Until now, the most traumatic thing that had happened to me was when I was five and I lost my favorite stuffed bunny. I remember crying for days, and that nothing could make me feel any better.
But now, I'm completely alone. Both my parents were just killed in a car accident with a drunk man. Their car resembled a pancake. The drunk driver and the passenger made it out without a scratch. It almost makes me laugh when comparing both these events, but it's strange how similar they feel. Five year old me treasured that bunny, and twenty year old me treasured my parents. I could never explain that to anyone; they wouldn't see the connection. I hardly understand it myself.
As if losing my parents weren't bad enough, all their debt is now on my shoulders and I am expected to pay it off, along with the funeral costs. And their debt was outrageous. I didn't know until now how much they were in for. And I couldn't help but feel guilty.
They did everything they could to make me happy. They never said no, and even though I didn't ask for much, the bills piled up.
I have to pay back over $200,000.
Everything was taken from me. My home was foreclosed. My car was repossessed. Most of my parents and my own belongings had to be sold. I had to quit college.
Here I am now, sitting on a park bench with only a backpack left, crying my eyes out, hopeless. The pressure in my chest that appeared when I heard my parents were dead only grew heavier as the days went on. I placed a hand on my chest, hoping to relieve some of the pain. The fact that they were gone was hard to accept. Impossible.
They day passed slowly as I sat in a daze. I couldn't seem to make myself get up and do something. People walked by, acting as if I weren't there, but I was used to that. In this town, no one was close with anyone. We all kept to ourselves and had our own problems. No one asked me about what happened or offered any help. Which I expected, but it would have been nice.
I want to run.
I want to get away from this place and its memories. I want to disappear so I don't have to pay any money back. I want to forget everything.
But I know that is not an option. I have to find a job.
I untied the red bandana around my head and held it in my hands. It was given to me by my grandmother who passed away many years ago. She told me it was the first gift my mom had even given to her, and she wanted me to have it to give to someone special someday.
I frowned down at it, pushing down the sudden, childish urge to throw it. As if I would ever have someone to give it to. I would probably have to sell it, just like everything else, in order to get on with my life. The feeling died quickly, replaced with a deep sadness.
I really was alone.
Sighing, I reached down and grabbed my backpack, hoisting it up on the bench next to me. I unzipped it and retrieved the crumpled up newspaper I had shoved in there last minute before leaving my old home. I smoothed it out as best as I could and scanned it for job openings.
Most of them were minimum wage, dead end jobs that I would probably be let go of as soon as the season ended or someone better came along. I felt my throat close up, but quickly swallowed it back. I did not want to become weak now; especially now. I did not need anyone's pity or charity. I was suddenly determined to do my best.
I would pay off my parent's debt and get them what they deserve. And I would do it myself, like was expected of me.
I flipped over the newspaper and came face to face with a cheesy looking ad for a position as a farmer open on an island a few hours from here. I recognized the name of the place: Island of Happiness. I scoffed at the name. I knew it was not a happy place. They have been in danger of starvation for a few years now. They lost most of their business once the old farmer died.
The ad sounded desperate.
And so was I.
I stood up, swung my bag over my shoulder and set off towards the docks.
A/N: It's been awhile since I have written anything, so I figured I should get back to it. I'm done with my first year of college and the only I have planned for this summer is work, so I need other things to do. I had the urge to write, and what better to write about than my favorite HM characters?
Let me know what you think of this story so far, and what I can do it make it more enjoyable for you all! If you think it's trash from the start, tell me so I can save myself the embarrassment haha.
Please review! I'd appreciate the feedback.