A/N: Alright ladies and gents, we've reached the end. The bad news? It's over. The good news? I'm officially writing a sequel! Thank you guys so much for loving this story enough to inspire me to write a sequel and also for being such loyal wonderful readers. Please look out for the sequel, I should be posting the first chapter within in the week so add me to your author alerts :) or just keep an eye out. The working title for now is, Resurrection: The Final War . Please leave a review letting me know what you think about the ending, theories about the sequel, questions you have, anything! I try to answer the best that I can.

Adieu for now.

Again, thank you so much!

Three Months Later


"This is ridiculous." I breathe turning around in the mirror.

It was strange, being allowed so much mirror time in the first place, let alone the fact that I am in a dress.

"I don't do dresses! I'm not a dress person." I groan.

Shauna shrugs. "So don't wear one, I don't think Four will mind."

I sigh, turning around to face her. "You'd think that, but he's taking this whole wedding thing extremely traditionally. He wants me to pick a maid of honor and everything."

Shauna wrinkles her nose.

"…Have you talked to Christina about it at all?"

I let out a small breath. We both know that Shauna is taking the place of Christina right now, not that Shauna isn't a good friend. She is. It's just that we both knew Christina was my best friend.

Or was supposed to be anyway.

I shrug. "I talked to her like..two months ago? I don't know. It was weird. I think she thinks I hate her. I don't. I understand why she did what she did. I just wish she'd talk to me."

Shauna nods. "You should call her. I'm sure she'd want to come."

I let out a sigh. "Yeah, maybe I will."

"Is Four okay with Christina coming?"

I shrug. "He doesn't like talking about anything that has to do with Marcus and what happened so I haven't really talked to him about it. Not recently, but the last time we spoke about Christina and Matthew…he made it clear he didn't want to be friends."

Shauna lets out a tiny sigh. "It's all so…"

I nod. "I know."

I hear the bedroom door open before I see Evelyn.

"Oh. Hi."

She is carrying a stack of laundry.

"Oh, hello." Her eyes move to Shauna and me and then she sets the laundry on the dresser.

"Just…fresh towels for you."

"Oh. Thank you, but you don't have to do that I could—"

"No, no Mother of the groom privileges and all that." She looks me over and I remember that I am in the process of trying on dresses for the wedding.

"That's a nice one. Is that what you've decided on?"

"Um…no…but it's in the running." She gives me a little smile.

"Well, good luck." She leaves the room closing the door behind her.

I flop down on the bed next to Shauna.

"It doesn't get any easier being around her."

Shauna nods. "She is a little scary huh?"

"Well yeah, that and she hates me."

"Why do you think that?"

I turn my head a little to look at her. "Um, because every five minutes she tells Tobias he's too young to be getting married and urges him to go see Cara in the hospital."

"How is Cara?" Shauna asks.

I shrug. "She's…I don't know. She's definitely still in a coma. Tobias has only been to see her a couple of times. Caleb says he goes a lot, but there's no change."

Shauna nods.
"Here, try on this one." She pulls out a plain white dress that goes to the knee with thin white straps wrapping around the neck.

I pull the one I currently have on up and over my head and throw it on the pile of ones we've already decided against.

I pull the simple dress over my head and then tie the straps up by my neck.

"Okay, what do you think?" I push my hair back a little.

Shauna looks me over and the lets out a breath.

"You look amazing. Seriously. I mean, you always do, but…Four is going to jump out of his skin when he sees you in that dress."

"Really?" I mumble turning around in the mirror.

I liked it. It was simple, but cut well so it makes me look more attractive than I think I actually am.

"Okay. This one. I choose this one."

There's a knock on the door and I don't have to ask who it is to know that it's Tobias. He's the only one who actually knocks, not that he really needs to but I am glad today that he did.

"Just one minute!" I slip the dress off, and stuff it in a drawer before throwing on a t-shirt and jeans and opening the door for him.

"Hi." I smile, tilting my head a little bit.

"Hello." He says, already leaning down to kiss me.

He's wearing a dark blue t-shirt and black pants. I pull back a little.

"Where'd you go this morning?"

"For a walk, and then I went to see Johanna, I'm sorry. I should've left you a note."

I shake my head. "No, no that's okay. I had shopping to do with Shauna anyway remember?"

He looks up and spots Shauna sitting on the bed and gives a little wave.


