Moore Info: I know this is over done, but I always wanted to do a football fic.

Please pardon any errors.

Chapter One

Shannon Beiste was currently at the Lima mall. She was looking for an outfit to buy for her first week as McKinley high's new varsity football coach, and AP Biology teacher. She wanted to make a good impression amongst the teachers she'd be working with, as well as the students she'd be overseeing. She'd need all the help she could get if everything she heard about the high school turned out to be true.

Though she wanted everyone to like her there, as it would make the school year fun and easy, she would not let herself be controlled by the students she was supposed to mold into decent human beings - not after the last school she had taught and coached at over five years ago.

The students at her previous teaching job had been horrible to her. They had, on a daily basis, called her many degrading names that had to do with a natural born female looking like a brute of a man. She couldn't count how many times she'd had to paint over a spray painted, hairy penis - in which to add taste, had been ejaculating - on her garage door. It hadn't mattered that she had brought the school's football team to the playoffs two years in a row - something that had never happened in the school's history - they had still been ruthless.

After going through all that for two years, she had had enough and quit the emotionally draining job. Since then, she hadn't taught in a school for over fiver years because of it. Instead, she found solace in becoming a world renowned arm wrestler champion, one that earned her a lot of money. You'd be surprised by how large of a following the sport - and yes, it is a sport - gathered.

Because she had been world champion back-to-back during those five years, she had been given many opportunities she had never even dreamt for herself before then. She has toured around the world for competitions and to meet, and motivate, all the young arm wrestlers out there, been in several supplement commercials, and had even appeared in a movie once as an angry biker chick that threw the star actor through a fake bar window for flirting with her fake girlfriend - now, that had been quite the experience.

However, even so, her true passion was teaching and coaching football. It had never left her after all these years, and after all the things she went through. So when a job opportunity came in the form of a call from Principal Figgins, she took it, even if it meant that she might be subjected to the same treatment she had experienced at the last school she had taught at. Though, she had promised herself to not put up with it like before. Over the past five years, she has become more comfortable with her body - the confidence she has gained, all came from doing arm wrestling.

Shannon was about to walk into her favorite clothing store when a blonde teen zoomed right by her, leaving a puff of cool air in her wake that hit Beiste right in her face. Not even a second later, an indignant exclamation could be heard coming from a young brunette, who claimed that the hastily retreating blonde had stolen her purse.

Needing nothing more, Shannon took off after the blonde, who so happened to be really fast and was already several meters ahead of her. The coach had to run at her full speed in order to catch up with the teen. Not only was the thief fast, but they were agile too, as they were able to expertly juke or spin out of the way of a few brave pedestrians who'd attempt to grab at her - at one point, she had even jumped over a kid, who was at least six years old, when they had been in her way and there were no other options to take in order to avoid him.

As she continued to chase after the blonde, Shannon could not help but be impressed by the athleticism shown by the thief - and with her being a football coach, she couldn't help but wonder how the kid would fair on a football field, running towards the goal line with a football, instead of running from capture with a stolen purse.

It seemed as if the blonde was enjoying herself as well.

Just as they were about to exit the automatic doors leading out into the dusky night and into the mall's parking lot, they had looked over their shoulder, allowing Beiste to see that they were female, with a wide smirk on her lips. However, as soon as she took in the charging form that was Shannon Beiste, coming after her with a look of determination on her face, that smirk quickly morphed into shock as her eyes widened in surprise. She quickly looked straight ahead once more with a renewed vigor in her escape.

However, in the time that she took to look over her shoulder and at Shannon, she unknowingly came up to the crosswalk outside that connected the mall with its parking lot - just as an SUV drove up.

Before the SUV could run her over, with a loud, surprised exclamation of, "shit!" the blonde sloppily jumped over the hood of the car witht one hand in assistance. Though, she did not stick the landing because as she hit the hard pavement, her head propelled forward, face first, into the curb with a hard thud - one that had witnesses wincing in sympathing as they let out a loud 'Ooo' - splitting open her right eyebrow in the process.

As Beiste came upon the thief, she rushed to her side in order to check if she were okay, immediately wincing in sympathy when seeing the blood coating half the girls face. She promptly took over her unbuttoned, white button up and crumpled it into a ball in order to place it on the girls head wound, in which would surly need stitches. The distraught driver, who had shakily gotten out of her car a few moments after the thief hit the pavement, began to rapidly shout out her apologies, stating that the blonde teen had 'just came out of nowhere.'

