THERE IS NO ONE BUT FREAKS WHO WOULD LIKE A BLOB OF FAT LIKE ME!" Stocking screams louder making Shinji flinch at her protest, but he steel himself and assert himself more.

"Look, Stocking, while its true that I don't understand how you feel, and how you see yourself..." Stocking peek out of her blanket as she hears Shinji being tougher. "But did you asks or hear what everyone, but Panty have to say about how you look?" Shinji continues his speech as Stocking emerge more from her blanket. "You're not the only one who going though this. Many of the girls at school suddenly have the same figure as you have. Some became depressed and eat their troubles away, becoming as they see themselves, while others are scared of their new figures, not knowing what others see them as, but many people like their new figures." Stocking came more out of her blaket. Shinji sets the cupcake on a table nearby, and starts to walk, finishing his speech. "I don't know what I said made you feel better, but I still think you look beautiful, no matter what." As Shinji was going to walk out of Stocking's room, he hears the cage bed opening and feel someone grabbing hold of his sleeve. He turns around and sees Stocking looking at him, with her mascara running down her cheeks from her tears.

"Don't leave yet." Stocking said as she looks at Shinji's cupcake. "I need help eating it. These lips of mine are going to make it difficult to eat." Stocking place a index finger on her lips and trace their large size. "They are better for fellatios then eating." Shinji blush greatly at those words. Shinji looks around as he find something to help feed Stocking. He spots her personal plate and fork nearby and sets the cupcake on it. Shinji cut a small piece from the bottom half and feed it to Stocking. She opens her mouth and moan a bit as she tastes it. "The batter is a bit dry..." Shinji frown a bit at that. "But the rich tastes of Swiss Chocolate made up for it." Shinji breathe a sigh of relief. Stocking opens her mouth again, expecting another bite. Seeing this, Shinji cut more of the top, with a heathy portion of frosting with it. Stocking moan again as she bite into the cupcake. She is savoring the taste of the frosting combining with the swiss chocolate batter and chocolate shavings. "The combination of buttermilk cream frosting with the chocolate batter is savory, and the suttle hints of dark chocolate is a nice touch." Stocking said, continuing commenting. Shinji smiles at this, not only getting positive review for his creation, but also seeing Stocking feeling better as he continues to feed her. When the cupcake was gone, Stocking as smiling, if her large lips shown to be correct.

"Feeling better Stocking?" Shinji asks.

"A little." Stocking answer. Shinji smile at that reponse, knowing that she is forgetting about her appearance and how Panty reacted to her.

"Thats good to hear." Shinji said as he set used plate and fork aside, readying to leave, he felt two soft arms wrapping around him. He turns around and see Stocking hugging Shinji towards her.

"Don't leave, not yet." Stocking said into his ear, Shinji blushing as he remembers the Daemon sister doing the exact same thing when they not done with him.

"Oh no." Shinij said as Stocking pulls him in with her.

"What the hell is taking those two so long?" Panty asks loudly as she and Rei been waiting in the church. Its been almost a hour when Shinji went inside Stocking's room, and while Rei is sitting fine, Panty however is losing patience when she stop laughing when her sides started to hurt. "What the hell are they doing? Fucking each other?" Panty said loudly. "That's it, I'm going to up there and drag Stocking huge ass out of there, whether the fat bitch likes it or not." Panty stomps upstairs to the rooms, while Rei just sits in the church seats, waiting for Panty's return. When Panty reaches to the rooms, she, Rei and anyone else that are inside the church, hear this.

"OH GOD YES! FUCK ME! FUCK ME LIKE THE BREEDING COW I AM, YOU STUD OF A BULL! AHHHH!" Panty went back downstairs as she shut the door closed, and sat next to Rei with a blank look on her face. She was like that for a while, until both Stocking and Shinji come on down fully clothed, with Shinji looking more thinner then before, and Stocking having a pleasing glow on her face. "Sorry to keep you waiting. Shinji stayed longer to make me feel better."

"Yeah I bet." Panty said with a hint of jealously in her voice. Stocking heard the tone and smirk at this.

"Shinji was so kind to help me eat with his cupcake he special made for me." Panty starts to growl at this. "And after that, I gave him a warm hug and a deep kiss." Shinji was starting to blush as Stocking starts to retell what happen between them. He would of protest to stop, if he had the energy. "I further went to Shinji's kindness and gave him a adult kiss." Stocking made a hand signal of her finger going in and out of of a hole. Panty growls louder and Rei remain stoic as Stocking continue. "As he vent his frustration onto me, I became goo under his hands as he goes in and out of me, with no signs of stopping, massaging me, touching me. Oh God, there where times I thought I was going to milk and moo as he squeezes them hard." Stocking was starting to blush, her wordplay slipping away as she remembers more and more of Shinji's action he did on her. "I can't remember the number of times I came before he was done marking me."

"Hey... don't say it like... Ah!" Shinji grabs his head as another vision appear inside his mind. And while Shinji was groaning in pain, a bolt of lightening struck outside, where Chuck was. When Shinji's headache disappear, Garterbelt pop out of the ground and slam his closed fist on the burnt dog thing he was holding in his hand.

"Angels, God is calling you to do his bidding!" Garterbelt said as the small scroll rolls open and reveal the words inside, CAKE. He then grabbed a lowered rope and yank on it, making a projector screen and projector pop from the ground. "Take a look here." Garterbelt said as the projector turns on. The four present stare at the image of a obese woman getting wider as the animation shows.

"What is it?" Panty asks with confusion.

"As we speak, the women in Daten City are becoming from skinny bitches to fat ass bitches!" Garterbelt said as the slide shows women getting fatter with the same body type. "And the cause is right here!" The slide zooms on the folds of fat, then changes to what look like normal baked sweets.

"How? Plenty of bitches get fat on those." Panty said as she look at the pastry, while the other three stay silent. Garterbelt brought out a magnifying glass and showed that on a more closer examination, there are infested with ghost-like bacteria. "These cakes are filled with nasty ass yeast that make anyone who eats them into beached whales, no matter how long they are on the tredmill." The projector zooms in, showing the bacteria laughing in delight as they infect anyone who eats them. It change again, showing a normal woman eating one slice of a rolled cake, then showing the yeast infecting her body, until she swells twenty times her original size, looking obeste. "Naturally, its a work of a ghost!"

"Uuugh, that explain what happening to Stocking and at school." Shinji said as his vision receeds.

"But not where they came from." Rei spoke. "There are easily over dozens of bakerys on the city."

"Maybe a shop that specializes in white roll cakes." Shinji said. "I remember seeing many of them being mass produced."

"I know the place." Stocking said as she shakes in rage. "The only place that is famous world wide for their White Rolled Angel food cake is WHITY-WHITE!" Stocking screams as she drags Shinji and Panty to See Through. With her behind the wheel, See Through is crashing through traffic, making anyone in her way fly into the air.

"Oh hell yeah! Move your ass or be road pizza!" Panty cheered as they drive through traffic, causing massive traffic accidents as they made their way to the ghost.

