So here's just a little one-shot (that may turn into a two-shot for smut later) I did just because. Jealous!Haru is a thing right now so I thought I would contribute to that. Anyway, enjoy and please take a look at some of my other fics, leave a review, or favorite if you can! Makoharu5ever peace.

"Did you hear the news?"

Haruka lazily stared out the window as his classmates filtered back into the room after the lunch break. He was never much of an eavesdropper, but the urgency in the girls voice caught his attention for some reason, and since Makoto had been strangely quiet all day, Haruka figured that maybe their conversation could cure some of his boredom.

And boy, was he right.

"Tachibana-kun is going to be working the kissing booth at the school festival this week!" The taller of the two girls shrieked in a whisper, careful not to let Makoto hear her excitement. "A bunch of people nominated him to do it, and after one of the first years talked to the principal- I think his name was Hazuki?- he was able to convince them to allow it!"

"No way!" The other raven-haired girl exclaimed. She had blue eyes, just like Haruka, and that for some odd reason made him angry, especially because they were talking about Makoto. "We've never had a kissing booth before! They must really like Tachibana-kun if they allowed it this year."

"Right! And it's so cheap, I might just save up for it," the first girl giggled back. Her cheeks grew pink then, and she tugged at the hem of her shirt nervously, "Wouldn't it just be a dream to kiss him though? Tachibana-kun is so sweet and kind. How could anyone not want to kiss him?"

Haruka's jaw clenched unconsciously at the comment. Other people kissing… Makoto? He had no idea there were students who thought about that. He'd never really figured that other people had thought about kissing him ever. Because- well, because it was Makoto. His Makoto. Haruka's best friend in the whole world. Who had the audacity to think of something like that when everyone should know that Makoto was his!

Okay, perhaps not really his. After all, they weren't dating or anything. And Haruka himself had never actually kissed Makoto either, so really, what was the problem with letting other people do it? If Makoto and Haruka were nothing but friends, then he should have had no issue with the idea of Makoto doing some harmless charity work for the school, right?

And yet for some reason, Haruka cringed even harder than before, knuckles squeezed tight in a fist.

"Maybe he'll fall in love with you when you kiss," the other teased, making the first giggle even more. "It would be just like a fairytale! Tachibana-kun is like a prince, after all. Maybe you're his true love. Then you could be his princess!"

Haruka wanted to gag at those words. Makoto didn't need a princess at all! And surely he would never choose that girl as his, even if he did want one. Which Haruka was certain he didn't because he knew for a fact that the only thing Makoto really needed was himself. And that was that.

But… what if…

No, Haruka trusted Makoto enough to know that no matter who kissed him, he would never just abandon him for some girl. Makoto would always be there, just like he always had been for years. Reaching out for Haruka and taking his hand, pulling him from the water just like he has every day for longer than Haruka could remember.

"Haru-chan? Are you okay? You're sort of spacey today," Makoto's voice cut into his thoughts, and Haruka almost jumped at the intrusion, losing track of the conversation a few feet away.

"M'fine," he muttered, resting a cheek in his palm and returning his gaze to the window. There was a shot silence, and he could feel the way Makoto's eyes picked apart and analyzed ever inch of his being. It made him shiver a bit.



Makoto paused again, and Haruka turned to him to see what was causing the delay. A soft blush had formed on Makoto's cheeks, which made him furrow his brow. "Um, do you think you're going to go to the festival this week?"

"I don't want to," he answered shortly. He had, but after hearing the recent news, Haruka was less than thrilled to go see Makoto be kissed one after another by a bunch of strange girls who would all giggle and squeal and make annoying noises about it later.

"B-but I hear it's going to be fun!" Makoto seemed a little eager in the way he spoke, like he really wanted him to go. "And I hear Nagisa and Rei got the dunk tank this year. Don't you think that would be funny to watch?" Haruka scrutinized the pleasant smile on the brunette's face, trying to catch any cracks in his facade. It seemed like there was something more that Makoto was trying to get at, but he continued to wait patiently for Haruka's response rather than elaborating.

