A couple of days later Stiles walked up into Derek's loft with Scott, they stood there leaning over the table looking down at a map where the hunters were last seen, Stiles could feel Derek's eyes on him watching him as he stood against the counter with a cup of coffee in his hands looking at Stiles' arse "They attacked you here." Scott said

"No Isaac was attack there, I was attacked here on the Hale land." Stiles say as she picked up the red marker pen, he stops and looks at the pen before dropping it and picking up a black one, Scott looked at him

"Still can't do red?" He asked

"Nope." Stiles said as he circled the areas where they were attacked "You know this was a good idea to have the map laminate." He said out loud

"It was, ummm Peter was attacked there with Chris." Derek told them as she joined them taking the marker out of Stiles' hand, Stiles blushed as she felt Derek's hand over lap his and pull the pen away Scott looked between the two wondering what was going on but said nothing as he watched Derek circle the map.

"So do we see a pattern?" Scott asked

"Yeah a capital L." Stiles muttered "The only thing that show a pattern was who was attacked and the attackers Scott that's it."

"It stills doesn't help us find them." Scott groaned as he banged his head against the table.

In the jeep Scott looked at Stiles as the teen smiled since the attack Stiles sort of has this kind of glow about him and a sweet musky smells seem to cover Stiles' scent "Stiles what happen when Derek took you to see that Witch?" He asked

"What we told you." Stiles told him keeping his eyes on the road

"No something happen between you and there is something different." Scott said as she looked out the window, Stiles looked back at him for a moment before looking back at the room

"I don't know much about what happen I only remember bits but what I do remember is me and Derek had sex in the back seat of his car." Stiles said, Scott sat still and looked at Stiles


"Were mates me and Derek, I didn't know this witch did and after she healed me she did something that made me and Derek do that because one moment I'm passed out and then the next I'm begging him to ram his co…"

"STOP STOP I DON'T WANT TO KNOW!" Scott yelled as he put his hands over his ears.

Later that month Stiles was sat in his room alone his dad was at work and Scott was busy scrubbing his brain clean after he caught Stiles being bent over the kitchen counter. Smiling to himself Stiles laid on the bed looking up at the roof wearing nothing but JP bottoms and a shirt as he waited for Derek to come back into the room. Hearing the bed room door open Stiles propped himself up on his elbows and gave Derek his lop sided smiled "The hunter gather has returned." Stiles said

"I brought pizza." Derek smiled as she walked into the room

"Did you get the things I wanted on it?" Stiles asked getting to his knees, Derek chuckle at him as he placed the pizza on the bed

"Well no because the pizza place wouldn't put those on the pizza Stiles." He saw Stiles stick out his bottom lip and it made him lean over and kiss him "So I went out and brought Chocolate buttons and peanut butter cups." He said, Stiles smiled at him

"You do like to take care of me don't you?"

"Well someone got to take care of your peculiar eating habits."

After the pizza was eaten Stiles and Derek hunkered down under the covers, the wolf was lazily rubbing Stiles' Stomach "You know I won't be shocked if your taste for add different food groups together made you ill this last week." Derek said as he pulled Stiles shirt up and kissed the skin not really looking down at the pale smooth skin

"I don't know what's wrong with me lately Derek these odd food thing, it's like a cravings." He said leaning back against the pillow, Derek looked at him and tilts his head

"Cravings?" She said as he looked down at his mate's stomach and saw a pattern of a gold swirl around his belly button "That fucking bitch!" Derek snarled, Stiles stilled and pulled his hands out of Derek's hair.

"Derek?" Stiles whispers to him as she watched the wolf bolt upright and started to put his clothes on "Derek what are you doing?" Stiles asked as he moved onto his knees

"I'm going to find that witch!" Derek growled

"The Witch why?" Stiles asked feeling like he lost a step in this conversation somewhere, Derek pulled his shoes on and stood up heading for the window "Derek?" Stiles yells as he grabbed his arm "Tell what is going on?"

"The price the witch was talking about." Stiles looked confused

"I…I don't know wh…"

"You're pregnant Stiles." Stiles let go of Derek's arm and watched as the wolf climbed out the window leaving Stiles alone with the bomb shell.

Once the shock wore off Stiles realised he was alone looking out into an open window, his mind started working overtime with this new information he reached for him phone and called Scott his voice cracking up as he talked "I…I need you to come over." Stiles cried as she sat on his bed

"Stiles what's wrong?" Scott asked

"I…I don't know how to explain this Derek just told me something before he ran off." He said

"Did he hurt you?" Scott asked


"Okay me and Isaac will be there in a few moments." Scott told him as he put the phone down.

Derek drove to the woods where the witched lived, he slammed the door shut and walked up the path ignoring the buzzing of his phone as he entered the small cabin's door. The witch sat up from her sofa and looked "Ah Derek I wasn't expecting you so soon I thought you would be here in another 2 months or so." She chuckled at him as she stood up, Derek growled as he pushed her into the wall


"May mate is pregnant?" she rolled her eyes and pushed him off her with a pulse of magic, Derek feel to the floor with a thud

"He would have gotten pregnant at some point any way, what I did was give you two a push and boost of magic." She said

"For what to take him or her away?"

"What puff no…I don't have time to raise a baby all that nappy changing and 3 am bottle feeding oh please god no." Derek stood up blinking at her

"What about the payment?"

"The payment was your mate getting knocked up!" She told him, looking at him "Stiles would have never been able to keep a pregnancy because of his poison blood, I fixed that."