"Hi." She stands up from the bed. "I should get going through, Zeke's making dinner and that could quite possibly be very disastrous."

I smile. "Sure, thank you for helping me today. Tell Uriah and Zeke I say hello."

She nods. "You got it." She touches my shoulder, "Bye Four." She says quietly before leaving the bedroom.

I turn to look at Tobias again, not able to keep the smile at bay.

"What did you see Johanna about?" I ask curiously.

"A job, actually." He says looking uncertain.

My smile fades a little. "A job? You have a job."

He nods, "I know. It's just…after everything that's happened Johanna wants a little more help."

"What, like a super assistant?" I ask, laughter in my voice.

"No…uh…she wants me to be a political leader."

I pause for a moment.

"…but you said…you didn't want to be a political leader."

He nods, "Yeah, I know. I said that, but…I don't know, it's…it's starting to make sense now, you know?"

"No, I don't know. You said you were afraid of power, that it was going to corrupt you that you weren't ready…"

"I know, I know I said that, but that was months ago and after everything…I want to help. I want to show people that it doesn't matter if you're genetically pure or genetically damaged or whatever. I want to do that."

I look up at him and I can see it in his face, his intentions are so genuine.

He touches my cheek.

"Weren't you the one who told me that I was a leader?"

He's right. I did tell him that and I still believe that so why do I feel so uneasy?

"You are a leader. I think it's great."

He presses a kiss to my forehead.

"Thank you…" He whispers.

I wrap my arms around his middle, pressing my cheek into his chest, trying to ignore the squirmy feeling in my stomach.

The bedroom door swings open and Evelyn stands in the doorway, Tobias swings us around but he doesn't let go of me.

"Sorry to interrupt, it's just…It's Caleb." She holds a telephone in her hands.

"He says Cara's awake."


Four days before the wedding and Cara wakes up. It's like the universe was against me getting married, or being happy, or just having a stress free moment.

I am happy Cara is awake. I am happy that she's going to be okay, but I had probably selfishly hoped she wouldn't wake up until after the wedding. Maybe that was just my cop-out because I knew I had to talk to her, and I didn't know what I was going to say.

The first day Tris went to go see her with Shauna and Zeke.

The second day Caleb called to say she was asking about me.

The day before the wedding Uriah came over and told me if I didn't go see her, he was going to drag me there by my hair.

So here I am.

Pacing, outside of her hospital room.

I don't want to go in there.

I can't.

I can't possibly go in there.

I can't face her.

I can't look at her hooked up to a breathing machine and a heart monitor.

What if she hates me? What if she's lying there sad, and miserable? How am I supposed to handle that?

It takes another ten minutes of convincing myself before I finally take a deep breath and push open the hospital room door.

What I see in front of me is not what I had been imagining.

Cara is sitting up in the hospital bed, back against her pillow, a magazine in her lap, and a jell-o cup in her hands.

She's laughing.

I hadn't heard her laugh like that in months.

Caleb is sitting next to the bed, smiling. He'd probably just said something incredibly funny.

Cara's eyes move to look at the door and she drops her little plastic spoon into the Jell-O cup.

"…Hi, Four." She breathes softly. Her voice sounds unsteady, like she isn't getting enough oxygen. There is an oxygen tube in her nose and IV's hooked into her arms.

I walk a little bit towards the bed, trying to keep my hands from shaking.

"Hi, Cara."

She smiles a little.

"Where've you been? I asked about you a couple days ago. I thought you'd call or…be here. I don't know. I guess I shouldn't have expected that….with…the wedding plans and everything."

She is trying very hard not to show it but I see the little bubble of tears appear underneath her bottom eye-lids.

"I know…I should've come…I just…I didn't know what I'd say to you."

She nods a little looking down at her Jell-O cup.

"I don't really know what to say to you either." She says quietly.

Caleb stands up and touches her hand. "Hey, I should go. I'll come back tomorrow."

"Oh no, please don't go. It's so lonely when you're not here."

He looks down at her and then smiles a little. "Okay…I'll just…go get a coffee then or something, Okay?"

She nods. "Yeah. And maybe some more Jell-O?"

He laughs shaking his head. "Of course."

He moves past me to leave the room, and Cara turns her eyes back to me.

I watch him go, feeling an odd sort of resent me for him. Since when did he and Cara get so close?

"Four…" She takes a breath and I can hear it through the machine.

"I don't blame you for what happened. Okay?"

I nod.