"I don't want to go. Too many people, and too much money."

"I-I'll pay for you, Haru-chan."

Haruka glared at Makoto questioningly. Pay for him? Was he really that desperate to get him to go? What was there that he wanted to see anyway? Well, Nagisa and Rei definitely wouldn't be able to go with him since they had a booth themselves, so it sort of made sense that he really didn't want to go alone. But Makoto had his booth too, so what was the big deal? He would be too busy to hang out with Haruka anyway once they were there.

"No," he replied decisively. Makoto didn't need him there, so he wasn't going to subject himself to trailing around by himself while his friends got to have fun of their own.

Makoto sighed, exasperated by his friend's persistence. "If you go, I'll make Nagisa let you sit in the dunk tank for a while."

Haruka froze. The pool hadn't been open for months since the weather was just starting to warm up, and they hadn't had a practice with Samezuka in two weeks. And a dunk tank was sure to be much larger than his bathtub, right?

"Everyone take your seats," their teacher announced abruptly, ending the boys' conversation there, "let's get back to work."


Despite his best efforts, it seemed like for the rest of the day Haruka just couldn't shake the thought of Makoto's kissing booth, which made it difficult to concentrate in class, and then near impossible to try to focus as they sat in Makoto's bedroom after school doing homework.

"Haru-chan," Makoto said lightly, "you used the wrong formula on this problem again."

It didn't really surprise him. He was practically working on autopilot right now since his brain was too preoccupied with other things. "Sorry," he mumbled, then started erasing the work he had done to rewrite the problem. He could feel Makoto's eyes on him again though, probably staring in that way that Haruka knew meant he was concerned about something. His eyebrows would scrunch up slightly, and he'd cock his head to the side, sometimes chewing on his lower lip in thought and making it turn pink from worry. His eyes probably wide and imploring…

Of course only Makoto could look so perfect making a face like that. Even whenever he got upset, or the very few times Haruka had actually seen Makoto cry, he looked beautiful still. Oftentimes he even found it difficult to take Makoto seriously when he was distraught because all he could really concentrate on was how his face somehow managed to be so cute and how his eyes would sparkle a mesmerizing shade of green and how his lips would jut out in a pout that was just so damn kissable.

Not that he had ever thought about kissing Makoto… that often. It had crossed his mind a few times in the past, like whenever Makoto would say something too nice or too meaningful, and Haruka would then wonder if he should maybe thank him with a kiss. But that's not what friends are supposed to do, he would tell himself immediately, and so always Haruka would shake the thought away before it ever progressed further. Although there had been one time, he'd been feeling particularly pent up. Sexually, that is. He never really did it often, but Haruka thought he would try to pleasure himself to get rid of that nagging feeling in his stomach. It had started off with very vague thoughts of gentle lips on his skin, of a faceless, nameless body pressed against his, hands running lower and lower until they had Haruka writhing and biting his lower lip to keep moans of pleasure in. But the better it felt, the more clearly Haruka began to picture those broad, rippling shoulders, brunette fringed hair, those sparkling viridescent eyes in a half-lidded, hungry gaze…

And those lips.

Haruka had come gasping Makoto's name shamelessly. It wasn't until after the fact that he felt immense mortification at calling his best friend's name at such a time when you really shouldn't be calling their name or even thinking of them at all. After that night he tried never to think of Makoto's lips or eyes or anything else like that again, and for the most part, he had been successful. Until this whole kissing booth thing started.

"Hey," Makoto sighed, "what's wrong, Haru? You seem… off today."

"Nothing's wrong," he grunted in return, trying not to look up at his friend.

