A/N: My love for the Ackerman's has reached unhealthy heights, so naturally it's time I write a fanfic. I'm not sure how many chapters this will end up being (it was originally supposed to be a oneshot) but it looks like it will take a little longer than I thought.
Warning: Manga spoilers for chapter 56-57!
"So basically what you're saying is...that man...is my uncle?"
The least Levi could offer Mikasa was a sympathetic look. Learning you share the blood of a serial killer must be a bitter pill to swallow—but now that he thought about it, this really shouldn't be a shocking revelation to anyone. Mikasa is a killing machine and God rest his soul, but not long ago did she threaten Reeves flesh with her blade. Only difference is that Kenny Ackerman has more bite than bark.
"On my...dad's side?"
"But my father looked nothing like that savage of a man."
There was a miffed rumble coming from the other room. The two strongest ignored the rude interruption.
"...I'm pretty sure Kenny took after a rotten gene." Levi let on in a whisper.
Mikasa sat in silence, absorbing all the information Levi shared with her. She stared down at the murky Grey Earl tea that Levi had brewed and set out for her, but it remained untouched for the duration of their conversation.
To take her mind off this dreadful news, she wondered why in the world Levi made it a top priority to bring this tea along with them. Maybe it was for the best—Mikasa had the misfortune of witnessing how agitated the Captain gets when he doesn't get a fix of his special blended tea. Having a box of teabags conveniently available to him during their stay here just might make this mission a little more bearable for her too.
This triggered the recall of her time spent at the Survey Corps HQ. It was indeed a simpler time with much less worries and more members then. There was some piece of mind for a brief moment before all Hell broke loose during their trip outside the Walls. Before their leisure days there, life seemed excruciating but compared to the flesh wound that opened up now, it was nothing but a blemish.
During her stay at the castle she wasn't all that fond of Captain Levi for what he did to Eren at his court hearing, but eventually she realized that the man wasn't some under-developed bully picking on kids—he has a sense of purpose that's even stronger than Eren at times. Above all, he's strong but when he's not fighting he's just an abnormal man with awkward social skills. Ever since she realized that, she's never felt intimidated by him. In fact—she started to look up to him. She relates to him, in some ways and not at all in others. When it came down to it, they both had a knack for fighting, but had zero skills (or patience) for dealing with people.
With a sudden realization hitting her, she flicked her bangs from her eyes and let them pierce through Levi. "Why didn't you tell me about this sooner? Don't tell me it slipped your mind or you couldn't find the right opportunity, either. Hiding this just makes you seem suspicious."
"It wasn't relevant. None of this mattered until recently."
A skeptical hum vibrated in her throat. She'll give him that, but she still had a bone to pick with him. It's no surprise that the Captain of the Survey Corps hid the fact that one of his recruits was related to a serial killer; it really didn't hold any relevance until the man himself showed up—but that didn't explain why he hid another vital piece of information from her. "Why didn't you tell me we have the same last name—that's what I'm asking."
"Because," he picked up his cup in his usual unstable fashion, using it as an excuse to give himself time to think. "Ackerman is...a common surname, isn't it? Didn't mean we were connected by the same Ackerman. I didn't want to make assumptions." He drowned out his half-assed lie with a swig from his teacup.
The line of her lip tightened as she glared. She could smell it; his bullshit.
This is when Levi remembered that Mikasa is much sharper than she puts on. Sometimes she resembles a brainless kitten chasing its own tail with the way she shadows around Eren. But surprise, surprise, she had more contents in her head that didn't only involve creepy facts about the Titan shifter child like he's a damn celebrity and she's a mindless fan.
"Don't give me that look." Levi warned, "Do you have any idea how many recruits have the last name Smith? Doesn't mean Erwin is connected to all those people."
Mikasa's pupils whirled around the room, like she was spun by a loop on a bad trip on 3DMG. The wave of dizziness made it clear she should gave up at this point. There's no convincing the truth from this stubborn little man. She knew he knew all this time. Looking back it was painfully obvious, but she'll let it slid under the rug just for the sake of not attracting a headache. "Speaking of which, how exactly are we connected, anyway? And don't tell me we're related. Please, please don't."
"Tch. I'm offended." His shoulders rolled back, working out the knots in his tendons that would put sailors to shame. "What would be so horrible about being related to me? I'd probably make a better brother than Eren any day. You wouldn't have to save me every five seconds, for starters. And my voice isn't as loud as his, so just think of how much your liver would thank you for not shoving migraine meds in it every day."
