I've been so tired lately that I fell asleep before uploading this yesterday and managed to delete half of it by accident! :') Silly me ha sorry!
Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson but I do own the plot of this fanfiction.

A Little Party Never Killed Nobody


She breathed in the wafting ocean scent of the soft sheets and sighed happily, pushing her face deeper into her pillow. Annabeth was half awake now, but her body felt so relaxed and the silky sheets felt so good on her skin that she really did not want to leave. She stretched and turned to lie on her back. The sun was beaming strongly through the balcony window, so much so that she could tell even with her eyes closed.

"Mmm…" She purred, registering the absence of her partner in the big bed and the sound of a running shower. But suddenly she sat straight up, hair flying around and eyes wide. She looked down and snapped her vision straight again. Annabeth was naked. Annabeth was in Percy's bedroom. Annabeth had slept the night. I had sex with him. She gasped, slapping her cheeks with her hands. Her belly was erupting in frantic flutters and the sun told her it was well into the morning, maybe eight or eight thirty.

"Oh gods." She whispered, pulling the blankets toward her to cover her bare chest, "Oh gods oh gods oh gods." There was no way she could escape this house without being seen, and where even were her clothes? She turned left and right, searching for any sign of her clothes on the ground. Instead her eyes landed on the waste bin and she blushed furiously because of the evidence of the previous night that it held.

Faintly, from outside of the room, she could hear the thumping of footsteps and good-natured shouts and talking of Percy's frat brothers and panic rose in her, turning her on high alert. "Percy?" She called, voice cracking and obviously too quiet for him to hear over his shower. But she didn't want to get up! Well…perhaps she could bring the blankets with her.

She was in the middle of piling the blanket around her and combing her messy sex hair when the thumping got too loud too fast and the door burst open, making her jump. There, in the doorway, was Jason and Leo, who were looking at each other and laughing, not seeing the wide-eyed girl in Percy's bed yet. "Dude, Perce, we need to borrow your…" Jason turned, Leo looked up and they both gaped. Annabeth's face drained of color as she clutched the covers and screamed.

Annabeth Chase never screamed. Not over girly stuff, not over scary stuff. But this was different and it changed everything. The shower cut immediately and the bathroom door slammed open, Percy standing there with his towel low on his waist, looking desperate. "Annabeth? What- oh fuck." Percy cursed, eyes landing on Jason and Leo.

"Percy…Dude…" Leo looked torn between congratulating him and scolding him, while Jason looked at him with high eyebrows. Annabeth felt like she was burning, and she pulled the blanket around her tighter. But Percy knew what to do. He grabbed his friends by the collar of their shirts and pulled them into the room, kicking the door closed. Without missing a beat, he let them go. "I'll help you get Piper and Calypso in and out if you don't say anything." He deadpanned and the two boys nodded immediately. "Fuckin' deal." Jason low-fived Leo and they grinned smugly.

"U-Uhm," Annabeth spoke, wincing at her shaky voice, "Don't mean to be rude, but can you guys leave?"

"Oh! Oh shit yeah sorry Annabeth!" Jason cleared his throat, dragging Leo back to the door, "Nice seeing you! Have a good morning!" Leo wiggled his eyebrows at the two of them. "Have a veryyy good morning." Then he burst out laughing as Jason pulled him through the door and closed it behind them.

There was a pause before Percy turned to her, his face slowly turning red. "Hey…" He shuffled his feet and scratched the back of his head, "Sorry about that. You looked really tired so I didn't think of waking you when I got up." He lifted his eyes to look at her and she melted at his dazzling eyes. Her cheeks flushed at his lack of clothes, and hers as well and the night came back vividly in her head. She couldn't help but avert her eyes when he walked over and leaned over the bed. His smooth fingers tilted her chin up and she swallowed panic before he placed a kiss to her lips. It was a gentle one, but it made her stomach turn frantically. Maybe the lack of passion in it was his sign of regret? Oh gods, she was really overthinking it! His fingers stretched over her cheek, cupping it and stroking her skin with his thumb.

Annabeth squeezed her eyes shut. "Did last night really happen?" She blurted out, feeling the bed sink slightly as he sat down. Percy softly hummed and brushed their lips together again. "I think so," He said, "Or else that was a fucking amazing dream." Annabeth couldn't help but laugh at that and opened her eyes to look at him. There was so much adoration in his expression, it made her tummy churn. "Oh, it was pretty good." She admitted, laughing again at the priceless expression on his face.

