Blood Brother

Unbeknownst to Laurent, Victoria followed him to the meadow. Bella was caught up in the fight between wolf and vampire. Blood spilt on all sides. The consequences far reaching. BellaxJasper eventually. OOC, AU.

A/N I had this idea stuck in my head. I had to write it down to stop it distracting me. I got a couple of chapters in and the stubborn idea wanted a different path. I started again going down a different route. The idea wouldn't relent for either route so I flipped between the two paths until now I have two stories; one team wolf and the other team vamp. Since they started from one idea their names are virtually the same... look for the 's' to check the version you are reading!

Chapter 1

A brown wolf howled as it ran, skidding to a halt at the tree line. Its form vibrated as he shrank back into human form. Jared did a hopping run as he pulled on a pair of cutoff jeans.

The door of the nearest house ripped open. An old man looked out. His eyes scouring the tree line for movement. When the young man, he stepped back holding the door open for him.

As soon as the door slammed shut Jared started to speak. "Call a meeting. We need to meet out of town. A wolf was hurt, but we also have a human down. It's Chief Swan's daughter. We took out one vamp, but the other evaded us."

Old Quil already had his phone in hand, making two rapid calls.

The young man waited until he got hold of the others and then he turned. "I'll phase back to let the others know. Then I'll patrol close to home until I get new orders."

The old man called, "Thanks, Jared", as the young man bolted back outside.

The rusty red truck pulled up outside an isolated house hidden by the trees from other inhabitants in the area and any stray passersby. A faded blue car sat in front of the house. Old Quil, Billy, and Sue and Harry Clearwater waited expectantly as the truck rattled to a stop.

Sam jumped out of the driver's seat as three wolves emerged from the trees in their human forms. Jacob struggled to remain human. Sam quickly took in Jacob's vibrating shape, ordering Embry and Jake to phase wolf and run a sweep to ensure no more vampires were in the area. Jake tried to complain, but Sam beat him to it. "Sue will look at her. One of us will phase as soon as we know anything. Run. Let off some steam."

A tightening of Jacob's jaw and a steely glint in his eye were the last sign of his dissension before he turned back to the forest.

Jared walked from the edge of the forest. With a flick of his eyes, Sam indicated to Jared that he should bring Bella inside. Jared opened the door of the truck, gently scooped Bella out, and carried her slumped body into the house.

Sue checked Paul over as he mumbled continuously, "I'm fine. I just need some food". His wounds looked raw, but they had closed smoothly. Sue sighed, but stepped away and went into the house to check her other patient. Paul slid out of the truck and stumbled. Sam was by him in an instant. He unwillingly accepted Sam's shoulder to aid his entry into the house.

The table inside groaned under the weight of food. Paul sat down at the table and dug in. Ignoring the glasses, he grabbed one of the jugs containing a strange colored drink. Shuddering slightly at the initial taste, he drained the entire contents. Only then did he methodically start devouring the food. After only a few minutes, the difference in him was profound.

Sue appeared from the other room. "I have cleaned her up and checked her over. She has a strong pulse. The injuries have knitted neatly, but it still might be a while until she comes round."

She stayed standing in the doorway. Keeping one eye on the unconscious girl and the other on Paul.

Sam ran out of the room, only to return just minutes later. "I passed the message on to Jake. He is coping better now."

Old Quil, Harry, and Billy all sat waiting. Jared's very brief explanation had been enough to get Sue and the rest of them here, but they were used to being in the know; their impatience was starting to show.

Sam slumped down into a chair. "We were patrolling. Jake saw Bella's truck and wanted to check on her. We followed her scent to a meadow. Jake wanted to phase human to speak with her, which I vetoed. He was still arguing his point when we caught the stench of vampire. We were too far away initially to catch every word. She knew him. We stayed down wind, getting as close as we could without making ourselves known. He closed in on her.

"We were about to pounce when a second vampire appeared. She was furious. She had sent the male vampire to find Bella and report back. She overheard him tell Bella he was going drain her then lie about finding her. The female vamp went off like a deranged cat spitting and clawing at the male. Bella was too close, so we intervened.