Levi stepped on a landmine. Mikasa is pissed. A fight to the death between Humanity's Strongest Soldiers pended between them. The battle would be long and bloody—and they both didn't have the time nor the motivation for it right now, so Levi simply calmed her little defensive stance by saying, "At ease. You and I aren't related. I just lived with that nutjob when I was younger. I share no blood with him. He saw me as a prodigy and I was supposed to become his successor; he couldn't get himself a wife to bare kids of his own which is why I took his last name. But you see, I rather cut the back of necks than the front. It's more my style."
"I heard that." A gruff, tired tone traveled in from the next room. Leaning his head back, Levi closed his eyes, his lip curled irritation. Mikasa ignored the interruption that triggered Levi's apparent headache and lashed her head at him, intending to make the pounding in his skull worse.
"And explain to me again why we have to babysit that man like he's a damn three year old? Shouldn't he be in jail for his crimes? He attacked and nearly killed you!"
"Yeah...We used to do that a lot. Our neighbors really hated us. Good times."
Horrified, Mikasa scooted back to make a further gap between them; her chair scuffling against the wore floorboards. She could never tell when Levi was joking or not. The Captain is the type of person who could talk about shit the same way he'd talk about the weather. But for everyone's sake (even her own, since she shared blood with the lunatic in the other room) she prayed that he was just joking about that twisted version of roughhousing.
"But keep in mind he is in our custody." Levi started, "Just because he hasn't been officially charged doesn't mean he's innocent. Right now, we can safely say he's under house-arrest and warranted for questioning."
"I understand that from the briefing, but I still don't understand why I'm here with you two weirdo's and not with the rest of the group. Why am I forced to be here?"
"Backup. Your skills are similar to mine, Mikasa. We're the only ones that could take him on." He hunched forward and craned his neck up at her, keeping his voice as low as the hollowing wind outside. "He's killed hundreds of MPs without even batting a lash. But I know his mindset, I know what he might, will and won't plan in terms of escaping. I could also get him to talk, eventually. If he proves to outsmart me, though, I trust that you'll have my back."
Mikasa folded her hands on the table, her long lashes fluttering over her unbreakable stare. She nodded obediently. Never breaking his gaze on her, Levi leaned back his posture; his spine pressing into the pegs of the chair.
Levi didn't like her being here either—he personally knew Kenny and knew the horrible things he was capable of and Levi didn't feel comfortable with anyone but himself within a mile of this maniacs range. He knew how to handle him and if it came down to it, and he knew how to take him down (maybe not kill him, not on his own, but at least restrain him). But Mikasa is nearly a stranger to Kenny, despite their blood connection. Kenny doesn't hesitant when it comes to killing strangers—but he'll show some mercy when it comes to his pride that he put so much time and effort into.
The Captain would much rather know Mikasa was safe with the rest of his squad, but his personal feelings cannot play a role in this mission. If Kenny escapes, it will cost more than a headache. There will be more casualties like Reeves, Nifa and the other valuable people they unfortunately lost. Waiting for the MP heat to die down won't go as smoothly if they're being hunted by that violence-junkie.
To ensure the mission is a success, Levi and Mikasa must work together.
Levi had to admit they made a great team. They fought against impossible odds together in the past and won with only a few injuries. It's been a long time since Levi had partners like that.
"I see... I just don't like being out in the middle of nowhere like this," Mikasa's hand road up the sleeve of her sweater, like a sudden chill ran threw her. Anxiety was clearly written on her face. The three of them were currently located deep in the forest and far from any of the mountain villages. The rest of the Survey Corps (or what's left of them) are located about a day-trip on horseback away. "We're so far from anything. I don't feel comfortable being this far from Eren and Armin and everyone else. I don't know why they couldn't be here with us—shouldn't more backup be better?"
"I assure you they're safe where they are. Safer than they'd be here. The others wouldn't stand a chance against Kenny and he's far too dangerous and good at manipulating people. I do hope you know what kind of formula that creates, hm?"
She bowed her head into a tacit nod and Levi's heart twinged at the sorrow appearing on her delicate features. He stiffly folded his arms, thinking the constriction would cut off enough blood supply to stabilize his heart.
