By midafternoon, things were going as planned. Jackson, Lydia, Danny, and Allison were on their way to a concert in LA. Scott and Boyd were skulking around town in areas where Kate and Gerard were known to frequent in an effort to lure them to the warehouse Derek and the rest of the pack were currently waiting in. Derek started to pace in the open space he was positioned in, ears trained on either entrance. He chanced a glance to the area near the ceiling where Stiles was meditating, Cora sitting next to him tapping her knee in nervous boredom.

Derek was about to sit down and try meditating to calm down ('cause seriously, how is Stiles heartbeat not racing like the rest of the packs?) when his phone buzzed. He took it out of his pocket and saw a text from Scott.

Kate hot on my trail. Bulletproof vest was good idea, been shot at twice. Headed your way, be there in 5.

Derek was now glad that Stiles had suggested pilfering a couple of bulletproof vests from his dad. He let out a short two note whistle and the pack got into various fighting stances, knowing their prey was incoming. Just as Derek went to put his phone away he got a text from Boyd.

Gerard incoming. ETA 5 min.

Derek put his phone away and crossed his arms, taking a deep breath. He set his face into a mask of indifference, like he wasn't nervous and angry all at once.

Scott and Boyd ran in from two different points and took up their position next to Derek. Derek took another deep breath as Kate and Gerard walked in and he wished he could tell Cora to calm down he could smell her anger from where he stood.

"Hey dad" Kate said to Gerard a smile on her face.

"Katie, do you know why we're here?" Gerard asked calmly.

"Nope but why don't we ask the wolves." Kate replied as she reloaded her gun. She lifted it to aim at Derek's head and smiled seductively, "Derek good to see you again."

"Can't say the same." Derek replied grimly.

"Ahh now I thought this was so you could see me again. Alright why are we here then?" Kate demanded calmly.

"You murdered my pack, restitution is demanded." Derek answered in a calm tone. His skin was crawling to be near the blonde again and he wanted nothing more than to rip her throat out.

"How can you still be angry about that, you've got a new pack full of puppies." Kate said in a mocking tone. Derek could feel Scott and Boyd bristle beside him, but they stayed in place.

"No you're still torn up about feeding me the information I needed to trap your entire family in that basement and burn the house to the ground." Kate declared harshly. It was like a blow to Derek's heart and Scott and Boyd were looking at Derek.

It was a blur of action as Kate fired her gun, first at Derek then at Scott and Boyd. Derek hit the deck feeling the bullets whiz by his head thanks to Stiles. Boyd and Scott had luckily taken the bullets in the vest but the force of hits still knocked them down. When the shooting stopped Derek looked up to see Kate using a taser gun on Erica right before Isaac sneaked up on her and snapped the honey-blonde's neck.

Gerard was making his way for the exit and Derek started after him. When he had closed the distance to a few feet he lunged at the man but missed when a woman with short auburn hair came out of nowhere and placed herself between them. As they went down Derek bit her in the shoulder and was shocked by a cattle prod.

He was convulsing on the ground when he heard Cora say "This is for Peter" followed by the sound of tearing flesh and gurgling.

The cattle prod was kicked away from Derek and after twitching for a few moments he had enough control over his body to stand up. He swayed a bit and Stiles appeared next to him, grabbing the alpha's arm and putting it over his shoulder, helping Derek stand.

The pack had the auburn haired woman surrounded as she was sitting on the ground, clutching her bleeding shoulder.

"What should we do with her?" Erica asked, leaning on Boyd.

"Leave her; she knows she can't take us on by herself." Derek ordered shortly and with the help of Stiles made his way out of the warehouse. He let out a deep sigh and laid his head back after Stiles helped him into the passenger seat of his jeep.

As Stiles drove, Derek kept taking deep breaths and his eyes closed.

"Are you alright?" Stiles asked worriedly.

"You try getting electrocuted." Derek replied shortly.

