Shoujo: Sorry we're a bit late.

Reaper: We wanted this chapter to be written correctly and all.

Levy: Nothing else?

Gajeel: You guys haven't been talking much.

Lily: I thought you liked it when they were quiet.

Shoujo: We don't own anything but the plot.

The Shrimp and the Beast

Levy stared up at the sky that was darkening from both clouds and the oncoming night. She was sure it would start raining at any moment yet still she opted to wait outside rather than heading in. Her day had been as typical as it could be. Lucy had talked to her about not being out at night alone since no fairy tail member was safe. This included the males of the guild. She planned what she was going to do after work; she went to work helped out the customers who came in when they searched for books.

One customer had thrown a fit when they couldn't find what they wanted and she had to stand there in embarrassment until Porlyusica had shown herself and told them in a very adult series of words that they could either buy something or leave. This interaction explained why Porlyusica rarely spoke with customers, but it didn't explain how she even managed to own a bookstore. Whatever the explanation was for that Levy hadn't bothered to ask. She didn't want to be on the receiving end of the woman's angry tongue.

After the work day had ended Levy made her way down town. Luckily for her it was still light enough out for her to feel safe alone on the street. Her watch had told her it was seven. The shop had closed earlier than normal because everyone had to be somewhere. Kinana was off to start her own vacation days, meaning Levy would start working her shift. Freed had opted to go visit Lisanna with his friend Bixlow who Levy still had yet to meet. Laki was heading off to visit with her grandmother and family. It was apparently her ninetieth birthday.

Porlyusica just didn't want to deal with humans.

So Levy had made her way down the street an hour before she was supposed to be there. And she waited. She didn't mind waiting, in fact being alone to think let her contemplate things.

What had happened to the fairy tail members while she'd been away? Only three days. She'd meant to ask Lucy that morning but Lucy had left with Natsu before she could ask. So for an hour, even as thunder rumbled in the distance she contemplated what could have happened.

"Some of them… were some of them hurt?" She realized that must have been it. "So the dojo is still getting attacked." She murmured shaking her head. "Lucy said this thing started that night…" Levy crouched down. "I know it's not technically my fault but…"

"It's not your fault."

Levy stiffened as she heard the voice. Slowly she tilted her head so she could look up. Her heart pounded with nervousness.

"H-Hey." She said.

"Hey." Gajeel responded as he stood over her.

She stood up starting at his face for the first time. She wasn't able to get a long enough look because before she could remember everything it began to rain.

"Let's go in." Gajeel said to her as he turned to enter the café. She followed behind him while she gripped her shoulder bag.


He hadn't really met her gaze as they'd taken a seat and ordered drinks. But she stared at him practically the entire time while silence filled the air between him.

The first thing she seemed to notice was his eyes. They were crimson. It was the first time in her life that Levy had seen someone with eyes that were that color. He had a considerable amount of piercings on his face as well. Two in a vertical line on his chin. Three above his left eye, three above his right, his brow seeming to be permanently scrunched in a glaring way that made the rest of the customer's look incredibly uncomfortable. Finally there were two on his nose, poking out of both sides of it. He had no eyebrows.

It was at that moment she realized just how much he seemed to love getting piercings. His arms, his face, and his ears as well all contained piercings. She wanted to ask the stories behind them but something kept her from doing so.

Lastly she noticed the odd hairline he had. Three points that all aimed at his forehead and reached back for a bit.

"What?" Gajeel finally asked. Levy blushed slightly looking down at her drink. She'd opted out of getting a coffee and instead settled for hot chocolate.

"I just…" She looked back and focused on his face. "It's the first time I've seen your face so…" Though she did have a sinking suspicion that she'd seen his face before. When, she didn't know. But why did he carry that slight familiarity? She snapped back from her thoughts and realized how awkward things had become. "My boss screamed at this one guy today." She mentally reminded herself to punch herself in the face as when she was alone again. "I mean she's normally cranky but today I guess she got really fed up with this person who wouldn't stop getting angry and she just kinda appeared and words were said. I don't think I'd ever seen someone look so terrified when they left a bookstore."

"Porlyusica tends to hate humans." Gajeel said.

"You know her?" Levy asked in surprise happy that they had something to talk about.

Gajeel shrugged. "Everyone in the fairy tail dojo knows her. She and Mira are the ones who we trust with our health care. No one crosses her unless it's absolutely necessary."

"Today was the first time I saw her anywhere other than her office." Levy murmured. "I always wanted to know, why is she in charge of the bookstore? Do you know?"