He looked cute, half humble and half smug, and she cupped his face with her hands and brought him in for a deeper kiss. His muscles relaxed under her touch as she rolled her palms over his nape and down his back. Every inch of his tan neck she stroked and every inch of his broad shoulders she squeezed. She let out a breath to his lips as one of his hands moved under the blanket and flattened against her navel. "Wait…" She murmured and pulled back for the kiss, looking down between them before raising her gaze. "Percy, we have class. I have to go over and get some clothes and…yeah."

Gods, she wanted to kiss him again. Was this what love was like? If so, she felt like she had drank three beers a minute and fell off a cliff. "Right," He pulled his hands back and stood, "I'll get dressed in the bathroom. Here!" Percy grabbed some of his sweats and tossed them onto the bed with her, then took out her clothes from last night from the closet. Then he back-pedaled into the bathroom, smiling rather dopily at her before he closed the door.

Annabeth laughed again and kicked off the blankets, grabbing her bra from last night and putting on. She didn't dare put on her dress, but wiggled into her panties and the sweatpants Percy tossed to her. She snorted at how big they were before pulling her light blue sweater over her head. Annabeth's hair still looked messy from last night, but she didn't mind it too much and kept it down. Looking in the tall mirror by Percy's dresser as she slipped on her flats, she felt all too small and tucked her hair behind her finger. The bathroom door opened and she turned to look at Percy.

He was glowing with happiness, his hair utterly a mess. He flipped his hoodie's hood up over the mess and grinned as her as he strode over. He wore black shorts now and hugged her tight so she could breathe in his delicious smell. "You look cute in my clothes." He laughed and pulled back. Annabeth gave him a little smile, knocking her knuckles against his olive colored t-shirt. "You look cute in your clothes." She rebutted and then took a breath. "Oh gods Percy, I can't believe this."

His expression instantly turned from happiness to confusion. "What? About what?" He furrowed his eyebrows and took a step back. "I don't know!" She exclaimed, throwing up her hands, "Are we together now? I know everyone was calling me your girlfriend yesterday and wow- um we totally had sex but I'm confused!"

Percy shook his head. "Yes, we are. Aren't you supposed to be the smart one?" He laughed and Annabeth instantly felt better. His easy-going attitude could make her bossy one melt in mili-seconds. It was like he was the cream to her coffee. But gods, they had more pressing matters to address. "Right, great! Now we have to go, Percy!" She tugged on his shirt and he grabbed his bag and skateboard.

"Okay, okay Chase, out to the balcony!" He herded her to the balcony and pressed past her to climb over the railing and use the stones of the house to push himself down and land on the ground. Annabeth watched with wide eyes, rolling them at his expectant gaze. "Your brain is full of mush." She laughed and swung herself over the railing, following his path and landing on the ground without even a stumble.

Together they walked across the street, to the front of the other house. Instead of simply going through the front door like Annabeth suggested ('It's too suspicious!' Percy had declared), they crawled through the bushes to just under her bedroom's window. There wasn't much she could use to her advantage for climbing up, so Percy merely gave her a foot ledge lift that would've made any male cheerleader proud. "Oof!" Annabeth groaned when she hit the window ledge and scrambled in. She simply grabbed her bag and laptop, changed her undies and into a black tube skirt and switched her flats for white Keds before she leaned out the window again.

"Catch!" She called softly and dropped her bag out the window in Percy's open arms. He tossed it next to his on the grass and looked back up at her. "Jump!" He grinned, "I'll catch you!" Annabeth stared down at him in shock. There was no way he could… She sputtered and hesitated as he smiled even wider. Blushing, she swung her leg out of the window, followed by the other one and jumped. Surprisingly, no one broke anything. Percy might've fell back onto the grass, groaning at the impact and she might've squeaked when she plopped right down onto him, but they both laughed it off and got up and started walking to class.

Percy, as usual, skated next to her and she made fun whenever he tried a trick and failed (except this time, he landed every trick and kind of looked really cute while doing so), but this time they held hands whenever he wasn't shredding off to try and impress her. She smiled at him as he did a kick flip at the end of the block, and turned her head to watch some sparrows fly through the morning sun. "You okay?" Percy asked as he circled back and rolled behind her.

