A/N: Okay so this is my take on what happened in Failsafe.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything.
Roy was just lounging around on his couch when a knock on his door sounded through his apartment. Roy was confused. No one really came to visit him –save for his evil landlord. No one in the hero business knew where he was, so who could be at the door.
Roy stood up and walked up to the door. He looked through the peephole to see a hooded figure. The figure wasn't tall, looked to be a kid from where he was standing. Still, Roy reached for his collapsible bow and held it, while opening the door.
He was greeted to the sight of a shivering Dick Grayson. He had his sunglasses, and his hoodie was soaked. He also had a duffle bag with him, which greatly concerned Roy.
Did the kid walk all the way here? Damn, it's pouring out there. He relaxed immediately.
"Dick?" he asked. "What are you doing here?" he said while motioning for him to come in.
He told Dick to sit down on his couch, while he fetched a towel. He handed Dick the towel and waited for him to talk.
"Could-could I crash here for a while?" he asked feebly, after a few minutes. This shocked Roy. Dick was never feeble, not with him at least. Along with his shock, Roy didn't know what to say.
Why would Dick need to crash here of all places? He thought to himself. It's not that Roy would refuse, in fact he was going to agree to let Dick stay, it's just that it's unusual. Why would Dick even need to stay at his place? Did he have a fight with his Dad?
Speaking of his Dad "Does Bruce know you're here?" he asked the thirteen year old.
Dick's eyes widened in realization. "Oh! I knew I was forgetting something. Hang on, I'll call him right now." He said, whipping out his cellphone.
Roy would have interrupted, but he didn't have the heart to do it; the kid looked so desperate, and he sounded so broken. Clearly, Bruce wasn't the problem. It appeared that he just wanted to get away from it all.
He watched as Dick called Bruce to tell him where he was, and how long he would be away. It sounded as if everything was going smoothly –they didn't sound like they were arguing or anything.
Dick finished his call, and looked at Roy hopefully. "Alright, you can stay." Roy said resignedly.
To his surprise, two thin arms wrapped around his midsection tightly. Dick buried his face in his chest and whispered "Thank you. Thank you so much."
Roy couldn't help but be concerned in the sheer amount of relief in Dick's voice. IT was time to find out what was really going on. The thought made a wave of guilt surge through Roy.
He knows that leaving to be a solo hero meant he had to branch out, but he could have at least stayed in contact with Dick. He slowly removed Dick from his person.
"What's going on?" He asked gently.
At first, Dick looked like he was debating whether or not to tell him. After a minute's worth of contemplation, he sighed. Dick began to tell his tale. He told Roy about the failsafe simulation, how M'gann took control, how he made a plan that cost his teammates' lives.
Roy was furious. How dare they make the team go through that! Especially Robin! Wasn't the kid traumatized enough. The worst part was when Dick told him about the look Wally sent Robin his way –the accusing look. He told him about that part in tears
"Roy you have to understand." He pleaded. "I-I didn't want to do it. It's just…we needed to save the world…and-and I'm sorry. I really am. Please don't hate me." He told the redhead.
If Roy wasn't mad before, he was livid now. Wally, of all people, should know that Dick did what he had to do. He knew about Dick's past. The guy should've at least confronted Dick about it.
He pulled Dick into his arms once more. "Dick, buddy, listen to me." He said firmly.
"You did what you had to do. It is not your fault. The simulation went wrong, you reacted the way you should've. Wally just needs time to let it sink in. He doesn't hate you, and neither do I. I promise." West better not make him a liar. If he doesn't forgive Dick soon, he was going to give him a piece of his mind.
"You can stay here for as long as you like. You know my door's always open for you." He said with a smile.
Dick wiped away his tears, and hugged Roy tighter. "Thanks Roy." He said. "I love you big brother."
Roy smiled. He hasn't heard Dick say that in a long time. "I love you too little brother." He said sincerely.
They sat there for a while, just catching up. Roy realized that it was getting late. He stood up and motioned for Dick to follow him.
"Come on. We can put your stuff in the guest room." He said guiding Dick to the door. He helped Dick get settled in, before going to retrieve a few blankets.
He handed them to Dick, and went to go to his room.
"Night Dick." He said as he exited. Just before he closed the door, Dick's voice reached his ears.
"Wait!" he called. "Would you mind if…I…um…slept with you? Just for tonight." He added quickly. Roy smiled warmly. He knows that after a traumatic experience, Dick always gets nightmares.
"Sure. Come on." Dick smiled gratefully and headed to the room with him.
Roy's room was right next to Dick's. Roy let Dick go ahead into the bed and took his time washing up. He put on his pajamas, he brushed his teeth, and he checked if all the doors were locked. He was a hero; he needed to be careful with security.
When he was finished he saw that Dick was already fast asleep on the side of the bed. At this light, Roy can't help but notice just how young Dick was. He had to smile.
This kid, he was so full of good, so pure, he lost his innocence far too soon. Roy silently promised, he would protect his little brother. From anyone and anything that harms him.
He lay down gently –Dick's a bat, ergo, he's a light sleeper. He closed his eyes and wondered what awaited him the next morning. Subconsciously, he smiled when thin arms hugged him in his sleep.