Makoto made a soft hmf, watching him finish up the last math problem from their homework. "Why don't we take a break? We've been working for a while; I think we've earned one," he grinned and stood up, offering his hand to Haruka to use as leverage to stand too. The shorter boy sighed, a little annoyed with how involved Makoto was trying to be since their conversation in class, then took his hand and got up. And when did Makoto actually plan on telling him about this kissing booth thing anyway? Didn't he think his best friend had the right to know that he was about to subject his lips to hours of torture doing this? Didn't he even consider that maybe it would actually bother Haruka that he chose to do this without consulting him first because he was his best friend and because he really did care about his love life and it wasn't really fair for him to allow that kind of thing without asking Haruka first if he would be upset or annoyed by it, even though he rarely made that obvious that he would care?

The thought made Haruka's heart flutter for a moment. Did he really care that much about Makoto kissing someone else that he would hold a grudge against him for it?

"Are you coming?" Haruka was surprised to see Makoto now poking his head back into the room from the hall. When did he get over there? "I said I'll make a snack in the kitchen for us. C'mon," he gave a flash of a smile and was gone instantly. Haruka followed obediently, goosebumps still spotting his arms from his train of thought. Yes, Haruka loved Makoto, but… could it be that he really loved him like that?

"I'll make you some mackerel if you want, I think there's some in here…" Makoto talked into the fridge as he searched around for ingredients he could put together.

"I'm going home," Haruka blurted as he entered the room, unable to stop the words from coming out. His palms were sweating and he felt almost lightheaded from the twisting in his stomach. What was happening to him?

Makoto stood up from behind the door, brows knitted together, "What?"

"I'm leaving," Haruka repeated without looking his friend in the eye, then turned to leave the kitchen and gather his things.

"W-wait, Haru," the brunette anxiously followed him up the stairs back to his bedroom where Haruka's school work lay on the floor, "did something happen? You don't have to go."

"I'm not feeling well."

"Then sit down and I'll make you some tea. If you go home there won't be anyone to take care of y-"

"I want to be alone," Haruka said sharply, his stomach lurching at how angry he sounded. He hadn't intended for it to sound so aggressive, but… how could Makoto not understand why he was upset?

Why hadn't he even told him yet!?

Makoto looked defeated as he stood in the doorway of his room, watching Haruka shuffle his books and papers around until they were squeezed into his bag. His shoulders slumped a bit, and when he spoke his voice quivered slightly. "O-okay. I hope Haru-chan feels well enough to go to the festival tomorrow. Message me if you need anything. I can go to the store and get medicine if you want."

"I'll be fine," Haruka muttered in response and slung his backpack over his shoulder. He just needed to be away from Makoto before his chest exploded from these feelings. Pushing past the taller swimmer, he bolted down the stairs and out the door before Makoto could say another word, leaving him breathless and confused in the hall.

What was wrong with him? Since when had he become so vulnerable to his own emotions? He never let silly things like this get to him before. Especially not things involving Makoto. Why was this stupid kissing booth thing making him so angry, so frustrated, so…


Haruka was jealous. There was no denying it. He was jealous that so many other girls were going to get to experience a side of Makoto that not even Haruka himself had experienced before, and that… that just pissed him off. Haruka was the one who was supposed to know everything about Makoto, and the other way around too, and so he should be the only one who got to know what it was like to kiss Makoto, right? Makoto should know that! He should know how he was feeling because Makoto always did, and the fact that he couldn't understand why Haruka was so upset now made the raven angry and confused and, to be honest, just plain hurt.

As he opened the door of his home, Haruka could only think one word. Bath. He needed to escape these weird feelings for a while and just soak. With the start of the festival tomorrow, he had to decide whether or not he was going, and he needed some time to figure out what exactly these feelings about Makoto really meant.


Noise. Noise and people. Haruka's two least favorite things all in one place.

In all honesty, Haruka really couldn't figure any good reasoning to go to this stupid festival aside from Makoto. He wanted to see Makoto, and he admittedly wanted to scope out the competition. Because he had nothing to worry about if only the ugly girls kissed Makoto, right?