"Yep." She laughed when he rolled past a stop sign and hooked his arm around it so he could angle himself and skid right in front of her, "I'm great."


Annabeth hadn't purposefully avoided her friends in years and yet she sat in the quad of Athens Uni behind a row of hedges with Percy Jackson. While she busied herself with making sure they weren't found and also trying to study at the same time, Percy was making a little mess of her collarbone with his kisses. "You're like a needy puppy." She declared, ducking her head a little more so her blonde hair could not be spotted over the hedge. He was kind of crushing her because he was lying right over her left leg and hip but he buried his head in her shoulder and grunted in response. "Can we…?" Percy trailed off, voice muffled by her skin. His hands were itching up her thighs and she rolled her eyes.

"No." She smacked his hands away, "Keep your paws to yourself. We're in public and I'm trying to study." She bowed her head to look at the paragraph at the end of the page but a fuzzy mess of black locks blocked her. Slithering on his stomach, Percy pushed his lips up to her and grabbed her waist. "Study later. Make out with me." He said to her lips and shoved the books out of her lap. Annabeth's breath came back to her quickly and she gasped as, in a single movement, Percy picked her straight up and plopped her down in his lap after some rearranging. "Percy!" She lightly slapped his shoulder, aware that now that he was sitting up and she was in his lap, they were definitely visible over the leaves. It did feel nice to get her butt off of the dirt though and she shifted to get comfortable.

Percy immediately groaned unhappily. "Don't do that," He dropped his head onto her shoulder, "if you're not into making out right now. I've been thinking of you all day and that grinding does not help." Annabeth's eyebrows raised and she chewed on her bottom lip. His hair was tickling her and she was trying not to shiver at his hot breath on her shoulder. Her sweater was all over the place due to his neck kissing and she massaged his shoulders and slid her arms around his neck. "Well, I didn't say I wasn't into making out right now." Annabeth hummed and his head instantly popped up.

It was ridiculously cute how happy he was, his grin stretching out wide and his eyes glittering. Before he could even put in a 'sweet!', he dipped his head down and kissed her hard. His hands were wandering again and she leaned in and cupped his cheeks. They were slightly scratchy and she giggled a little bit to his lips as his stubbly chin rubbed against hers. His tongue dipped against her bottom lip and she tilted her head to run her tongue against his teasingly. Percy was getting riled up underneath her, grabbing the back of her thighs, tearing his fingers against her skin and squeezing tightly.

He grunted as she shifted again and pushed her skirt up to replace the spots it covered with his hands, making sure to rubbed deep into her skin. It made her shiver a little bit and she bit onto his bottom lip to hold herself back from moaning in public. Some students passed by, Annabeth could hear their footfalls and she tensed as they walked away, glad they didn't notice. Might not be a good idea to…

Percy scooted to put his back to the tree in the little circle of bushes and Annabeth shifted down against him, rubbing down on him smoothly. "Fuck." He growled to her lips and she laughed as she bit his lips and threaded her fingers through his hair. "Fuck is right." A clear voice spoke up and in a second, Percy and Annabeth broke apart, jumping away from each other. Annabeth slid onto her butt in the dirt again and she twisted to see Piper leaning over the hedges with raised eyebrows. Piper's hair was tied up messily in a topknot and she had one hand on the strap of her massager bag as she looked down at the two of them. "Did I miss something, Annabeth or was Percy's hands really up your skirt?" She asked, mismatched eyes shining and Annabeth sheepishly grinned at her.

"Oh well, sorry Percy," Piper commented, reaching over and grabbing Annabeth's upper arm, "I need to borrow Annabeth for a while." Annabeth scrambled to pick up her stuff as Piper pulled her up and over the bushes to join her in the cobblestone quad. Percy sat, a bit stunned and mussed from all the kissing, watching before he scrambled to his feet. "Right, yeah sure." He breathed, giving them a clumsy grin. He ran a hand through his hair and looked bashfully at his bag, before bending to pick it up. "I'll just…go find Jason or Nico or someone." He cleared his throat and joined them on the cobblestone. There was a little pause amongst them, Piper looking expectant with her raised eyebrows while Annabeth blinked at him. Then, as if winning the struggle with himself, Percy leaned in and pecked her gently on the lips before waving goodbye and hurrying away.