At the Whity-White bakery, many people are gathering to buy many of the store's baked sweets. Some are buying them as gifts and celebrations, others are purchasing them to taste their sweet delights. On the surface, it appear to be a normal bakery shop, with the matron owning it. The main baker and owner is a short pudgy woman with a warm smile and eyes. Her round figure is non-threatening to anyone who sees her, with her warm greetings like a mother. She even treat many of the customers as family, especially the female regulars. "Don't worry dear, that man was no good for you anyway." the baker said to a large obese teenage girl. "Here, have a slice on the house." The baker offers the girl a slice of white cake, and the girl smiles and accepts the offer. The baker smiles as she sees the girl eating and enjoying her cake. She then starts to walk to the back of the shop, passing by many customers, all of them large. When she reaches the back, seeing her cakes being factored produced, she couldn't help but grin wickedly as her form changes.

[PASWG OST: Ghost Town 1:00]

The baker's body swell in size and in height as her form mutates. Her stomach swells, her lower half rips and shifts into that of a slugs. Her arms splits into two pairs pairs of thin claws. Her skin turns black, and her hair turning wild and blue under her chef hat. When she reach her full height, her nipples expands, ripping out of her apron, her eyes and nipples turn into enlongated teats. This baker is the embodiment of all those who dieted in the most painful ways, many of them failing, and other who died trying to enbrace being thin. This sister of Jabba the Hutt is named Hell Pound, and she is getting ready to complete her sweet traps.

"Ohohohoho! Now to put the finishing touches!" Hell Pound said eargerly as one of her hands grabs a teat and the other hand grabs one of her eyes. With a hard squeeze and pull, thick cream came forth from the two teats, landing on baked cakes, instanly forming beautifully designed caked that can be found in the most extravigant wedding parties. And she repeat this process, alternating with each teat and eyes, laughing loudly in devilish glee. "Yes, yes, YES MY ADORABLE BALL OF GERMS! Turn those skinny hussys and bimbos into overweight pigs! One own appearance won't matter if everyone in the world are fat and happy!" Hell Pound said loudly as she momentarly stop milking herself. "No more painful dieting. No more heart breaking excersise! None of that will matter when everyone in the world is growing fat together!"


[End song]

"Huh?" Hell Pound said when she heard a loud crash coming from her bakery. Crashing through the wall is See Through, with Panty and Stocking exiting out with Shinji starting to.


"I see now." Panty said as she faces Hell Pound. "You just don't want to diet, so you made everyone else fat."

"Who the hell are you three?" Hell Pound questions.

"We are Panty, Stocking and Bitch Breaker, and we are here to bust a cap on your fat ass!" Panty proclaim as the trio face the ghost.

"Panty, I ask you to not call me that." Shinji said as he armors up, earning a tsk from Panty.

"Hard not to when you were burying yourself in Stocking not a hour ago." Panty said, making Shinji blush under her helm.

"And what the hell wrong with that?" Stocking said as she faces Hell Pound. "Shinji was comforting me when this stupid ugly slug ruin my figure!" She said, staring at the ghost with anger. "Its not his fault he had a anacoda for a dick."

"Stocking, thats not helping." Shinji said to Stocking. Hell Pound is getting angry that is now ignored.

"You foul mouthed bitches! You crashed into my bakery, interupt my plans and say such vulger thing in such public places!" Hell Pound screams as her teats and eye stalk move, reflecting her anger. "I don't know what your problem is, but I'll take care of that soon!" She summon more teats to appear on her cheast and with a wicked smile, her arms split apart, enough hands to milk each teat. "With my special concentrated cream, I'm gonna fatten you bitches up, and add meat on that twiggy gigalo! OPEN WIDE!" Hell Pound grabbed all of her teats, and shoots out thick cream at the trio, the bacteria inside the cream, laughing with glee as they aproach them.

"Oh no! I'll blimp up if that shit touches me!" Panty scream with fear.

"NOOOO! I'll be nothing but a ball of fat if a single drop touches my lips!" And she isn't alone as Stocking screams too. As the cream flies towards the trio, thing start to slow down in Shinji's perspective.

'That attack is coming fast, and we have nothing to stop it.' Shinji though as he sees the wall of cream coming closer and closer. He sees the Anarcy sisters panicking at the incoming attack. 'We have nothing to stop it, even if they are...' Then something click in Shinji's head. He remembers what his armor appears as, he remembers what is resembles. He raise one of his hands and start to concentrate, trying to bring out something within. 'Please work, please work, please work.' Shinji chant as things speed up. The two angels flinch as they expect to be covered head to toe in the diabolical cream, but instead they hear a sound of splatter and a angelic hym. They open their eyes and see something only the First and highest of angels and God possess. They are seeing Shinji projecting his A.T. Field.

"What the hell?!" Hell pound screams in surprise as she stop the attack, seeing her cream stopping at mid-air, and the angels and the gigalo untouched. When Hell Pound stops the attack, Shinji drop the shield, and was glad of that.

'Any longer, and I think blood would come out of my ears and nose.' Shinji thought. "Panty, Stocking, now is your chance!" Shinji said to the two angels.

"Right" The two sisters said as they raise their hands.

[Stop song, start Fly Away Now]

When their halos appear above them, they lowered their hands, changing from their regular clothing to their angelic ones, with Stocking's the most dramatic as she leads.

"O Wicked Spirt born from a lost Soul in Limbo..." While Panty remain the same appearance, Stocking's angelic look change dramatically thanks to Hell Pound.

"Receive Judgement from the garb of the Holy Virgin..." Her Angelic dress became more form fitting, clinging onto her larger body, much of her cleavage is being shown by her spilling out breasts, her large hips and buttocks exposed.

"Cleansed of worldy impurities, return to Heaven and Earth..." Stocking bends down as she continues the chant, showing off her large ass to Shinji and any spectators in the bakery. She remove her Stockings while Panty removed her underwear, already forming it into her gun. Stocking have a different idea when she merge her stockings together.

"REPENT, YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" Stocking screams as she charges at Hell Pound with a gigantic claymore broadsword in her hands. The ghost freeze on the spot, seeing the gigantic weapon closing on her, too fast to even react. Stocking brings down her sword, cutting the ghost in two, but something happen.

[Stop Song]

The blade just slaps onto Hell Pound's skin, then limps downward. Stocking stares at this and swings her blade again, and again, it limps on her. She did this several time until she stops and examines her White and Blue stocking. "You got to be shitting me." Stocking said as she looks at her stockings. "They're fuckin' streatched!" Stocking screams in disbelief. Shinji slams his head when he heard that, and Panty is laughing at this. While our three heroes are distracted, Hell Pound took this oppurtunity to gather everything that she could carry and starts to run away, crashing through her bakery.

"Like hell I'm going to stand here. I'm running at the chance I get. I'll just start all over."

"Fuck that shit." Panty said as she jumps over Hell Pound and lands affront of her.


Panty whips out her gun and digs it into Hell Pound's frozen form. "Life ain't all Sugar and Spice, like those cakes of yours. It also bitter, salty and spicy as fuck!"