It took a lot of self-convincing, but Haruka had decided he would feel more comfortable if he were actually there to see exactly what was happening rather than staying home to let his mind wander to horrible scenarios that could happen between Makoto and a girl if he actually did happen to like one of them that he kissed. Or multiple of them. So late last night he had texted Makoto and asked where he wanted to meet for the festival, and if he was still going to pay.

From: Makoto

11:34 p.m.

Subject: =]

Haru-chan! I'm so happy you want to go!

Meet me by the ticket booth at 5 pm.

My treat :3

See you tomorrow!

P.s. Yes, you still get to go

into the dunk tank.


Haruka could have almost been annoyed by his over-enthusiasm, if it hadn't made his heartbeat quicken thinking about how excited Makoto was to spend time with him alone. He liked being alone with Makoto too, but he'd never really considered why, or that maybe Makoto appreciated their personal time together as much as he did too.

And so there Haruka stood, at 5:04 p.m., waiting in front of the white, carnival-striped ticket booth for Makoto. He pulled out his phone from his pocket for the third time in the past five minutes, anxiously wondering why Makoto was late, where he was, if maybe something had happened to him-

"Haru-chan! Over here!"

Haruka turned around to see Makoto running towards the gate. He had already been inside the festival area apparently, probably setting up for the event. But that hadn't been what caught Haruka off-guard, no. It was the way Makoto was dressed that really took his breath away.

The towering brunette had decided to truly dress up for the event, and he looked stunning. He wore a fitted black suit that made his shoulders look even broader and sturdier than normal, and the jacket cinched at the waist perfectly, defining his torso in an elegant v-shape. Underneath he had on a stark white button-down shirt, pressed perfectly for the occasion. The black slacks that matched his suit jacket made his legs look impossibly longer and leaner, adding to his fit shape. His hair, which was normally a little fringed and chaotic, was swept a bit further to the side than he usually left it, giving a perfect view of his elated emerald eyes. A cute bow tie sat upon his neck to tie it all together, and seeing his best friend like this made Haruka wonder if maybe this would be what Makoto looked like the day he got married, and that Haruka would be more than happy to be the one who got to walk down the aisle and see that at the end of it too.

But that was an absurd thought, and Haruka quickly shook it away as his friend approached him.

"Sorry I'm late," he laughed, rubbing the back of his neck and panting slightly, "I was helping Nagisa and Rei finish setting up."

Haruka shrugged, "It's okay. Uh," he paused for a moment, unsure if he should say something or not. But Makoto just smiled pleasantly at him, waiting for him to finish. "You look nice," he offered quietly, glancing away to avoid seeing Makoto's reaction.

Makoto chuckled quietly, then added, "Thanks, Haru-chan. Um, actually, it's for my booth. Do you want to come see it? I wanted to keep it a surprise for when you got here."

Haruka's chest started to constrict instantly. He'd been trying to forget the stupid thing that was making him so jealous and focus on having a little fun instead, but now Makoto wanted to show him it? It was like he was trying to make Haruka insane! What kind of surprise did he think this was going to be anyway?

"S-sure," he finally agreed weakly, knowing he didn't have much of a choice. Makoto paid for his ticket quickly with a smile and a 'thank you' to the person in the booth, then led Haruka through the gate and towards the rest of the festival.

"I really hope you like it, Haru-chan! I worked hard on making the display, although it wasn't really my idea. I guess I was nominated to do it, so I couldn't really say no…"

Haruka really wasn't listening as Makoto babbled on. He was actually starting to feel rather sick again, much like the night before. The closer they got to the booth, the more anxious and nauseous he became. He knew that once he saw it, that would mean that this whole thing was real, and that Makoto really was about to kiss tons of strangers, and that he could possibly fall in love with one of them, and then Haruka would be left alone in the background forever because Makoto would never feel this way about him in return, and he would never get to feel what it would be like to kiss his best friend.

That was just too much for him to comprehend.