"Sorry man…So getting shocked is a wolf weakness?" Stiles asked. Derek nodded, trying not to concentrate on the aching.

"Low voltages don't affect us like humans but get it high enough and we stop healing." Derek answered.

"Well that means I'm staying the night." Stiles replied.

"What?" Derek asked sharply, instantly regretting it as he laid his head back again and took a deep breath.

"Dude you can barely walk on your own and are obviously in pain. You're going to need help at least for the night, and I don't see Cora doing that." Stiles explained with a concerned frown. Derek remembered his sister's expression before leaving the warehouse and realized Stiles was right.

"Fine" Derek grumbled and they rode on in silence.

The next morning Derek woke up to Jackson yelling for him. He climbed down the spiral staircase, running a hand through his hair.

"You lying asshole! You promised you wouldn't kill her parents!" Jackson screamed.

"Calm down. We only took out Gerard and Kate, no one else." Derek snapped, his head still hurt and the yelling didn't help.

"Well then why is Allison's mother dead?" Jackson asked angrily.

"Fuck. I bit her and she must have killed herself before she turned." Derek replied, pinching his nose.

"YOU WHAT?" Jackson roared.

"She got in my way when I was going for Gerard. I did not do it on purpose. Now leave before I lose my temper." Derek said in a dangerously quiet voice. Jackson glared at him but left.

Derek stood there rubbing his temples, trying to make the throbbing in his head go away but it wouldn't.

"Morning." Stiles said suddenly from the couch. Derek looked over and the brunet had his arms crossed on the back and was resting his chin on them.

"Morning." Derek grunted.

"You doing alright, you still have your sourwolf expression on." Stiles asked.

"I've got this throbbing pain in my head behind my eyes and it won't go away." Derek replied.

"Dude have you never had a headache before?" Stiles inquired with a small smile. Derek shook his head and winced because it made the pain worse.

"Come on, coffee and breakfast will help with that." Stiles said getting up from the couch. The brunet stretched his long limbs before going to the kitchen and Derek groaned as Stiles' shirt lifted with his arms exposing a pale strip of his stomach.

"Oh that's sounds like a headache of hangover proportions." Stiles said sympathetically as he started making the coffee.

As the coffee was brewing, Stiles turned his attention to the fridge pulling out eggs, bacon, mushrooms, spinach and cheese.

"So Allison's mom killed herself because she didn't want to be a wolf?" Stiles asked as he chopped the mushrooms, then bacon. Derek hummed and nodded before crossing to the coffee pot, pouring himself a mug. He sat down on the stool next to the island opposite where Stiles was cooking and took a sip from his mug before speaking.

"Most hunter clans have a weird ethics where they don't become what they hunt. Usually what they do is commit suicide or have someone kill them when it looks like they're going to turn." Derek explained before taking another sip.

"That's ridiculous." Stiles commented as he threw the chopped bacon into a large heated skillet.

"I agree, but then again we're not human so who are we to judge." Derek replied, smirking at the low chuckle he got from Stiles.

Three cups of coffee and a huge piece of the frittata Stiles made for breakfast later, Derek was feeling normal. The brunet bid him and Cora farewell about midday, stating that if he wasn't home for dinner he'd have the cops on his ass.

Cora was more taciturn than usual in the days following the fight but started hanging out with Erica and Boyd and began returning to normal. Allison was avoiding most of the pack, save Jackson and Derek couldn't tell if that was a good thing or bad. Stiles started hanging out at the loft more often, and the first couple times Derek wondered aloud as to why, the brunet said it was because of his supernatural book collection. Finally Stiles admitted that it was because almost everyone in the pack were in a relationship and especially with Scott and Isaac getting together, he had no one to hang out with and just be. After that Derek didn't question Stiles' presence and took to enjoying the brunet's company.

As the weeks went by Derek took to reading various legends of supernatural beings with most of his research focusing on fae (shut up Cora it's just a coincidence). It soon turned into a game between him and Stiles of fact or myth.