[End Song]

"You vulger, skinny bitch!" Hell Pound screams as she explodes into nothing. When the sounds of church bells and Angels' hyms reverberate in the air, eight Heaven coins fell from the sky. Four for Panty and Stocking, and four for Shinji, which he willing give to the Anarcy sisters.

"I guess she was born from all the pain and suffering from all those who try to lose weight." Shinji said as he dearmored.

"Its hard on everyone." Stocking commented, then with a sound of air hissing, Stocking and everyone who were afflicted with Hell Pound's blight, return to their normal size and shape.


"Oh, you returrn to normal." Panty said as Stocking examines herself. She smile as sees herself back to her normal self.

"I'm glad that you're feeling better." Shinji commented.

"Thanks Shinji." Stocking hugs him, which he blush. She then come close to his ear and whisper something. "We will do that again, but with whips and leather straps this time." Shinji face grew redder at that. Stocking let go of the dazed Angel slayer and Panty whisper something to his ear now.

"I'll be waiting for my turn later, Bitch Breaker." And at that Shinji fainted.

And in another part of the world, a young red haired teenage girl with a curvy figure is walking into a plane ready to take flight when she smells something. "Hmm, cake, sex, a hint of shame and a finishing oder of LCL." She smirk as her glasses gling on the sunlight. "What have you been up to Puppy?"


[End song]

Commercial Start

The scene opens, showing a dark stormy night with many of a sea town's stores closed from business, all but one Hamburger joint. A car drive up to the entrance, carrying five armed men. And inside, is the family that owns the restaurant.

"Okay, now be ready to 'relish' this dinner." The father jokes as he finishes the hamburgers for his family.

"Agh, Dad no. Not that lame pun." The youngest daughter with pink bunny ears moans.

"Yeah Dad, leave the jokes to the professionals." PPPppppppphhhhhhhhtttttt! The only son said as he press a recording on his keyboard.

"I think it was funny Dad." The awkward oldest daughter said.

"Tina, you said that about almost everything Dad said." The youngest daughter said to the oldest, Tina.

"Not everything Louise. Right Gene." Tina said, wanting confirmation from her brother.

"Nope, you think all of Dad's joke are funny, and they'e horrible." Gene said with a straight face, causing Tina to moan.

"Alright if you think you so much better, 'DING' why... won't you... think something... better." The father aid as the men come inside, eyeing him and his children. "Umm hello, names Bob, of Bob's Burgers and sorry to say this, but we are... (one of the men turned the open sign to closed) closed. Thank you for doing that." Bob said as he starts to worry. He sees them surrounding him and he sees that they are carrying something under their coats. "Kids, go back to the kitchen, now!" Bob said in worry, catching someone's attention.

"Bob, is something a matter?" Bob's wife asks as she sticks her head out of the kitchen.

"Nothing Linda, just stay in the kitchen with the kids." Bob said.

"Who are they and what do they.."

"They want Lental burgers! Go to the kitchen and stay there!" Bob screams.

"Alright, alright gezz." Linda said. "Come on kids, Mr. Grouch wants us in the kitchen!" Linda said as she brings the kids to he back of the restaurant.

As soon as they are gone, Bob turns back to the men and opens the cash register. "Okay, the Lental burgers are not our best seller, but here." Bob said as he present the money to the men, thinking of them as robbers. Sadly, the oldest of them closes the cashier with his gun and aims at him.

"We ar' nut rubbers." The oldest man said with a thick accent.

"Umm, okay. You can rub them, but don't hurt my family." Bob said.

"He said we are 'not robbers'." The leader said with a clearer voice.

"Oh, okay. What to you want?" Bob asks.

"You." The leader said. "Kill the family." The leader orders. Fear course through Bob's being as he sees one of the men taking out his gun and begins walking towards the kitchen, to where his family is.

"No!" Bob screams as he grabs the gun and holds it and the owner on the counter by instinct. The others start to bring out their weapons and start aiming at Bob. One of them start to pull the trigger, but Bob grabs a pot of hot coffee and throws it in his face. The man screams in pain as he feels his skin being scalded and then felt a painful scattering and stabs of glass into his face as Bob smashes the empty glass pot into the man's face. Two of them fire their gun at him, but Bob dodges them with ease and quickly counters by forcing the pinned hitman to shoot at his comrades. Both fall to the ground with bullet holes in their chests. Bob grabs his spatula and with a quick thrust, slams it into the pinned man's neck. The man's throat is cut open, his arteries bleeding, his spine severed. He didn't know what happen before he died. The last of them brings out a switch blade and swings at Bob. Bob dodges the blade and grabs the attacker's wrist. With a quick snap, Bob breaks the man's wrist the man screaming in pain. Bob grabs the attacker and slams his head into the still hot grill. The man screams in agony as he feels his skin blistering and his brain being cook. Bob throws the man off, ripping of most of his skin off his face, making him lose conscience from the unimaginable pain. All around Bob is a gruesome scene all of these people lying in their own blood, many of them dead, all but the grilled face one and the leader.

"You think this will stop us?" The leader said as he beings to choke on his blood. "You are a marked man. Nothing will save you, Sterling Archer, you ISIS do..." Before the leader finishes, Bob stuffs a can of non-stick cooking spray into his mouth, choking on it.

"Well you can stuff it and go burn in hell." Bob said as he fires his gun at the leader, his last memory being killed in suffering pain by the World's Most Dangerous Spy.

"Oh my God!" Linda screams as she and their children sees what Bob had done.

"Whoa! Dad's a killer!" Gene said with awe.

"Holy crap! Dad's a hitman! I knew it!" Louise screams in delight, while her sister only freaks out at the sight.

"Bob what happen?" Linda asks Bob with horror on her face.

"I.. I don't know. One moment I was just cooking dinner, the next thing I know, I'm John Wick or something."

"Retired assassin!" Louise screams out loud.

"Do you know who they are?" Linda continues to asks.

"I don't know any of them. All I know they called me 'Archer' and they want me dead!"

"Sleeper Agent!"

"Louise, stop screaming! Your father was just attack by mobsters." Linda scolded her daughter with little affect on her.

"Well, whoever they are, they sure like cheap clothing." Gene said as he look at one of the fallen men coats.

"Gene, step away from the bodies." Bob orders his son. "And what do you mean cheap... Holy crap, they're Russians." Bob said that as he sees the Russian lettering in the back of their coats.

"R.E.D. Agent!"

"Blue agent!"

"Green!" Tina said after Gene and Louise scream.

"None of that make sense." Bob said to his children.

"Come Dad, you just killed five professional Russian hitman under ten seconds. If that not a sign of a train killer, I don't what is." Louise said with a smile on her face.

"Yeah, everyday burger flipper can't do that." Gene said.

"Maybe it has to do with your long forgotten past." Tina said, trying to comfort her father.

"Hope not. I mean look at this." Bob said as he shows his family the mess. "Personally I would not have this in my life."

"Boo!" Both Louise and Gene booed at Bob's proclamation.

"Hey, don't boo your father. He just save our butts." Linda said as she walk towards Bob.

"Thanks Linda." Bob said as Linda wraps her arms around him.

"Anytime Bobby." Linda said as she give Bob a chaste kiss. "Now upstairs you three. Your father and I have lots of work to do."