"The plan was for Jared, Embry, and I to go after the male, Paul and Jacob the female. When the male saw us, he took off. It was a few miles before we chased the male to ground. We were aware what happened back in the clearing through our link. I'll let Paul fill you in on that." Sam nodded for Paul to tell their side.

Paul swallowed his current mouth full so he could speak. "The red head grabbed at Bella. Jake was screaming in his mind not to attack in case Bella got hurt, but the red head was preparing to run with her. I had a clean shot at the vamp so I took it.

"I ripped off the arm holding Bella. The vamp was fast though. She swiped at me with her other arm. The impact knocked me sideways. The leech used her nails to cut open my shoulder and chest. I didn't realize Bella had fallen behind me until my back foot landed on something soft. It distracted me. The red head hit me again and I went down. I was out cold.

"From Jacob's memories I landed on Bella. The vamp ran. Jacob froze, panicked over Bella. He briefly thought about chasing the red head, but quickly decided to stay with Bella and me. He tried to phase back human to help us, but his anger at what had happened was too much. He used his head to roll me off Bella. She couldn't breathe; my weight was crushing her. As soon as she was free of my weight, she took a rasping breath.

"The vamp's twitching forearm and hand had somehow landed on Bella. I trapped it when I landed on her. As soon as Jake saw the arm, his wolf instincts took over. He was like a dog worrying a bone. He shook the arm with fury. The clear liquid that passes for blood in leeches was spraying out.

He heard a gasp from Bella. It bought him out of the rage, but the wolf instincts were still in control. He slithered over to her on his belly whimpering. She blacked out again. She was covered in venom and blood, hers and mine. He started licking her to try and get her to come round. First her face and then down on her stomach where I had clawed her. The gashes from my claws start half way between her belly button and her left side going all the way to her waist.

I was just coming round at this point. Still out of it from the blow and blood loss I think, but I noticed where he licked was healing at wolf speed. I reached over with my good arm to hold the gashes together and help speed the process.

I talked to Jacob, I'm not sure how much got through to him, but she looked so frail lying there in a pool of blood. I know I never had a good word to say about her in the past but..." he took a shuddering breath and his eyes were glistening with unshed tears, as guilt ate at him. "No-one deserves that. I harmed her, unintentional as it was. I will do anything I can to help her get back on her feet".

Sam took over, "Embry stayed on fire duty to get rid of the male. Jared and I split off to chase down the female. I made the call to end the chase when we crossed the furthest point we patrol. It was more important to get back to our fallen brother than chase her any further. Jake was fully wolf in his thoughts, but we still had a visual of events from him.

"I was as shocked as the others that her wounds were closing. They had both lost a lot of blood, so I wanted to get them home. The hospital was out of the question for her based on the way those gashes closed. I'm not sure what we should tell Chief Swan".

"She's coming round," Sue spoke softly, but everyone heard her clearly.

They all made their way into the other room.

They watched her eyes open, blink a few times, and then those brown eyes scanned the room. She looked at each of them before doing a double take at Paul. Her eyes went wide and then a gasp, followed by a small shake of her head. She closed her eyes again. They waited. Not a word was spoken.

At last she opened her eyes again. She moved her hands gently across her left side. The t-shirt she was wearing was huge on her, but it was clean. The smell of blood had gone.

"Can I sit up?" She ask quietly.

Sue nodded. Sam and she went to help her sit up. Sue plumped the pillows to keep her supported and comfortable. Sue held out a glass of water for her. Bella took a sip before passing it back with a nod of thanks.

"So the legends are true, all of them. Wolves and Cold Ones," she stated.

Old Quil scowled, but Billy rolled forward to the bed, close enough to hold her hand. He looked her in the eyes trying to read her before answering. "Yes, they are true. Are you feeling strong enough to tell us what happened?"