One night Derek was reading a book Deaton had let him borrow in the kitchen while Stiles was cooking and he came across an interesting tidbit about names.

"Names have power over fae?" Derek asked.

"That's right" Stiles answered as he continued chopping carrots for the stew he was making.

"So Stiles isn't your real name" Derek said, a bit of curiosity slipping into his tone.

"You would be correct. Maybe someday I'll tell you my real name." Stiles replied, winking at Derek before returning his attention back to the simmering stew. Derek blushed, glad that Stiles had his back to him and no one else was in the room.

Not long after that Lydia announced that with Stiles' birthday around the corner, they should throw a party. After extreme negotiations they got her to agree to a party with just the pack at the loft. (Lesson to the wise never be on the opposite side of Lydia Martin in a debate.) The day arrived and even though all but four members of the pack couldn't get drunk, there was plenty of booze.

Stiles drunk was probably one of the most hilarious things Derek had ever seen and he couldn't remember the last time he had laughed so hard. The best part was when the brunet decided to affect a bad Scottish accent, yelling at Scott "NOOT NOOT SCOOT!" and Isaac falling off the side of the couch he was laughing so hard.

Around 4am everyone's energy was fading and Derek called an end to the party. Everyone started unrolling sleeping bags and piling up blankets and pillows on the floor of the main room, settling in for sleep. Stiles was leaning against the wall, nodding every so often and that's when Derek decided to take pity on him.

"Come on. I'll let you sleep in my bed." Derek said and when it was evident Stiles wasn't steady on his feet, he picked the brunet up.

"Is this your way of propositioning me?" Stiles slurred as Derek carried him to his room.

"No" Derek said flatly as he set the brunet on his bed. The alpha heard Cora giggling and groaned internally, knowing the pack had heard Stiles as well.

"Why not? I'm drunk. And you're beautiful. And tomorrow mornin, I'll be sober but you'll still be beautiful." Stiles mumbled as Derek tucked him in.

"Did you just quote Les Mis to me?" Derek asked as he stood up.

"You've read Les Mis?" Stiles asked with a yawn.

"Yeah in my freshman English course at Columbia" Derek answered.

"Mmmm, brains as well as sexy muscles. What's a boy to do?" Stiles said sleepily. The brunet's snoring a few moments later told Derek he was asleep and the alpha quietly crept out of the room.

He sat on the spiral staircase for about an hour, trying not to think about what Stiles just said before deciding to go for a walk. A few hours later he had walked himself out to the middle of the preserve, finding peace in the trees. Derek had just decided to turn back when he heard a scream that sounded like Lydia's. That put him on guard and he started running through the woods in the direction of the loft.

Suddenly Derek was tackled to the ground and he felt claws sinking into his chest. He pushed back as he sprouted his own claws and sliced where he approximated his attacker's neck was. The body fell to the ground and Derek recognized the woman as Kali.

Why didn't he think this wasn't going to come back to bite him. He breathed in but felt liquid filling his lungs. He collapsed to the ground and wondered if this was how he was going to die.

Out of nowhere there was a flash of light and Stiles was running towards him. The brunet's eyes flashed the deep emerald they turned when he was performing magic as he wrenched his hands apart in a motion like he was ripping something. Derek heard a wet squelching sound and could guess what Stiles had done.

Stiles dropped to his knees next to Derek and placed his hands on the alpha's chest starting to chant in Old Irish. There was a warm feeling in his chest and a white glow radiating out from under the fae's hands.

When Stiles stopped, he practically collapsed on top of Derek from exhaustion. The alpha took a deep breath and found that Stiles had healed his punctured lung and removed the blood that had been drowning him. Derek was still bleeding from where Kali had sunk her claws into him but was out of immediate danger.

Derek lay there weak from the oxygen deprivation with Stiles hovering over him, just as weak.

"Did you just heal me?" Derek asked.