Haruka's breath was coming out in constricted gasps that he tried to hide, but he could feel his neck sweating and his heart racing and his head pounding all at the same time, and suddenly everything and everyone was crowding him too much and it was too loud for him to bear. Then Haruka was alone. His feet had stopped moving on their own, and he'd lost sight of Makoto, who had vanished into the swirling mass of people. It had been so long since the last time something like this happened that Haruka had completely forgotten what to do. He took in shallow breaths one after another, glancing around frantically for a familiar face, or just a way to get out so he could go home to his bath and forget about this stupid kissing booth and this stupid festival and stupid, stupid Makoto!

Haruka clutched his head as the pounding increased, gritting his teeth against the pain and squeezing his eyes shut. He just wanted to be home. He just wanted to be alone with Makoto.

He just wanted this damn jealousy to go away already!

"Haru?! Haru-chan! What are you doing? I almost lost you," Makoto's voice rang in his ears, but Haruka refused to move, to even open his eyes. Large hands gripped wrists and pulled them away from his head, tugging slightly as if to encourage him to move forward. Haruka kept his eyes shut as he let the familiar hands guide him forward for what felt like hours. The noise slowly died away though, and it became increasingly easier to breath again. Haruka blinked his eyes open apprehensively, but was gladly met with the comforting but worried gaze of his best friend, a soft, reassuring smile on his lips.

"Are you alright, Haru-chan? You haven't had an attack like that in years."

Haruka nodded barely, noticing his hands were still shaking slightly in Makoto's grip. Warmth spread through him at the contact though, and Haruka would have volunteered to stay like this for the rest of the evening if he could. Makoto had brought him behind a booth, probably his own, where there were few people and it was shaded from the bright sun, and the whole situation seemed rather intimate. Haruka could easily kiss him right now if he wanted to, and no one would see…

"I have to start working soon, but promise me you wont get lost like that again once I go. I don't want you having an attack while I'm not there," Makoto said sternly, but the little twinge of concern and care in his voice let Haruka know he wasn't really mad about it.

"Fine," he mumbled, too embarrassed to glance at Makoto when he just looked so handsome like this.

"Good. I'll be here if you need me," he gave Haruka's wrist one last squeeze, then let go and turned to talk with a young woman holding a clipboard who looked very annoyed.

"Tachibana-kun! You can't just go running away like that right before we open," she scolded. She must have been the one who came up with this whole scheme, and that made Haruka dislike her already.

"Sorry, I had to help out a friend," he shrugged, glancing over his shoulder at Haruka and giving him soft smirk. "But I think I'm ready now. We can start whenever you want."

"Well then get out there! There's a stool right in the middle of the platform for you to sit on. Just wait there until we start sending girls to you," she instructed while scribbling something onto her piece of paper. "You know what to do after that!" Her eyes lifted for a moment to see Makoto nod, but then caught sight of Haruka still standing there, a little bit lost as to what he should do.

"Nanase! You're not allowed to be back here! If you want a chance to kiss Tachibana-kun then you need to wait in line like everyone else," she teased, leaving both Haruka and Makoto stammering for words.

"N-no, Nariko-kun, I brought him-!"

"Wh-what? Kiss Makoto? That's just-"

"I'm so sorry! I didn't know I couldn't-"

"Why would a b-boy want to kiss a boy anyway?"

The girl stood between them looking rather unimpressed at their arguments. "You two are so strange. If you want to kiss each other so bad then go do it on your own time. I have a show to run!" Swiftly the gripped Makoto by the elbow and began dragging him the opposite way, towards a short stairway they was closed off by a red curtain at the top.

Makoto threw a glance back at Haruka just in time to see him blushing furiously, which made the raven want to dig his own grave right then and there, because not only did he feel stupid for reacting so strangely to Nariko's words, but for some reason Makoto also looked sort of… upset.

Had Haruka said something that offended him? Or maybe he was just embarrassed too by the whole thing. Either way, Haruka wanted to run and forget it happened, because what Nariko had said hit it right on the head. He did want to kiss Makoto. He really, really did, and this was definitely not the place he wanted to do it! But… but what could he do now? In a matter of minutes Makoto's lips would be with someone else's, and that would be the end of it.

