"I...Feel really weird, Mabel..."

"Oh It's nothing Dipper!" Mabel was dragging her brother through the forest by his arm. Every now and then Dipper would groan or complain about this 'weird feeling' in his gut.

"I'm telling you Mab-" He stopped mid-sentence, as if his breath was taken away. She fell forward slightly, the force of Dipper trying to squirm away was gone. Mabel looked behind her to see Dipper gone. Only his Pine Tree hat and his journal remained.

"Dipper?" She looked around. "Dipper?!" She grunted, annoyed. She scanned the woods for her brother. "Oh come on!" She assumed he went back to the shack. she grabbed his hat and journal and angrily stomped back to their summer home. She bursted through the door and yelled as soon as she did so. "DIPPER!?" This made Wendy jump, she had been sleeping on the job, as always, she fell out of her chair, along with some of the merchandise, her magazine covering her face. Mabel ran passed her and up the stairs to their shared bedroom. To her surprise he wasn't there. She was slightly unsettled and put his hat and book of mysteries on his nightstand.

She ran back down the stairs and out the door again, guessing he was still in the woods somewhere. She called him again and again, to no avail. By now she was a tad worried.

It was nightfall now, and she was in tears, painfully trekking on through the winding woods of Gravity Falls, Oregon. There was no sign of him. Anywhere. She fell to her knees, crumbling in her defeat. There she was, sobbing uncontrollably in the mighty depths of thick forest.

She was now back at the Mystery Shack, Talking to Grunkle Stan. "I just haven't seen Dipper anywhere!" She exclaimed.

"Who's Dipper?" Stan asked. Mabel looked up with pained eyes.

"You know exactly who he is! He's my twin brother!"

Stan stared at her in awe. "Are you feeling okay?" He shifted his position uncomfortably.

"I'm fine! But Dipper's not!"

"You're parents sent you here by yourself..." Stan looked at her like she was crazy.

"THAT'S NOT TRUE!" She screamed. Little did Mabel know, It was true. Blenden had gone back in time, and prevented Dipper from ever being born.

I know it ended on a weird note, and is a tad rushed. I was just trying to make a quick fic.