So, yeah, um hey… Got a request for Predator and human… Not um…not too sure on this; but here we go.

I own nothing. Rated M. May be a sensitive topic for some. Reader beware.


She can't remember what she was doing the day that every single radio, and television station announced that aliens really did exist. She'd thought it another Orson Wellian type of hoax, until she clicked over to find the Emergency Broadcast Network blared the same thing that the President of the United States had been saying on station 104.4.

Yes, aliens were really. Yes, they were coming to Earth. And, finally, No; humanity would not fight them or fight back. It had been addressed and the government had known for quite some time about a species that had found itself in a predicament. Now, 200,00 females from every nation had been selected by these aliens to be taken off world. No specifics were given, no other warning except not to fight back.

The president's brow was glistening in perspiration, he nervously licked his lips. A politician normally in an excellent speaker, however, this speech was far from the normal slew of political rhetoric. She could not process what was being said. She seemed to be one among many. She looked up and slowed reaction from the stunning news caused her to crash her car into a silver Honda.

She didn't even care. Neither, it seemed, did the other driver. The human race as a whole to a collective moment to process what every human being, in every nation, was being told. Kathy unclipped her seatbelt and exited the car. Her thoughts were blazing, and her body felt numb. Was she having a seizure? Was this real? Time was going by at an agonizingly slow pace as she turned to her left to see multiple people holding their cell phones and streaming the speech live. It was being broadcast everywhere, the sound nearly too quiet and yet deafening all at once.


Still the lingering notes of the president's voice reached her ears. "America, we are known for our bravery, and our brashness. We have the tendency to rush head long into danger. I must warn you now that under no circumstance are you to fight or threaten the alien forces."

Forces, he said, as if they were going to war.

"In essence, in views of technology, they are angles, and we… are cavemen. The truth is-" She normally would have made a scathing retort about truth coming out of the mouth of any politician, but she could hear in his voice true fear.

Whatever was happening was huge. Greater, if possible, than World War III.

"If we as a people, any singular person acts as a representative for us all, challenge or … resist-" His voice cracked slightly and the transfixed people of the United States of America waited without moving for him to clear his throat, "if anyone does, we will all be exterminated. We have been asked to give them 200,000 females. Brave women of America, we humbly ask you to accept this that all might live. You are our only hope. We, the government, have been given the list of names. Those women who have been selected shall be asked to report to the nearest military facility with all due haste. I have also taken steps to have these selfless women be collected before midnight tomorrow. I must ask that for every man, woman, and child that remains for you all to come forward and not hide. There is… very little time and every female must be accounted for."

Silence. Beautiful and blissful silence stretch for its dark maw to swallow the human race whole. Then, pandemonium. The world erupted into noise strong, that Kathy felt sure the wretched aliens must have heard them from space. Cursing, rioting, angry glances, fighting, and killing began happening as the society as a whole dipped instantly in to unadulterated anarchy.

Kathy scrambled as she was jarred from behind. Then out of almost nowhere, fires exploded and she bolted. If she could make it home…

But her thought was the same as thousands of others in her ten mile radius. Hundreds of people came streaming over the road, running with her or past her and a few into her. She stumbled falling, and rolled covering her neck and head, underneath a car. She lay there terrified and panting for breath. Cars were being tipped and looting was going on already. She could hear screams in all directions. Some in anger and some in pain, but all were unmistakably human.

It was a night like none Earth had ever seen before, or would ever see again.


She'd managed to walk the three miles to her house from where her car had been parked, perfectly usable, on the city street. Kathy counted her lucky stars that she was mostly unmolested. Someone had tried to grab her, hot and sick breath fanning her cheeks, but another man had taken offense to her cry of alarm. He tackled her would be attacker as she bolted once more. For a single moment in time she was so incredibly grateful that she did not wear heals or ridiculous impractical boots. Gray sneakers, dirty and worn, peeked up at her as if to offer comfort.

It made her sick to think what might be happening to others out there tonight. She'd shut every window, making sure they were latched, closed every blind or curtain, turned off the lights, and armed the alarm. She crept to her safe, and twirled the combination she knew by heart. Usually, she just kept important documents in the safe, some banking materials and important numbers, but she also store her gun there.

200 rounds of bullets with a .40 cal resting on top, felt oddly cold against her already damp skin. She was well beyond frightened, but still at the stage of functionality. She'd taken those damn conceal to carry classes, but she'd never practiced after it was over and she never carried the damn thing. She should have.

Her mind raced around and around spinning in circles. Aliens that wanted only women? Okay. That only really left three reasons for just women. Food, they could be incredibly tasty. Reproduction- she dry heaved a bit. Or lastly, labor/resource of some kind? 'Please, please, please, God do not let it be reproduction' she thought frantically to herself. 200,000 women from every nation? Okay there were at least 190 nations if not more. Her mind scrabbled to recall the exact number and if Taiwan was actually considered a nation or if it wasn't.