This can't be helped. He knew that people like Armin, Hanji, Moblit knew better than to be tricked by the enemy, but that obnoxious Springles pair and their horse-face friend proved to be too stupid for their own good on more than one occasion. On top of that, Eren and Historia have been through Hell recently and their state of mind isn't the clearest its ever been.
Mikasa tends to only act impulsively when Eren is around, but if there's no Eren, there's no irrational Mikasa, which means she's highly trustworthy and follows her Captain's orders without dispute. He couldn't have asked for a better partner to be stuck up here with. What's better is she's one of the few people within his squad he could tolerate being in close-corners with for more than 24-hours. Anyone else would surely drive him up the wall with insanity.
"How long will we have to stay out here?" Mikasa asked.
"A day, maybe two. Mostly everything is under control now that we've successful rescued Eren and Historia. We just need to let some MP heat die down, then we'll all regroup." Levi shot his thumb toward the arch connecting the kitchen and living room. "With him in our custody and off our tail, it'll be easier to move around, but we still need more information out of him; about this coup, his motives, his role in all this. If we get that, we can leave and you can reunite with your precious Eren."
Mikasa gave him a hard stare, her eyes more dull and narrow than the ones staring back at her. "Why did you say it like that?"
"Like what?" he carelessly sipped.
"You know exactly what I'm talking about."
"Oi, don't start getting cabin fever on me now. I need you sharp tonight." He rose from his chair and transferred his cup to the sink.
Levi could feel her dirty look spearing into his back. She was offended, of course, but that's to be expected. Levi blaming his fussy wording on her own delusions was kind of a kick where it hurts, but this cabin is boring and only for so long could Levi talk about the mission without snapping. Teasing Mikasa about her little crush on her brother is a good alternative to entertainment. It may get him stabbed in his sleep later if he's not careful, though.
After taking a careful and critical look around the state of the kitchen and at the grungy cabinets, the rusty sink, and the dust stuck in the crevices of the floorboards, Levi decided the teasing was best saved for later. Right now there were more important matters to tend to. "Since this is going to be our home for a while, let's make it a little more livable. Help me clean up a little."
By the time he turned back around, Mikasa's elbows were propped up on the table, holding up her heavy-looking head. She remained bundled over in pain and she grunted out, "I'm really, really not in the mood."
"Doesn't matter, it's an order."
She glared through her fingers, her teeth clenching tighter than the hands she wished were around Levi's neck. "I just went through Hell today with wackos that tried to kill me and everyone I know. I finally got Eren safe after he's been kidnapped by them, just to be separated from him again. Oh, and don't forget that I'm related to the leader of said wackos. Give me a break."
When worded like that, Levi could consider that yes, maybe Mikasa was having a bad day.
With a huff, Levi lethargically dragged a rag off the counter and left her behind to tend to her headache alone.
Levi skirted around the living room cautiously as his dead-set eyes stayed bolted on the lanky man seated in lone chair in the middle of the room, handcuffed to the armrest.
Kenny regarded him with a shifty grin that was shadowed by his aged hat. The man resembled a bloody-thirsty beast, but Levi courageously approached him like he was a newborn kitten. He stared eye-level with him (because the man shared his height while seated) but Levi rose his chin up, creating the illusion that he towered over him.
"Oi, asshole. I'll make a deal with you. I'll let you walk around and stretch your long-ass legs for a while if you—"
"Didn't even ask yet."
"I'm not cleaning."
". . . . . ."
Levi has still, to this day, never met anyone who could read him as well as Kenny could. Erwin came close, but there's no comparing Kenny's sharp judgment. He was far from accurate all the time, though. Levi never intended to stay loyal to him or what he shaped him up for, but Kenny never predicted the day Levi would run away and use all his training for his own causes, including his teachings of reading others that he makes good use of now.
With his lonely rag swinging in his fist, Levi got closer and kicked the dangerous man in the boot. "C'mon. I'm tired. Thanks to you. I don't want to clean this whole place by myself."
The abandoned cabin wasn't all that huge—just a simple layout with antique furniture scattered about (and a ton of dusty knickknacks everywhere) and a small bedroom located in the back. There's also a basement, but they haven't had time to explore it yet. More than likely, Kenny will be placed down there later tonight to sleep because there's no windows to escape from and only one exit. Levi and Mikasa will take shifts guarding the door while the other catches some rest.