"Yeah" Stiles breathed.

"I thought healing magic was very difficult." Derek said as he tried to sit upright.

"It is" Stiles answered before breathing deeply. Derek took a good look at him and saw that Stiles was sweating and trying to catch his breath.

"Stiles are you alright?" Derek asked, extremely worried.

"I teleported, ripped her head off and healed you. I'm a bit tired now." Stiles snarked.

"Why?" Derek wondered aloud. Stiles looked at him with a strange expression and before the brunet could answer they heard a twig snap.

They both looked in the direction of the sound and Derek caught the scent of two werewolves. He cursed his luck at surviving just long enough to get him and Stiles killed.

A pair of twins came into sight and Derek recognized them from when he had killed Ennis, gaining his status as Alpha. He was fairly certain he and Stiles were going to die but then something strange happened. The twins helped Derek and Stiles up and practically carried them out of the woods. As they were walking, Derek learned that their names were Ethan and Aiden and they were dating Danny and Lydia. At first their interest in them had been under orders from Kali to try and find his pack but soon the twins had realized Kali's quest for vengeance went too far. They had actually been on their way to tell Kali they had had enough when they found Stiles and Derek. What surprised Derek the most was the request to join his pack. Derek said he'd think about it but in the end he had a feeling he'd let them join.

There was a mountain of questions when they returned to the loft but Derek just limped to his room and locked himself inside. He trusted Stiles would explain what he could. Everyone left soon after and Derek finally passed out, tired beyond belief.

It took him a couple of days to fully heal and Cora went out of her way to give him the space he needed. During those days Derek thought over what had happened between him and Stiles. He knew he should talk to the fae but the alpha didn't know what he was going to do about his feelings for Stiles and decided he need to figure that out before he talked to the younger man.

He was gifted with a beautiful distraction the day after he fully healed from Kali's attack. He had gotten a phone call from a lawyer in Newburgh, New York saying that his cousins, by Peter and his alpha mate, most recent guardian had passed and a will left behind by Peter's mate expressed a desire to have them raised by family. After asking if they were able to find anyone closer, Derek booked the next flight for him and Cora to go to New York.

It took them a week of looking after their younger cousins to find an aunt on Peter's mate's side that was willing to raise them. When Derek had told Cora they could go back to Beacon Hills, she had asked him if they could stay longer – not quite ready to go back. Derek caved because his little sister seemed happier here than in California, extending their stay for another week.

Derek liked spending time with his little cousins, (he missed being around family) but with every day they stayed he felt off. This was accompanied with a light tugging feeling every time he looked west. So he decided that even if Cora wasn't ready to go home, at least he was going to return home to Beacon Hills.

Being back in California, Derek felt a little better but something was still off. As he stared out of the large window in the loft, the alpha took out his phone and called Stiles.

"Hey." Stiles answered and Derek thought his voice sounded weak.

"Hey, I was wondering if you'd come over and we could talk." Derek said.

"Yeah, I'll be over right away." Stiles replied and coughed before hanging up.

Derek started pacing because he hadn't made up his mind as to his feelings about Stiles but he had this feeling that he needed to see Stiles. An hour passed and Stiles still hadn't shown up, Derek knew something was wrong.

Derek called Scott and told the beta to gather the pack and meet him at Stiles' house.

Sheriff Stilinski was at work so Scott let them in and each member beside Derek and Scott grabbed a piece of Stiles clothing.

"We're going to spread out and search the town, Scott and I will follow his trail from here. Call if you find anything and stick in pairs." Derek ordered.

"What's that smell?" Jackson asked after lifting the t-shirt he was holding near his nose. "It's kind of pine and flowery, and something else. I didn't know Stiles was that girly."

"He's not, its fae pheromones, the scent of the forest of Tír na nÓg." Derek answered shortly. He had a bad feeling Stiles wasn't safe and he wanted to get out there searching.

"Unless anyone has any other questions, I suggest we start searching." Scott suggested, noticing Derek's edginess.