Bella looked down, away from his kind, darker brown eyes. Her arms wrapped around her chest as she held herself and held back the tears. She nodded. "I need to start much earlier than today. I heard most of the conversation as I was coming round."

She told them of the Cullens and the baseball game, her run to Phoenix, and what really happened there as opposed to the cover story they had been told. She went on and told of her conversation with Laurent in the meadow, explaining how Laurent was going to make a meal of her and then return to Victoria telling her his recon was fruitless; the pet was dead.

Billy clarified. "So the red headed female, Victoria, she'll come back for you?"

"It sounds likely from what Laurent said. The way Victoria reacted to him, I don't think she will forget about me any time soon," Bella said with a sigh. "As for Charlie, Billy, will you give him a call later and tell him I made up with Jake. I fell to sleep watching a movie with him. I'll call Charlie tomorrow when we see how I'm feeling. If we can hide this, I think it would be easiest."

Billy looked at the others and then nodded in agreement.

It was obvious talking was over. Sue asked Paul to sit down on the other bed so she could check him over. The others started moving back into the other room.

Old Quil stopped and looked hard at Bella. "You understand you can't tell anyone else what you know."

Bella let out a wry snort. "I have been keeping secrets ever since I met the Cullens. What you don't seem to get is how nice it is to at last have someone I can talk to about the craziness my life has become. This," she swept her arm to indicate her side, "is almost a relief, just to be able to talk about it. I've been falling apart ever since they left. I had no one to talk about the supernatural world. They kicked me aside like an unwanted pet." She spat the word pet in anger.

Old Quil looked taken aback by her tirade. He nodded in acknowledgment and left the room.

Sue didn't take long checking Paul over. Her order of rest didn't go down very well by the look upon his face, but he made no verbal complaint as he followed her instructions to lie down.

Sue helped Bella lie back flat again before leaving the room, pulling the door closed behind her.

They both lay in silence for a few minutes listening to the hum of conversation in the other room. Bella heard the bangs of doors and then a vehicle start up.

Paul with wolf hearing filled her in. "Harry is taking Old Quil and Billy back home. Jared is meeting up with his girlfriend. Sam is updating Jacob and Embry before going home. Jacob and Embry have patrol tonight. Jacob wanted to come to you, but his wolf is still too close to the surface. Sue is staying here to make sure we follow orders to rest.

Bella look over at him. He had his good arm up cushioning his head. The other was pulled up on his chest as he rubbed the newly healed skin. "Is it uncomfortable?" She asked looking at his action.

He snorted. "That's one way to describe it, just because we heal fast doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. The speed of the healing just amplifies the pain. It itches at the moment. It's all I can do not to scratch it open again."

He looked completive for a minute then his face hardened. "How about you?"

She laughed, but there was no humor. "Hurts would be an understatement, but I'm grateful to be alive. Thank you. You saved me from a far worse fate."

A look of a different sort of pain and vulnerability crossed his face. "It was me that did that to you. My claws that ripped into you."

"I don't blame you. It was an accident when you stood on me. You were fighting for your life to save mine. I'm sorry you were hurt because of me."

Paul snorted in laughter. "Jake was right about you. I never believed him."

In a hurt voice Bella asked, "What do you mean?"

Paul sobered and sighed. "In our wolf form we can hear and see each other's thoughts and memories. They think it's to make us work better as a team, not that the team has ever been as big as this before."

Bella shook her head. "I didn't know. That must be awkward. The Cullens had to put up with that to a lesser extent. Ed... he could read minds Well, all minds except mine. The others were used to it, but I don't think any of them liked it."

Paul's head whipped round to stare at her as he learned more about them. "Sam will want to know about that. You implied it in your story, but I think it got lost with everything else you threw at us."

"I think I can only scratch the surface. I thought I knew them better, but the way they left and the things he said, makes me rethink what I actually did know." Paul could hear the hurt and loss in her voice.

"As I was saying, we see each other's mind when we are phased. Jake thinks about you most of the time. He was so devastated when he was ordered to stay away from you." Bella's head whipped around this time. Paul didn't need her to ask.