"Aww." The kids said with disappointment as they go upstairs. "Bet dad a super spy." Louise said to Gene.

"I bet he a escaped lab experiment." Gene said to Louise.

"Maybe he got mistaken by a long lost twin." Tina said.

"Hey Tina, did you want to touch their butts before dad got to them?" Louise asks.

"Maybe." Tina answers.

"And I they come back as Zombies?" Gene asks.

"Yes I would."

"Don't touch their butts sweetie." Linda said to Tina. "Bob, make sure to call the cops and tell them about this."

"Got it!" Bob said to Linda as she went upstairs with the kids. "Sterling Archer, what a crappy name." As Bob starts to call the poice, the fallen ketchup and mustard bottles contents are combining and forming the title with a sheet of paper that have fallen out of the leader's coat with his picture without a mustache, and with the target's name on it.

Bob Archer

(Next morning at a secret government agency.)

"After fifteen years you finally surface, and been hiding right under my nose." A elderly woman said as she sips her glass of scotch as she watches the news on Bob's Burgers. "I just have one question." She turns around and face her agents. "What the hell you imbaciles been doing!"

"Umm.." A nervious booker said.

"Well.." A brown skin woman said as she tries to think of a excuse.

"You see..." A blonde man struggles to think of a way out.

"Wait, we were looking for him?" A scientist said in surprise. The old woman sighs as she slouches in her expensive chair and desk.

"I'm surrounded by idiots."

Commercial Ends

The title appears, showing it to be a parody of Disney's High school Musical.


The title appears, appearing just like the Disney Musical movie, with the letters in capital bold letters, with lightbulbs, and a red curtain behind it. Gainex comes in, reminding both the writer and reader that both francises are own by them, with lawyers at the ready. A spot light shines on one part of the tiled red floor, popping in is the curvy red head from the last episode, posing for the reader.

The scene opens, showing a court hearing, being lead by a chosen judge and jury, with many world leaders present and every news station recording this event.

"Gendo Ikari, Ritsuko Akagi, Kouzou Fuyutsuki, you stand before this hearing to receive the judgement and punishment for your crimes against nature and humanity." The judge said with a bold voice at the accused trio. The three looked horrible with their time at jail. Both accused males look scruffy with sunken eyes, with evidence of some poor higene maintance. Risuko is no different. Cut off from her cigerettes, she is showing signs of withdrawl, her hair frizzled and her face showing signs of her age, thanks of no makeup. "All three of you are accused of having a hand to the near global genocide of near, if not, all remaining life on Earth." The judge said to the accused with disgust. "I don't know what events or decisions that lead you to plan such... devistation, but let it be know that something like this in nature will not go unpunished, whether by us by the hands of justice or by God himself." The judge begins to read their punishment.

"Ritsuko Akagi, with your participation of the "Marduk Institute" pilot selection with "favorable behavior and psycological thinking to exploit", your varying projects with questionable means and methods, at best, you are sentence to Fifty years to prision, with parole if showing good behavior. Any or all future projects that shows similar properties to the Instrumentaily Project shall be destroyed and sealed immediately with your name connected from any beneficial piece of technology that you contributed till today will be striked from all records." The judge slams the gavel, Rituko is shocked beyond belief on what her punishment is. As the guards move the shocked Rituko to her new 'home', the judge moves on to the next punishment.

"Kouzou Fuyutsuki, while you have no direct hand in the Instrumentailty Project, but with your advisement and aiding Gendo Ikari with this, you are just as guilty, if not more, with not telling authorities of the inhuman acts that happen within, choosing silence over justice. You are sentence with thirty years in prison with a parole hearing in the future." The judge bang the gravel again, the accused stayed silent as the guards remove him. Now the judge stares that the most hated person in the room, if not, the world.

"Gendo Ikari. You out of the three is the most accused, if not treason to your country, then to humanity to start a global genocide to break the laws of the universe to create a godlike being to use for neferious means. And if your records is shown to believe, this is not your first time in court with ten counts of starting a brawl, three DUIs and causing several injuries that the victims require hospitalization." The Judge reads out, many people inside are whispering about the accused's past crimes. "And those are the official counts." The judge cross his fingers together and stares at Gendo harshly. "There have been links and rumors of other crimes. Many of it vary to you being there when the Second Impact happen, having a hand to it, to the secret order to disable the Jet Alone Project, something that some people view it as a threat towards your organization to a finantial standpoint to something you couldn't control to match your senario. And out of all the crimes you have commited and may or may not, this one, in my own opinion disgusts me the most." The judge spoke with venom. "According to our records, you once had a son, upon your wife's death, the day after her funeral, you abandon a child of the age of three to people of your hire to rise him in a enviroment into someone you can control and hope to be the trigger to the Instrumentailty Project." Everyone is silent as they hear Gendo's most depraved crime. "Gendo Ikari, it is thanks to you inhuman actions is that you are sentence to twenty lifetimes prison, with manditory isolation with outside contact cut with no parole hearing in the future. Pray to God that he have mercy, because you won't receive any from where you are going to." With the bang of the gravel, all news reporters rush towards Gendo, bombarding him with question and asking why he did such inhuman action and what lead him towards such decisions. The camera zooms out, showing that its being watched by two certain angel, tuning their weapons and repairing any damage they receive over their battles. To normal humans, it was a militant way to keep their weapons hone for the next supernatural fight, to the angels, it went with a more dispised name, Laundry Day, and Panty is getting pissed on what they are doing.

"God Damn it! I'm board as hell!" Panty screams as she stops tinkering with her gun parts. Right next to her was Stocking using a grinder to smooth one of her sword's edge. "While watching Shinji's bum of a dad go to jail is fun and all, but why two hot sexy bitches are stuck inside, tuning our weapons, on a weekend for that matter?" Panty asks loudly, while Stocking examines her work. It quickly cracks, earning a chuckle from Chuck. It did take long for Stocking to skewer the mutant dog.

"Panty, you know why. We have to finish these up before that fuckin' Afro Priest gets back, or he'll scream and yell as the bitch he is." Stocking explains as Panty grabs another piece of her under, morphing it into a gun.

"Yeah, but..." Panty starts to jack off her gun with a lewd smile on her face. "Its the weekend, time for some Panty and Hunting." The gun collasped under her strokes. "Its our duty as angels, no, as women to show young men the gift that is life and the earthly beauty that are women. That's God's will."

"Alright then, the let me ask you this." Stocking asks as Panty rubs her head on hers, as she tries to coerce her to join the idea. "What is our 'sacred duty' that God wills us to do?" As if on cue, Panty's cellphone starts to ring, stopping Panty on what she was doing and take a quick peek at the message. She turn back to her sister and grin widely before she gathers and combs her hair imitate a certain priest's afro and stern look.

"God have sent you slutty bitches another heavenly directive." Panty said as she spoke gruffly as Garterbelt did, she quickly return normal and shows the message on screen. "Here it is!"

"Lingerie Run?" Stocking questions as she sees the ad, showing a middle age man in his underwear, depicting Uncle Sam. It says that its being held at Daten High, with food and drinks provided, and of course, 'uniform' manditory. And she isn't the only one getting the invite.