"It's not the end of the world. They have really high hopes for physical therapy. My lungs just need a little extra time to heal because I didn't finish the breathing treatments from the fire when Christina took me out of the hospital."

I don't like hearing this stuff. It feels like too much.

"So, I might have to have a breathing machine, when I'm out of the hospital for awhile. Just for a little while."

She nods. She is so brave and so strong and I am a terrible person.

"Listen," she continues, "I still really care about you, and that's…that's going to take time to…get over. Um…I don't…I don't know how to say this to you but um…I'm really…going to need some space."

I lift my eyes to look at her, and the tears come without me really wanting them to.

"Don't say that. Please."

She turns away from me for a moment.

"I don't want to. My heart is screaming at me that this is wrong thing to do, but that's how I know it's the right thing. Four, I'm not over you. I'm….still so in love with you and that's not fair. Because…you love Tris, and I have really accepted that, but I just can't be around it. I'm sorry."

My heart is breaking.

Cara may not be my girlfriend, I don't love her like that, but she is my best friend. The one that I tell everything to, the person that I spent four years with, she is family.

"Cara…you're my best friend."

"I know. I know that…and maybe…maybe one day…I can be that again. I just…can't right now…." She shakes her head. "I can't."

"Cara, I'm so sorry, for everything, I'm—"

"Stop, it's not about that. I swear. I'm not mad at you, I don't hate you. I understand. I understand why everything happened the way that it did. I don't hate you. I'm not mad at you for breaking up with me, or cheating on me, or…any of the other terrible shit that happened…I just…need time. Okay?"

"Cara…I'll make it easy for you, I swear. We don't have to talk about Tris, or…or Marcus…or any of it I just…need you in my life. Please."

She looks down at the blankets, tears streaming down her cheeks now. The breathing machine is making a strange beeping sound.

"Are you okay?"

She nods. "Yeah, my lungs are just working extra hard right now." She sniffs back tears.

"I'm sorry.." I whisper.

"I know. I know. And it's okay. It really is, I promise." She wipes her cheeks.

"Cara. I want you there. I want you at the wedding; it won't feel right without you now that you're awake. Please. I understand you need distance, but please, be distant after the wedding."

"Oh Four…" she puts her face in her hands for a moment. "I'm so sorry, I don't think that I can."

My heart drops a little, but I get it. I do. I just can't stop caring for her the way that I do. She is my best friend.

I've never even had a best friend before her.

"I wish I had figured out what you mean to me and in what way before I hurt you like this."

She shrugs a little. "Everything happens for a reason, right?"

"I love you, Cara."

She closes her eyes, "Don't…don't say that to me…"

"Why? It's true."

"I know! I know it is, but it just…it feels like before and…I know it's not in that way anymore. I know that I'm just like your little sister."

"Cara, someone is going to love you the way that you want to be loved. I promise."

She shakes her head. "Just go. Please." She turns her head into the pillow.


"Four! Go! PLEASE!" She's crying hard now, and I don't know what to do. I know Cara, and I know she doesn't like to be coddled when she's upset, but this feels different.

I walk over to her and lean down to kiss her forehead.

"I hope we can be friends soon." I whisper.

She turns away and I take that as my cue to leave. I reach the door and I turn back to look at her.

"…If you change your mind…the ceremony's at six…We're going to have it at the Ferris wheel. So…"

I don't say anything else though.

I just give Cara her time and distance.


They say your wedding day is supposed to be the most exciting day of your life. I, however, feel like a livewire.

My whole body is ringing, like it's waited too long for this day.

"You look gorgeous," I turn to look at Shauna when she speaks.

"The shoes are too big." I mumble.

"No one's going to be looking at your feet, crazy." She shakes her head.

I smooth out the skirt of my dress. "Yeah, I guess not. Thank you for being here with me."

"Of course. I love you and Four. This is great." I move over towards her and give her a small hug.

"It just feels so weird. I feel sixteen most of the time, but I guess I'm a real adult now."

Shauna laughs, "Trust me, there's not really that much of a difference."

I take a deep breath and then peer out from the little 'bridal tent' we'd set it up.

I can see Caleb and Zeke talking by the few chairs we'd set up and Johanna, preparing herself to marry us.

Everything was coming together, and I think that's why I feel so nervous. I draw back into the tent, and Shauna is already standing.

"I should go take my seat." She says.

