(A/N: I'm sooooo sorry guys! Really, I am. But anyways, thank you for those who reviewed, favorited, followed, and even those who take their time to read this story. You guys always make my day. Don't worry, I don't plan to abandon this story any time soon. All in all, please enjoy!)

Minato shifted awkwardly on his bed, stretching his muscles to relieve them. His nose had become runny that night, causing it to be stuffed. The bags under his eyes were minor, but the slight redness of his eyes showed signs of restlessness. Overall, Minato had a bad night.

Yawning miserably, Minato sat up and rolled his shoulders. He got to the edge of his bed and squeezed his eyes shut. The morning light shining from his window had directly pierced him with its warmth and brightness.

He did not want to get up at all and fell back to his bed with his feet touching his carpeted floor. For only a moment, Minato squeezed his eyes yet again, restraining himself to not fall asleep. Regret of not sleeping that night washed inside Minato, coming back and biting him hard on his butt.

Minato sighed. He had no choice of sleeping in because if he didn't wake up entirely by now, Naruto would come herself and beat him until he did so. Another sigh escaped Minato's lips. Runny noses and awkward sleeping positions were not the only things that costed Minato his sleep—it was actually mostly Naruto.

Hour after hour, Minato and his consciousness battled with each other. Questions were bombarded to him, saying things like; What would happen if she said no? Would it be awkward? Would Naruto have left him alone in this house because she thought that his attraction to her was disgusting? Would she feel...

Even with all of those questions plaguing him, there was just one question doing the most damage; What if her feelings were the same as his?

With that question, a wave of feelings clashed onto him. However, the most damaging emotion he felt was regret. The regret for not telling her his feelings the other day made him feel weird. It wasn't that his repentant emotions were weird, but it was unusual because he was feeling in the middle. A small part of him felt that he should have said his feelings to Naruto while another part felt relieved that he didn't tell her.

Minato rubbed his face with his hands. His golden strands of hair were curled upwards instead of his normally straight and spiked locks. Straightening up his back, Minato finally decided to get up and prepare for the day. However, going into the bathroom, Minato still could not help but think of the same question that left his heart constricted; What if her feelings were the same as his?

Well, he'd just have to live without knowing for now.

The restlessness in Minato left him when he sat, perched on the kitchen chair, and smelling the breakfast Naruto had made. It still left Minato amazed of how Naruto quickly learned how to cook in a matter of weeks.

The subject of his feelings was radiantly chatting away about her plans for the day, causing Minato to smile. She was back to normal, and maybe even more happier then before.

Minato remembered when he and Naruto had gotten home the night before, both were on the couch, both watching the television.


The chicken-noodle soup that Naruto had made for the both of them had been long gone. The leather couch that was now holding both Minato and Naruto groaned from the weight. The television flickered from a different array of colors as each scene was played. A small silence was held between Naruto and Minato.

After a couple of minuets, Naruto had become annoyed by the stillness she shared with Minato and broke the silence by saying,"I was also meaning to tell you that I clearly remembered my memories."

Minato looked startled by Naruto's proclamation. Even though she had told him that she recovered some of her memories just a couple hours ago, it didn't occur to him to ask her about the at the time due to his own feelings blocking out what he was hired to do.

The older of the two suddenly asked,"What do you remember, then?"

Naruto cast on a thoughtful look and slowly said,"When I was a fresh genin, I had done a C-ranked mission that turned into a high B-ranked to low A-ranked mission."

Minato frowned,"Wait, let me get this straight. You were assigned a C-ranked mission that turned into an A-ranked? Is that even possible?"

An amused look replaced Naruto's thoughtful look. "Yeah, it's possible. But anyways, to summarize, I remember everything from my first twelve years of life."

Minato persisted,"Yeah, but I wanna know everything." He then added,"From the first twelve years of your life."

"Everything?" She looked at Minato, who only gave a serious nod. "Well, I'm just saying, my more younger years are kinda still unclear to me. Maybe... oh yes, I just remember from all my academy days till the whole mission fiasco."

Minato motioned Naruto to go on. Naruto stuck her tongue out to him, but still continued,"Well, it all started..."

After Naruto's autobiography, Minato found out many things about her. First off, Naruto five years old when she joined her village's Academy. He also found out that she was an infamous prankster.

He chuckled shamelessly when Naruto told him about a time when she accidentally kissed the boy she hated by accident albeit feeling a bit jealous. Naruto, on the other hand, grew enraged and glared at him,"Shut up, you pansy."

Minato smirked,"Whatever, at least I don't fight my own Kage Bunshin on who goes to the toilet."

Naruto left her mouth hanging. She shouted out,"Hey! I told you that first of all, I was still fresh on using my Kage Bunshin, and secondly, that morning that that incident happened was all because of the spoiled milk I accidentally drank that morning!"

Minato stared at Naruto's face, causing Naruto to grow uncomfortable. She narrowed her eyes,"Wh-what are you staring at, Blondy?"

Icy-blue eyes looked at Naruto's whiskered cheeks. Minato suddenly gently stroked Naruto's cheeks and inquired her,"Are these birthmarks caused from...?"

Naruto gave him a knowing look and nodded,"From what I remembered, I've had these for my whole life." She blushed a little at the sudden contact.

Finally noticing his actions, Minato felt like he dug into a tender part of Naruto's life. With a sudden urge to comfort her, Minato knitted his eyes and gently touched her shoulder.

Naruto looked at him in the eyes,"Minato?"

"No, it's nothing." Minato smiled with his teeth showing, causing his dimples to deeply crease.