Haruka walked out from behind the boarded platform sullenly, not sure what to do with himself, if he should stay to watch and drown in misery or if he should just leave and hope Makoto never bothered him about it again. Not paying attention to where he was walking, he slammed into a girl bouncing anxiously in front of part of the booth where they were collecting money for each kiss. She was the first in line, and Haruka recognized her as the girl who had been talking about Makoto yesterday after lunch.

"S-sorry!" She gasped out, cheeks turning red as she realized who she bumped into. "Oh, Nanase-kun! What are you doing here? Come to wish your friend good luck?" She gave a genuine smile, but Haruka was less than pleased by it.

"No," he said shortly, which made her start just a bit.

"Oh. Um, well have fun at the festival, then!" She tried to sound sweet, but it came off more as intimidated.

"Look! Tachibana-kun is coming out!" Someone shrieked from behind them in line, just as Makoto walked onto the platform with a shy smile and wave. His eyes met Haruka's for a moment, then widened with shock.

Wait, did he think Haruka was in line?!

Oh crap, crap, crap. Haruka did his best to distance himself from the women who were all waiting patiently, hoping that Makoto understood that it wasn't what it looked like, but he had a feeling it was too late. How embarrassing! Would Makoto really think that he would want to do something as ridiculous as this anyway?

"Ladies and gentlemen!" A voice boomed out of some speakers close to the makeshift stage, and it sounded much like Nariko. "Welcome to Iwatobi High's first annual Kissing Booth Extravaganza!" Loud cheers and giggles erupted from the crowd who had gathered to watch and the daring girls who were in line for a ticket. "By popular choice, Tachibana Makoto has been nominated as our bachelor this evening who each of you lovely ladies that pay will get one kiss with! Keep it short though, girls. Tachibana-kun has a lot of fans he needs to please! Although we do encourage coming back for seconds." Makoto's face grew pink at the commentary, and it seemed like that only got the girls even more riled up.

"Please form an orderly line at the ticket box. After you pay and receive your ticket, we will announce your name and you will be escorted on stage for your kiss when it's your turn. And with that, let the show begin!" The crowd applauded again, and Haruka could feel the panic start to set in once more. Would he really be able to just stand here and let this happen? Could he really watch as Makoto's first kiss would be stolen by someone he didn't even care about? Could he let something that important go to waste?

No. No he couldn't. He refused to let anyone have Makoto like this. It was a disgrace to him. Makoto was worth so much more than some measly charity donation in exchange for his affection. These girls weren't deserving of him! They would never appreciate a kiss from Makoto, understand the real value in it like Haruka would. They would never be able to cherish like Haruka would his beautiful, pink and perfect lips that, alright yes, he had been dreaming about kissing lately more than he was willing to admit. His warm smile and sweet embrace and every single thing about him that couldn't be bought should belong to Haruka, and Haruka only!

The voice echoed through the speakers again, jolting Haruka to attention. "And we have our first contestant! Please step up onto the stage, Suihou Yuki!" The girl who had been first in line squealed excitedly with the raven haired girl from the day before who had been standing behind her, then bouncily made her way around the booth to the steps up to the platform. Haruka had to do something, now or never. If he just stood there, every chance he could have of being with Makoto could be ruined.

Because that's what he wanted, right? He wanted to be with Makoto. It took him years to admit it to himself, but there was no refuting that simple truth anymore.

He loved Tachibana Makoto, and damn right he was going to let him know.

"Stop!" Haruka's voice came out in a strangled yell, but it seemed like no one noticed or cared. "Makoto! Makoto wait, please!"

Haruka thrust himself into the crowd of girls before him, pushing through as quickly as he could. He had to get there before he kissed her, otherwise it would all be for nothing. Weaving his way through the bodies, he did his best to fight of the pressure that was building in his chest and ignored his shortening breath. He finally burst through the back of the group and raced around to the side of the platform where the stairway was. He was so close, his heart was thrumming so loudly the rest of the noise of the festival was being blocked out, but Haruka had made his decision so quickly that he hadn't even given himself the time to feel nervous, and he figured that was probably a good thing.