I nod a little, "Yeah…okay." I give her another hug and she exits the tent. I am so glad that Tobias decided that we didn't need a maid of honor or a best man; I think it had something to do with Cara not wanting to show up. She was the closest thing he had to a best friend. I was just glad that I had the pressure of getting Christina here off of my shoulders.

The tent flaps open and Caleb walks in.

"Tris, you look very pretty." He says with a little smile.

"Oh shut up." I mumble and we both laugh.

"You ready for this?" He asks me.

I nod. "I've been ready to marry Four since day one."

Caleb grins, "You know, I believe that."

He pulls me into a hug and I can't believe the dramatic way everything has changed. I am hugging my brother, and he is going to walk me down the aisle in a few minutes time.

I pull back a little.

"Is Cara coming today?"

Caleb's mouth puckers for a moment and then he shakes his head.

"I don't know. I don't think so. She was feeling really…against it last night, and they barely released her from the hospital this morning. So…I don't think so."

I nod, "Yeah, wishful thinking. I just know it would mean a lot to Tobias."

We hear soft music start to play and that is our cue.

"Alright baby sister, you ready?"

I nod, and wrap my arm around his.

"Just don't let me fall, okay?"


She walks towards me and she is all I see.

I know Caleb is supposed to be next to her somewhere, but all I can see is her.

It is like Tris-vision.

She's absolutely beautiful and I suddenly feel under-dressed despite my suit.

I shift my feet to keep myself from running down the aisle to her.

She smiles at me from the aisle and mouths. "Hi."

I shake my head, but I smile back at her.

I can't believe this is really happening.

This is really happening.

I am marrying Tris.

I am marrying Tris.

My stomach is doing flip-flops.

She finally gets to me and I take her hands in mine, and I resist the urge to kiss her. She's never been more beautiful than in this moment.

Johanna starts talking, and I can't hear her clearly over the rushing in my ears. I reach out and push a strand of hair behind her ear and she blushes.

"You're beautiful…" I say.

She laughs and so does everyone else.

I suddenly realize that I am speaking to her in full-volume in the middle of Johanna's speech.

"I'm sorry…" I whisper.

Johanna continues talking and then suddenly it's time to read vows and I can't remember a single word that I've written down, but Tris goes first.

"Tobias." She starts. "You are…everything that I could want. You challenge me. You believe in me. You never waver in your love for me, and that is why I give you my heart today. We make each other better, and I think that's beautiful." She smiles. "I am scared but I think of my mother, and how she wanted me to be brave, and today, I am taking a leap with you, Tobias Eaton, and I'm going to be brave."

I know it's my turn, but I can't seem to speak.

"It's your turn now." She whispers.

I open my mouth and then close it. I can't do this. Not the way I'd originally planned it.

"Tris," I shake my head. "I had all these beautiful things I'd written down earlier to say to you…and I can't remember a single one, because I am so…blown away by how you look tonight. I am standing here, and all I can think about is the way you make me laugh, and how angry you make me sometimes and the way you comfort me by just holding my hand. I think about how you when you were gone it felt like all the lights had gone out and I was just…stumbling around in the darkness. Then you came back and it was like…a burst of light. I'm so lucky to have that for the rest of my life, I'm so lucky, because I know what it's like to live without out it. Tris, you are the love of my life and I promise to give you all of myself. I can't promise that I won't make you angry, or that I won't make mistakes, because I'm sure that I will, but I promise to make you happy to the best of my ability, and to love you with every part of me."

She's crying now and it makes her even more beautiful.

Johanna says a few more things and then it's time for us to kiss.

I don't care that all of our friends are here, I kiss her like we are alone and to my great surprise she kisses me back the same way.

This is the beginning of something amazing.

I can feel it in my bones.

Everything is going to be okay as long as were together.

So as I kiss her, I don't worry about politics, or the genetic war, or Marcus locked up in the politics building, or Evelyn and her growing discomfort with Tris.

I just think about the fact that I just married Tris, and she is everything I could ever want. I hear our friends and family clapping and yelling congratulations but I am still on tunnel vision for Tris.

"Well, Mr. Eaton, We finally did it." She whispers

I smile, "Well, Mrs. Eaton." I say, with incredible emphasis.

"I'm not ever going to let you go."

She smiles.

"Just kiss me again…" She whispers.

I have no qualms with indulging her on that request.

I press my lips to hers and I pray that our happily ever after is on the horizon.