But even though the cabin wasn't all that huge, it's still filthy from sitting unlived-in for so long. Dead flies were laid to rest on every window pane, cobwebs dwelled in every corner, and the dust laid so thick that clouds of it lifted up when you walked.
This isn't a job for one—not if Levi plans on sleeping tonight, and after this crappy day he believes he's entitled to get some rest, and he also believes he's entitled to get some help. He needed to raise the stakes.
"I won't let you eat if you don't help me."
"Isn't that prisoner brutality?"
Levi leaned in nice and close to his face, holding up his weight by the propping his palms on the two armrests. Kenny gave him a sharp smile, one so vile a pack of wolves would gallop at top speed from the sight of it—but not Levi. He's used to that smile. If anything it gave him nostalgia. "After what you did to my soldiers, just thinking of giving you any hospitality is showing you mercy."
Kenny shrugged, looking off over his disciples shoulder, the tight cuff restraining his wrist rattled against the wood. "Not like I give a damn either way."
Levi backed off. "Your loss. Your niece is a really good cook, too bad you'll never get a taste for yourself." Levi was about to leave with those final words, but spun his heel around when he noticed a tiny flicker of emotion. Levi paced back and forth and Kenny's unsettling eyes followed. "You know, growing up with you was awful because you were a shit cook and you were too creepy to get yourself a wife that could cook anything decent for us—but for the first time, you're being given the chance to get a home-cooked meal from a real woman. All you gotta do is sweep the floor and beat the rug."
Levi came to a sudden stop, like a rabbit caught in the eyes of a predator while he waited for a reply. Kenny blinked a few times, then tilted his head with a roaring 'huh?'."You really think this shitty negotiating of yours is going to work? C'mon Levi, I raised you better than this."
"Oh fuck off," he stomped off across the room the same way he used to as a kid when he didn't get his way. Fine. He'll clean the whole fucking house himself. Once he approached the window, he started the one-man cleaning show by swatting the dead flies to the floor with the rag, intending to sweep them up later. He mumbled as he worked, "It's not like everyone takes advantage of Humanity's Strongest Solider as it is. It's not like I'm tired or anything. No, not at all. I don't need rest. I'm a fucking machine."
Kenny shifted his body into a slant, the chair creaking as he craned his neck out in Levi direction. "Oi, you still got that weird habit of mumbling to yourself? Didn't I tell you people will think you're crazy if you do that?"
"As-fucking-if you can talk, psychopath. And no. I don't actually do that anymore—you're the only one that irritates me enough to give in to that."
Kenny found this amusing and Levi's skin crawled when he heard the rowdy noise the man made. Even when he was a kid he hated when Kenny laughed at him after making an ass out of himself. A spasm within Levi told him bolt at top speed and wail on him, but he quieted the nerve by scrubbing laps into the window vigorously, clearing the film of dingy dust.
In the circle he created, specs of white clung to the glass and after trying to rub at it for a good second or two while thinking dust was drawing back to the glass like a magnet, Levi realized that it's sticking from the outside.
He cupped his fingers over the clean ring and set his gaze between his hands to get a better look outside. Being out in the middle of nowhere as they were, there were no lights or activity to see—not even the close trees that skirted the cabin were visible. A sheet of black blocked his view.
Judging by the continuous icy droplets sticking to the window, it became apparent that the weather made a slight shift since they first arrived.
"Looks like a flurry is passing." Levi said to himself, because he knew Kenny didn't care and Mikasa wasn't even present to hear him. At the rate it's coming down it might start to stick to the ground and gain a few inches quick, depending on how fast it's descending. It shouldn't be anything too severe so long as it doesn't keep up at this pace all night—but it's nothing they can't manage if it happens. Just more inconveniences to add to the pile.
That's when Levi remembered another problem. He watched his eyes reflecting back at him widening in realization. He dropped what he was doing and rushed into the kitchen, flying past Mikasa who looked to be busy cleaning off dusty pans in the sink. Levi reached the doorknob—only to be interrupted by a clamor, "Wh-What happened? Where are you going?"
She cautiously perked up, stepping toward him with knitted brows. She hooked her head around like a paranoid squirrel, trying to find the apparent problem Levi was running from.
Levi froze like a guilty thief being caught red-handed. Right. He should probably get into the habit—for the time being—of telling people what he's going to do before he just goes and does it.
