"Alright, everyone, if I can have your attention. In honor of the August being Unity month at school, we're going to be enrolling in the Ohio Buddy Program, where you'll exchange letters with a student from a different school in Ohio. Random lottery, but hey, you might end up getting someone from another show choir." Mr. Shue grinned.

"Mr. Shue, are you suggesting we search for informants?" Rachel asked.

"Cool it, Double-O-Hobbit, he's not suggesting anything." Santana said.

"It's not like we could tell them anything about glee club anyway." Quinn said.

"Yeah, after Vocal Adrenaline, I think we're all trigger shy about being friendly towards the other groups." Mercedes said.

"That's exactly why I'm hoping you do get a show choir competitor. We can't let ourselves be ruled by fear, or worry. Alliances are a good thing. Friendly competition can be so much more fun than a rivalry." Mr. Shue said.

"Is this OBP mandatory?" Kurt asked.

"Yes. We have forms here. You'll have your assigned person by tomorrow." Mr. Shue said, handing out papers.

Kurt looked at the form. A pen pal? There could have been worse ideas the school could have come up with. It did feel a little middle school silly, but he'd take it. What could it hurt, sending a few letters to a stranger?

That night he filled out the paperwork, and with interest piqued, pulled out a notebook and started writing the first letter.

Dear Person?

I don't actually have your name yet, but this is just the awkward first plunge letter anyway, right? My name is Kurt Hummel, and I'm a junior at McKinley High School. It's Lima Ohio's own little slice of hell. Was that rude to say in a first letter?

I suppose I should tell you right off the bat, because I don't feel like skirting anything, that I am gay. I am the only out and open gay student at my school. [Insert long winded reason for making own life a living hell by one admission.] What is your school like?

I don't suppose being gay would be reason enough to earn the "special" attention I've garnered, but coupled with the fact that I refuse to "tone down" my style or love for designer things, and my effeminate voice and singing range, I guess in their minds it's just too much to ignore. If only it was. I think I'd gladly take being ignored by Neanderthals if I could.

Speaking of singing, I am in my school glee club. My best friend thinks it's Mr. Shue, our directors, way of finding informants. Sometimes her paranoia makes me laugh. If it wasn't for my sense of humor we'd have killed each other years ago. We're a lot alike, in competition, and in goal. It's a strange friendship. I have three friends that I'm closer to, than the rest of my glee club. I might be closer to the others but we're a bit of a chaotic mix. Underdogs meets divas. Oh the image you must have.

Q doesn't think we should talk about glee club with our pen pals, but Mr. Shue doesn't want us living in fear of other glee clubs. Backstory: We were cruelly tricked by Vocal Adrenaline, and my poor friend ended up suffering from a major egging and a broken heart. It's made us all a little war wary when it comes to other show choirs. Oh, I hope you aren't in Vocal Adrenaline. Oops.

I don't know if I'm hoping you're in a glee club. It would be something to talk about, certainly. But there are lots of other things too. Movies, music, musicals, ha.

I do hope you write back.

Strangely yours,


He folded it and stuck it in an envelope, not sealing it until he knew where he was going to be sending it. With that done, he regretfully turned his attention to his pile of homework.

"Did you start your letter?" Rachel asked the next day.

"Why?" Kurt asked.

"I did." Rachel said. "It's more of a self-introductory anyway. All I need is a name and an address for the envelope."

"Try not to sound narcissistic Rach, it's unbecoming." Kurt deadpanned.

Rachel swatted his arm, smiling softly.

"And yes, I wrote my letter." Kurt said.

"I thought you might, despite your hesitance." Rachel said.

"Having someone outside of McKinley drama might be nice." Kurt shrugged.

"Exactly." Rachel nodded.

That night he mailed off the letter, wondering just who Blaine Anderson really was.


"Blaine, mail." Nick said, dropping a stack of mail on his roommates bed.

"Anything good?" Blaine siphoned away the junk mail until he came across a plain white envelope. "Hello."

