She would never get used to the sensation of a thousand icicles bombarding her skin, the blue raspberry flavouring dripping down her chilled cheeks and rolling over her lips. Her tongue would instinctively dart out, tasting the enemies weapon as her hands would move to her eyes, removing any icy remnants so she could see once again. The ice cold slushie facial was like a shock to her system, everything but herself in that moment would cease to exist. Nothing but the stinging of the ice could be felt until the cackles and laughter of the perpetrators and the rest of the student body would infiltrate back into her consciousness. "Fag spawn!" The words of Karovsky were followed by the bellowing laughter of the football player as the brunette found herself shoved against the metal of the lockers, numerous insults being thrown her way as she wrapped her arms defensively around her torso, waiting for her attackers to leave so she could run to the sanctuary of the bathroom. Rachel quickly turned on the balls of her feet, opening the locker she was pushed into and grabbing her bag containing fresh clothing. As the crowd began to dissipate, she dipped her head, quickly pushing through the rest of the students to make her way to the bathroom so she could clean off for the second time that day, blinking back tears, the proud girl refusing to let herself cry until she was granted some privacy.

Once she'd checked each stall, ensuring she was well and truly alone in the second floor bathroom, Rachel finally let her walls crumble for a moment. She placed her bag beside the sink, sniffling quietly to herself as she leaned forwards, running the warm water through her hair so she could wash away the sticky slushie coating her brunette locks. Two slushies in one day... She knew as soon as she opened her eyes this morning that today would not be her day. She'd had that ominous feeling in the pit of her stomach as soon as she woke. And hell was she right. Karovskys words rang in her ears as she used her fingers to brush her now slushie free locks from her face before grabbing her sports towel, dabbing any slushie remains from her skin before retrieving her last change of clothes from her bag, a faint smile forming on her lips as she spied her comforting bear, Mr Harrison, appearing from the bag. He accompanied her to school everyday, ever since the slushies and insults had begun, she'd needed a friend to provide her with warmth and comfort to soothe her when the rest of the student body turned against her. She left him resting in the top of her bag, deciding to change her clothing before she would gather him up into her arms for her much needed post-slushie cuddles. Hopefully this was the last slushie of the day, she didn't have another change of clothing to save her for a third time. She bundled her clothing into her arms and scurried into the closest stall, quickly stripping from her damp, sticky sweater, letting it fall to the floor with the rest of her clothing before slipping on a pale blue collared dress. She pulled on a pair of knee high socks before slipping her feet into her blue dolly pumps when she heard the swing of the bathroom door, forcing Rachel's stomach to knot and tumble. "Rachie?" The inquisitive voice of one Brittany Pierce filtered into her stall as she audibly sighed in relief. Rachel straightened out her dress before gathering up her old clothing and leaving the stall, she curled her lips into her trademark Rachel Berry smile as she looked toward Brittany. The young girl didn't have any friends, but that didn't stop Britt from being nice to her. The blonde was friendly with everyone, the social lines blurred to her as she skipped merrily to speak with whoever she wished, ignoring the rules of who she was 'supposed' to interact with. "Hi Brittany. What're you doing in here!"

Brittany's face lit up with a beatific smile as she skipped over to the Star Brunette, pulling her into her arms, Rachel's face pressed into her chest, her eyes wide with shock as she continued to hold her clothing in her arms that were now squished between both girls. Rachel's words were muffled as a surprised squeak escaped her lip. "Excuse me, Brittany. As much as this hug is a better surprise than the slushie I just experienced, why are you here?" Brittany just giggled, tightening her hold on the brunette as the bathroom door swung open for a second time. "Britt-Britt, let the dwarf go before she suffocates in your arms." The sound of Sanatana's voice sent Rachel into a mini panic, her thoughts racing as she imagined this being some kind of prank, the Lantina ready to slushie her for a third time. As a result, Rachel momentarily burrowed further into the tight embrace of the friendly blonde before she stiffened, wiggling free from her grasp, her posture straight as she turned to face Santana with her chin held high. "Whatever you both want, please get it over with. I'd rather not have a third slushie today." Rachel's words snapped defensively from her lips as she turned on her heels to reach for her bag to pack away her clothing.

"Stop with the bitching, Manhands. I just followed Britt." Santana scowls, a look of forced disgust gracing her features. "She wanted to check on you." Santana was unable to continue her words, having been halted by the childlike squeal escaping her best-friends lips. Rachel all but jumped out of her skin as Brittany pushed passed her, reaching for the bear that was laying visible at the top of her bad. "Look Sannie! Rachie has a friend. Isn't he so cute?!" She grabbed the bear, skipping over to the other cheerleader, holding the bear up for Santana to see, the excitement visible on Brittany's features. Rachel shovelled her clothing into her tote bag, wanting nothing more than for the ground to swallow her up whole as she slowly turned to face the two girls.. No one was supposed to know about Mr Harrison, she was already at the bottom of the social pyramid, she didn't want to commit social suicide too! She was met with a brow raise and a smirk coming from Santana, it was as though you could see all myriad of insults circling her brain as she flicked through them all, waiting for the perfect one to spew from her lips. But to Rachel's surprise that moment never came. "You're right, Britt-Britt, the thing has a cute bear." To say Rachel was surprised was an understatement, no insults? No derogatory names? Well, she referred to her as a thing, but still.. She could have done better than that, instead she just agreed with Brittany? Slowly shaking her head to free her from her thoughts, Rachel shoved her belongings into the tote bag and flung it over her shoulder, she quickly reached for the bear in Brittany's arms, her smile strained across her lips. "Um. That's.. not mine! My cousins, she like's to let me look after it for her. Children. Eh?" Rachel flashed the sweetest smile she could muster, reaching for the bear once again from Britt. "Oh sure, your cousins" Santana used air quotes when speaking to Rachel, the tiny brunette visibly squirming as she mentally prayed to leave this bathroom unscathed. "He's so cute, Rachie. Can I cuddle him again soon?" "S-sure, Britt, as long as I can have him back for now." Rachel wanted this meeting to be over with as soon as possible and staying on Brittany's good side was definitely the way forwards. The blonde handed the bear to Rachel who relaxed almost instantly upon coming into contact with Mr Harrison, she hugged him too her chest, trying not to give away her attachment to the soft toy as she pushed passed both girls, summing that now would be the best time to leave befre any questions could be asked. With a hurried "I have to go now" leaving her lips, Rachel left the bathroom quicker than she'd ever moved before.

"Right. Her cousins bear." Santana mumbled to herself as she span on her heels to watch the bathroom door swing shut.

"Sannie, why did Rachie lie about her bear? It is her cuddle bear, right? Like, Mrs Muggles is my cuddle bear?"

"Uh huh, Britt-Britt, it's hers." Santana's words trailed off as she continued to watch the space that Berry once was, her mind beginning to wander.