"I need to get the horses in the barn. It's snowing and it's coming down pretty hard. If it keeps up all night they won't survive the night."
Mikasa tried to glare out the window above the sink to check for herself, but just like the others the glass was hidden with a layer of dust. She grabbed a sponge, cleared it and granted herself a glimpse. "You're right—it doesn't look like it'll be stopping within the next few hours. You should let me go, it's wisest for you to stay with Kenny anyway."
"No, I know my horse and I know he gets spooked in weather like this—he won't obey anyone but me under these conditions."
Nervously, Mikasa flattened the wrinkles in blouse and tucked her hair behind her lobe. She didn't like the idea of being left alone in this creepy cabin with a serial killer, and Levi being reckless and going out in a storm isn't a comforting thought either. But she could argue, not with her reasoning. "Fine. But you can't go out in just that."
Levi took a quick look down at himself. His attire was made up of a button-up shirt and slacks, but he figured he'd be quick enough before the cold could penetrate through them—plus, he didn't have much of a choice. "My cloak was pretty much destroyed in the fight. I'll be back before I could even feel the cold."
"Listen, I'm already babysitting one lunatic, I don't need to nurse my Captain back to health too." She removed her cloak from the back of the chair hurriedly stepped up and handed it to him.
"...Thanks." He secured it around him then started moving toward the door—but once again, his short trip has been delayed. A hand on his shoulder spun him back around.
Tentatively, Mikasa motioned her hands to her neck, as if reaching, then drew her hands away. She repeated his reluctant action a few times as Levi watched the display awkwardly before she finally grabbed hold of her scarf. After unraveling it from her neck, she whirled it around Levi's neck tight (a little too tight) and held it at the ends, reeling him in close to her dire expression.
"Don't you dare lose this scarf. I know it looks old and tattered but it means a lot to me."
Levi swallowed hard; his protruding Adam's apple bobbing against the soft fabric. "If it's so important to you, why are you lending it to me?"
"Because..." She took a step back. "Because it's important that you stay in good health for the mission."
That's beyond considerate of her, but still unnecessary. Levi didn't understand—the cloak was enough, but he couldn't deny that the scarf is definitely warm. With a faithful stance he nodded to her, "I'll take good care of it, Mikasa. Keep a watch on Kenny until I get back."
The wind animated the scarf and his hair the moment he stepped out the door. He shielded his eyes from the fierce winds and flurries that felt more like needles darting into him. Once he was off the porch, his foot landed in a shin-deep sheet of snow. He peered down in disbelief.
"This high already?" he said, but he couldn't hear himself over the screaming gusts. He pulled his leg out and engraved another ditch with his heel. They've only settled in a little before sunset and during their trip the sky gave no signs of a blizzard—which implies this must have happened within the past hour or so. If this keeps up at the rate it's going there's a good chance they'll get snowed in by morning.
Levi tried to bury the dreadful thought as he untied the strap from the post and lured his frighted horse and Mikasa's in the direction of the barn. The short transfer took much longer than planned—trying to guide the horses (while he could barely guide himself) through the deep snow wasn't only strenuous and difficult for the animals, but it was for Levi as well.
An eternity later, the outline of the barn finally became visible between the fog and snowfall. Just a little more to go. The cold was undeniably hitting him hard and his pants were soaked by the puddles of ice. His skin stung like a flaming burn.
Once he unlatched the rusted lock and forced the barn door open with a solid heave, he stepped inside the motionless barn and relished in the small amount of warmth the shelter granted him. His boots tracked snow in over the hay and gravel until he reached the stables. He put his horse in one and Mikasa's in the neighboring one, knowing his companion would feel better being near some company once Levi left back for the cabin.
Its hooves stopped anxiously jogging in place when his masters hand landed on it, stroking its black hair while shushing him. The gentle touch settled the animals nerves. Levi threw bales of hay into each stable before departing back into the blistering storm.
The fog and wind carrying large quantities of snow picked up even more and panic stuck the Captain momentarily when he couldn't make out where the storm had hidden the cabin—but once he trod onwards long enough, the silhouette gradually faded into his sight.
His teeth were chattering by the time he made it back to the porch. After stomping out the slush beneath his boots, he twisted the knob and dragged himself inside to the welcoming warmth.
Immediately after he tore off his hood, he caught a whiff of something that boosted his appetite. A quick look at the stove and the simmering pot on top made it clear that Mikasa started dinner already. Was he really gone that long?