Derek took a deep breath and started to follow the familiar scent that was Stiles. Scott trailed behind him, keeping quiet so as not to break Derek's concentration. When they reached the front door, Derek frowned in frustration. Where did the scent go, he had it just a moment ago.

"You know Stiles hasn't left the house very much in the past week. He's been really sick." Scott supplied as Derek took a couple of deep breathes through his nose.

It was hopeless; if they couldn't pick up his trail from here they were never going to find him. Derek's shoulders slumped and he felt the now familiar tug in his mind. Without thinking Derek followed it. Scott (the good puppy he was) locked up the Stilinski house and jogged to catch up with a fast walking Derek.

As the tugging feeling grew stronger, Derek broke out into a run. He didn't know why but he knew that it would lead him to Stiles.

It led him and Scott to an abandoned house in a rundown part of town. As they approached the house Derek motioned for Scott to be silent and crept inside. He placed his feet carefully to avoid squeaky floorboards and the tugging sensation was leading him down.

Derek pointed to the floor and Scott nodded branching away from the alpha to search for some stairs leading to the basement. Derek found them and let out a low whistle to Scott before descending.

The smell hit him first, the basement smelled of blood, sweat, sex and sulfur. This made Derek drop all attempts at subtlety and he ran down the stairs to find Stiles tied to a chair with a succubus hovering over him, sucking his soul out.

Derek saw red; he ran forward and flung the demon bitch away from Stiles. The brunet slumped in the chair, his eyes closed. Derek lifted Stiles head, patting his cheek lightly, calling his name.

The succubus started laughing from the wall Scott had her pinned to. Derek got up and strode to the laughing woman. His thoughts murderous as he glared at the raven haired woman.

"Give him his soul back." Derek demanded as he gripped her jaw tightly. Scott backed off and blocked the stairs, not wanting to get in the alpha's way.

"No" The demon said, her ruby red lips curling into a smug smile.

"Do it or I'll kill you." Derek threatened, letting his eyes flash.

"You'll kill me anyway, so why don't you get it over with and I can die without helping you." She spat, the sulfur in her scent strong with his face this close.

Derek considered demanding one more time but shrugged it away and snapped the demon's neck hoping with her death Stiles' soul would return to him. The succubus' body fell to the floor as Derek let go of it and went back to Stiles' prone body.

Derek noticed an odd iron necklace around the brunet's neck and took it off before he untied Stiles. Derek sat on the floor with Stiles in his lap cupping the fae's cheek.

"Come on Stiles, come back. The pack needs you, we couldn't do this without you…I-I need you. Just come back will you, come back for me." Derek said calmly at first but growing a bit desperate as every moment passed and Stiles still hadn't shown signs of life.

He drew in a shaky breath and placed a soft kiss to the brunet's forehead before burying his face in Stiles' hair and crying silent tears.

Derek heard Scott say something indistinct (honestly he wasn't paying attention) and the room filled with a dozen little lights like fireflies. They hovered over the succubus' now shriveled body for a second before flying away through the ceiling, save one. One of the lights that had a pale green glow flew straight into Stiles mouth. Derek looked down at the brunet and hope bloomed in his chest as color returned to Stiles' pale skin.

"Stiles. STILES!" Derek said hopefully then cried with joy when the brunet gasped deeply. He quickly pulled Stiles to his chest in a tight hug, overjoyed the fae was alive.

"Crushing me. Can't breathe." Stiles said breathlessly. Derek relaxed his grip but was still hugging Stiles and the brunet returned the hug, resting his forehead on Derek's shoulder.

Derek breathed in Stiles intoxicating scent, and then suddenly remembered they weren't alone. He looked up to see Scott smiling at him mysteriously. Derek coughed and let go of Stiles.

Stiles held on for a moment more before taking a deep breath and looking at his surroundings. He saw Scott and Derek could see a slight blush creeping up the back of his neck.