"I'll need to tell you more about wolves in general to explain why. Just hear me out. The head wolf we call Alpha. They can give a command, which we have to follow; no matter how much we disagree, we can't get around it. As wolves we phase in anger. When you first start phasing, it's hard to control. The slightest thing can set you off. I had a problem with my anger management even before the wolf gene kicked in. I still find it difficult not to phase if my temper is provoked.

"Sam is Alpha. He imprinted. That's when a wolf sees his other half, his soul mate. Sam had a girlfriend, but when he imprinted, his feelings for her were buried under the strength of the imprint. Emily is his imprint and his girlfriend's cousin. You can imagine how well it went down. Emily feels the pull too, but not as strongly as the wolf.

"Sam accidentally phased in front of Emily and she bears the scars on her face. Sam's guilt is crippling. He never wants anyone else to live with that pain. I understand him better now." He glanced at Bella's side. "He orders all new wolves to stay away from anyone not in the know to prevent another accident. Hurt feelings are easier to deal with than injuries."

Bella's huff stopped him. He met her eyes. "Not for me. They left. Jacob helped me rebuild myself, but he went against everything he promised. When he left me too... my side is far less painful, even now, than the pain of being discarded again.

I have been told 'sticks and stones will break you bones but words will never hurt you'. Whoever said that has never had to deal with aftermath of cruel words. Broken bones heal, but words and the insecurities they cause cut deeper each time they force themselves back into your mind. They leave festering wounds that no one else can see. Bad stuff about you is always so much easier to believe than the good."

Whatever Bella was expecting, Paul's face showed a different picture. The pain and vulnerability of a small boy trapped in a man's body reflected the depth of his understanding.

Paul's voice shook on the first couple of words as he started talking again. "As I was saying Jacob's thoughts are all of you. He wouldn't shut up about how good, how kind, and how forgiving you are. How you always put others before yourself. I dismissed everything he said about you. You knowingly dated a leech. How could you have any good in you? In my anger at turning into a furry monster against my will and having my thoughts on display every time, I turned my anger towards you. Blamed you. I realize how wrong I was. Jake was right about you."

Bella broke the silence. "You are not a monster. You are the furthest thing from a monster. You protect against monsters. Monsters hurt others for their own pleasure. You are a hero."

Paul's exclamation of derision stopped Bella. "I'm no Hero. I'm a bully. I have been in so many fights, caused so much trouble. My poor behavior is what triggered the gang theories that abound about the pack. They would be better off without the likes of me."

Bella tilted her head to look closer at Paul. After a minute or so of silence, Bella put together the very thing he tried to hide from the rest of the world. "You used your fists to protect yourself from the cruel words; the words others use with such seeming ease to hurt you. I bet you have hit very few and even then, the guilt of hurting others burns you. You make them fear you so they leave you alone. You hide behind the hard man mask. Becoming a wolf just makes it harder to hide."

She hit too close to the mark. "Don't you dare pity me. I don't want anyone's pity." Paul all but screamed at her.

"How can I pity you? You are so strong. I don't know what happened to you, but what I do know, even after only knowing you for such a short time, is you have brothers. The wolf pack is closer than any siblings I have ever seen. If you let them in, they will help you. It isn't weakness to let others in. Regardless, you will always be a hero to me for saving me from Victoria," Her soft words resonated long after she finished speaking.

Bella dozed, but the slightest movement woke her from the searing agony. Paul lay in silence. His mind going in circles prevented him from falling asleep.

Sue came back in to check on them as dusk was falling. "There is plenty of food left for you both in the other room if you want to help yourselves. Bella, you appear fine at the moment, but I haven't got the facilities here to figure out exactly what happened. I think you would be better staying here. Someone should stay with you just to keep an eye on you. I'll stay here with you, if you would prefer that. Paul, I suggest you get plenty of rest tonight so your body can fully recover."

Paul spoke up before Bella had a chance. "I'll stay here and keep an eye on Bella. You get back to your family."