Piper and Annabeth stood for a couple more seconds and Annabeth was fully aware of the deep stare Piper was giving her. "What?" She finally grumbled and Piper laughed loud. "Nothing. We'll talk later, we have an emergency." Piper grabbed Annabeth's arm again and dragged her throughout the campus to the little grassy plaza outside of the main building. Lying on the grass was the white and pink-checkered picnic blanket she had come to know and love, with her six other best friends sitting on it. They were all in perpetual disarray and food was scattered around them, but the instant Annabeth got closer, she could see the upset expressions on their faces.

At first, she was actually kind of nervous if this was about her and the fact that she didn't exactly come home last night, but one look on Thalia's face and she knew. "Again?" She plopped down on the picnic blanket with her books in her lap, Piper sitting down right next to her. Thalia groaned and flopped onto her back. "I feel like," She grumbled into her hands, "He does this just because he likes torturing me."

Thalia's father, Zeus, was one of the owners of the biggest airline companies in the world and every so often he would arrange for one of the biggest formal parties in the celebrity world, and forced Thalia to go. These parties were stellar, and phenomenal and everyone who was somebody would be there. Honestly, Annabeth wouldn't mind going if she was in Thalia's place, since it'd be an amazing opportunity to introduce and therefore insert yourself into the worlds of the CEO's of your dream industry. But she could really also understand why Thalia didn't like them. She was usually forced to wear a dress, usually forced to be around people she didn't like, plus it was so hard coming back to school after losing a few days of valuable study time. Annabeth leaned over and stole a grape from the bag in Hazel's lap.

"Why," Hazel said absentmindedly, taking a small bite of cheese, "don't you just invite people? Won't your dad be alright with that? Jason is going too, you said, so possibly you both could invite some of your friends and-?" Hazel trailed off and everyone's attention shifted to Thalia, who had just abruptly sat up and looked wide-eyed and very mischievous at all of them. In the end, it was Drew who understood first. Her fingers retracted from playing with her silky black hair and rose to cover her slowly gaping mouth. "Oh…my gods." She breathed heavily. Thalia just grinned wide and waved with her hands. "Come with me. All of you! Let's go to France!"

There was a pause before everyone started freaking out. Drew started squealing and Piper was tossing her papers and Hazel was laughing loudly and grinning. Annabeth smiled wide, her stomach bubbling with excitement. "Are you sure?" She exclaimed, looking to Thalia, who nodded vigorously. "At least you guys would make it fun!" The punk rock girl said, grinning back at Annabeth. Thus prompted more screaming, that faded instantly when a solemn Silena spoke up. "I can't go." She said and everyone turned to look at her.

"Why?" Drew demanded, throwing her hands up, "This is an opportunity of a lifetime, Silena! How…?" But the other girl just shook her head, locks billowing. "I can't go," She repeated, "I have too much work. I'm in my last year at Uni…there's just no way." Annabeth frowned. It was very true that they'd have to catch up and it would be hard but it was Silena's choice after all. After sympathetic coos and more exchanges of excitement, Silena said her goodbyes ("I don't want to damper the fun!" She had joked, though it was still kind of melancholy) and left for her next class. When Silena walked away, the others slowly started to trickle away as well, headed for classes and other clubs, until there was only Thalia, Piper and Annabeth left. Piper and Annabeth compared notes for their math class while Thalia rolled over onto her side and stared intently at them. "Hey," She said, "Annabeth?"

Annabeth glanced at Thalia before looking back at her paper. "Yeah?" She hummed, leaving through her notebook to look for a specific page. A strong wind blew through the courtyard, ruffling papers and causing some guys' Frisbee to fly out to the far building. "Where'd you get that hickey?" Thalia's smirk was evident in her voice as she spoke and Annabeth froze, instantly clasping her hand over the dark spot on the right side of her neck. Thalia snorted and Piper laughed, while Annabeth just flushed. "Sooo? Oh, come out with it!" Thalia shoved Annabeth's shoulder, "It's Percy right? Of course it was. When'd you get it? Don't tell me you guys made out on your first date yesterday. At the restaurant though, oh my gods you dirty girl!" Annabeth sputtered and Piper leaned in, as if curious to know all the dirty details, which Annabeth guessed was what friends did. She just hadn't really…had a boyfriend to talk to her friends about. Was she supposed to tell them everything? Well, it'd be rude to lie.