"Hey Scott." Stiles said weakly.

"Good to see you alive." Scott replied. Stiles smirked and tried to get up from Derek's lap but had no strength. Scott stepped forward and pulled the brunet up and into a hug.

"Hmm two hugs in less than a minute, maybe I should die more often." Stiles murmured as Derek got up from the ground.

"Please don't" Scott replied softly.

"I won't brother" Stiles promised.

"Let's get out of here." Derek said as he watched the succubus' body crumble into a pile of dust.

"I second that, this place gives me the creeps." Stiles said as he pulled out of his hug with Scott.

The brunet took a step towards the stairs and nearly collapsed from the effort. Scott and Derek caught him before he could fall. With a look and a nod of his head, Scott helped Stiles stand upright while Derek squatted in front of the weaker man.

"Ooh Sourwolf express." Stiles teased as he climbed on Derek's back. Derek rolled his eyes as he stood up, crouching a little so the brunet wouldn't hit his head on the ceiling.

"Onward" Stiles said grandly pointing up the stairs, his arm grazing Derek's ear with the motion. The alpha sighed but walked up the stairs behind Scott. As they were walking back to Derek's loft, Scott sent out a mass text to the pack that they had found Stiles and he was alright.

"Can you divert them someplace else, I don't feel up to more than a few people right now." Stiles asked softly.

"Sure thing. I'll have them meet at my house. You rest up and feel better." Scott replied. He squeezed Stiles on the shoulder, then ran off in the general direction of his house, making a call as he went. Derek continued on to his loft with Stiles on his back.

When they got there, Derek went straight to the kitchen and set Stiles down on one of the stools against the island. He wordlessly crossed to the fridge and made a couple of turkey cheddar sandwiches. When he was done making them, Derek slid the plate across the island to Stiles. The brunet looked at them blankly for a couple of seconds before picking up half of a sandwich and taking a bite. They didn't speak as Stiles ate and Derek leaned on the counter, clasping his hands together as he watched Stiles eat.

When Stiles had finished one of the sandwiches he absently picked at the other, not meeting Derek's gaze.

"I saw our mothers." Stiles said softly. Derek didn't know how to respond to that.

"I saw them when I-" Stiles started and took a deep breath. "When I died."

"Did they say anything?" Derek asked quietly.

"Your mom didn't but mine did." Stiles replied, still picking at the sandwich.

"My mom said that I didn't belong there. That I was still needed. That you needed me." Stiles continued, determinedly staring at the sandwich, the bread in pieces on the plate.

"Did she say anything else?" Derek asked.

"She told me she loved me." Stiles said finally looking up and he was wearing a sad smile. Derek returned the smile and covered one of Stiles' hands with his own.

Stiles eyes followed the movement and stared at their hands.

"My mom said that you need me, is that true?" Stiles asked looking Derek in the eye. Derek was at a loss for words. He couldn't call Claudia a liar, because well she was dead and you're not supposed to speak ill of the dead for very good reasons.

"Before all that happened you called me to talk. I'm here, let's talk." Stiles said.

"Your mother was right, I do need you." Derek answered with a resigned sigh. This was it, all or nothing.

"So why didn't you say anything before?" Stiles asked, and he twisted his hand under Derek's to where his fingers were intertwined with the alphas.

"For some very good reasons." Derek replied.


"You were underage for one."

"Not an issue anymore, what else?"

Derek hesitated before answering and decided to go with a vague version of his most important reason.

"I don't know what you're like in a relationship. How do I know you're not going to get bored with me the second I get in too deep?" Derek said slowly and avoiding Stiles' gaze.

"I can't exactly answer that." Stiles answered honestly. "I've never had a relationship. I was pining after Lydia for the longest time that anything else kind of went over my head."

They stayed there silent for a few moments, trying to think of a suitable answer of what to do next.