Beiste reached over to easily retrieve the stolen purse from the disoriented teen's limp hand, all the while keeping pressure on the girl's wound. She then told the driver that she shouldn't feel too bad, as she had inadvertently stopped a thief from running off with some girl's purse.

"'Nd I would 'ave gotten 'way wif it too if it weren't fo' you meddlin' kids!" The thief slurred with a low moan in pain. Shannon chuckled in amusement. Oh yeah, this kid defiantly had a concussion.

"I'm calling an ambulance." The concerned driver told the coach after those words. Beiste agreed, even though she was pretty sure some of the spectators around them had called it in already.

Shannon snapped her fingers in front of the blonde's hazel eyes - they slowly blinked in response. "Hey, kid." She said as she snapped her fingers once again when the girl's eyes attempted to close. The teen slowly opened them once again, though it was an effort for her to do so. "Keep your eyes open, alright? I'm pretty sure you have a concussion. The last thing you wanna do is fall asleep."

"Buh Scooby-Doo stole mah Thin Mints." The teen mumbled with a light whine.

Beiste chuckled. "I don't know about that, kid. With the way things look, you most likely stole them from him first."

A pause. "Oh," the blonde breathed, "Ssounds 'bout right." She tried to nod her head, but Shannon was quick to scold her by telling her to keep still.

"Oh my god! Is she okay?" The brunette girl, who the blonde had stole from, asked in concern when she was finally able to join them. The sounds of an ambulance could be heard coming from a distance. Shannon looked up and took notice of the crowd tightening around them. She shouted for them to back off and for them to give them room. She then turned to the driver and asked for her to move her car so that the incoming ambulance could easily get to the blonde - the driver did so without question.

Shannon finally acknowledged the brunette girl's question. "She'll be fine if she'll just keep her eyes open!" The coach said pointedly to the blonde on the ground as she once again snapped her fingers in front of the girl's eyes. The thief blew a poorly excited raspberry - which was more so just air and spit - in reply, only to quickly whimper in pain as the vibrations from her actions racked her brain.

"Not very smart of you, was it?" Shannon grinned. A whimper was her only reply.

Shannon looked back up and into the concerned brown eyes of the teen hovering over her shoulder. The girl was wearing an argyle sweater at the end of July, a short skirt, knee high socks, and shiny, black shoes with silver buckles. She looked to be about sixteen, or seventeen, despite what she was wearing.

"Karma just decided to show herself after this ones " she jerked her head towards the concussed teen," little stunt."

"Nd I would 'ave gotten 'way wif it too if it-"

"Yeah, yeah - so you've said." Beiste cut the thief off in an amused tone that hadn't left her yet, despite the situation. The blonde frowned.

"She sounds intoxicated." The brunette observed.

"She just bonked her head pretty good. Her mind's a bit scrambled right now."

"Scrambled eggs," the thief mumbled to herself, "wif bacon." At this point, they just ignored her.

"Oh! Here's your purse." Shannon said as she handed over said bag to the brunette, who took it with a 'thanks' and a grateful look as the ambulance finally pulled up beside them, with two cop cars following closely behind.

The paramedics came and quickly put the blonde in a stretcher with Shannon informing them of the girl's possible concussion. They then left, but not before Shannon asked which hospital they would be taking her to. Shannon watched them go with one of the cop cars following after - the other one stayed behind in order to gather a few statements from the brunette girl, the driver, and a few other witnesses.

Shannon continued to stand where she was as she watched the ambulance's lights recede into the distance, her eyes narrowed slightly as a idea began to form in her mind.

The kid had potential. She would hate for it to go to waste for doing something stupid like stealing a purse. She had to do something, but first...

Shannon looked over to where the brunette girl was giving her statement. She was now joined by two men, who both had a protective arm either around the girl's shoulder, or her waist - the coach figures they may be the girls parents.

Just the people she wanted to speak with.

Moore info: So what did you guys think? Love it? Hate it? Meh? Let me know in a review if I should continue or not.

-I think I saw an interview with Dot Jones saying she was a world champion arm wrestler. Decided to use it.