Second story updated in less then a week! Thank god right! Finally after like four months it's here, chapter three. You have no idea how much I've hated not being able to write, I can't apologise enough for making you guys wait so long. So yeah, hope you enjoy is, drama is coming haha :D.

As I have said before, all grammar and spelling errors are my own and I apologise ahead. Also I do not own any part of the Hunger Games... wish I did but I don't still thank you Suzanne Collins for your amazing series.

Warning: smut, swearing, possible drug use, violence, boy on boy, possible girl on girl, talk of abuse, OOC-ness and all the wonderful bad things in life.

fanboyingfiction- haha I know finally rid of him... but for good I don't know yet. Bahahahahaha well we'll have to see, Cato's dad is a bit of a wild card for sure, no clue what you will get. :D mmhmm Clove will totally kick some ass if needed haha. Much love, Xo.

Dreams or Fantasies- awwwwwws thank you boo! Sorry for taking forever. Much love, Xo.

Glitter14- glad you like it! Hope you are still around to read as I finally am continuing. As for Derrick I hope so to! Much love, Xo.

pumpkinking5- Awwww yay I'm glad it was surprising in a good way. Yes, well you will see why Cato's dad has returned this chapter. Much Love, Xo. (ps check you pm inbox)

Fuzzyfeather- haha... really hoping you feel the same way after this crazy long wait. Well let's hope so, I mean if Peeta didn't enjoy it I'd be very disappointed. Though... well... just read the chapter, hope it doesn't disappoint. Much love, Xo.

SamRGD- oh wow, thank you so much :D. Means the world, hope you are still around to read on. Much love, Xo.

CrystalXHeartlace- I was... then the block happened and my life was ruined but I'm back! Thank several different gods haha. Hope you like this one! Much love, Xo.

Kurt-Stewart- oh wow serious, your review means the world. I'm glad you can go back and enjoy the first one again... fingers crossed you are still out there and will read this. Much love, Xo.

mandaelrose- awwwww boo! I love you haha. Thanks... and I've finally gotten back to this story! wooooo! Hope you like this chapter! Much love, Xo.

nickpimp- awww thank you, glad you like it and thank you for reading. I'm trying very hard to get over the block and return to all of my stories! Hope you like the chapter! Much love, Xo.

He Owns My Heart

Chapter Three: Hidden Problems

The drive was quick, the news Detective Pogue had given us putting us both in weird over the top happy moods. We walked in hand in hand heading straight for the kitchen, where we assumed Chloe would be.

"Mum we are back, you ready to make that apple pie?" Cato called out with a smile. He leaned down and kissed my cheek as we walked into the kitchen.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw Cato's father standing there, Chloe on the other side. Cato stood in front of me instinctively glaring at his father who we had not seen since he had assaulted Cato and threatened me.

"Cato, your father's come to um, talk to the both of you." Chloe smiled uneasily.

I went to move beside Cato only to be roughly pushed back behind him by one of his arms that then latched onto my wrist and held me there. Chloe noticed the movement as Cato just stood there glaring at his father.

"What does he want?" Cato snapped looking at his mother, not even addressing the man in the room. I knew Cato had yet to reconnect and forgive his father but it was evident that he was still harbouring a lot of anger towards him still.

"He wants to," Chloe starts but Cato's father clears his throat over her.

"I'm here to talk to you son. I've had time to think things over, reflect on how I handled last time a saw you." He says calmly, almost void of any emotions.

"What you finally feel guilty over threatening your son's boyfriend before beating you son in the middle of a car park?" Cato questioned, voice full of rage.

I didn't know what to do or say, I knew Cato wasn't going to let this go. He was stubborn sure but I noticed he had a very hard time letting people who had hurt him in the past back into his life. And what his father had done had really hurt him. I knew that, even if Cato still to this day refused to talk to me about it.

"Cato don't use that tone with me or I'll," His father started with a growl.

"Or what you'll send me to the hospital again?" Cato challenged, letting me go and taking a step forward.

"Don't tempt fate boy." Cato's father mirrored Cato's actions and took a step closer to Cato.

"Richard!" Chloe screamed, sounding the most angry and frustrated of them all. Both men turned to her in shock. "I am sick to death of how you handle this situation Richard. And I'm not going to stand here and let it happen in front of me. You said you had come here to make amends and repair your relationship with your son. Now if you aren't going to stop acting this way get out now because I'm not having it."

"Mum I can handle this on my own." Cato spoke back about to take another step before I latched onto his arm and pulled him with all my might backwards.

"Cato no, you don't nor should you have to. Richard leave, obviously we are going to have to reschedule a time for you two to work this out when you both have calmed down." Chloe crossed her arms over her chest and watched for a moment.

Richard finally stopped and nodded to my surprise. "I'm sorry, you are right, I'll go." He grabbed his jacket before turning to Cato. "Son I do want things to be better between us."

He then turned to me, which shocked me, before he smiled sadly and nodded. With that he left walking through the hall way to the left and out the front door, Chloe following him.

"That makes one of us." Cato mumbled under his breath.

"Cato." I scowled turning him towards me.

"What Peeta?" He asked back aggressively.

"Hey don't take that shit out on me." I say firmly as I pulled him down into a hug even though he resisted at first.

I heard Cato sigh before his arms wound around my back and held me tightly. "I'm sorry, he just gets to me so easily."

"I know." I whisper back letting go. "Doesn't mean the two of you can't come to some common ground or understanding. At the end of the day he is still your father."

"You honestly believe he wants to work things out?" Cato scoffed in disbelief.

"I don't know Cato, I've only met him twice now. And while they were both bad situations I don't know how many good ones you shared with him growing up." I brush my thumb over his check and lean up for a kiss. "If there was a way my mother and I could work things out, even with how she used to treat me I can't say I wouldn't try. Because at the end of the day she is still my mother and some part of me will always love her."

He kissed me back before I pulled him over to the kitchen and forced him to sit down on one of the stools. I knew that all I could do to help the situation was distract him now so I grabbed the bag of apples on the bench and handle them to Cato with the peeler. He looked at me for a moment before rolling his eyes and picking up the peeler.

"Good boy." I teased with a smirk as I got the other ingredients out of the pantry and fridge.

"Watch it mister, keep talking to me like a pet and we'll see who ends up in a collar on their hands and knees later tonight." Cato smirked back.

"That's something your mother doesn't need to hear." Chloe laughed walking back into the kitchen.

I felt myself start to blush so I ducked my head back into the pantry pretending to look for something else.

"He started it." Cato says as he continues to peel the apples.

"Sure if I believed every word out of your mouth then Peeta always starts it huh?" She cackled getting a bowl out of a cupboard.

"It's true he does!" Cato exclaimed as he started to laugh.

"Bullshit I do." I say returning from the fridge.

"We both know it's always your fault Peeta." Cato smirked watching me walk back to the bench.

"Oh what ever, your mother and I both know the truth." I quickly shot back.

Thankfully the mood stayed more upbeat after that and after showing Chloe how to bake an apple pie from scratch we made dinner and ate before heading up to Cato's room. Chloe didn't bring up what was had transpired with Cato's father. I knew she was going to wait until it wasn't so fresh in Cato's mind. He needed to work out what he wanted though because if I had to guess, Cato's father would be back soon wanting to try again.

"So what are you thinking?" I asked as I jumped onto Cato's bed and watched as he closed his bedroom door.

"About your ass." He replied turning to me with a smirk.

"Seriously." I sighed frustrated that he was using sex once again and a front to get out of telling me how he really felt.

"What I'm serious I really was thinking about your ass." Cato shot back laying down next to me.

"Okay well, how are you feeling after seeing your dad again?" I asked as I watched him carefully.

"I don't know, he's just so irritating. I do want to try and fix things but he just gets under my skin the wrong way and I can't help but retaliate." Cato rolled onto his side, a hand slowly creeping up my chest.

"So you want to try and fix things?" I ask looking at his face.

"I mean, I guess I could try again." Cato replied not looking up at me instead watching his hand slip under my top.

"You didn't try the first time Cato, if this is going to work both of you need to make compromises and work hard because it won't just fix itself." I sigh resisting the urge to laugh when his hand ran over a ticklish arena of my ribs.

"I know, I'll put in a effort next time." He replied rolling his eyes before he rolled on top of me, straddling my hips.

"Really Cato, can't you just let me help you work through this." I say crossing my arms tightly over my cheat.

"You have." Cato smirked as I put his full weight on me.

"No I've barely scratched the surface with what you feel towards your father." I sigh not reacting to Cato as his started to grind his hips against mine. I wasn't going to let him use sex this time. This time I was going to get to the bottom of this.

"Oh come on babe, can't we have a little fun now and talk about it later?" Cato tried pulling my puppy dog eyes but all it did was make me laugh at him. "Hey don't laugh at me or I'll stop being nice to you."

"Sure you will. Now get off me we haven't finished this discussion properly." I finally unfold my arms, I kept telling myself not to cave, to make sure to keep pushing the subject.

"No." Cato replied shortly as he pulled my arms up above my head and held them there with one of his large hands. The other slipping into my shirt again.

"Cato." I whine, trying to break the grip he had on my hands. "Please I'm just trying to help."

"I know and you are right now by letting me appreciate your body and letting me show you how much I love you." He smirked against my neck before I felt his teeth drag along the sensitive part of my neck.

My body involuntarily shuddered at his actions. "Cato this isn't something sex and just magically make disappear you know."

I felt Cato huff against my neck before he let go of my hands and sat up next to me. "Fine, I'm going for a shower."

I felt my face contort into one filled with confusion. "Why can't you just be honest about how you feel and be open to talking to me?"

"Maybe because I don't want to fucking talk about it Peeta." Cato yelled back as he headed towards his bathroom door.

He slammed it behind him causing me to jump at the loud sound as I sat up. I chewed on my bottom lip as I brought my knees up to my chest, slipping off my shoes before I wrapped my arms around my knees and rested my head on them. I mentally slapped myself, by trying to force it out of him I probably only made things worse. And judging by how he reacted he's not going to want to talk to me any time soon.

For the next twenty minutes I racked my brain as to how I could fix it and what was needed to be done in order for Cato to feel secure and safe enough to open up to me but I was left completely lost. I didn't know what to do, when it came to me I had become so open to telling Cato what I felt, my fears, my problems but thinking it over Cato never seems to really go there with me. Cato finally came out of the bathroom, damp with a towel wrapped around his hips. He silently walked over to his draws and pulled out a pair of boxer-briefs before walking back into the bathroom.

The mix of emotions and hard thinking was getting to me, really getting to me. "Cato I'm going to go down to the kitchen and make some tea did you want anything?"

My question was met with silence, complete and utter silence. I had pushed to hard I knew that and now I was paying the price. I stood up, waiting for a minute to see if he'd finally respond but he didn't so I headed half-heartily to the door. I made my way down to the kitchen to find it empty, Chloe must of been off in the study or her room.

I put the kettle on and grabbed a mug and stood there as I watched the water boil. I got lost in my head standing there for how ever long when the clearing of a throat behind me brought me back to earth.

"He knows you mean well Peeta, he just has a really hard time finding the words sometimes." Chloe appeared next to me as she grabbed a mug.

"I know, it took me more then a year to finally get 'I love you' out of him. I just feel so stupid for pushing him, I just want to help him. He's so closed off and guarded with what he fells and thinks, it's hard to know what's really going on inside his head you know." I sigh frustrated at myself before grabbing the kettle and filling both our cups up.

"Oh I know, that boy has been a mystery to be since the day he could talk. He'll get there with time honey." She gave my shoulder a squeeze and smiled at me as she grabbed the sugar and tipped a spoon in hers. "If there is anyone who's finally going to get in there and he truly open up to, its you honey. Don't stress about it to much, this is him just redirecting his emotions on you right now and you know he doesn't mean to."

"I know." I give her a sad smile before she walked off towards her room.

I decided to give Cato some more space to let him cool down as I slowly drank my tea. When I was done I rinsed out my mug and put it in the sink before I headed up to Cato's room. I opened the door to find the room dark, Cato in bed facing the edge of the bed and away from me.

I paused for a moment unsure of what he wanted me to do, was I supposed to sleep in the guest room now or just stay here. I decided if he wanted me gone he could tell me before I sucked up my guilt and walked in, closing the door behind me. I headed to the bathroom, stripping down and jumping into the shower.

I quickly washed myself before I got out, dried myself and got into a clean pair of sweat shorts. I quietly walked over to my side of the bed and slipped into the blankets. "Cato." I whispered feeling foreign in the bed without him all over me.

I again got no response. "I, I love you." I sighed laying down facing way from him. I knew he just need time now.

Falling asleep that night was hard, impossibly hard. I hated not having Cato around me, under me, on me, just really next to me. And when I finally fell asleep, it wasn't any easier. I, for some unfortunate reason started having nightmares about the stalker coming back some how and finishing what he started. Killing Cato and kidnapping me, using and raping me until I was nothing but a broken doll for him to play with.

After the third time waking up in a panic I decided I couldn't take it any more, I needed Cato. I turned over to find he hadn't moved at all since I went to sleep the first time. But that didn't deter me, I shuffled up behind him. Nuzzling my face into his back, my arm wrapping itself tightly on his chest as I tried to calm down.

I stayed like that clutching onto Cato for awhile until I felt Cato stir, a hand wrapping around my own. "What's wrong babe?" Cato asked sleepily.

Hearing him talk to me kind of set me off for some reason, my eyes got glassy and my breathing started to quicken. I gripped onto his body even tighter as I mumbled into his back. "I was stupid and, and, you were so angry and I tried to sleep but, he keeps coming back in my dream, in my head and I, I can't do it."

Cato pulled my arm off him before he turned around. "Do what?" He asked as a finger fell under my chin and pulled my face up to look at his.

"Sleep, sleep alone anymore." I wiped a tear from my eye, my breathing still all over the place as I tried to stop myself from full on sobbing. "I can't let you, you still be angry with me."

A thumb caressed one of my cheeks before Cato pulled me into his arms. "I'm not mad at you, I just, I needed some time to think and sort things out on my own okay."

"But you don't have to I want to be there for you Cato, like you are there for me but it feels as if you don't want me to or something. Its as if you don't need me or you don't want to be comple-"

"Peeta don't think that, I need you, completely one-hundred, no two-hundred percent need you okay. Its harder to explain then not wanting to tell you or needed you okay. I just, if I didn't have you I'd be completely lost." Cato kissed my forehead still holding me close.

"Well when you are ready to tell me I'll be here waiting." I kiss his chest before snuggling into his embrace and closing my eyes.

"I love you too." Cato whispered, finally saying it back in reply to when I said it when I first came to bed.

The rest of the night was better, the stalker didn't make a reappearance thankfully and when I woke the next morning I found myself slouched over Cato body. My head on his chest, a leg thrown over one of his, an arm wrapped around him tightly. I took a deep breath before nuzzling into his chest, his body heat was a welcome comfort.

"You know if you keep that up we are going to end up one organism." Cato chuckled, his eyes still closed.

"Sorry." I reply sheepishly. "I just really like waking up like this."

"I know you do, we both do. What's the time anyway?" Cato asked holding me tightly.

I lifted my head and looked over at Cato alarm cato I was surprised at hour late in the morning it had gotten. "Half passed eleven."

"You know we have Marvel's party tonight." Cato finally opened his eyes, smiling at me.

"Right, and you have your special run tonight as well." I smirked, shuffling up his body and pressing my lips against his.

"I was thinking that maybe we head down to the beach house tomorrow. Spend a few days alone, away from everything. Then invite everyone down for the last few days." Cato smiled at me, his anger obviously forgotten from last night.

"I like that, school starts soon so a week away sounds perfect, even if it's to cold to go for a dip in the sea." I kiss his cheek happy we would have some real alone time. Not like here or at home where we had our parents popping in and checking up or Clove or Delly. Some real alone time, just us both together.

"Well that's what the hot tub is for." Cato smirked raising an eyebrow.

"I don't remember a hot tub last time we went down." The last time we had been down to the beach house was the end of summer with Chloe. She had insisted on coming down and spending some quality time with the two of us. I just think honestly that was an excuse so she could come and keep and eye on us the whole time.

"Well I wanted it to be a surprise really, I asked, well begged for mum to get one installed." Cato gave me a triumphant smile before he leaned close to me. "That means we can spend hours in there together, alone, no prying eyes, no Clove to barge in, just you and me in a hot tub."

"Well, I already know how you want to spend all our time I think." I pat his chest before sitting up. "Guess I'll pack lightly then."

"Oh you'll be spending a lot of time out of any clothes you bring. I think I remember a certain promise you made me not to long ago about us playing house together and you letting me screw in every single room." Cato chuckled pulling me back down before crawling between my legs. "But seriously last night, I didn't mean to act so cold. I'm just not ready to really go to the past yet."

"I know, and I respect that. I shouldn't have pushed like I did, when you are ready you'll talk to me though won't you?" I ask looking deeply into his eyes as I caresses his cheek with my hand.

"I promise." He kissed me, passion flowing from both of us, mixing together and causing a tingling sensations to rapidly descend down my spine.

We stayed in bed like that, kissing, cuddling, sleeping on and off all day until it was time to get ready for Marvel's party. It didn't take us long to get ready. I opted for my skinny grey jeans, black worn boots, white tee and a long cardigan while Cato was in dark skinny jeans, his almost matching boots, black tee and a leather jacket.

While we had been getting ready Clove had started the onslaught of texts checking up on us and telling us to get ready faster. Since she had stayed at Marvel's last night she was already there and kind of bored with who had already shown up.

In what felt like no time at all we made it to Marvel's and were standing outside his large house ready to head into what I knew would be a already full on raging party. I could tell by the noise that was heard as soon as we had stepped out of Cato's car.