"No I spent the night at the Psi Omega house." Annabeth deadpanned, "I had sex with Percy. He's my official boyfriend now too, I guess." There was a beat of silence and she glanced from Piper's stunned face to Thalia's shocked one then back again. "You guys don't have to act so shocked," Annabeth grumbled, taking her hand back away from her neck, "Don't say anything though. Since technically it was against the rules and-" She was cut off by Thalia's shriek and Piper's loud laughter.

"Oh my gods! Annabeth you fucked Percy Jackson on the first date!" Thalia screamed, grabbing her shoulders and shaking her. "Was he good? Did it hurt? How long? Is he hot without a shirt on?" Piper blasted her with questions, grabbing onto her left upper arm and squeezing. Despite the pain of the squeezing and the shaking that made her brain rock around in her cranium, Annabeth laughed along with them and proceeded to give them the crucial answers they so totally needed.

"Was it first base, second, third? What variation?!"

"First base and…what's third again? Does it matter? He was just really good. Super goofy. We kind of chatted through it, and gods he looks good when he…y'know?"

"Comes? Squirts his seed into you?"

"Thalia! Oh my gods don't say that so loud!" Piper gasped, blushing for Annabeth. The blonde just laughed heartily and nodded. "Yeah. He pushed me against his balcony door first and it was really cold, then we moved to the bed. For the first time, I guess missionary is the way to go…but I really liked being on top for the short time I was up there." Thalia guffawed and Piper snorted. "That's so you," The brunette smirked, "Poor Percy. Going to be ridden until he's well broken in." Annabeth shrugged and rolled her eyes good-naturedly, raising an eyebrow at the two of them. "I'm going to be honest," Annabeth stated, "He definitely wouldn't mind that." They all lost their shit at that, laughing and giggling and snorting on the pink and white-checkered blanket, trying not to kick food over.

It was just Annabeth's luck when a strong gust of wind blew through the courtyard again, ruffling her papers and lifting two pages up into the air. "Oh fuck!" She cursed, in-between laughing and stood to chase the papers down the hill, Piper and Thalia screaming practically with laughter behind her. She giggled and snatched one of them out of the air but the other drifted just out of her reach and floated aimlessly across the grassy lawn to the building on the left. Annabeth stepped between sunbathing peers and around Frisbee games with soft calls of 'sorry!' as she chased down the runaway paper. She stretched on her tiptoes as she caught up to it to try and grab it out of the air again but she missed drastically and would've gone tumbling onto the grass in a fall when strong arms caught her around the waist. It might've been a pretty magical moment if it was Percy who would have caught her, but it definitely wasn't.

With one hand, Percy's friend Luke held up Annabeth and used the other to easily grab the paper out of the air like he was plucking a book out of a shelf in the library. "Whoa there." He pleasantly laughed, handing her the paper and helping her stand upright, "I know I'm dreamy but I never have beautiful girls tumbling into my arms like this." Annabeth instantly flushed. It was weird hearing someone other than Percy compliment her like that. She held tight to her papers and stepped back out of his arms. "Yeah, I don't usually tumble like that." She cleared her throat, "Thank you very much. You're Luke right?" Her fumbling attempt at clearing the awkwardness of stumbling into Percy's frat brother's arms went clearly noticed by the blond tall guy yet he just grinned back at her.

"Yeah," He stuck out his hand and they shook in greeting, tossing his surfer-like blond hair. He had a scar etched across his face, and Annabeth faintly noted how attractive he was. She knew he was as popular as Percy, and his body language was surprising her. It seemed like he was taking every chance to stretch his arm muscles and shake his hair out. "You're Annabeth right?" His voice dropped low and she was slightly shocked to find herself blushing. "Yup." She said curtly, "Well, I really got to go, um, back to my friends." She took a step back.

