"Am I your girlfriend?"

Draco Malfoy put down his book to raise a questioning eyebrow at the Gryffindor who had posed the question.

"Do you want to be?"

"Ginny and Luna confronted me about it the other day but I didn't know what to say. And you have to stop answering my questions with questions. It's annoying, Malfoy."

"You didn't know something? Quick, somebody alert Skeeter. And I see we've regressed back to last names, Granger."

Hermione huffed.

"So am I your girlfriend?"

"What does being my girlfriend entail?"

"Well, for starters, we would be exclusive. You wouldn't be allowed to chase after other girls anymore."

"That's a moot point since I don't chase after other girls now. And you better not have been chasing after any other blokes or I'll hex their bloody arses into oblivion. You're mine, Granger."

"That's oddly possessive of you."

"You're telling me you'd be the epitome of calm if you saw me even interacting with Astoria Greengrass?"

A moment of silence.

"Touché... You'd also have to take me out on dates and buy me presents on special occasions."

"Only on special occasions?"

"Well, you can buy me presents just because too. I won't complain."

"I'd say that's also a moot point because I already do that too."

"Yes, but then I can be less grateful about it because it's expected of you."

"If I didn't know any better, I would think you're only after me for the money."

Hermione only giggled in response.

"And tell me... Would you be expecting a ring at the end of all of this?"

"Marriage is usually the end goal of dating. But only if things worked out between us, of course."

Draco tapped his chin, pretending to ponder the situation.

"Oh, there is one more thing!"

"My, my... Your list of demands just keeps growing, Granger."

"As my boyfriend, you'd be obligated to make love to me whenever and where ever I asked."

If she didn't before, Hermione certainly had his full attention now.

"And of course, I'd be obligated to do the same for you..."

He knew where she was going with this. That woman was more Slytherin than she'd admit. But he'd be damned if he wasn't going to let her manipulate him this time around especially since it would work out in his favour.

"So... Am I your girlfriend, Draco?"

"Bloody hell, woman, yes!"

And Draco proceeded to pull Hermione into his lap so she could fulfill her obligations as his girlfriend.

AN: Thank-you for taking the time to read this. While I have your attention, I'd like to make a serious note about something. I'd like to clarify that, in no way, do I think a girlfriend is obligated to give her boyfriend sex. Sex should always be consensual between two people meaning all parties involved are willing. If a girl (or guy) says no, then it means NO. Unwanted attention or touching IS sexual assault.