"Lingerie Run?" Shinji asks to himself as he was hanging out with his friends. Not that long ago he was in a middle of a discussion that Otaku started, mainly around why some of the latest Anime, both from Shinji's home county and those outside, are trending lately. From the show of how a normal boy turned into a Devil Hero with a harem, to Chris said is now common, to all color coordinated all female hero team, which to Poindexter said is something great that the States made, to the funny overpowered Hero that punches everything into oblivion, which Alex have a small market to the ever growing popular media. In the middle of their discussions, Shinji's phone began to rang and he notice the invite, along with the other four.

"Aw Yeah! Lingerie Run have come once again!" Chris said, pumping his fist.

"The drinks!" Alex yells as he sees his invite.

"The Music!" Otaku smiles as he already bobing his head to the beats.

"And of course the best of it all." Alex starts off when the others join in.

"The hottest Babes in Bikinis!" All of them said as they pump their fist into the air, envisioning the hottest and bustiest women of school wearing the hottest tops, showing as much skin as they want. While the four envision the party to come, Shinji is a bit confused at this.

"Thats great guys, but are you really going to such a party?" Shinji asks. Chris and the others look at him as if he just grew a head or just flip them the bird.

"What are you talking about?! Every dude with a taste for fine tits and ass would jump at a oppurtunity at this!" Chris screams as he shakes Shinji back and forth. "What made you say such things?!"

"Sorry... but,... I'm... just... a... party... person!" Shinji confesses as Chris shakes him, until he heard what he said.

"Wait, what?" Chris set Shinji down, as the others gather around the dizzy pilot. "What you mean your not a party person?" Shinji regain balance and starts to explain.

"It just that, I've never been good with crowds. I never like the noise, the crowdiness. I just feel... out of place." Shinji confess, the four staring at him.

"Really? Man that gotta suck." Chris said as he rub his head, embarrest on what he done earlier.

"Hmm, I guest you had it tough growning up huh." Otaku said, Shinji nods.

"Why not asks one of the Mayor's Daughters to come with you? Heck, I see both of them going with your, based on your luck." Alex suggest, which Shinji immediately respond.

"That's not gonna happen." Shinji said as he walk some distance from the group.

"Why not? There is a high probability that at least one of them will say yes. Even greater if you asks the Queens to join you, or any woman that wants to be arm candy." Poindexter stats out. Shinji sighs at this and countinues.

"First of all, no way in hell that the mayor's daughters are willing to come to something like the Lingerie Run..."

"Kneesocks, do you think Shinji will like something like this?" Scanty asks as she shows Kneesocks a black thong that barely qualifies to cover her pussy, with a Micro top that only covers her nipples.

"I have not the faintest clue dear Scanty, but the only way to see if he does like it is to show it to him in our next rendezvous." Kneesocks explain as she trying to decide to wear a white version of Scanty's choice or a string version that doesn't even bother to cover her pussy or nipples.

"Secondly, even if I asks Panty or Stocking, something tells me that I won't be the first to asks..."

"Grr... what taking him so long to call?" Panty groans as she impatiently waiting for Shinji's call to invite them to be arm candy.

"Maybe those two red bitches got him in a middle of something." Stocking said, she too showing impatience.

"And lastly, despite what many think, my life isn't some anime manga where I get girls to figuratively or literally fall for me." Shinji explains. Sadly for him, the universe ignore him as a shadow appears above him and hears a familiar scream.

"Move it! Get out of the way!" Before Shinji could react, a familiar red haired girl falling via parachutte right ontop of him.

"AHHH!" Shinji scream as the girl crashed right ontop on him, earning her a soft landing, and Shinji a softer reward, while the others only gap at this while a parachute covers them.

"Ow, I can't believe that happen again." The girl said as she get her barings, giving Shinji air to breathe. "On no! Where are they? Where are my glasses?" The girl move away from Shinji, crawling the floor, trying to feel for her glasses. Shinji got up and sees a very familiar girl and pair of underwear afront of him. He have seen this girl before when this long haired red head landed ontop of him when he was relaxing on the roof top. The girl smile as she found her glasses and when she puts them on, she notice on who she landed on and grin a chestire grin at him.

"Hello again NERV Puppy. Its been a while." The girl said as she stands, removing the parachute off her. When Shinji tries to get off the floor, the girl gets near him and blushes brightly.

"What are you..."

"You still smell like LCL." The girl commented as she smells the lingering smell. "But with something more." She continues to sniff Shinji, trying to uncover the other "Smells" on him. "You have a smell of baked pastries and a hot blonde in heat. A lingering smell of sex, passion, a hint of sulfer and rain." She steps back and smile wider at Shinji. "You have been going around have you puppy?"

"I-its nothing like that!" Shinji quickly defends, but the girl still smiles at him. "You can't judge someone while smelling them..." Shinji stop as he hit a very obvious wall. "I'm sorry to be rude, but I never got your name." She smirks as she hears what Shinji said.

"You're right. I didn't really tell you my name last time, when we met the first time." She back away and adjust her glasses, glinting in the light. "My name is Mari, Mari Makinami Illustrious." She notice that something is on Shinji's phone and with a quick grab, read the contents on it and smile. "And it looks like we have have things to do before the party."

"Party? No, wait. I havn'-"

"Come on, lets go Big man. This will be our date." Mari said as she drags Shinji away to do some shopping. And all the while Mari and the struggling Shinji moving towards the nearest clothing store, Chris, Poindexter, Otaku, and Alex stare at the distant, with disbelief on their faces.

"Not a anime my ass." Otaku said as he sees a common plot of random girl colliding with average guy and takes him on a adventure.



The Lingerie Run Party is going at full swing as Muscular men are literally ripping their clothes off, while many slim women are moaning lewdly as they show off their perky butts. Everyone there are having a great time. Everyone is dancing wildly to the beats of the music, showing off their underwear, from the plain white one that a good chunk of the partiers wear to the the most lewd one that many of the very hot and curvy students, and in the case of the Blonde president of the Catholic Studies, tiny Heart shaped pinked pasties covering her nipples and a pink heart thong that barley covers her pussy, just her pussy as she dance drunkenly , showing off her large breasts, hips and ass, along with everyone else, enjoying the freedom.

"Where is that little twerp!" Mostly everyone, as a group of jocks are looking for Shinji. The reason for this is as they where once part of Leon's group of Jocks when he and Barby were still in charge. With Shinji as the new 'King', many of them lost alot of cred and influence when Shinji's strange athleticism and luck, many of the coaches are asking him to join their teams, with only getting him as a ghost member, if something happens to one of their players. Guess how many times that happens. "That fucking little shit, where is he!" "I bet he too scared to even come here." "Yeah his is!" Soon enough, they start high fiving eachother and bashing their heads together, the sound of oddly clashing stone is heard. As they continue to bash their heads, the Anarchy sisters arrive, driving See Through right at them, launching into the air. Luckly for them, they all landed on very busty girls, moaning in delight with angelic hymns are heard.