He unraveled the scarf from his neck and hung it neatly on the hook, along with the drenched cloak. With the wet clothing off him, he wondered briefly why he was still freezing. Then he realized his pants and some of his shirt were frosted. He sighed. He didn't have time to pack any spare wardrobes and unless the last occupants left some clean clothes behind, he's going to be stuck in these wet clothes and that's just begging for an illness.
He still had some hope that he could find something, so he stepped toward the threshold of the living room and intended to head straight to the bedroom, but he stopped when he realized unintentionally (and continuously) eavesdropped on the ongoing conversation.
"I'm really not surprised you two had a siblings rivalry—you were total opposites. I remember my dad as a really gentle, shy man. I never thought he could be related to someone like you."
"Yeah, that's what everyone said. He was always the perfect son and I was the black sheep."
"Did you...hate him for that?"
Kenny laughed in a way Levi didn't recognize. "Never. He was my brother, and although he was an annoying goody-goody, he was a good man and I respected the life he picked, even if I thought he had more potential than to be a simpleton. Still don't know how an airhead like him got himself such a good wife—that's all I'll ever hate about him."
Mikasa giggled. "My mom really loved him—I always remember them joking around with each other and teasing."
"He did always say it was his sense of humor that attracted her. Ah, she was a fine-looking woman though. You look exactly like her."
"You think so?" There was a smile in Mikasa's tone. "What was her reaction when you were introduced to her? I'm curious."
"Well, you were there. You were just a little tyke then, so I don't expect you to remember but—"
Levi stepped in abruptly (and purposely), drawing all attention to himself. "Pardon the interruption."
Mikasa eyed him head to toe with a worrisome expression. "Is it really that bad out there?"
Levi let his shoulder fall against the frame of the arch. "Worse than bad. Under these conditions our stay here might drag on a little longer than planned, depending on when the snow stops and when it melts. The horses are locked up tight though, so that's one less thing to worry about."
"But now we have another problem." Mikasa rose out of the chair she placed in front of Kenny and approached Levi. "You're soaked and you're going to catch an awful cold if you don't get out of those clothes right now."
A husky laugh blared behind them. "She gets her boldness from me."
"Would you shut up?" Levi bit back, then let his tired eyes land back up at Mikasa. "I was about to check if there were any clothes laying around from the previous residents. Have you seen any?"
She shook her head unsurely as she pinched the sweater she had on. "No—well, I have, but I'm guessing the person who lived here last was an old woman—so unless you're okay with wearing granny panties I don't think you'll find anything."
Another boisterous laugh from behind, so hoarse and cracked that he nearly choked. "I'm proud to call this girl my niece!" Kenny really was having a blast, wasn't he?
"Please tell me there's at least some dirty socks laying around that I could shove down that bastards throat." Levi eyed the man still chuckling to himself. He didn't have the patience for an audience in the background right now.
"I'll lend you my coat, if you uncuff me." Kenny offered.
"Nice try—but your coat would wrap around me like a king size bed sheet. I'll pass."
Mikasa shuffled in her spot, feeling torn between checking her pot on the stove and continuing the conversation. "Just—go sit by the fireplace for a while. With any luck you'll dry your clothes up before you get sick." To make up for the time she spent chatting, she jogged into the kitchen to tend to the brew, and Levi followed her advice.
Reluctantly, he took a seat in front of the pit. With the way the man behind him shimmied in his chair, Levi knew he'd speak any second. He wondered why his brain remembered his insignificant quirks after all this time.
"She's a good girl, that one. She grew into a fine woman."
"She has." Levi agreed, but with hostility. "She's strong, as strong as myself. But unlike me you wouldn't be able to predict her moves. You wouldn't stand a chance against her."
"I won't argue with you there."
Silence invaded the creaking cabin as Levi rubbed his hands near the fire—watching the wavy designs the flames made. The fireplace emitted a cozy heat that lit his cheeks and thawed his chilled nose. There was another creak behind him with more words pending to be said.
"You like her, don't you?" Kenny's voice leaked out in an affirmative whisper. The branches beating against the sides of the cabin intensified as Levi kept his wide gaze set on the burning wood in the pit. There was another heat radiating on his hunched back—Kenny's eyes were burning right through him.