Sue looked shocked for a moment before smiling in thanks. "Is that okay with you Bella?"

Bella looked at Paul to check. She felt comfortable with him, even knowing him such a short time. "Yes Sue, that's fine by me. Thank you so much for all your help today."

"You're Welcome. I'm amazed you have handled today so well. If you need anything, even just someone to talk to, my door is always open," Sue said before she waved goodbye.

They sat in silence for a few minutes after Sue had gone.

They both started moving at the same time. They looked up at each other and simultaneously said, "Food?" Then laughed at each other.

Paul watched Bella move stiffly, wincing with each movement. "I can bring you some food for you, if you want."

"Thanks, but no. I feel restless. I need to move. I'm still uncomfortable, but I'll manage." She said with a smile.

Paul knew without any doubt uncomfortable was an inaccurate description; blinding or excruciating agony would be more accurate.

Bella made it to a chair and lowered herself down, favoring her right side. She sat holding herself stiff and at a strange angle. Paul made no comment. She really looked like she didn't want to hear it.

They both dug into the food. Paul with his wolf appetite packed away huge amounts of food. Bella started well, but it had been so long since she had last eaten a reasonable sized meal; her shrunken stomach stopped her long before her eyes did.

Bella managed to sit at the table until Paul finished eating, but it was obvious Bella needed to go back and lie down.

Paul rolled his shoulder before making his decision. "Come on, I think you need to get more comfortable." Going to her right hand side, he scooped her up as gently as he could. She winced, but didn't complain.

He carried her back to the bed, putting her down gently. He rearranged the pillows so she was slightly elevated.

He had time to prop himself back on the other bed before Bella regained her composure enough to speak. "Thanks. I needed a lift back. Sitting was getting uncomfortable."

Paul looked over at Bella. "Would you tell me more about how you ended up dating him?"

Bella sat quiet until Paul gave up hope that she would give him and answer; it came as a shock when she started talking.

"I'm not sure. It's something I thought a lot about. I've ended up thinking, 'Why me?' so many times since he first asked me. From my point of view, I was always on the sidelines down in Phoenix. I was social with classmates but I never really had friends. When I got here, I was the shiny new toy. Everyone seemed to be interested in talking to me.

I've never really had anyone my own age to talk to. I ran the house when I lived with Renee, so I never had time to be a kid. I had little in common with my peers. After Edward saved me for the second time, he eventually started talking to me. I was intrigued by him, drawn to him. The fact he avoided everyone else and wanted to spend time with me was an ego boost, I suppose. He could hold an intelligent conversation. He asked me questions and took the time to listen to me.

I didn't realize it at the time, but Alice had a large impact on the relationship. She can see the future, but if a decision changes, it can alter the future. Once she decided I was going to be her friend she ensured the outcome using her gift. On top of that, Edward regularly dazzled me into his way of thinking."

"Dazzled?" Paul broke in to ask.

"That's the best way to describe it, he would look at me in such a way my mind would go blank and I would do what he wanted. Now, for the first time, I look back and realize how wrong it was. I see how little choice I ever had with them. They controlled and orchestrated more and more aspects of my life without me being aware.

Renee is a friend, but not a mother. Charlie is not good at showing emotions. I know he cares about me, but our relationship is more like roommates than a father daughter bond.

With the Cullen's, Carlisle and Esme treated me as I expect of picture perfect parents. Emmett was the big brother I always wanted, teasing but protective of me. Alice, the girly, shopaholic best friend I never had. I wanted the fairy tale, and I thought I got it with them.

They made the vampire aspect of their nature seem as inconsequential as eating vegetarian meals in a steakhouse." She was frowning.

"I've been able to say his name while I'm talking to you. It's the first time I have been able to say it without a stab of pain since he left." She paused with a frown and then changed the subject. "Paul will you tell me about you? What happened to you?"

It was Paul's turn to decide how much he was willing to say. She had just bared her soul to him. She trusted him with her insecurities so he started to talk. "I had a good home life. My mom stayed at home with me until I started school. Then she worked school hours so she would always be there for me. My father worked for the logging company. He was never much a part of my young life, his downtime was spent in a bar watching sports, or at a friend's house drinking while watching the game.