[End song, start PASWG OST:07] With the door slams open and the red rug rolling out, the two sisters came out, posing for the students. Many of them are eyeing Panty's fit trim figure, her pink black laced bra and panties are showing off her perky c-cup breast and butt, and how Stockings simple blue and white striped bra and panties, showing how round her spilling out breasts and painted on postierier is. As the students were at awe at the two angels, Panty spoke.

"Don't tell me you already start having fun without us." Panty said loudly while both her and her sister adjust their shades.

"YYYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! THE QUEENS HAVE ARRIVED, PANTY AND STOCKING! ALRIGHT!" Everyone cheers at the angels arrival and everyone scamble as around to line up with the red rug, Boys on Panty's left, with Girls on Stocking's right. The two angels rush forward, groping and squeezing almost every large breast and package when they reach the end of the runway, every student moan in delight and faint as the two queens touch them. As the two angels reach the end, they look around the party and seem a bit disappointed when they see a certain someone.

"Where the hell is he?" Panty questions as she want to see Shinji in his underwear.

"Maybe he wasn't invited." Stocking said, sounding a bit glum. Panty just tsks at that.

"Like hell. He is the 'King' remember. Like hell he wasn't invited." Panty said to Stocking, when a loud cheer appear again.

"YYYYYEEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH! THE KING IS HERE!" "OH SHIT, LOOK AT THAT BABE!" "IS SHE PART CAT OR SOMETHING?!" "HOLY SHIT DUDE, SHE'S HOT AS HELL!" "NEVERMIND HER, CHECK HIM OUT!" "MMM, SUCH A FIT THING IN SUCH A SMALL BODY!" "AND PACKED TOO!" The student yell and cheer at Shinji's arrival with Mari at his side. Shinji was blushing as he was walking out with only a pair of socks and running shoes on his feet with a black pair of boxer briefs covering his region. Mari is wearing something more complex and provacadive. She is wearing a white micro bikini and thong with pink lace trim, with a cat theme to them with paw prints on the biggest parts of her bikini, a pseudo cat tail that moves opposing the way her hips sway, with a cat eared headband. With her cat clawed silk gloves, stockings and cat grin, she look like a young exitable cat, ready to pounce on any small prey, and right now, that prey is Shinji.

"Oh my, it seems you are more popular here then at Tokyo, huh puppy." Mari said as she sway her hips, keeping Shinji's arm inbetween her breasts.

"Its not like that." Shinji said, trying to down play it.

"Not the way I see it." Mari points out as everyone is mesmorized on the two, many of the boy have looks of awe and envy as they see Mari walking with him, while the girls as drooling at Shinji's figure, and looking jealous as they aren't the ones Shinji chose to bring.

"You fucker!" Those feelings are also present with the Anarchy sisters, with both sister drooling at Shinji's fit body, but growls at Mari, clinging to him. "We were waiting for your ass to call us, and here you are with some other bitch crawling around you, when you already have two other bitches, you asshole." Panty said angerly as she and Stocking are walking towards Shinji.

"Who the fuck are you?" Stocking questions Shinji's plus one as she just smile at the goth. Soon enough, Mari let go of Shinji and got really close to the two sister, both of them creep out as she begins to smell them. "What the fuck?!" Both sister said loudly, then Mari backs out and smile at the two.

"A smell of sweets ,a constant smell of sex, fresh rain and LCL, minus the metallic smell. You have interesting friends there puppy."

"Puppy?" Both sisters asks, Shinji groaning at Mari's antics.

"Her name is Mari and 'puppy' is what she calls me when we first met at Tokyo-3." Shinji explains.

"That still doesn't explain as to why you haven't call us, you ass." Panty said as she starts to grab Shinji's boxerbriefs.

"Panty, wh-what are you doing?" Shinji questions as he tries to pull his boxer briefs back.

"It called compinsation. Now stopping acting like a bitch and bring out the D." Panty said as she pulls harder, Mari's and Stocking's face red as to see Shinji's male sex organ out in the open.

[Stop song]

The lights of the football field lites up, catching everyone's attention. Panty lets go of Shinji's underwear, making him yelp for a bit. With a sound of feedback coming from the stage, everyone is looking at the masked individual.

"Good evening Students, and welcome to this years Lingerie Run, I am you host Master G!" The host said loudly over his megaphone. His face is covered in a black leather mask with a bold G on his forehead and white robes covering most of his body. To most people, he is a mysterious host that no one know, but Shinji could tell that the mysterious host is actually Garterbelt, thanks to his afro taking most of his mask. "Or M.G. for short."


Everyone cheer at Garterbelt as he starts the Run. While Panty and Stocking are confuse on who this person is, Garterbelt continues his speech.

"This event began as a form of protest by the student body..." Garterbelt continues to speak, he notice something in the crowd and he likes on what he sees.

[PASWG OST: 09 Don't listen to this outload.]

"But as the years went by, it turn into a party that all young energetic young people like you express yourself." Garterbelt said as he looks at the partiers, mostly the young men wearing tight briefs that shows their junks. "And I'm loving it."



Everyone cheer and chant at the host, everyone pump for the run. As Garterbelt speaks the safety and guideliines of the Lingerie Run, Panty and Stocking are getting bored out of their minds with Panty tapping her foot, growling, with Stocking playing with her zombie cat's thong and Shinji is blushing as Mari continues to cuddle and smell him. Having enough of the droned on speech, Panty is getting more and more impatient until she can't take it anymore.

"CUT THE CRAP ALREADY!" Panty grabs a convient Chuck and threw the mutant dog at the disguised priest and narrowly dodges it in the last second. "Shit!" Panty cursed.

[End song]

"Ah, I see that many of you are ready and itching to set off. Alright then, Boys and Girl!" Everyone is standing at the starting line, with Panty, Stocking, Shinji and Mari at the front. "Ready..." Everyone are getting a good footing. "Get set..." Everyone's legs are tensing as they wait for the gun to set.

"GOOOOO!" BANG Everyone cheer as they started running, quickly running out of the running track, straight to the streets of Daten city. No surprise this is catching everyone's attention as many mothers cover their children's eyes from the near nutidy, while other's are simply shock on what is happening. As the students run in the streets, our heroes are enjoying themselves in the run.

"Look at this Stocking, this is Heaven on Earth I tell you!" Panty said with glee as she runs along side with the majority of Daten High's Sport teams. She dives into the large group and 'swims' below them. "And I'm just a lovely angel swimming in the sea of man junk!" Panty said with happiness. And while that was happening, Stocking was relaxing as she still have vague memories of her last excersise.

"Hmm, this banana is yummy." Stocking said as she swallows the whole banana and toss the peel away, landing on one of the horny serving boys that are carrying her up, showing that she doesn't feel like running. With our hero Shinji, it more stressing then what the two angels are doing.

"Oh come on King, just let us do it!" "Yes, let show our appreciation." "What do you say?" Shinji is surrounded by young women that are trying to get close to Shinji for their own reasons, some are purposily placing their breasts on him and Mari was enjoy the sight of it.

"Hmm, no wonder Puppy always smell of sex." And while that was happening, not far from the Lingirue Run is a parked van. Inside are many camera showing how the race is progressing, showing how some of the students are showing their own way of running the race, to pimp out wheel chairs, to chubby student having treats as motivators, to uniform color and underwear, like the Goths.