Levi went to open his lips, that quivered for a reason other than the chill trapped inside him, and finally spat out, "Of course. I like everyone on my squad. Even if they are all annoying brats." His reply sounded more conceited than he originally planned, not to mention forced.
"Hmph. You should know by now that you can't lie to me, Levi. You never succeed in fooling me. Not once."
But that doesn't mean Levi will ever give up trying. He won't be satisfied until he does.
"What are you trying to say, Kenny? Spit it out." He felt cornered. He wanted to run. But then he'll be angry at himself—he needs to stop running from Kenny. He faced him once, he could face him again.
"I already said what I wanted to say. But if you want me to elaborate I will. You're getting old, it's about time you find a partner. Unless you want to end up old and alone like me."
"You're old and alone because you kill people, idiot."
"Touché." Kenny let him have that. "If you want my perspective, I'd say she likes you too."
What was he trying to do? Have a fatherly talk with him about love and relationships? The right time for that long since passed. There's no making up for it now.
"For the record, she already loves somebody else." Levi meant to pass that information along casually in his default, dull tone, but his voice completely flopped once he reached the word 'love' and it went downhill from there. Why was it so hard to say that? It's common knowledge to everyone that she loves Eren—but for some reason his chest caved in when he spoke about it out loud.
"Well whatever that brat can do, you can do better. That's how I raised you. She'll see the truth eventually."
Fussily with aided support from his knees, Levi lifted himself up off the floor as he mumbled into the bedroom and slammed the door. Kenny grinned.
Levi figured the chuckling bastard couldn't stir up much trouble being left unattended for two minutes while he searched for something warm—and other than that, he just needed to get out of that room. Kenny's knack for stepping a little too close to home was not something he could deal with right now. So like always, he hid from the truth, but didn't deny it.
Levi sifted through the draws of the vanity and found nothing. He backed up to the edge of the bed and sat; his pants were still wet, and now to add to it, dust had stuck to him from sitting on that filthy floor. Now more than ever did he want to get out of these clothes. He let his face fall into his hands while he took a few breaths to steady his heart.
Ever since he joined the military, Levi accepted that he became asexual given the fact he lost all interest pursuing urges with females or even males for that matter—but ever since his first glance on Mikasa, he rethought his preferences. For the longest time after, he couldn't get her out of his mind. There was a part of him that had this unmistakable need to protect her, just as he tries to do with all his men—but the only differentiating part is that he yearned for their relationship to evolve from superior and subordinate, albeit he knew it would never happen, but the fantasy of it kept him sane during hardships.
For many reasons, it wouldn't work. For starters, Mikasa could literally have anyone she wants. Levi noticed how all the boys in his squad drool over her and how she attracts eyes from all ages and genders in public. If she wanted someone, she'd pick someone young with charisma, height and optimism. Levi shrunk even more when he made the comparison.
But for reasons unknown (well, not completely unknown) Mikasa loves Eren. When he's not in Titan-form, he's just an average teen with a temper and no significant skills, but she still has a strange attachment to him and Levi couldn't figure out what he lacked. It's not like he's conceited and thinks he's better than Eren, he's not that shallow, but Eren barely gives her the attention she deserves from what he could tell and sometimes Levi wishes that she'd snap out of that stupid crush and find someone that would take good care of her and give her the love she gives back. Even if it's not Levi (which it never will be) he just wanted to see her happy with someone that would return that passionate dedication she puts into the ones she loves. A bitter part of Levi summoned when he reminded himself that he'll never see the day when Mikasa treats him the same way she treats Eren. That stupid brat doesn't even know what he's taking for granted of.
Pushing back the thoughts, Levi searched through the closet and dressers and still found nothing appropriate to wear. He settled for running a towel over his pants. Some of the dampness disappeared and they were cleaner than a minute ago, but still dingy in spots from the dust. The wind hollowing outside told him the storm still wouldn't let up. If he wanted his extended stay here to a comfortable one, this pigsty of a home needs to be cleaned up. Maybe now he could get some work done now that everything else is taken care of.
He stepped back out into the living room, feeling slightly more rejuvenated. He returned to where he left off at the window, and after some will-power and straining his arm a bit, the window glass resembled a shiny new mirror. Beyond his own reflection, he saw Kenny, sitting there quietly watching him.
"Hey, dinners ready if you're hungry." Mikasa popped in and broke the starring contest within the glass. Levi turned to her, giving a nod, but she was looking else where—he followed her gaze to Kenny.