Her skin itched and she scratched absent mindedly.

200,000 times 190-ish was…

Why was she even doing this math? Kathy shook her head watching as the darkness stayed familiar except for the sound of her ragged breathing. Outside her home the sounds of human chaos reigned. She huddled into herself. The sound of guns and screams, violence and carnage caused her to shake like a leaf caught in a summer storm.

200,000 times 190-ish. Carrying the zeros…

She traced the numbers out into her palm, grateful for the minute distraction this provided. Adding that and then times this equaled; at least 38 million women. Kathy sat there dumbstruck. Sure there was close 7.24 billion people on earth so 38 million was just a drop in the bucket figuratively speaking. Right? But really what were the chances she'd be picked? There were 318 some odd million Americans alone. So her odds were close to that of being stuck by lightening right?

Yes, that had to be it. She'd be fine. The aliens would come take the women and leave. She already grieved at the thought of what those poor women would endure. She could already guess whatever race it was would want the athletes, the geniuses, and the exceptionally talented. Lucky her, she did not fall into any of those categories. They would at a bare minimum want the most physically perfect even if was just for options 1-3 of her possible reasons aliens wanted human women. Kathy wasn't even close to that!

And, she was probably way older than what they would want. She was 25. Why was she even concerned? For all she knew they considered themselves Roman gods and wanted virgins. Kathy was in the clear anyway she looked at it. She wasn't exceptionally pretty, or talented. She baked one mean loaf of bread, but what would they care about bread? In her head she started ticking off all of her negative traits as further 'proof' she'd never be chosen.

Her eye sight was terrible. Horrendous even. She couldn't see 6 inches in front of her face without her glasses!

She wasn't in particularly good shape. She wasn't fat by any means. She had a perfectly normal BMI. Not too slim, not too thick. Absolutely ordinary.

She looked like the girl next door. Nothing special there either.

She was smart, but no where near a genius level.

She was only mediocre at shooting, video games, and that included Tetris.

She had a permanent retainer! She'd forgotten all about that one! Yes, she had that in her lower jaw after her braces had been removed. She was a down right reject!

Kathy giggled softly to herself at the thought. They would take one look at her and send her right back! Ha! She wasn't even on that stupid list.

…The list! She jumped to her feet, holding tightly to her gun as she moved to her computer. The curtains were closed, so no one should be able to see the monitor's light. She'd be fine. Waiting for the darn thing to power on and warm up was a damned eternity. Quad processor her ass!

Finally the log in screen popped up and she nervously set her gun down to type. Her fingers felt cold and stiff. She clicked the internet explorer icon and Google greeted her in familiar colors. She simply typed 'Alien list'. The web nearly exploded on her. Kathy never thought she'd beat the internet before. IT was in every language, strewn over ever social media, and on every news station. With a shaky breath she clicked the link to the local new station.

It was plastered all over their page. The names, dates of birth, addresses, and even pictures of the women selected for the United States of America. She blew a shaky breath from chapped lips. Her eyes glued to the screen. Thank goodness someone had taken the time to put it in Alphabetical order. She'd never find it otherwise-

Katherine. She started breathing rapidly as she found her first name staring at her from behind the screen and it had never seemed so menacing before. She slowly scrolled the page. She was getting worked up for nothing. There was no way. No way!

She was on the fucking list. Kathy bit back sobs of horror. There, the 56th Katherine, was her face smiling back at her. Her driver's license photo.

Oh Dear God.

It had to be a mistake. It just HAD to be-

The sound of glass breaking, and wood splintering caused her to dive to the nearest corner, she scrambled back for her firearm as men and women, all clad in black, burst into her home.

"Are you Katherine?" One male voice boomed abortively.

"Oh please no," she cried pointing the gun at them. She'd never take them all.

"Put the gun down! Oh the ground!" Someone screamed and Kathy flung it at them. Suddenly she was knocked off balance and tasting her own tile floor. She was going to replace it this summer, her mind wandered as they ground her face down, wrenching her arms back.

"Are you-?"

"Yes," she sobbed hysterically. "I'm the one on the fucking list."

She felt a tiny pin-prick, and the world went dark and blissfully quiet.


She woke with her head on someone's lap. Kathy shrieked and scrambled away.

"It's alright. I won't hurt you." A young woman with pretty blonde hair cajoled soothingly. "We're almost there." Her voice turned grave, and her beautiful face was ashen.

Kathy felt like a toad compared to most of the women in the … where the hell were they?

"There? Where is "there"?" Kathy asked worriedly. Her heart was racing, and her throat was gritty as well as dry.