"God Damn those Lazy Angel! I didn't invite them!" Inside watching all this is Garterbelt, stuffing food into his mouth, cursing at the two angels. "Yet, here they are, running wild as the slutty bitches they are." As Garterbelt continues to watch the race and some pornographic video, he notice that a small brown out happen as if lightening just struck, Shinji grip his head as if he just experience a headache and a felt like he is seeing everying slowing around him, and the biggest thing he notice is the Ghost Alarm is going off.

Back with our heroes, plus Mari, they are running with eachother, but then notice the sounds of surprise and screams. "AHHHH!" "NOOOO! DON'T LOOK!" "EEKKKK!" A mob of students run past the four, the girl wondering what is happening, while Shinji is blushing and trying to recover from the sudden vertigo.

"Are they?"

"Bucked Naked?!"

The four said loudly as they see students running and flying in the air, covering their nudity.

"YOU'RE EXACTLY RIGHT!" Garterbelt said to a microphone, confusing the angels. "Naturally its a work of an Ghost! This a revenge for all the sullied and tossed out underwear. Its hatred will not be quenched until ..." As Garterbelt continues to say his speech, the Angel sisters are wondering who is this masked host.

"Who the fuck is he?" Panty asks.

"How the hell should I know." Stocking replies.

"I think we have bigger problems right now." Shinji said as he points the source of what the nude students are runnning from.

"Right." The Anarchy sister said together as the group runs faster.


"NOW FO FORTH ANGELS AND EXORCISE THE LOST SOUL!" Garterbelt screams, finishing his speech. The two sister and Shinji change, while Mari is mesmorize on what is happening. Panty is holding her gun, Stocking is duel wielding her katanas, and Armored Shinji is carrying his broad sword and blushing at Panty's attempt to use her bra as a sling bikini. "PROTECT THE LINGERIE RUN!"

[End song, start Ghost Town 1:00]

Many students scream as a black, red and yellow blur zips pass them, stripping them bare, with sounds of gulpping and delight as the spirit devours them. This twisted soul was born from a "caste typed" nerd who's underwear was stolen from sterotypical Queen-ish girls, leaving him bare to the world. With a unfortunate strike from lightening, the soul of this poor victim blacken and twisten into a underwear fetish DC Rip off called Secret Speed Star.

"EXCELLENTE!" The ghost cheer as he lands on a nearby car. The ghost itself is modelled after Flash, with underwear shapes covering its body, especially is eyes and mouth and where Flash's Lightening Bolts are. "Absolutly Splendid! I have never seen transformative lingerie before." Speed Star said as he grins. "And two more fresh lingerie ripe for the picking. Might I persuade you to relingishing them to me?" The group felt disgust on what the ghost said to them.

"What the fuck is that thing?" Panty reponds, her face a bit pale. Not wanting to see this ghost, she pulls out her gun and shoots at it.

"NOOOOO, THE PAIN!" The ghost shrieks as poses as if it receive a deathly blow. "Oh, nevermind." The ghost said with a smile as he stands up. Panty is flabbergast on what just happen, wonder what happen.

"What the fuck?!" Panty said as she continues to shoot the ghost, Stocking just sighs at this.

"What do you expect when you don't maintain your weapons? Pathetic." Stocking charges at the ghost, slashing at the ghost's hide, Speed Star falling.

"AAAAAHHHHHHH, I'M DONE FOR! Just kidding." Speed Star said as Stocking is just as shocked as Panty. At that moment, both Panty's and Stocking's weapons start to break. Stocking's katana edge chip and break, and Panty's gun disassemble itself in her hands.

"Stripe!" "Backlace!" Both sisters scream in shock, not noticing whos behind them.

"Such Naughty Girls..." "FUCK!" Panty hears the ghost behind her, but he quickly goes pass her, snaching Backlace. "Should of took better care of the lingerie." "Shit!" Stocking curse as runs pass her, snaching not only Stripe 1 and 2, but her own pair of panties as well. The angels are in shock as they see their weapons and undergarments being held and sniff by Speed Star. Loving the lingering smell, he swallows them whole.

"Holy Shit! He actually ate them!" Panty screams loudly.

"E-E-E-E-E-E-EXCELLENTO!" Speed Star screams in joy as the weaponized Lingerie is coarsing through him. "These Lingerie are positivily delectable! I can feel the power coursing through me! I need more lingerie! Auf Wiedersehen!" Speed Star said as he runs pass the group, leaving a shocked faced group, Panty's bra made bikini sling right back to her breast, Shinji looking away.

[End Song]

"GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!" Panty screams loudly. "That Ghost is a Fuckin' Poser!" Panty said, ripping on who Speed Star is paroding. He turns to Mari, her hand out. "Hey give me your panties bitch." Panty said to Mari, but she only smile a bit as she hide behind Shinji.

"Sorry, but that Flash wannabe already took mine." Mari said as she flash her bare butt, Shinji blushing harder. "But I did save these." Mari said as she lifts a leg up, showing her cat themed stockings.

"Yes!" Stocking said as she grabs them. While ignoring Mari complaint, Stocking channel her angelic energy into them, morphing them cat clawed gauntlets. Panty walks up to Shinji, her hand out to him.

"Alright Shinji, hand them over." Panty demands, Shinji looking shocked, depite his face still armored.

"Why you want my underwear?!" Shinji asks loudly.

"What else, I need your gun." Shinji blushes even more when he heard that.

"No! I'm not giving you my underwear! It the only one I have right now!"

"Fuck! Fine then." Panty places two fingers into her mouth and made a loud whistle.


At that very moment, Chuck comes driving See Through at blinding speeds. "Lets Go Stocking, Shinji, Bitch! We shall chase that underwear freak to Hell itself!" Panty said loudly as they jump in.

"But how do we even get him?" Stocking questions. "These claws are only good on him if he stands still for a fucking second." Stocking said as she brings up her cat claws. Panty ponders on that.

"Well, if Shinji isn't going t fork over his undie..." Panty looks at the flying hero beside them. "Then we have to go with Plan B."

"Plan B?" Everyone asks in confusion as Panty brings out a megaphone.

"Hey Guy!" Panty screams, catching all the unstriped males in the Run.


"Everyone, do a handstand!" Panty commands. While still confuse, they all comply and hand stand simustaniously.

"Okay... its on!" Panty said loudly as See Through run pass the handstanding males. "Gottcha!Gottcha!Gottcha!Gottcha!Gottcha!Gottcha!..." Panty chants as she grabs every single pair of underwear she can get, every male immediately covering their shame. "Alright, lets go!" Panty said as she transforms a random pair of underwear and aims it. Sadly when she pulls the trigger, the pea shooter only drip and dribbles in her hands. "Tiny!" Panty grabs another pair and changes that one, but the thin gun was no better, with the same results. "Pencil!" And with the next one... "Turtleneck!" And the next one..." "Curved!" You see the pattern, and the ghost sees it too.