"Makarov probably." Gajeel said. "They've been friends for a while and that bookstore has been active since the first master of the dojo owned it."

"That sounds like a long time." Levy said in awe. The conversation dawdled off and Levy noticed that unless she said something to him he wouldn't say much. "So um… Lily really liked the panther you got him. He could barely hold it though."

"It's twice the size of him." Gajeel said.

Levy nodded the started to laugh at the memory of how big it had look in his grasp. "He could barely put his arms around it." She stopped then smiled. "I actually stood up to one of my family members yesterday. She's always been someone I've had a… fear of."

"How so?" Gajeel asked.

Levy looked at her hands. Then mumbled. "ShesaidthatallthemenImetwantedtoeatme."

"What?" He pressed for her to repeat.

Taking a deep breath she did. "She said that all the men I met wanted to eat me. I thought I would be sautéed and covered with onions."

There was a moment where he didn't react then he turned to the side covering his face and started to shake.

"Wh- are you laughing at me?!" Levy asked. She blushed reaching over to smack him gently on the arm. "Don't laugh this was a serious problem! I used to faint when I talked to men because I thought that I'd become the dinner to a cannibal!"

"So that's why you were stiff when you helped me out a month back?"

Levy nodded. "Yeah." She sighed. "She and her family are fully of racist people who accused my brothers of-" She stopped. "Well they accused them of 'immoral behavior.' They also said that I was friends with strippers so I set the record straight by telling them that even if my friends had been strippers that they would've been making more money and that they were rude. I had this whole speech against them and told them they were awful and I said that I was pro-" She froze blushing. She couldn't tell him how the shouting fest had ended. No way in the world. "Anyway I won."

"What did you say to them at the end?"

"Nothing." She said as an answer almost too quickly after he asked. She then quickly took a gulp from her drink which was a mistake because it scolded her tongue. Her cup was put back on the table and she swallowed coughing. Spitting on Gajeel would be the icing on the cake of embarrassment. After she was able to stop her tongue from stinging she looked to him and he looked like he was trying to stop himself from laughing at her. "Let's switch topics." She crossed her arms. "Name some music that you like."

He stopped smiling. "Music?"

"Yeah. What type of music do you listen to?" She suspected she already knew the answer, but she just wanted to make sure that she was right.

"Why don't you tell me first?" He countered.

She waved her finger. "No, I asked you first. You tell me."

"You're not going to answer until I do, are you?"


He glanced around leaning forward. She was surprised by his reaction, she leaned forward anyway wanting to hear his answer. In a low voice he said, "Jazz."

She blinked. "Oh." No. She had not guessed that. In fact she never would have if she hadn't heard it from his own lips. She leaned back. "So you like jazz?"


"I thought you would've said something like heavy metal." She admitted without meaning to.

"And I plan to never let anyone else know about it, you can't tell anyone."

Levy grinned. "So it's a secret!"

"Well it won't be if you said that so loud."

"Why do you like it so much?" Levy asked.

"I thought it was your turn."

"Oh come on!" She pleaded. "Just one more then it'll be my turn." She stared at him eagerly.

Gajeel sighed. "I like the sound, I used to listen to it with my dad. It's pretty easy to play."

"You play jazz?" She started to bounce in her chair.

He looked away after a pause. "You're turn."

"What instrument do you play?"

"No. You're turn. Answer your own questions."

She was too eager to refuse. "Music that I'm in the mood for and I like it if it sounds good to me. Now what instrument do you play?"

He fixed his gaze on his drink. "Guitar, a bit of the saxophone."

Levy's eyes lit up. "I love the saxophone!" She squeaked leaning forward. "It sounds so nice!"

He seemed taken aback by her response. "You like the saxophone?"

"Yeah!" She nodded eagerly. "Can I hear you play at some point?" She pleaded.

"I guess so." Gajeel said.

Levy bit her lip to hold back a laugh when she noticed he seemed a little pleased. She'd actually never thought that he'd be a person who would enjoy smooth jazz, or that he could play any instrument. She thought of what Lily's reaction would be when he found out.

"You like panthers, jazz, and you play the saxophone." She listed off the things she'd been told. "It's almost funny that I was so scared of you the first time I talked to you."

"If I was warm and cuddly do you think I'd be able to scare bastards like the ones who attacked you?"

Levy flinched at how angry he sounded as he said that. "I-I didn't mean to upset you. Sorry if I did."