"Wherever they are taking us," The blonde replied with frightened glance around. Kathy followed her gaze to the soldiers standing at the back of the truck. Yes, they were in a truck, she came to understand.

She felt small, so small, and frightened. This couldn't be real.

"I'm Susan," the woman said quietly. "Most of us were collected before the President's speech," her full pink lips turned into a sneer. "Some people were harder to find, so the government turned to the general public to root them out and hand them over."

"That doesn't seem like it would work," Kathy whispered.

"When you tell everyone they will be exterminated if they didn't hand us over? Trust me," she said with icy blue eyes piercing through Kathy, "It worked just fine."

"But," Kathy replied lamely, "the riots… the mayhem."

The blonde gave her a look of pity. "You didn't see the ships then?" It was a question and a statement all at once.

It took her breath away. Ships. Aliens. Alien Ships. OF dear lord she was going to be sick.

Susan rubbed her back and murmured gentle words while Kathy dry heaved next to her.

"This can't be real." She mumbled wiping traces of saliva off her mouth with the back of her hand.

"Don't bet on it precious," A woman with an Australian accent snarled at her. Kathy saw her skin was a lovely mocha shade, and her eyes reminded Kathy of the ashes after a nice roaring fire.

"They couldn't possibly have gathered 38 million women," she denied in agitation. That was simply not possible and even if it were, there was no way the alien race could take them all away. Right?


Oh she was going to be ill again.

When at last the wracking muscle contractions stopped as she tried to empty her stomach of contents it didn't have, Kathy looked up again. There were so many of them, in this truck alone. All different statures, ethnicities, abilities… and then there was her. Seriously this had to be an error.

The truck lurched to a stop. Kathy winced as the soldiers opened the cargo door. The light of day caused her to hiss in pain. Her body throbbed and her head already hurt like a son of a bitch.

"Out!" One yelled loudly and the women stared angrily at the barrels of the guns pointed in their direction. Would they shoot them? Kathy truly thought that they would. If the world was at stake what was 38 million women? They moved in a single file, as if moving out of a bus they meshed as they moved forward. Kathy held onto Susan's hand tightly. The woman had to be a model, or an athlete. Something.

The air was deathly quiet as she noticed the veritable throng of women. Her eyes widened as she stared aghast. This is what a sea of 200,000 selected and unwilling females looked like.

"Where are we?" Kathy asked in a panic.

"FEMA camp," some unknown woman all but declared with a twinge of paranoia lacing her words.

This was enough to fuck anybody up. Kathy stared at the women, but then she finally noticed that they were all moving forward. Shimmering, lights appeared and disappeared whenever Kathy blinked. Her heart dropped into the soles of her feet. The ship was utterly massive. That was the only word that would do to her terrified brain. It was taller than the empire state building! They all were. There were dozens of ships. How? How was this possible? It was so wide that Kathy could not comprehend the size, truly. There was no way that thing could fly.


Oh gosh, she was staring at an alien space craft. Holy fuck. The world was spinning too. Was it supposed to do that?

Susan hauled her closer. Kathy mutely noticed that she was right. A lot of the women were athletes, soldiers even judging by the clothing, scientists, professors, and artists of some sort. Her world was spinning. No, no, no. This was something out of a Gene Rodenberry film. Not possible.

It became infinitely worse as she noticed the militia standing all around them. The women dared not rebel. If the threat was true, the humanity would be destroyed. Kathy was about ready to make a run for it, but she knew that she would not even make it 50 ft. And even if she escaped, what then? She looked all around, noting the uneasy looks of the soldiers, the shimmering things were back again, but when she blinked they were gone. She inched closer and closer. The line moved toward the behemoth ship. Her limbs felt as if they were weighed down by stone.

Her mind rallied against all that was happening, but her body was on auto pilot. She clasped Susan's hand tighter as they started up the ramp. Their turn to go into the belly of the beast. Kathy had never been so afraid of living as she was in this moment. The shuffled in, their eyes adjusting to the darkness. That was when Kathy saw one of them.

So tall, so covered in armor, the head and tentacles protruding from its body were so very, very wrong.

"This isn't happening," she whispered as tears pricked the edge of her vision. She wanted to turn and flee, but it was too late. The door was closing. The women started screaming, some yelled, some pushed, some snarled, but there was nothing they could do.

They were hideous. They were terrifying. And Kathy prayed that they would eat them quickly.

Strange shimmers like the ones she'd seen, followed by even stranger clicks, whirrs, and rumblings. She turned to see them all standing there. Their number was among the thousands. How had they not seen them before? The women all the ones Kathy had been loaded in with silenced instantly. All of them were on guard and afraid that they had been volunteered to their deaths. However the gruesome aliens simply stood there just staring at the females. Their gazes were so dreadfully predatory.

Predatory, and excited.