It all changed after the accident. It was kept from me exactly what happened, it was an accident at work. I've heard loads of gossip, but never the actual facts. He was in hospital for a while, but the damage to his shoulder and neck never fully recovered. Mom had to work full-time, even working two or more jobs when she could.

My Father didn't react well to living in pain. He took it out on Mom and me, both verbally and physically. Mom tried to keep me safe, but she couldn't when she was at work. I was always covered in bruises. I tried to hide them, but other kids always saw them. I started fighting then, it was easier to blame the bruises on the fights than admitting my Father was hitting me.

Mom took the brunt of his abuse. I never realized how much she hid. My Father unintentionally killed himself with too many pain killers combined with the alcohol.

I had six short months after that with my Mom before cancer took her. They think the cancer started in the scar tissue he caused, but we will never know for sure.

Mom had savings and life insurance for me. The house was paid for by my Grandparents. I was allowed to stay in the house. The Elders tried to watch out for me, but by then I had so much anger inside that I pushed everyone away. Then I phased."

It was the first time he admitted what he had lived through to anyone. Most of the Elders had an idea, but he never confirmed to them how bad things got for him. He sat unseeing, tears streaking his face. He didn't notice as the bed dipped. A small hand found his large hand. That simple gesture caused the tears to flow faster until they eventually dried out as sleep found him.

Sue found them the following morning fast asleep on opposite sides of the bed, Bella curled up on her right side, her hand still firmly gripped in Paul's larger one.

She placed Bella's freshly laundered jeans and one of Leah's shirts on Bella's bed.

She walked quietly back out of the room pulling the door closed on them. Sue made a quick phone call to Sam asking him to check with Paul in wolf form how he thought of Bella now.

Sue saw how Paul changed after his father's accident, but no one knew what to do to help the poor boy. The tear tracks down his face gave her hope.

She heard from Charlie how worried he was about Bella since those Cullen's left. Maybe, just maybe, they could help each other.

Banging around in the kitchen, making as much noise as she could she made them breakfast.

Paul and Bella awoke to her noise in the kitchen. Neither spoke, but they caught the others eye and nodded their thanks. Both felt a weight lifted from them.

Breakfast was spent eating rather than talking. Bella put away a good size breakfast. The gnawing, burning, scratching pain in the scars was still intense, but it no longer impeded her movement. Paul and Sue both watched her closely as she walked around, but were satisfied she was healing.

Sue updated them both. "Sam has asked if you will both drop by his house when you leave here. Charlie is out fishing with Harry, so he won't be back until late afternoon. Billy passed the message on that Jacob planned to take you to see Emily and meet up with his other friends. Charlie is expecting you home at dinnertime. I'll lock up here, so you can set off as soon as you're ready."

Paul offered Bella her keys back, but she shook her head and let him drive. Paul drove them down to Sam's house. He jumped out then walked round to Bella's side in case she needed a hand. She slid out of the truck without incident, so he simply handed over her keys before leading her inside.

Emily was baking when they walked in, but virtually any time you walked into Sam's house, you would find Emily in the kitchen cooking. Sam made introductions, but there was no question he had already filled Emily in on the previous day.

Emily lost no time getting Bella sat down, as Sam took Paul outside for a run.

Emily kept her conversation with Bella light and friendly. They ended up discussing fish recipes.

Paul didn't have it as easy. As soon as the passed the tree line, Sam asked if Paul was up to phasing. They separated far enough to strip in privacy. Paul found it took him longer than normal to phase; he had to make himself angry rather than just letting go. Sam immediately saw the shock in Paul's mind as soon as the phase was complete.

Awareness came to Paul that his conversation with Bella the previous night helped him reduce his anger at life in general. Sam caught all this and asked what Bella was to Paul. Sam was surprised that Paul didn't know. He watched Paul's thought process as he tried to answer the question. Strong concern and care were in there, but absolutely no romantic feelings. The closest either of them could come was sister.