"Nanase! I told you to stay out of here!" Nariko wailed as he bolted past, but she was too slow to stop him as he took the stairs by twos.

"Makoto!" He gasped, throwing the curtain at the top of the stairs aside. The brunette sat in a stool at center stage, his hand gently cupping the face of the young girl who had been waiting in line first and was now leaning in eagerly towards him, his eyes closed in anticipation. "Stop! Makoto, wait!"

Green eyes fluttered open from across the platform, and Haruka felt his breath catch for a moment before breaking into a sprint again. The crowed gasped and murmured at his appearance, but he really didn't give a shit what any of them thought right now, because all he could see was Makoto. All he cared about and wanted to be cared about by was Makoto. All he would ever love was Makoto, and god did he hope that he felt the same way.

"H-haru, what are you-" Makoto's voice cracked and his mouth parted in a gasp as Haruka brushed the girl onstage aside and threw himself into Makoto's arms, pressing his lips firmly against the brunettes.

The world went silent for a moment. Everything Haruka had ever thought or seen or said or heard all was gone except for the boy in front of him, and the kiss shared between them. Haruka had not even come close in his fantasies to how tender and warm and sweet Makoto would taste, and the way he gripped his sides desperately, as if to try to keep his control made Haruka gasp into his mouth and shiver. A hand came up to caress his cheek, holding him in place while their lips molded and collided over and over, and Haruka was sure that nothing in this entire world could bring him back down from the high he was feeling right then.

Makoto pulled away with one last, short kiss, letting out a breathy laugh as he touched their foreheads together, "Haruka. You have no idea how long I've waited to do that."

"I think I do," he sighed, and pressed his lips to Makoto's again just to prove his point.

It was then that Haruka realized that while some of the crowd had gone silent in shock, most of the girls had started screaming and squealing louder than ever before, and some of them were even chanting, "Encore! Encore! Encore!"

"B-but why now, Haru?" Makoto took his hands into his own and gazed up at him in that way that made Haruka wonder if he was the only thing in Makoto's world too.

"I…" Haruka struggled to find the words without embarrassing himself, but it was no use. "I was jealous that other girls would get to kiss Makoto before me. I wanted to be the first one and the only one that Makoto kissed."

There was another erupting cheer from the girls and Haruka was now very aware of how public he had decided to make his confession, and that maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. He glanced up at Makoto with eyes begging to go somewhere else, trying to explain that he wanted to be in private to finish talking about this, and of course Makoto understood. He always did when it came to Haruka.

"Um, I'm really sorry everyone, but it seems like I have another commitment to take care of," Makoto addressed the audience with a proud smile, making sure Haruka's hands in his were visible to everyone. "I hope it's not too much trouble. Thank you all for coming here to support the event anyway!"

Makoto gave a short wave of thanks while Haruka did his best to avoid looking out into the sea of people and shuffled a bit closer into Makoto's side, which earned a collective 'awww' from the group. The taller boy tugged him across the stage to the stairs, laughing at the deep red blush that had formed on Haruka's face, although it wasn't much worse than his own.

"Come on," Makoto grinned as he pulled Haruka down the steps and past the curtain. Once they were out of sight, he took the raven by the hips and brought their bodies together, lips meshing once again in a deep, lingering kiss that earned a quiet whine from Haruka as it broke.

"We have a lot to talk about now, don't we?" He winked, and for a moment Haruka wondered why in the world he thought that kissing booth was a bad idea in the first place.

So yeah, hope you liked it! I'd love to write some smut for it, but only if the readers wish, since I have other fics I should work on instead. So please, give me your feedback and have a great day :)

P.s. Nagisa totally took over the kissing booth after that and forced Rei to kiss a bunch of older girls because the look on his face was supposedly too good to pass up.