[End song, Start PASWG OST: 17]

"Hahaha, you have some questionable underwear there." Speed Star said as Panty continues to change guns and comment on them. "Articles of clothing of that calibur interest me none for an underwear connoisseur like myself." Speed Star said as he continues to snag and eat every available underwear and panties he finds.

"Shit! He'll eat every last pair of underwear at this rate!" Panty screams as she ran out of underwear.

"Can we do something?" Shinji asks Panty. "Can we stop him at his track or something?"

"How the hell should I know?! He always moving, that underwear pervert!" Panty screams.

"I have a idea." The three of them look behind them and see Mari raising her hand, with something that made Shinji blush, but Panty smile widely. With Speed Star, he was getting a interesting smell from behind and grins cheek to cheek.

"Ah, a lovely pair of underwear I have miss? How delightful." With a sharp U-turn, dashing quickly to the source and seeing only Shinji. "Ahh, so the angel boy is the source of that delishous smell. I shall enjoy his suculent pair." Speed Star focuses his running power, moving faster and faster, till he looks like a underwear shaped lightening Bolt! "Your underwear is mine!"

[End Song]

But before he snach Shinji's pair of underwear, he is slammed into a wall of light, groaning in pain. "What just happen?" Spped Star ask as he slides down the wall.

"You just hit my A.T. Field." Shinji explain, as he shakes. "Now if you excuse me I need to faint." Shinji collapses to the floor, his armor disappearing, Speed Star discovering a horrifying truth.

"Wh-wh-where is your underwear!" Speed Star said in shock as he sees Shinji's bare butt, but before he knows it, animalistic claws slash at his legs, removing his ability to run. "Whats going on?!"

[Fly Away Now]

"O Wicked Spirit Born from a lost Soul of Limbo..." Speed Star hears Panty chanting, seeing her aimming her new weapon on top of See Through, at the fallen ghost. The weapon Panty is holding is a weapon Shinji is all too familiar with.

"Receive Judgement from the Garb of the Holy Virgin..." What Panty is holding is the same experimental sniper rifle that he use on the near unstoppable 6th angel, but highlighted with the same White and Blue coloring.

"Cleansed of Worldly impurities, return to Heaven and Earth..." As Speed Star tries to run away, the Angelic Positron Sniper rifle is charging its shot, Panty aimming the weapon at the ghost, at the same time, marvel at the weapon's properties.

"Repent you Mother Fucker!" Panty yells as she pulls the trigger. She is push back a bit by the power the rifle unleash, speeding towards Speed Star, the ghost face is fill with horror as he sees the beam of light heading towards him, silenting screaming as the beam pierce through him.

[End song]

"PANTIES!" Speed Star screams as he explodes. With the sound of Church bells and Angelic hyms, four Heaven coins falling afront of the four. Garterbelt, still disguised as Master G appears.

"A lost spirt seeking revenge for all the underwear that have been thrown away, brought down by the very thing he is avengeing. Irony at its finest." Garterbelt said outloud.

"Well, that was taken care of." Shinji said as he wraps himself with some loss material he found and make shift into a towel. "Um Panty, can I have my underwear back?" Shinji asks, but Panty was standing their as he legs shake. "Panty?" Shinji asks, but is a bit surprise as she collapes and moans loudly afront of him.

[S Trip]

"OH MY GOD, YES!" Panty screams as she cluches the weapon close to her, her body still shaking. "That was so fucking good." She whimpers as she looks at Shinji. "Hey Shinji?"

"Yes Panty?" Shinji reponds, his face red.

"So when are you gonna break this bitch in?" Panty asks, causing him to scream loudly.

"Why would you asks something like that?!" Stocking butts in, her face just as red.

"Why not? I just came off just by shooting his 'gun'." Panty said with a grin as she holds up the weapon. She inspects the bullet chamber and licks her lips. "And it still have five more in the chamber." She then looks at Shinji, checking him out as he feel like he is a piece of meat. "So when are you going blow your load into me?"

"Seriously? Now of all time you want Shinji to do you?!" Stocking screams at her sister, Panty leering at her.

"Says the Bitch who got off on his dick." Soon enough, both sisters are arguing with each other, while Shinji is trying go his his underwear back, Mari enjoying the spectacle afront of her.

[End Song]

"Hey, you theiving angel!"

"Huh?" The group said in confusion when they heard that. Turning their head. they see the student body, all mad and nude, staring at them, covering themselves as best as they can.

"Where the hell is our underwear?!" A curvy, stout girl asks, her arms barely covering her nipples. Everyone behind her shout in agreement, wanting their underwear back, but the Catholic Studies President sees something falling from the sky.

"Look, what's that?" The Blonde president points to the sky, eveyone looking up and are in wonder and astonishment.

"What is that? Snow?" A person ask, as he and everyone sees flacks of pure white are falling all over the city.

"No, its underwear." Garterbelt said to everyone, everyone starting to listening to him. "Brothers and Sister... I do believe... that we live in a society where it is considered shamefull to walk around in your underwear." Student start to depart from him as he talks like the Priest that he is. "But is not simply true. Don't you agree? Underwear does more then just cover your naughty bits. What I believe is that underwear shrouds and soothes our tired souls." Garterbelt pause a bit, everyone still looking and listening to the disguised priest's words. "My point being that your underwear would mask what little rage and hate you may feel now. That is how I see it." Garterbelt finishes, waiting for everyone's responce. Soon enough, everyone began to cheer and chant his Stage name.

"THAT'S RIGHT! TURN THAT FROWN UPSIDE DOWN!" Every student are in arm in arm, smiling and swinging with one another. "UNDERWEAR EQUALS HAPPINESS!"

"Yes! MG is absolutely correct! If everyone walks around in their underwear, they'll be no more wars!" A brace faced curvy red head said with passiononate, if a bit misguided. Soon enough, every student are lifting him up and cheering his name, while launching him up and down. The four only stare at this, with some confusion, giving Shinji enough time and distraction to get his underwear back.

"Watching this is giving me a headache." Panty said, losing the mood to go down with Shinji.

"No point wasting time with these fools. Lets go home." Stocking said.


"Thats a good idea." Shinji comments as he slips in his underwear on. It didn't take long for Shinji's arm are suddenly grabbed and sees Panty holding onto it. "Uh, Panty?"

"Don't Uh me. You still own me, so show the D." Panty said as she continues to pull on Shinji's underwear. Soon enough, Shinji is back to defending his underwear, with Stocking looking at the scene wanting to see Shinji's tool again, with Mari wanting the same. And while the four are doing their thing and the student body with Master G partying in the streets of Daten nude, only one student was running towards the finish line of the Lingerie Run. She is no other then Rei herself, having learning no shame of nudity sence the beginning of her birth. She made it to the finish line, wondering where is everyone right now, and what is suppost to happen now.


AUTHOR NOTE: Man that took forever to finish. Sorry for the year long delay. Last year's summer lasted longer then expected. Stocking's appearance is based on Ffuffle's version of the sweet loving Goth Angel. My story is not on hiatus, it was never was, nor my other stories. I do hope you enjoy this chapter, and the commercial challenge is on my Story Well, so check out my Main Page, and I hope you have a good read.