They had a quick run to ensure Paul had no problems remaining from the previous day. They returned to the house, to find the girls chatting happily with a drink and a muffin.

Emily was aware of Sam's plan to find out as much as he could from Bella today. Emily wanted to be sure Bella didn't get overwhelmed by her well-meaning, but focused mate.

Sam set the ball rolling by asking Bella the same as he asked Paul. "What is Paul to you?" He asked abruptly.

Bella was just as uncertain as Paul. "Well, I only met him yesterday, but saving your life makes a pretty big impact. I feel safe in his presence. I trust him implicitly; like you would a close member of the family. If I have to say I suppose brother would describe how I feel towards him," then she laughed. "If films are anything to go by, after yesterday, I suppose he's my blood brother!"

Her words bought them all the same visual, a knife cutting into palms and the palms joining to seal a pact.

Sam's eyes went down to Bella's waist then across to Paul's shoulder. "I'll need to talk to the Elders. You may have more insight than the rest of us with that suggestion."

Sam jumped up and ran out of the house with that. The other three sat coming to terms with the possibility.

That is how Jacob found them a few minutes later when he entered the house.

He stopped dead when he saw Bella. "Bells, I..."

He broke down in tears and collapsed on the floor.

Bella went over to him and threw her arm across his shoulders the best she could. "Hey Jake. I'm okay and now I know the secret. Do I get my best friend back?"

The others left the room to allow Jake time to pull himself back together.

It was a tearful reunion. Jacob kept trying to say sorry, but Bella would have none of it. She eventually convinced him that turning a little furry now and then had no impact on their friendship. It was only when Jake had calmed down, he allowed himself to look properly at Bella.

Shock built on his face as he realized his feelings for her had changed. He shakily told Bella he needed to go for a run to let out the emotion of getting her back. There was something wrong with Jake; Bella knew it.

As soon as Jake was out the door Bella asked Paul to check up on him. Paul had heard everything as he and Emily sat in the kitchen. Paul had similar concerns and quickly followed Jake.

Emily pulled Bella into a hug. "It will all be all right. Let's have another hot chocolate while we wait."

They sat waiting. There was an undercurrent of worry this time that no amount of sugary snacks could fix.

Paul came back at the same time Sam returned.

Paul filled them in first. Jake was shaken by the fact he no longer had any romantic feelings for Bella. He saw Bella no differently than Rachel and Rebecca.

Bella didn't understand why this was a problem. She had always seen Jacob as a little brother and best friend.

Paul had to explain to Bella that Jacob had always hoped for more with her.

Sam confirmed that the Elders thought Bella's theory about the blood was valid.

Paul suggested that Jacob's reaction may be for the same reason, but in his case the saliva had the same effect.

Sam questioned Bella. "How do you feel about Jacob compared with Paul?"

Bella took a minute to think honestly about her feeling for the two of them. "I feel no different about Jacob than I did before. If I'm honest I feel closer to Paul than Jacob, but they are both brothers."

Sam took a different tack. "How about the rest of us wolves?"

"Wow, I never considered." Bella said in shock as she allowed herself to consider his question. "You are family too, but not as close as those two. How do you feel about me?"

Sam had not thought about that aspect, so her question came as much of a shock as his had been. It was then it sunk in that it might affect the rest of the pack. His shock colored his voice. "I think of you as pack. Embry should be here soon. We need to find out if we all feel this way."

Poor Embry didn't even get through the door when he was asked. "She is one of us," was his confused response.

Bella didn't stay in La Push much longer, using exhaustion as her excuse to escape. It had been a long twenty-four hours. So much had changed. She needed time alone to come to terms with it all. Sam wouldn't allow her to drive. Embry volunteered to drive her home and then run back. The trip was quiet. They both had plenty to think about.


Sorry, all the mistakes are mine. If you want to give me some help it will be gratefully received!

Many Thanks to those that helped me get to this point!