He shook his head. "It wasn't you."

"Alright." She replied though she felt doubt towards that. The tension had returned into the air and she drank more of her hot chocolate that was finally cool enough. "So everyone at the dojo studies a martial art. Which one are you studying?"

"I box." He told her. "I heard you started Krav Maga."

"Yeah, Lucy's teaching me."

"She's gotten way better at it. When Juvia and I joined years back she was barely starting." Gajeel scratched his cheek awkwardly. "Juvia and I were at odds with the dojo."

"Oh yeah!" Levy slammed her fist into her palm. "I remember when Lucy came back covered in wounds one day and she wouldn't say how she got them, she only said that she'd learned that she need to be better at defending herself." Levy tilted her head. "So that was you?"

Gajeel didn't meet her gaze as he nodded.

"Well then, I guess it happened." Levy said.

He jolted. "What?"

"I mean it happened years ago, and you're not the type of person who would hurt Lucy now. I can see that. I'm guessing you've done enough to earn everyone else's forgiveness since when they talk about you they don't have any hatred. And you've only ever done nice things for me." Levy smiled. "They have no reason to hate you and neither do I. Also I have really nothing that calls for me to say 'I forgive you' because the thing you did wrong happened over four years ago."

Gajeel stared at her like a million things were running through his brain and Levy couldn't tell what any of them were. But him staring slightly raised her heart beat.

"Is something wrong?" She finally asked with pink brushing her cheeks.

He leaned back looking away. "N-Nothing."

"Are you embarrassed?" She poked his arm gently, beaming as she did.

He shook his head crossing his arms. "I don't get embarrassed."

"I'm not naturally blue headed." She said.

He swung his head back to look at her. "What?"

"We were saying things that weren't true right?" Levy shrugged.

"Haha." He muttered.

She checked her phone. "I should probably ask Lucy to come get me. It's getting pretty late." Already the sun had set. She just had been too wrapped up in the conversation to notice.

Gajeel checked his own phone his eyes widening ever so slightly. "Yeah, I guess so."

Levy felt a bit disappointed that time had passed so fast but she texted Lucy anyway asking for a ride. She didn't text much for some reason, but when she was in a public place she tried to.

"She's on her way; she said it would take about ten minutes." She bit her lip then spat out her question. "Would you stand outside with me? She sort of told me to wait out there for her so we could leave as soon as possible."

"Sure." He nodded; together they stood up walking to the door. She pushed open the door exiting. Fall weather had chilled the world. As it got later at night it would become cold enough to numb the hands of anyone who forgot their gloves.

"Oh!" She jumped as she rubbed her hands together trying to warm them up. "I meant to ask, what happened to the other martial artists at fairy tail while I was gone?"

Gajeel jammed his hands in his pockets. "There was a fight that broke out one day when most of the members were absent. The gang from before attacked and a few of our own were injured. The dojo got damaged too."

"How damaged?" Levy swallowed. "And… who got hurt."

"After the bashed in a few walls they set the place on fire." Gajeel explained. The top floor had collapsed by the time the fire was put out. And Evergreen, Romeo, Wendy, Macao, and Elfman were in the midst of it. Luckily Elfman and Wendy were able to drag the others to safety before the building caved in but they had all breathed in some of the smoke by that point. Their injuries will take a while to heal."

Levy's hands had turned white as they gripped each other and her fingernails dug into her skin. This had been taken far beyond a fight. It was turning into a war. Feeling a chill run up her spine that wasn't from the cold brought her back to reality.

"Why didn't anyone tell me?" She asked.

There was a honk as Lucy sped her way down the street. Stopping in front of the two.

"I thought you said it would take ten minutes." Levy said to Lucy as the blonde rolled down the window.

"I didn't want you waiting outside in the dark." Responded Lucy. "I obeyed the traffic laws to an extent."

Gajeel had started to walk away and Levy glanced at Lucy before she ran over grabbing his arm. "S-Stay safe." She pleaded. Then she wrapped her arms around him for an awkward hug. "I had fun, thank you Gajeel."

She flinched slightly when she felt him give her a small hug in response. Her arms loosened and he once more started on his way to his car. For a moment she watched him then she remembered that Lucy was waiting.

When she entered the car and buckled up she noticed a smile on Lucy's face like the cat who ate the canary.


"Nothing." Lucy suspiciously mumbled sucking in her lips as she pulled away.

"What is it?"

"Nothing." She repeated.