"What about him? Should we feed him?"
"Ugh..." Levi could do nothing but grunt at the man. Sure, he didn't agree to his deal earlier and Levi threatened to take his meal away (and above all the bastard didn't deserve hospitality) but when it came down to it, they needed him to warm up to them because eventually they needed to question him. Kenny is what you could describe as 'split-personality': if you treat him well, he'll play along if given the right conditions, but if you step out of line or get in his way, he'll depose of you. It's best to keep him happy right now.
"Yeah, why the hell not. Escort him to the kitchen and lock him up to the chair in there. As for myself, I'll be there in a minute, I just need to clean up a few areas first."
Mikasa complied and carefully pulled the key out from her pocket and unlatched him. The man rose to his full height, towering well above Mikasa. Levi might be the shortest in the house, but Kenny could make anyone seem small in comparison.
"You shouldn't keep a woman waiting after she went into the trouble of cooking for you. No wonder you're still single. Your little cleaning obsession is still aggravating and gets in the way of everything, even after all these years. I thought you'd grow out of that." Kenny started to walk off with Mikasa latched to his arm, but Levi spun around, fury in his heel. Levi never intended to sound rude to Mikasa and keep her waiting, but he won't be able to relax until this place is decent. What the hell does Kenny know about woman, anyway? If anything, Levi thinks they were equally managing the house just fine. She tended to the kitchen duties and he kept up the maintenance. More than that nutcase has done so far.
"You have no room to talk. It wouldn't kill you to learn how to clean up after yourself. Your place must be infested with maggots by now without me there to clean up after you."
"Do you think I have time for house work? I'm a busy man."
"If you have time to kidnap people, kill people and fly around with Anti-3DMG, you have time to clean your fucking toilet, you shit."
"You listen here, you little runt," Kenny lumbered forward and Levi stepped right up for the challenge. Mikasa tried to hold the man back but he still was able to reach out a slender finger to jab into Levi's chest.
Mikasa froze when caught a glance at Levi's face. She hasn't seen an expression that vile on him since he fought against the Female Titan. Maybe she should stay out of this. She took a step back.
Kenny gave no hint of surrendering any time soon. "It's all thanks to me that you get to prance around playing Captain with the title of "Humanity's Strongest". Don't you scold me, boy."
"And I cleaned your shithole of a fucking house as payment! You've well been paid back. Tch. Piece of trash."
"Oi, it's all my doing that you have all the townie girls flocking to you—they sure as hell aren't swarming around over your looks, midget."
Levi didn't look cold anymore. No, he was boiling in rage.
"I don't see any chicks lining up for you, old man. Maybe if you got a wife to clean up after your smelly ass then your house wouldn't be so shitty!"
Unexpectedly, Kenny hung his head as he was scolded by the man standing a foot shorter than him. Mikasa batted her eyes in wonder. It's like witnessing a mouse taming a lion; unbelievable but fascinating at the same time.
"Uh...guys, we should just go in the next room, hm?" Mikasa butted in when she saw the chance, because it only took one of them opening their mouth again to get the house rattling again. "Levi, I'll help you clean later, just relax and have something to eat, alright?"
They complied and after the silent walk to the kitchen, Mikasa asked something that's been picking at her mind as she secured the cuff around Kenny's wrist. "Did you guys always fight like this?"
"Not always." The man smirked. "Just when we wanted to have fun."
Belatedly, Levi walked in and kicked out a chair on the furthest side of the table, far away from his ex-mentor. "Maybe fun for you. You always piss me off and take jokes too far."
"It builds character."
"Great fucking job you did." Levi sat heavy and expanded his arms, like he was showing off the masterpiece Kenny created. He had no problem putting himself down in an attempt to give Kenny a guilt complex because his personality was about 80% his fault. "You should get a father of the year award." He rolled his eyes sarcastically with tightly folded arms.
"Both of you, knock it off." Finally having enough, Mikasa scolded them both. Thankfully, they went quiet. Now she felt like the mouse taming the lions. What a satisfying feeling. But she knew the peace wouldn't last long enough to have a peaceful dinner together as an unusual family. She predicted the kitchen would turn into a battlefield by the time the evening was through.
Important note: I started this fic with only the knowledge up to chapter 57, so I know absolutely nothing about Levi/Kenny's actual relationship or their connection to Mikasa.