Disclaimer: I don't own Percy Jackson and the Olympians but I guess you already know that!
Chapter 10
Andromeda POV
Well, that was not so bad. To be honest, it went better than I expected.
Seeing the scene Hestia had projected had made me nostalgic. I missed my family. After she left, I braced myself for the questions which were bound to come. However, they never came. Suddenly a whirlpool formed around the entire camp and in a flurry of water, Lord Poseidon himself appeared in front of us.
Everyone bowed. Even me. Whatever Dad had told me about Poseidon was not too bad. Sure, he had not really been there but then none of the Gods were ever around. Compared to the rest of the Gods, Poseidon had really helped Dad whenever he had been in a tough spot. Not like Athena who had only used Mom for her own benefit and had ignored her when times got tough. So yes, I did have some respect for the Sea God. Now it was up to him to prove him worthy of my esteem.
''Lord Poseidon,'' said Chiron, '' it is an honour. What can I do to help you?''
''I would like to speak to my granddaughter, Chiron,'' he replied, glancing at me.'' That is, if she is willing to speak to me.''
He actually looked guilty. I smiled inwardly. Maybe he wasn't so bad after all.
''Certainly my lord.'' I replied. Chiron took us to the Big House to give us some privacy. I silently thanked him. The last thing I needed was the entire camp to be a witness if the meeting went badly.
He looked vastly relieved.
We sat across the ping pong table. For a god, Poseidon did look very nervous. ''Very well then.'' He finally began. '' This is unbelievably awkward you know,'' I laughed nervously. Didn't I know it.
''Andromeda, I know that I have not been there for you or your parents as I should have been. But I would really like to know about my son Percy and his wife Annabeth as much as is possible without giving away too many details if you think it is for the best. Are they happy? Is everything fine with them?''
''Yeah. Mom and Dad are very happy. Once they left, they got a chance to live a normal life, you know. No more monster attacks, no more wars. Don't feel guilty!'' I said looking at his sorrowful face. ''It was not your fault. Dad does not blame you in the least. ''
Poseidon looked much happier on hearing that.
I continued, ''They went to university. Dad became a marine biologist and Mom became an architect. They have their own firm and are working to save the seas, you know. Dad thought that if he could not help you as a demigod, this was the least he could do.''
''He always put others before himself.'' Murmured Poseidon. ''I don't suppose you will tell me where they are, will you?'' he asked hopefully.
''I am sorry. You know I can't. The reason they did this was so that they could live a life without coming in contact with the Gods, you know.''
Poseidon sighed. ''Well, I thought as much. But it was worth a shot. Anyway, tell me more about them. Do you have any siblings? Have they any mortal friends? How are Annabeth's brothers? And who was the girl in the restaurant with Percy?''
I grinned. It seemed that Poseidon and I would get along splendidly. ''Don't worry. I will tell you everything.'' I said. And I did.
I stretched as the sunlight hit my face. I smiled. My talk with Poseidon had gone amazingly well last night. He had seemed genuinely concerned not only about Dad but Mom as well. Our conversation ended with him asking me to call him Grandpa. I agreed immediately on the condition that he must call me Andy. Andromeda was a mouthful. He then went to Chiron and demanded that I be shifted in the Poseidon Cabin. I was a little reluctant at first as I was scared that Georgiana, Sam and William might resent me but my fears were unfounded.
They were thrilled to have a new addition to their cabin. Sam joked that he was actually my uncle as I was Poseidon's granddaughter. It was in stark contrast to the Athena Cabin who avoided me like the plague. They were as it is furious I had humiliated Diana and my parentage was the icing on the cake. The rivalry between the Poseidon and Athena Cabin was a thousand times worse than it was in my parent's time. I am pretty sure they would have killed each other if possible. However, there was nothing I could do about it.
After breakfast, we had sword fighting.
''Care to duel with me Andy?'' asked Georgiana.
''Sure.'' I grinned.
A small crowd gathered around us.
''Go Andy!'' yelled Fred and Roxanne. I blushed.
''Not so fast.'' Said a voice behind me. It was stern and frigid. It sent chills down my spine.
Athena stood in front of us. Everyone went silent. I groaned. Just what I needed. She did not look happy. In fact, she looked furious.
''What do you want?'' I asked. I did not like the tone of her voice or the disdain on her face.
''You do not bow down before me? I must say, I am not very surprised. After all, your good for nothing father was known for his insolence.''
''Don't insult my father.'' I said in a low voice.
''I have not come to argue with you girl.'' Athena's eyes flashed. ''You should be grateful I have not incinerated you on the spot for your disrespect. Now, where is my daughter?''
''You have no right to know.'' I hissed through clenched teeth. ''You lost all right to know about her the moment you abandoned her during the Giant War.''
''You dare speak to me like this?'' Athena said menacingly. ''You have absolutely no right to speak to me this way. Now I am asking you once and for all, WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER?''
''My mother is no daughter of yours!'' I yelled back, clenching my fists. ''You lost the right to be her mother a long time ago. Making her invisibility cap lose its magic? Emotionally blackmailing her to prevent her from finding Dad? Sending her on a suicide mission to get your statue? Letting her fall into Tartarus? Ignoring her after the war because she refused immortality to be with her true love? Does any of this ring a bell?''
I could hear gasps and whispers breaking out among the campers. I did not care. They deserved to know the whole story.
Athena went white as though I had struck her. The truth hurts, doesn't it?
''So this is your final answer. '' she said coldly. ''I can see you have been influenced by that father of yours. I will not forget this. Today you have made yourself a very powerful enemy, brat. When you face your worst enemy, you will feel my wrath. You will be helpless and you will die a painful death. I assure you that.''
In a flash of light, she was gone. I averted my eyes just in going, Andy, you have made an enemy of the wisdom goddess. Well done.
''Well, you are certainly kelp head's daughter,'' remarked Rachel, at last. ''He had a tendency to piss off the Gods too.''
''Don't I know it.'' I grinned.
So chapter 11 everyone! Do let me know your opinions regarding it! So Andy finally meets her grandparents!
I am not too sure if Andy should go on a quest or should have more gods visiting her. Do let me know your views regarding this. Also, thank you guys so very much for your wonderful response to my story. You all are amazing!
Until next time,
- booklover1004