They made their way home and at a red light Lucy cleared her through. "So did you finally see his face or did a lamppost block your view?"

Reaper: So I actually wasn't planning on having them meet face to face until the finale but after the promise she made to Lucy and me wanting them to interact more I decided that I would just have them meet so they could grow closer.

Shoujo: She was telling me about it over text and I agreed with her.

Gajeel: So I'm finally gonna get more time.

Levy: Well I guess you're happy right?

Reaper: Reviewers-

Silverwolf Bombarda: Well this wasn't exactly what some readers would call a ship chapter but we think that this is a good start! Sorry for getting you so interested in krav maga! (Reaper: I kid you not when I say I want to take a martial art that gives me amazing thunder thighs since my thighs are already large as it is.) You said Gale and we hope you enjoyed this little chapter we did! So they'll be interacting more and maybe he'll help her train but who knows! Thank you for reviewing and we hope you enjoyed!

blossom2218: Thank you for the vote! As we tell all the people that make their decisions via review, if you haven't gone to our profile and voted please do otherwise it won't count! Thank you for reviewing and we hope you enjoyed!

NightShadeMoon: Hello! We're glad to hear that you like our story! It's always something writers love to hear! Thank you for the compliment and review! We hope you enjoyed!

Zstar1: It's awesome to hear that you enjoyed the chapter! And we hoped we didn't disappoint with this one! Also please don't be upset we're a bit late! Thank you for reviewing and we hope you enjoyed!

LemonsandLimes1: Oh! We know the feeling. (Reaper: Though to be honest sometimes with big named anime I start to become tired of ships where the fans are bonkers about weird things. Naruto and Bleach are two excellent examples of this.) Thank you for reviewing and we hope you enjoyed!

Lexie and the anime: Yes he is! And we're happy to hear you liked the hug! (Reaper: Hugs are the only form of contact I actually enjoy! So of course I'd make sure we wrote only the best ones!) And Gajeel meeting Vivian would be interesting! Though for right now the dragon won't have to attack! Thank you for reviewing and we hope you enjoyed!

crazy guest: Thank you! (Reaper: Oh my goodness they are probably my favorite ship of the show! I love them so much! I'd want to learn mashima's style just to draw them if that gives you an idea!) We might add her later on if we can find a place that fits her but for the moment we're holding out! Thank you for reviewing and we hope you enjoyed!

SoulMore: Yaeah! (Shoujo: We're trying various ways to express our happiness.) Thank you for reviewing and we hope you enjoyed!

Plot Bunny Guest: Ugh works cited pages are the worst! And research papers aren't normally fun to do! We hope you did awesome on the sanctuary chapter! And we know what you mean when it comes to school! The computer's temptation is too strong! Thank you for reviewing and we hope you enjoyed!

ChibiJazzyFT: We feature all reviewers, favoritors (That's not a word) And followers in the comments to express our thanks! Thank you so much for the kind compliments! Lily and Levy can't be together yet, yes it's sadly true. It's awesome to hear you enjoy the growth of the characters throughout the story! Hopefully we didn't disappoint with the situation of the guild! Or with this chapter in general! (Reaper: You like them? Thank you! That's so kind!) Thank you for reviewing and we hope you enjoyed!

Dreamonster11: Great to hear! And we moved you! Thank you! (Reaper: Writing her goodbye was a bit tricky because we wanted it to be meaningful, yet kind of funny!) We really hope you enjoyed this chapter! And yes it is Levy centered but we are trying for more Gajeel too! We know you guys want it and we want them to grow! Don't apologize! Only review if you want and when you can! Sorry for the late update! And we understand with finals! We take our's next week! We hope you enjoyed and thank you for reviewing!

Hikaru Uzudraneel: In this AU Levy had never been part of Fairy tail, she only knew some of the members! So when she went on that Sunday it was the first time she'd gone! Thank you for reviewing and we hope you enjoyed!

Special thanks to those who followed/favorited: NightShadeMoon, Meister-Amy, lovemagi101, Hikaru Uzudraneel, and BookwornWithTape. Thanks to the readers as well!

Reaper: I mean to say this forever ago! But thank you so much for the 200, now 250 reviews! And for the 203 followers! This is the first story I've done with this many reviews and I just can't thank you enough!

Shoujo: Miraxus is in the lead of the poll, Jezra is in second, Baccana and Nalu is tied for third, and Gruvia is in fifth place! Vote now if you want a say!

Levy: Is that all?

Gajeel: I hope so.

Lily: We'll see you all next week.