Luke blinked at her and smiled even wider, which kind of made her nervous and jittery. "Sure, sure. Well, hey, before I forget," He cleared his throat, "I'm not sure if anyone mentioned this to you but Psi Omega is having a really big party tomorrow night. It's going to be tropical themed and we'd love if Alpha E would come." The way he called them Alpha E made her prickle but she hesitated from correcting him because that'd be rude, so she smiled widely at him, thinking about how Drew would absolutely love the theme. "Yeah, of course we'll be there!" She said, waving a little as she retread back across the grass, "Bye Luke!"

He shifted, waved back and said, "See you." before continuing on his way to the science building. Annabeth didn't realize she was clutching her papers so hard until she arrived back at the picnic blanket and was pointed out by Piper that her nails were ripping into the pages, but it stressed her out more that she didn't realize why.


The water glided around him, cocooning him gently and pushing him through the pool like a torpedo on a target. Percy broke the surface in a breaststroke that would've made an Olympic swimming judge cry and pushed himself into an ending flip that flattened his feet against the stone edge of the pool and sent him spiraling through the water in the opposite direction. His mind felt so free and his body relaxed as he pushed into his regular freestyle stroke, taking breaths in time to the beat of his heart. Swimming in the Athens Uni pool was becoming a regular thing for Percy now, and he was loving it. He would've never guessed that Athens would be this good to him and, knock on wood, he hoped it would treat him better still.

His mind drifted to his father, and the card that Annabeth was holding onto for him, and his brain went into overdrive. His anger transitioned into a furious pace of laps as he circled the pool once more, twice more, until he couldn't even count how many laps he had done. Years of abandonment and the guy who knocked up his mom in the first place only came to see him because his company was in danger. Gods, it made Percy's blood boil. This couldn't be good. If he got any angrier, the bottoms of his feet were going to get crushed and cut from repeatedly slamming them against the stone edge of the pool so hard when he did his ending flips.

Annabeth…That reminded him of this morning. Of how small she looked on his bed, how wide-eyed and cute with the covers piled around her. Flashes of last night rumbled through his head, of Annabeth arching her back, crying out his name and her eyes rolling back as it just started to feel good for her. It plagued him that he hadn't made her come, though he was sure he did a better job at giving her a great first time than any other guy would've, so he had told himself in the shower this morning: 'Percy. You're gonna get her to come. Within the next two days.' It was a promise, though measly maybe, he was determined to keep and go through with.

He broke the surface in a butterfly stroke when a flash of red caught his eye, successfully pulling him to an abrupt stop against the stone side of the pool. "Percy!" The girl waved, stepping fully into the indoor pool from where she had stood, unsure, in the doorway. Even though she was a good friend, Percy was really not that excited to see Rachel at that moment. He floated, panting a little and pushing wet bangs out of his face as he propped his elbows poolside. "Hey Rachel." He breathed as she approached, "How did you get here? How'd you find me?"

"Wasn't too hard." She said happily, playing with her painted canvas bag. "I mean, you're a water nerd. Also I just drove. I needed to talk to you…I tried to talk to you on Friday but you seemed distracted." Her frizzy hair was curling even more at the humidity of the indoor pool building and he rubbed his upper arms a bit. "Yeah sorry," He replied, "Well what's up?"

She shifted and squatted, her bag slapping against the wet stone. "It's about your dad." She breathed, tucking hair behind her ear and scraping the paint splattered all over her jeans with her nails, "He came to see my father one day, in the middle of the night. Maybe a month back? He…he didn't say much. I didn't even know who he was until he told me…"

Her troubled expression made him frown, he didn't like seeing his good friend so upset. "Hey…" He started, watching her move to get on her hands and knees and move closer. It didn't strike him as too odd until he saw Rachel's darkened eyes. She was leaning closer to him now, but he didn't want to freak her out so he stayed still in the pool and tilted his head to see her face more. "Rachel?" He said softly, "What's…"

The door opened with a soft click and both Rachel and Percy turned to see Annabeth, standing with the door wide open in her grasp and with an unbelievably shocked look on her face. "…Percy?"

[horror music] Heh heh heh! (No I kid)
But hey I had fun writing this one! I'm currently planning on writing a new story of mine (T mainly this time, with possibility of smut written as M rated one-shots) and to see more updates on that, or to get real-time updates about ALPNKN, follow my tumblr: .com!

Other than that, please review~ I love you! C: