It was your typical dark night in the city that never sleeps, I sighed looking over my thesis work, still waiting on the pizza delivery that never came.

It was nearly twelve at night and I'm pretty certain I ordered that pizza at nine, where the hell is my pizza?

I groaned looking at the clock, wondering if it was too late to call back? Where is my peperoni Antonio's pizza?

When the thought crossed my mind, I can hear the door knock, I picked myself up and walked to the door, opened it to find the familiar face of the pizza delivery boy.

"It's about time!" I snapped, going back into my apartment to fish out my purse "I've been waiting for three hours! I was wondering if you weren't going to show up at all"

"It's stolen" I heard him spoke, I froze turning round and stared at him



I place my purse back on the counter "It took you three hours to tell me this!"

"I'm sorry but there were four green aliens!" the boy yelled, flailing his arms above his head.

I stared, wondering if I heard him right? "Um excuse me, I don't think I caught that but did you just say you were mugged by four little green men?" the pizza boy nodded vigorously.

I think my brain was still trying to process this information, what possibly could've happened, was he just high?

Are the people at the pizza place so desperate for cheap labour that their hiring crackpots from the crack house down Lunatic Drive?

"Have you been smoking pot young man? Do I need to inform your manager?"

Just as this was going on, Michelangelo experienced a huge chill up his spine, something that was noticed by Raphael.

"Hey Mikey what's wrong?"

The younger turtle looked at the now empty pizza box with a worried look

"I don't know, I just get the feeling that someone, somewhere really wanted this pizza and we just took it and ate it without a second thought"

Raphael chuffed and patted his brother on the back "Don't worry Mikey, I doubt anyone would even miss it, what's the worse thing that can happen?"

"Okay I don't know which crack house you came from but in this country when someone orders a pizza, they GET A PIZZA! Not some drugged up crack head that sells your pizza for more pot and then comes up with some cock and bull story about being mugged by little green men!"

The pizza boy quivered at the doorway, terrified beyond belief of my ever growing rage.

You do not mess with a hungry college student that knows Krav Maga doing a thesis paper in twelve in the morning.

"Now you listen to me you snivelling crackpot, I want a refund and next time I order from your establishment I want the next pizza I order to be free, understand!"

Author's Note: Hey guys, long time no story, so I thought I'd do a bit of TMNT fan fiction based on the new 2012 series, god I love that show, so tell me what you guys think and shout out if you want more!