The party was alright, I enjoyed it but I wasn't feeling up to really drinking tonight. Cato on the other hand was slamming drinks back at a worryingly fast pace. Once Marvel and the other guys on the team decided they would play beer pong I slipped away, really to hang with Delly and Madge.

Madge was preoccupied with my brother apparently and Delly was on the phone to Finnick outside so I wondered the house, talking to a few people from some of my classes until I unexpectedly bumped into Beau.

"Oh wow, I never expected to see you again." I smiled, hugging him casually.

"Same, you know I never got a real explanation as to what really happened that night." He smiled back.

"Oh well you see, I was kind of seeing someone and we were broken up because he wasn't ready to be with me completely and when he saw me with you, well you saw what happened." I shrug.

"Ahhhhh, it makes sense now looking back. Are you still wit-"

"Hey get away from my boyfriend!" Cato's voice suddenly screamed over the music.

I looked over to the right to see Cato standing there, drink in hand looking well past drunk and furious. People stopped around us, staring as Cato started to stomp towards us.

I stepped in front of Beau, knowing right now Cato could go completely off the deep end and do something stupid if given the chance. Clove thankfully was close, walking quickly towards us, ready to intercept in needed.

"Cato we were just talking." I say calmly.

"I don't care I don't want him any where near you Peeta." Cato growled as he reached me, pulled me close to him and latching onto my possessively.

"Calm down Cato." I tell him, silently thanking god Beau was smart enough not to challenge Cato and kind of slipped into the crowd.

"I am calm." He replied, his tone saying otherwise.

I pulled his face down to look at mine. "Hey its fine, he's gone so let it go."

Cato smirked, leaning down and fiercely kissing me before Clove pulled us both into the hallway. "You good big guy? Seems like you've had a lot to drink huh." She said handing him a cup of water.

"I don't need water Clover I'm fine." He rolled his eyes.

"Drink it for me?" I questioned kissing his cheek. He was by far drunk and I needed to sober him up as quickly as possible.

"Fine." He skulled the drink, handing Clove the cup back. "We are leaving, come on Peeta, I'm talking you home." He said, not as angry as he was before.

"Cato you can't drive you have drunk way to much okay." I say softly.

"I'm fine babe, don't worry it's all good." Cato slurred back.

"Peeta is right, had over your keys, you two are staying here tonight." Clove nodded holding out her hand.

"You two are no fun." Cato replied but voluntarily handed over his keys. Both Clove and I sighed in relief, thankfully he was acting calmer now. Cato stumbled over to the kitchen, pouring another drink before downing it immediately.

"Cato are you sure you-" I start but he turned around and puts a finger to my lips.

"I'm fine." He wobbled, eyes dazed and un-focused.

"Yeah okay, how bout I take you upstairs and we lay down of a bit." I sigh, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge.

"I like that sound of that." Cato smirked slapping my rear.

I glared at him but grabbed his hand and pulled him along.

"If you need any help Peeta just come find me." Clove said as I passed her.

I nodded as we headed up the stairs to the guest room Cato normally stayed in. I got him out of his clothes, which took forever since the alcohol made him very uncoordinated. I made him drink the bottle of water but just as I pulled my clothes off and was ready to laid down with him in hopes he'd go to sleep he stood quickly and bolted for the bathroom.

I sighed quickly following him only to be met with the sight of Cato, only in his underwear, crouched over the toilet as the content of his stomach was brought back up. I quickly walked over to his side, rubbing his back in a soothing manor while I tried not to listen to him bring up more.

"I told you that you were drinking to much didn't I." I sigh, my hand still moving over his back.

"You did." Cato finally responded a few minutes later. Thankfully, though he sounded weak and worn out, he sounded a lot more sober.

When he was sure he was done he cleaned the toilet and brushed his teeth before we jumped in the shower together. The warm water helped him feel a lot better and once we dry and back in our underwear we crawled into bed. He wrapped his arms around me and was asleep in minutes, but I couldn't sleep straight away. I knew deep down that tonight had gotten to that point because of what ever issues Cato was holding back from telling me. And I knew that over the next few days while we were away at the beach house I'd have to work hard to get him to face them because I knew that if I didn't we'd be facing a very dark road ahead.

Oh my god if feels so good to be writing again! So please please please review *Peeta doing puppy dog eye* I'll love you forever! Oh and I also updated Fighting For Control and put up my first one-shot not to long ago so but sure to check them out as well! Much love, Xo.