End of Flashback

The food laid out on Minato's plate had been simple but elegant at the same time. "Thanks for the food, Naru." Minato smiled cheekily to her. Naruto rolled her eyes but smiled to him.

The small action made butterflies fly in Minato's stomach. He distracted himself by wolfing down the food. On the other side of the table, Naruto frowned and said to Minato,"Are you okay?"

"Huh?" Minato said confused.

Naruto raised a brow,"Seriously. Minato, you don't usually eat that fast."

"You monitor how I eat?" Minato asked amused.

Naruto glared at him,"No, it's cause I'm the one who usually finishes first." The amused look on Minato's face did not disappear, only growing even larger. It was true that Naruto ate as if she had been starving.

Minato exhaled from his nose, then it was followed with a sigh.

The whiskered blond continued,"And by the way, why are you straining your face?" Minato looked cluelessly at Naruto. Naruto shook her head then got off her chair to walk up to Minato and traced his cheeks.

"Okay, smile." Naruto ordered Minato. The older blond did what he was told to do albeit feeling uncomfortable. Naruto spoke,"See, your dimples are way more noticeable now than if you were actually feeling okay. Now spit it out. What's bothering you?"

Minato widened his eyes. The actions Naruto had just played out reminded him of the night before, only that their roles were switched. "Whatever, just put your plates in the sink," Naruto waved him off.

Before leaving from the table, Minato took one last sip of his milk. He got off of the chair and walked up to the sink, lightly putting the plates on it. "What time is it, Naru?"

Naruto glanced at the clock and said,"Seven-twenty one- oh, it's almost time for your team meeting."

Minato looked back at the clock and confirmed what Naruto had told him. He ran to the living room and came back to the kitchen with his small backpack. "Bye Naru, I'm off!" He said as he was about to step out of the door.

Before he could get out, Naruto shouted out,"Wait, Minato!"

Minato raised a brow and came back into the kitchen,"What's wrong?"

Naruto opened the fridge door and took out a medium sized, four-boxed tall bento box. She gave it to Minato and said,"For you and the team." She looked at him with a you-better-eat-it-or-else look and then smiled softly while saying,"Now get out."

Minato chuckled and took the box from her hands. Naruto's smile grew, enhancing her smile lines. Minato looked at her and hesitantly stepped forward, using his free hand to one-hand hug her. Naruto looked up at him with wide eyes, only narrowing to their normal size when she gave in to his warmth, almost unconsciously hugging him back.

During their hug, Minato had put down the bento box and enveloped her with both his arms. Naruto blushed slightly, remembering about the night before. Unknowingly to both of them, both had been standing in the same position for a good minuet.

Suddenly, Naruto let go of Minato when she got a glance of the clock again. The clock showed that it was seven-twenty three AM, only seven minuets before Minato's team meeting started. Minato also saw the clock and hurried to pick the bento box from the floor. He shouted out,"See you, Naru!"

Naruto's cheeks still had a tint of red,"See you!"

A chuckle came out of Minato's as he saw Naruto's expression. He smiled one more time to her.

From that smile, Naruto barely saw Minato's dimples.

The evening sky was painted in hues of orange, yellow, red, purple, and everything in between. The team practice that day in Minato's team hadn't gone as smoothly as Minato had planned it to be.

Firstly, Kakashi and Obito had been bickering nonstop, with even Rin joining in in some instances. The D-ranked missions Minato's team partook in had been the highlight of the day, in terms of being the worst thing that happened that day.

The mission had only seemed to enhance the arguing of Minato's students, causing them to only finish three out of the usual six they do daily.

Now, to top off all of the day's negativeness, Minato had to update to the Sandaime about Naruto.

A curse came from Minato's mouth. He had forgotten that he had to report on Naruto to the Sandaime that evening. He was worried on what to say to the Hokage. What if telling him that Naruto was a jinchuuriki would endanger her life? Would he have to lie to the Hokage?

He shook his head quickly. The mere thought of lying to the Hokage was enough to get publicly hanged—not that it's ever happened before or even be a little too exaggerated—but lying to the Hokage was forbidden. It would even be considered treason.

A line of cold sweat ran down to Minato's neck. He was already at the Hokage's office door. Inhaling a deep breath, Minato finally knocked at the door.

A muffled response sounded from the wooden door,"Come in, Minato," the Sandaime said.

Taking another deep breath, Minato latched his right hand to the doorknob and came inside the room. Minato inhaled the papery smell of the room and couldn't help but smile because this was his dream job.

Hiruzen removed his hat off from his head and told Minato,"Privacy seals, please?"

Before the privacy seals were activated, Hiruzen dismissed his ANBU guards with a flick of his wrist. The old Sarutobi said,"I've been expecting you, Minato. I was going to get someone to fetch you."

Minato raised a golden brow,"Why?"

Hiruzen closed his eyes for a second,"Very important matters will be discussed right now, Minato."

A sense of paranoia flourished inside Minato. He asked himself,'What if he knows about Naruto?'

However what Hiruzen told Minato was anything but what Minato had asked himself. The Sandaime asked,"Remember those blood samples that were tested and how the machine wasn't working properly?"

Minato answered with a "yes." Hiruzen sighed,"Well, even though almost all of the testing was unclear, we did pick up something interesting, Minato."

Eagerly waiting, Minato stood patiently in front of the Hokage.

Finally, as if he took hours to do so, the Sandaime finally revealed what the blood tests said,"It says here that Naruto is half Uzumaki."

(A/N: Sorry for some of the mistakes in this chapter. I was kinda rushing. Thanks for reading!)