"We take it slow." Stiles said suddenly. Derek thought it over, finding no reasonable objections he nodded. Stiles smiled softly at Derek and the alpha felt his heart flutter. After a few moments the smile slid off Stiles face and his expression turned thoughtful.

"Could I stay here tonight? My dad is working the night shift and I don't want to be alone." Stiles asked hesitantly.

"Sure, you can use my bed." Derek replied. Stiles nodded and let go of Derek's hand, pushing himself off of the stool.

Stiles legs wobbled a little but he stayed upright. He walked out of the kitchen and Derek decided to follow him, making sure he didn't fall. Once in his room Derek crossed to his dresser and grabbed a pair of sweats out. He walked back over to Stiles and silently handed them to the brunet.

He stared into Stiles amber eyes, wondering how a color so perfect could exist. Stiles stared back for a moment before leaning up and pressing his lips to Derek's.

The kiss was soft and sweet, innocent; something Derek hadn't experienced in a long time. He returned it just as softly, breathing in deeply through his nose, smelling only Stiles scent. He was content with just the slow slid of lips, cupping the brunet's face gently in his hands.

Derek let go when he felt Stiles pull back with a sigh of content. Derek smiled and turned to leave.

"Could you uh, could you stay?" Stiles asked. Derek cocked his head to the side as he looked at the brunet.

"I don't expect anything, I just feel safer when you're around." Stiles explained.

"Of course. I'll be right back, I need to change." Derek replied and grabbed another pair of sweats and a t-shirt out of his drawers. He went to the bathroom and changed.

Before going back he stared at his hands counting fingers. There were five on each hand and that told him he wasn't dreaming. He took a deep breath and went back to his room, finding Stiles changed and sitting on the edge of the bed.

Derek laid down on the other side of the bed and Stiles followed, curling into the alpha. Derek smiled to himself and curled an arm around Stiles pulling the brunet closer.

Derek took extreme comfort that not only could he hear Stiles' heartbeat but could feel it as well. Derek closed his eyes, not really sleeping but just relaxing with Stiles next to him until a nagging thought suddenly came to him.

"Does your dad know?" Derek asked aloud.

"About this, that'd be a bit creepy." Stiles replied.

"No about your powers." Derek amended.

"I haven't found the right time to tell him." Stiles answered.

"I know you don't like lying to him, and telling him everything would make things easier for you to be involved with the pack." Derek said.

"I know, I know. I just-"Stiles started and sighed as he covered his face with his hands.

"I don't know how he'll react to the fact that my mother and I had lied to him for years. I…I don't know if he'll want me as his son if he knows. I don't want to lose family." Stiles said, his words muffled behind his hands. Derek took a hand and tilted Stiles face to where the brunet was looking him in the eyes.

"As long as you have the pack, you'll have family….As long as I'm around you won't be alone." Derek told Stiles, speaking each word clearly so that the brunet didn't miss a word.

Stiles made a little squeak in the back of his throat before leaning forward and kissing Derek. The alpha returned the kiss for a few moments before pulling away.

"Although I wouldn't tell him about us at the same time, might overload his brain." Derek said against Stiles lips and kissing the brunet shortly before relaxing back into the pillows.

Stiles sighed and settled in Derek's arms, drifting to sleep shortly after that.

Sheriff Stilinski was shocked to learn supernatural creatures were real and that his son and late wife are a part of that world. With the help of Melissa, the Sheriff soon got over the shock and accepted his son and the magical world he lived in.

Stiles continued his lessons with Deaton when it didn't get in the way with school work. Derek would sometimes accompany the fae to his lessons and would get mysterious looks from the Emissary when he was there.

Cora kept putting off her return to Beacon Hills and finally Derek arranged things with Peter's sister in law for her to stay in New York with their cousins. Cora was happier there and Derek made her promise to visit during the holidays.

He thought he'd feel alone without his baby sister, but he soon realized that wasn't true. As long as he had the pack he had family. As long as he had Stiles, he wasn't alone.