He read the return address

K. Hummel

4011 Sadie Dr

Lima OH 31010

Curious, he opened the envelope, reading the letter carefully. Parts made him smile, parts made him frown, and overall he'd never been so captured by one persons ramblings before. Nick noticed his concentration and watched him.

"What is it?" Nick asked.

"OPB letter. Someone from Lima, Ohio." Blaine said.

"Oh, right. I forgot those were coming soon." Nick said. "Get anyone good?"

"Maybe." Blaine said. "His name is Kurt, he's in a glee club."

"Oh, competition." Nick laughed.

"He's the only gay kid in his school." Blaine said softly.

"Oh." Nick said, looking at his friend. "Is it bad?"

"You can read it." Blaine handed over the letter.

Nick winced at the words living hell. Blaine nodded, guessing where he was.

"Well. He sounds cool, despite his situation." Nick said, handing it back.

Blaine nodded, scanning the letter twice. Then he pulled out his binder, and started a reply.


I think it's endearing that you started the letter before getting my contact information. But you're right, first plunge typically needs little information other than your own. My name is Blaine, but I suppose you already know that. It felt like it needed to be said, nevertheless. I am a junior at Dalton Academy. Please don't let the name spook you. Yes, we're preps, no, we're not all snobs.

You can always be honest with me, Kurt. No skirting required. I promise to do my best at the same approach. I am certainly not the only openly gay student here, but I was one of few, at one time, at a different school. It's never easy to hear their words, or feel their aggression. To be hated for love, it is one of the most heartbreaking and ridiculous things.

Sadly, Dalton = uniform, and while as dapper and alluring as that seems, it does require me to forgo bow ties and brightly colored pants. There's an image for your image. You get designer things in Ohio? How? Share your secrets! (Only if you want to. I can respect a good thrifty shopper's secrets.)

Music is my life blood, Kurt. It feeds me. Okay, not to sound weird. I do sing, and I am a part of my glee club. Nick, my roommate, is snickering over my shoulder because he thinks I'm being modest. I don't want to boast, but I do end up with many of the solos. I'm humbled for the opportunity to lead my Warbler brothers. That's our name, by the way, the Dalton Academy Warblers. Like the bird.

I'm sorry for your friend's broken heart. Dalton has strict policies when it comes to behavior and expectations. We would never stoop to hurting our competition emotionally or physically. Eggs? Really? That sounds disgusting. I've not had the opportunity to really know anyone in Vocal Adrenaline, but with a backstory like that, I'm kind of grateful.

Tell me about the things you like. Your friends. Anything.

I look forward to hearing back from you.

Happily yours,


He scanned through his reply, looking satisfied. Nick chuckled and went back to his own things.

"What?" Blaine asked.

"Happily yours?" Nick asked.

"He signed his Strangely yours. It could be a running thing." Blaine shrugged.

"Uh huh." Nick smirked. "Are you crushing after one letter?"

"Shut up." Blaine laughed. "Don't you have Advanced German to cry about?"

"The tears they can not be held back!" Nick fake sobbed.

Blaine shook his head, and then got up, rooting around for an envelope. This could be fun.


Kurt was lounging in the living room, halfway through his French homework when Carole came home with the mail, handing him an envelope. He looked at the label for a second, and then ripped it open, smiling.

"Something good?" Carole asked.

"I...uh. I have a pen pal for school." Kurt admitted. "This is his first reply."

"And you're already this excited?" Carole teased.

"Yeah. I guess." Kurt smiled, embarrassed.

"I think it's cute." Carole said, going to the kitchen.

He read the letter, laughing at Blaine's upbeat and humorous tone. His heart gave a tug when he admitted to being gay, and having some semblance of empathy for the situation he was in. He'd heard of Dalton Academy before, but not given it much thought. It was an all boys school, wasn't it?

The image of a boy in a bow tie and brightly colored pants made him laugh. An image indeed. He grinned like a fool at the sign off. He had doubted his own, but was pleased that Blaine ran with it. Maybe it could be their running thing. French homework temporarily abandoned, he pulled his notebook out and started on a reply.